Quitting porn has made me a more romantic partner.

More self-respect

I started NoFap because I felt like I got way too into porn during lockdown. It felt like my brain started thinking of sex as masturbating to pornography instead of an activity I do with another human.

I recently started dating someone. We’ve had sex 3 times. Now when I think about sex, whenever it enters my mind, it’s because I am thinking about her — sexual things we’ve done and things I would like to do with her. I don’t fixate on them bc it could be risky but it just feels really great to have a connection to sex that is based on real life and actual sexual activity rather than whatever ideas porn puts in our heads.

I think it’s also made me a better romantic partner as well because all of my sexual desires are focused on this relationship — I don’t have any other form of sexual release. So i’m sort of on my A game.

LINK – About a month in, recently started dating someone and I can feel my brain rewiring (in a good way)

By – u/HaveYouHeardOfGolf