Regular porn user for 25 years – At 30 days: Reduced anxiety. Greater focus. Less irritation.

I started my first reboot from PMO a month ago. Finding out about nofap and my accountability group has been a God-send. I was a regular porn user for 25 years.

My benefits so far:

1) A reduction in anxiety, which I suffered daily for months,

2) Greater focus on mental tasks,

3) Less irritation over small things, annoying people, etc.

Day 3⃣0⃣ today . Being in this group has been key. PMO is a lonely habit, but the reboot process requires lots of helpers.

Thank you all for walking this path with me. ‍

In the ‘give back’ spirit of reciprocity, I hope that I can help at least one other person trying to move on to a better life without PMO. I will find every opportunity in my accountability group and elsewhere to encourage people and tell my story.

LINK – 1st 30 days!

by IntegralSoul