I stand before you all as a new man. A man who has been freed from his addiction that held him captive for half of his life. I use to be the guy that was afraid to go after what he wanted. I use to be content jerking off in my room to fake fantasies. Now I’m someone who doesn’t watch porn.I’m ready to leave that life behind and live a new one. A real one. I won’t be on here as much. I’ll be out scuba diving, rock climbing and Kayaking.
Benefits: The most important benefit I’ve experienced these 90 days is eliminated anxiety. My anxiety is gone and I’m able to relax and connect with myself. I’m happier, I do the things I like to do, I connect with people better, and just live a better quality. There’s so many more benefits but I want you all to find out what they are for yourselves and you will.
LINK – Day 90: The Otherside
Update Day 104: Life After Porn So far

Things I’ve learned so far.
You have a lot of control for what goes on in your life.
Women aren’t going save you from your problems. They have them just like you. They aren’t perfect.
You will make mistakes. You are going to hurt people, let them down. Sometimes you will even hurt yourself. It’s best to just forgive yourself and move forward.
Do what is best for you, learn to speak up for yourself. When you do, you’ll start getting what you want
Track Your growth, best way to do that is to set goal for yourself.
Spend more time by yourself. Get to know yourself.
Embrace change. Love endings and new chapters.
What ever chapter you’re on in your life get to work. You don’t have time to waste.