What have you noticed being free of porn? (pornfree)

Just like to hear how life has been better without it? Been thinking about cutting it out.
LINK – What have you noticed being free of porn?
By  – THROWRA345876


I still struggle with it. But the times I have abstained, I feel terrific. Last summer I spent a week out in the woods, away from pornography and screens, working hard every day, and I haven’t felt that good since. Being pornfree was only a part of it, but honestly I think it was a big part.

Right now I’m just on day two, but I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and I’m really going to try to commit this time.

Best of luck to you, brother.

It changes your thinking , you start looking at woman as a person not as an object … and when you interact with them you actually start listening to them and you feel less jaded . Woman won’t resemble with any porn you saw (as you stop watching it) and it will actually boost your communication skills. You start being a romantic instead of a predator. Genuine laughs, more attachment, genuine life.

I have to do more things to entertain myself (like going to friends, shopping and playing games), which i like, cause it makes me more productive

I don’t even know how to start I was stuck years and years with this addiction. I was the worst of me and had no control over myself. I lost too much for this addiction I somehow got an amazing partner that I was sexually attracted too. But after a while I looked at her with strange eyes. I didn’t find her attractive anymore and I would rather masturbate too porn at any time than have sex. Result she felt destroyed, unwanted, ugly and depressed that her partner would rather go after other attractive women and spend his time with images and videos than her, a real life woman that thought was not enough. I objectified her I didn’t have that connection. Sex wasn’t an expression of love. Was a struggle to come and perform.

BUT I realised that I loved a woman. That same woman that I destroyed with my addiction. I realised she was still there and I didn’t understand why. After failing times after times I got a final blow. I found reddit and saw myself in everyone here. I got a person here that gave me advice and I got a therapist (it makes wonders). Honestly sex is so amazing now I have a connection regardless if is vanilla sex or hardcore sex and I can come too. We both so happy now. She’s so damn attractive. This is amazing. I want her to fall for this new me and break up with the old me. I haven’t relapsed ever since (I don’t count days since induces stress) but I can tell you is been a while. My life is less weird. I’m growing uninterested in porn, I don’t feel the need to fap lately (which helps a lot in avoiding porn) because I save myself to sex

As fucked as it sounds, you start to look at women as people instead of a set of flesh and holes, which is great. Being a man isn’t too far off from being a woman, seeing as tough we all have feelings and aspirations and we all bleed red despite our minor differences. My point in saying this is you and I were a coin toss away from being born a woman. Imagine all the porn junkie creeps staring you down and talking to you like you’re just another disposable dopamine hit. That could be us. That could be our mothers or sisters or daughters or nieces right now every time they go outside. Is that the world we wanna live in? Is that what you would want to have to go through every time you went out in public? Sorry if my tone seems combative, that’s not my intention. Honestly, typing this out reminds me of the old me and the struggle that I still face with porn. It’s combat within myself.

My relationships are better, and I’m less angry.

Plain and simple, I’m not looking at porn for hours each day. I have more time to spend with my friends and loved ones. I have more energy to put towards my relationships now that I’m not looking at porn. Just logistically I have more hours in my day now.

For years I’ve been using porn as an escape mechanism. I was angry with my job, I was angry in my relationships (it’s really hard to have good fulfilling relationships when you put in almost zero effort FYI). Once I stopped watching porn I had to deal with my anger instead of escaping from it.

Giving up porn was really difficult, and it’s still hard day-to-day to stay porn free. The biggest thing I’ve realized since going porn free is that I now have many more reasons to stay porn free.