Why is it so easy to “bulldoze” porn users?

They have no patience, they have lowered self esteem, they have weak will power, they want you to win and let their brain do easy things again.

This is what I learned in this time of rebooting.

It really sucks, I’ve been addicted for 11 years and now I can see myself really conscious about it and all the negative effects it had on me…

All those insecurities, the need to be alone and not interact with other people, feeling resentful with others because they could stand up a little bit more than me and win, letting all those emotions run the show and acting completely immature. And also the fact that I knew I had to do something to get better and not doing it.

But there is no easy way out. TIME TO STAND STRONG AND KEEP GOING!!

Do it or not!! No more excuses!!

LINK – Why are negotiations with porn users so easy?

By Atodacosta24