RealYBOP twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and were developed as a tool by Nicole Prause and Daniel Burgess to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use.
Due to ongoing legal actions, YBOP must collect what @BrainOnPorn tweets. This page documents the first year of RealYBOP tweets, and contains an extensive introduction providing context and events that have transpired, such as legal actions, RealYBOP Twitter being implicated in defamation lawsuits, and RealYBOP experts being paid by the porn industry (page documenting @BrainOnPorn’s 2nd year of pro-porn industry tweets, beginning April 17, 2020).
While Daniel Burgess is the last known owner of the RealYBOP URL (, the most credible evidence points towards Nicole Prause creating and operating the RealYBOP website and Twitter account. @BrainOnPorn’s 18-month reign of terror ended with Twitter permanently banning it for targeted harassment and posting its victims personal information. Around this same time YBOP acquired in trademark infringement settlement.
RealYBOP constantly engaged in harassment and defamation of those who speak about porn’s negative effects (over 800 such tweets in its first year). We wonder who’s legally responsible for @BrainOnPorn‘s defamation and harassment? Is it only Nicole Prause, or only Daniel Burgess, or maybe both? Or could all of the RealYBOP “experts” be held legally and financially responsible?
This question is not trivial as Prause and the RealYBOP Twitter are now implicated in two defamation lawsuits (Donald Hilton, MD & Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes), a trademark infringement case, and a trademark squatting case. In fact, several of the RealYBOP tweets have been included in filings for the two defamation lawsuits, and in associated affidavits filed by other victims of Prause and RealYBOP Twitter (affidavit #1, affidavit #2, affidavit #3, affidavit #4, affidavit #5, affidavit #6, affidavit #7, affidavit #8, affidavit #9, affidavit #10, affidavit #11, affidavit #12, affidavit #13, affidavit #14, affidavit #15, affidavit #16).
While nearly every “RealYBOP” tweet supported the porn industry agenda, the tweets below leave no doubt concerning RealYBOP’s true allegiance – directly supporting the porn industry – especially PornHub (Mindgeek).
PornHub was the first account to retweet RealYBOP’s maiden tweet! This provides clear evidence of behind the scenes collaboration between RealYBOP and the porn industry (Mindgeek).
It’s clear that Prause and David Ley are chums with many porn industry insiders. Yet, we have always suspected that both communicate behind the scenes, assisting the porn industry with its propaganda and its attacks on Prause usual targets. This January, 2020 XBIZ hit-piece by RealYBOP buddy Gustavo Turner is proof positive that RealYBOP (operated by Prause) is collaborating directly with the porn industry: The XBIZ article acknowledges RealYourBrainOnPorn as their source for lies about YBOP. XBIZ claims that YBOP is “murkily funded”. Pure bullshit, as I have stated for 10 years that YBOP receives no funding or ad revenues. In addition, my share of the proceeds from my book go to charity.
Oh, as for the XBIZ/RealYBOP claim that YBOP is “unscientific”, see the main YBOP research page containing links to about 1,000 studies reporting myriad negative outcomes related to porn use. In reality, porn industry shill RealYBOP is the unscientific “organization”. This page exposes RealYBOP’s so-called research page as nothing more than a handful of cherry-picked, often irrelevant papers (many are not actual studies), and its egregious omissions.
RealYBOP being very cozy with porn producer (
More propaganda serving the porn industry’s agenda:
RealYBOP links to the Xhamster thread where (in December, 2018) Prause defamed Alexander Rhodes of NoFap. (For details, see December, 2018: Prause joins Xhamster to smear NoFap & Alexander Rhodes; induces to publish a hit-piece where Prause is the “expert”.)
RealYBOP re-tweets porn performer, once again confirming its pro-porn industry agenda (while taking a swipe at “activists”):
If the illegitimate website (RealYBOP) is suppose to be about porn’s possible effects on users, why does RealYBOP regularly tweet propaganda for the porn industry?
Is RealYBOP supporting sex trafficking (via their support for BackPage)? What does BackPage have to do with the effects of porn on the user?
RealYBOP promoting a paid porn site, implying we should get our sex education from streaming tube sites
Continues, pimping a paid porn site as the cure for ED and other troubles:
RealYBOP member Hartmann & RealYBOP twitter disparaging feminist Julie Bindel and her article, promoting an XBIZ article:
They no longer hide their intimate relationships with the porn industry.
Direct promotion of porn industry: chummy with well known porn start and director Tommy Pistol
RealYBOP promoting a strip club:
Context: RealYBOP trolls yet another account it has blocked (Laila Mickelwait) to defend pornhub (Laila Mickelwait has also filed an affidavit in Rhodes v. Prause). Here’s Laila’s very popular tweet, posted 1/31/20:
Laila continues the next day with facts and concerns
Who would be against age verification? Who would be for porn vids featuring young females who look and act like they are 13-14? RealYBOP, it appears.
RealYBOP spends its Saturday night gathering “evidence” and tweeting a defense of Pornhub and other adult sites.
As always, RealYBOP misrepresents what we say, while evading key points. The point of the Tweet is Pornhub has no age verification. Which RealYBOP confirmed and then confirmed she also found the girls most viewed video. It is completely irrelevant that other sites might have some form of ID check (which is questionable). So everything is A-ok because you can hunt around the internet trying to find these thousands of underage appearing girls and try to verify their age that way?
RealYBOP retweeting article (i.e. propaganda) by XBIZ (calls everyone anti-porn extremists):
Lies about Fight The New Drug, linking to AVN as its trusted source
Prause chronically defames and harasses FTND.
RealYBOP (Prause) retweeting the most prominent porn industry interest group, the Free Speech Coalition.
Prause has a cozy history with the FSC:
- In 2015 the Free Speech Coalition offers Prause assistance: she accepts and immediately attacks Prop 60 (condoms in porn)
- The Free Speech Coalition allegedly provided subjects for a Prause study that “debunks” porn addiction
Porn industry shill RealYBOP tweeting propaganda by porn industry representative XBIZ (while attacking FTND):
Original news segment:
RealYBOP tweets RealYBOP member Taylor Kohut’s support for Pornhub:
While PornHub is being exposed as having videos of sex trafficking victims, RealYBOP is out there defending MindGeek:

More love for PornHub:
Tweeting about the AVN convention in Las Vegas
Retweeting XBIZ hit-piece, in support of the porn industry:
XBIZ article is a convoluted mess trying to discredit But what XBIZ neglects to mention is that the nefarious is not only supported by Humanity United but a host of other players including none other than the Open Society Foundation. I doubt if any entity on the plant has done more to normalize commercial sexual exploitation than OSF/Soros. So the article is built on a house of cards.
Complaining that porn industry and prostitution are exempt:
Promoting pornhub, who has been monetizing rape and sex trafficking videos on its platform:
Pornhub was the first account to tweet about RealYBOP!
Promoting pornhub, even when it is under investigation for regularly hosting child porn and rape videos! The ever loyal RealYBOP.
RealYBOP trolling a feminist who is critical of Pornhub for monetizing sex trafficking videos:
RealYBOP is lying, when she claims porn sites don’t contain rape and sex trafficking vids. Scroll through this account, and be prepared to be sick to your stomach. RealYBOP is defending pornhub!!
Tweets XBIZ propaganda by XBIZ news editor Gustavo Turner
Tweets a “sex worker’s” propaganda in support of PornHub:
Uhh, nope, there are now ~50 neuroscience-based studies providing strong support for the addiction model, as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies.
Continued support for Pornhub (which is being outed as hosting numerous child-porn videos):
Promotes article by a prostitute, “blasting the anti-sex-trafficking pimps”. Sure.
No surprise that Prause and Daniel Burgess’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending Backpage was shut down by the federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” (see this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders).
Retweets propaganda by XBIZ (which is defending PornHub)
Reality check about pornhub:
WOW. RealYBOP no longer hides the fact that she is a porn-industry shill. She attacks the petition to hold Pornhub accountable for hosting child porn and sex trafficking videos
Retweets “The adult industry support network”:
Again, why is a site claiming to be about the effects of porn on users tweeting about the porn industry and performers?
Re-tweets a porn producer:
RealYBOP trolls a thread to provide direct support for Pornhub. RealYBOP also lies about Exodus Cry, and tries to diminish their campaign to educate the world that pornhub hosts videos of child porn and actual rape:
RealYBOP is supporting pornhub, which hosts child porn and sex trafficking videos. Nice.
In same thread, RealYBOP defends pornhub while defaming FTND:
RealYBOP tweets her joke of an op-ed for the 100th time. The 600-word Op-Ed is chock full of unsupported assertions meant to fool the lay public. It fails to support a single assertion as it cites only 4 papers – none of which have anything to do with porn addiction, porn’s effects on relationships, or porn-induced sexual problems. Several experts in this field debunked its assertions and empty rhetoric in this relatively short response – Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography? (2016). Unlike the “neuroscientists of the Op-Ed,” they cited several hundred studies and multiple reviews of the literature.
July 13, 2020: RealYBOP trolling 6-week-old thread to defame Exodus Cry and to support Pornhub. RealYBOP once again tweeting the comment by an anonymous troll (and not a Nofap member), that was removed by nofap mods. One deleted comment, by an unknown troll – that is all RealYBOP has – which means she will tweet it over and over again.
RealYBOP just making stuff up, attacking Terry Crews (while disparaging FTND) for tweeting that PornHub needs to be defunded for hosting child porn and sex trafficking videos. RealYBOP is directly supporting Pornhub!
RealYBOP retweets Gustavo Turner of XBIZ:
July 25, 2020: RealYBOP retweets porn industry ally comments under RealYBOP attack on Nofap:
RealYBOP and porn industry twitter account @fyfriendlyfire often collaborate to troll RealYBOP’s usual victims.
RealYBOP retweets sex worker “advocate” take on one of my tweets:
RealYBOP = supporter of the porn industry and of prostitution.
RealYourBrainOnPorn (Pornhub’s BFF) is targeting Lala Mickelwait again with an insane tweet trying to connect Exodus Cry to outlandish conspiracy theories. The melmagazine says nothing about Exodus Cry. RealYBOP will stop at nothing to defend Pornhub, including defamation & harassment.
Promoting Cindy Gallop’s porn site
Not studies, but commentaries by advocates of porn use (including a few by PhD’s being paid by big porn):
Retweeting its close ally, XBIZ:
RealYBOP attacks TraffickingHub, the the campaign to hold Pornhub responsible for hosting child porn and sexual abuse videos (initiated by Laila Mickelwait).
A few months after RealYBOP/Prause’s online cyberstalking and defamation of Laila and Exodus Cry, the NY Times published an investigative articles fully supporting the claims put forth by TraffickingHub & Laila: The Children of Pornhub – Why does Canada allow this company to profit off videos of exploitation and assault?. This was only the beginning for @BrainOnPorn, as it escalated into full on cyberstalking, lies and defamation – all in support of PornHub’s agenda. A few more examples:
Below, RealYBOP directly supports Mindgeek, owner of PornHub by targeting the following tweet by Laila Mickelwait. (Mickelwait’s petition to hold PornHub accountable for unconscionable and illegal content posted to its site has garnered over a million signatures.)
Here is RealYBOP attacking Laila, while defending Mindgeek’s CEO. Note: RealYBOP lies when asserting the account isn’t that of Mindgeek’s CEO.
Here RealYBOP goes complete wacko to disparage Exodus Cry:
RealYBOP trolls traffickinghub supporter:
More support of Pornhub (no comments about how much money Mindgeek takes in):
Trolling threads of traffickinghub supporters, posting EC budget, as if that has anything to do with pornhub.
RealYBOP tweeted that Laila did not attend USC. Merritt calls out RealYBOP for her lie:
RealYBOP posts financials, falsely implying something shady is occurring. RealYBOP says the trafficking hub petition does noting. Boy was RealYBOP wrong:
Merritt post protest against pornhub, RealYBOP goes on the attack:
RealYBOP engages in defamation per se, falsely stating Laila asks men to threaten and stalk females. The 4 screenshots says nothing about anyone being stalked, let alone being told so by Laila.
More defamation, falsely claims Laila threatened numerous female scholars. The screenshots are of anonymous internet comments. Nothing related to Laila.
RealYBOP goes absolutely bonkers, with multiple instances of defamation per se:
RealYBOP says the petition will do nothing, yet it caused Pornhub to delete over half of its videos, put new regulations in place, and caused lawmakers to initiate bills and investigations. What happened to RealYBOP? The website was taken down for trademark infringement, while the twitter was permanently banned for harassment!
More insane assertions. No wonder Prause is being sued by multiple parties.
RealYBOP keeps doing Pornhub’s bidding:
Obsessive cyberstalking continues:
After 10 tweets targeting Laila and traffickinghub campaign on September 30, RealYBOP starts up gain on October 1 with more lies:
More defamation per se:
More lies by RealYBOP. In the tweet RealYBOP links to WIPO, which was about the trademark infringement of YBOP. News flash – WIPO doesn’t matter as I now own the URL for RealYBOP: ATTENTION: YBOP acquires in trademark infringement settlement.
RealYBOP’s insanity continues:
Same, more lies. Screenshots have nothing to do with anyone, just random internet comments.
No wonder Prause is being sued for defamation:
- July, 2019: Donald Hilton amends defamation lawsuit to include affidavits from 9 other victims of Prause, Texas Board of Medical Examiners complaint, incorrectly accusing Dr. Hilton of falsifying his credentials.
- Others – October, 2019: NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes files a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos LLC.
- September, 2020: Aaron Minc, JD announces his defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause (Minc owns the law firm representing Alex Rhodes).
More lies and cyberstalking: Laila is not fundraising for other groups (Prause is being sued for libeling NoFap)
LOL – Now RealYBOP is falsely stating I committed perjury. Funny how her screenshots contain no examples, yet I have documented dozen of example of Prause perjuring herself: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019). Hmm.. how did RealYBOP obtain screenshots of Prause FBI online complaints – that named no one, including me? Oh yeah, RealYBOP is Prause.
My twitter thread debunking Prause’s lies:
Hilarious – @BrainOnPorn (Nicole Prause) has tweeted 20 times today that I lied when I said an FOIA request to the FBI proved she lied about filing an FBI report on me and Alex Rhodes
The FBI caught Nikky in a lie. All FBI docs in this section:— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) October 7, 2020
Just gets nuttier:
More Prause perjury exposed in my legal victory, where the courts ruled that I was not a stalker, and that Prause was the perpetrator – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
RealYBOP (now “Anti-YBOP”, but still @BrainOnPorn) questioning a victim of Pornhub, Avri Sapir
Avri Sapir responds to RealYBOP’s disgusting smear:
RealYBOP tries again to incite her followers to report Exodus Cry to the state of Missouri (just as Prause did a year earlier – February, 2019: Prause falsely accuses Exodus Cry of fraud. Asks Twitter followers to report the non-profit to the Missouri attorney general (for spurious reasons), Appears to have edited the CEO’s Wikipedia page.). No one knows, including RealYBOP, what violation Exodus Cry committed.
Direct support of PornHub:
Finally, Prause no longer hides behind her alias account:
She immediately goes back to her alias, pointing out obvious: EC wants to end sex trafficking.
More hit-pieces loaded with falsehoods:
More cyberstalking in support of Pornhub:
More cyberstalking of Traffickinghub supporters:
Entering threads of traffickinghub supporters, spreading misinformation
RealYBOP assaults on traffickinghub and Laila end here as RealYBOP twitter was permanently banned for harassment:
It looks like Nicole Prause's porn-industry shill account @BrainOnPorn has been suspended for hateful abuse and targeted harassment.
Wonder if this is permanent? Should be.
Also gone is its trademark infringing website –— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) October 24, 2020
Epilogue: a 2021 Op-ed in Washington Times by Laila Mickelwait describing the disgusting activities of Pornhub and its operatives (such as RealYBOP) – The end of Pornhub’s campaign of intimidation.
The Canadian Parliament might disagree