A Psychological Perspective of Craving Towards Pornography and Its Effect on Relationship Satisfaction and Sexual Attitude (2020)


The results indicate that there exists an insignificant relationship between pornography craving among dating and non-dating males. Hence, the hypothesis was not supported. The reason for no significant relationship found between dating and non-dating males might be due to the dearth of sample size. Though, there is a slight difference in the mean of dating scores and non-dating scores i.e. dating mean score is lower than non-dating scores. This indicates that both the groups watch such content on nearly equal level. The present study found that there was a negative correlation (-0.303) between pornography craving and couple satisfaction. This indicates that higher is crave for pornography, lower will be the relationship satisfaction.

Source: Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development . Jan2020, Vol. 11 Issue 1, p569-574. 6p. (Very large PDF with the study)

Author(s): Jain, Samiksha; Pandey, Neelam; Mehrotra, Sakshi


Media has been defined as “mediated experiences”. It consists of all kinds of medium such as print media, audio, video, electronic media etc. Furthermore, this brings up the issues like pornography or sexually explicit materials which can hampers an individual interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships. The present study aimed to understand the effect of craving towards on relationship satisfaction and sexual attitude among dating and non-dating males. The sample of 150 males were divided into two groups namely, dating and non-dating (21-28 years) were given a questionnaire to measure pornography craving, couple satisfaction, four forms of sexual attitude (permissiveness, birth control, communion, instrumentality). The main purpose of the study was to study the difference in level of pornography craving among dating and non-dating males and to explore the relationship between pornography craving and relationship satisfaction, sexual attitude among dating and non-dating males. The study however attempts to find the difference in components of sexual attitude of dating and non-dating males. The obtained data was analysed by MANOVA and correlation. As predicted, significant negative correlation was obtained, between pornography craving and relationship satisfaction, two forms of sexual attitude (permissiveness and instrumentality). The result indicates that there exists no significant difference in pornography craving among dating and non-dating males. Also, there exists a significant difference in one form of sexual attitude (permissiveness) among dating and non-dating males.