Cybersex Addiction among Korean College Students: Current Status and Relationships of Sexual Knowledge and Sexual Attitude (2013)

Journal title : Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing

Volume 27, Issue 3,  2013, pp.608-618

Publisher : Korean Society of public Health Nursing

DOI : 10.5932/JKPHN.2013.27.3.608

Park, Hyojung; Kang, Sook Jung;


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the current status of cybersex addiction, demographic factors influencing the level of cybersex addiction, and relationships between sexual knowledge, sexual attitude, and cybersex addiction among Korean college students.

Methods: Using a cross-sectional study design, 6,000 college students were recruited through proportional quota sampling from May 2011 to October 2011.

Results: Almost 10 percent(9.3%) of the participants had moderate or severe addiction to cybersex. The level of cybersex addiction differed significantly according to gender, major, and economic status. Significant association was observed between sexual knowledge, sexual attitude, and cybersex addiction.

Conclusion: The significant demographic factors mentioned above, as well as sexual knowledge and attitude should be factored in when designing interventions for cybersex addiction among college students. Conduct of more qualitative and longitudinal research on this topicis needed in order to prevent and to intervene in cybersex addiction among college students.

 Keywords – Students;Internet;Sex;Addiction;

Language – Korean



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