Now your therapist or MD can get educated about problematic porn use!

Top academics are now offering continuing education credits for a course entitled, “When Pornography Becomes a Problem: Clinical Insights.”

It’s intended for psychiatrists, psychologists, primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and other health care professionals who seek to improve their care for patients with mental health disorders.

It explains how the new “Compulsive sexual behavior disorder” applies to those with “porn addiction.”

Compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD), including problematic pornography use, is included in ICD-11 as an impulse-control disorder. As such, problematic pornography use may be considered a form of CSBD.

Although CSBD is classified as an impulse-control disorder, the diagnostic criteria for the disorder are very similar to those for disorders due to addictive behaviors.

Based on extant data, problematic pornography use may be considered a behavioral addiction.

It also shares the latest stats demonstrating that,

A large proportion of US adults are experiencing clinically relevant features of CSBD.

Among male pornography viewers, approximately one in seven has reported interest in seeking treatment for pornography use.

Estimates for CSBD have not been systematically evaluated, but may be roughly between 5% and 12%, with males being twice as likely to experience features of CSBD or related phenomena.

Slightly more than 80% of men in treatment for hypersexuality have reported problems with pornography use.

The case vignette features a doctor who experienced sexual performance difficulties and escalation, and had received inadequate treatment from practitioners who did not identify and address his CSBD.

All six pages of the course description can be viewed here: