Clin. Med. 2019, 8(1), 91; doi:10.3390/jcm8010091
Rubén de Alarcón 1 , Javier I. de la Iglesia 1 , Nerea M. Casado 1 and Angel L. Montejo 1,2,*
1 Psychiatry Service, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Salamanca, Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL), 37007 Salamanca, Spain
2 University of Salamanca, EUEF, 37007 Salamanca, Spain
1. Introduction
2. Methods

3. Results
3.1. Epidemiology
The vast majority of studies pertaining POPU or hypersexual behavior prevalence use convenience samples to measure it, usually finding, despite population differences, that very few users consider this habit an addiction, and even when they do, even fewer consider that this could have a negative effect on them. Some examples:
(1) A study assessing behavioral addictions among substance users, found that only 9.80% out of 51 participants considered they had an addiction to sex or pornography [36].
(2) A Swedish study that recruited a sample of 1913 participants through a web questionnaire, 7.6% reported some Internet sexual problem and 4.5% indicated feeling ‘addicted’ to Internet for love and sexual purposes, and that this was a ‘big problem’ [17].
(3) A Spanish study with a sample of 1557 college students found that 8.6% was in a potential risk of developing a pathological usage of online pornography, but that the actual pathological user prevalence was 0.7% [37].
3.2. Ethiopathogenical and Diagnostic Conceptualization

3.3. Clinical Manifestations
Clinical manifestations of POPU can be summed up in three key points:
- Erectile dysfunction: while some studies have found little evidence of the association between pornography use and sexual dysfunction [33], others propose that the rise in pornography use may be the key factor explaining the sharp rise in erectile dysfunction among young people [80]. In one study, 60% of patients who suffered sexual dysfunction with a real partner, characteristically did not have this problem with pornography [8]. Some argue that causation between pornography use and sexual dysfunction is difficult to establish, since true controls not exposed to pornography are rare to find [81] and have proposed a possible research design in this regard.
- Psychosexual dissatisfaction: pornography use has been associated with sexual dissatisfaction and sexual dysfunction, for both males and females [82], being more critical of one’s body or their partner’s, increased performance pressure and less actual sex [83], having more sexual partners and engaging in paid sex behavior [34]. This impact is especially noted in relationships when it is one sided [84], in a very similar way to marijuana use, sharing key factors like higher secrecy [85]. These studies are based on regular non-pathological pornography use, but online pornography may not have harmful effects by itself, only when it has become an addiction [24]. This can explain the relationship between the use of female-centric pornography and more positive outcomes for women [86].
- Comorbidities: hypersexual behavior has been associated with anxiety disorder, followed by mood disorder, substance use disorder and sexual dysfunction [87]. These findings also apply to POPU [88], also being associated with smoking, drinking alcohol or coffee, substance abuse [41] and problematic video-game use [89,90].
3.4. Neurobiological Evidence Supporting Addiction Model
Major brain changes observed across substance addicts lay the groundwork for the future research of addictive behaviors [95], including:
3.5. Neuropsychological Evidence
3.6. Prognosis
3.7. Assessment Tools
3.8. Treatment
3.8.1. Pharmacological Approaches
3.8.2. Psychotherapeutic Approaches
4. Discussion
Conflicts of Interest
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