Problems with Aggregate Data and the Importance of Individual Differences in the Study of Pornography and Sexual Aggression: Comment on Diamond, Jozifkova, and Weiss (2010)


Archives of Sexual Behavior

October 2011, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp 1045–1048

Drew A. Kingston

Neil M. Malamuth

25 February 2011

DOI: 10.1007/s10508-011-9743-3

Cite this article as: Kingston, D.A. & Malamuth, N.M. Arch Sex Behav (2011) 40: 1045. doi:10.1007/s10508-011-9743-3


The influence of pornography on attitudes and behaviors has been a longstanding question that has provoked considerable debate among researchers (Malamuth, Addison, & Koss, 2000; Marshall, 2000). Evidence associating pornography consumption with aggression would be important, not only for public policy and legislation, but in the assessment and treatment of special populations, such as sexual offenders. In this commentary, we briefly discuss the methodologies in which pornography’s putative effects have been examined, with particular note of the aggregate approach employed by Diamond, Jozifkova, and Weiss (2010). We conclude with a brief review of the literature on pornography’s role in affecting negative attitudes and behaviors among certain individuals.


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