Is pornography consumption associated with condom use and intoxication during hookups? (2015)

Scott R. Braithwaite, Anneli Givens, Jacob Brown & Frank Fincham

Culture, Health & Sexuality

Volume 17, 2015 – Issue 10

Page 1155-1173 | Received 16 Dec 2014, Accepted 16 Apr 2015, Published online: 05 Jun 2015


In order to examine whether pornography consumption is associated with risky sexual behaviour among emerging adults, we examined two large samples of those who reported hooking up in the past 12 months (combined n =  1216).

Pornography use was associated with a higher likelihood of having a penetrative hookup; a higher incidence of intoxication during hookups for men (but a lower incidence of intoxication during hookups for women); increasing levels of intoxication during hookups for men but decreasing levels of intoxication for women; and a higher likelihood of being in the riskiest category of having a penetrative hookup, without a condom, while intoxicated.

For each of these outcomes, our point estimates for Study 2 fell within the 95% confidence intervals from Study 1. Controlling for trait self-control, binge drinking frequency, broader problematic patterns of alcohol use, openness to experience, and attitudes toward casual sex did not change the pattern of results. Implications for interventions to reduce sexual risk are discussed.