20 things that helped me through these 90 days

I FINALLY MADE IT! First I’m gonna name 20 things that helped me through these 90 days and then I’m gonna give y’all an advice.

1- Working out everyday except Monday and Wednesday

2- Reading books and articles

3- Going to bed early and getting up early

4- Visiting this beautiful subreddit everyday for motivation and giving advises to people who need help

5- Writing essays with my heart and doing well at school

6- Going out with friends and making new friends

7- Avoiding coffee after 5 PM

8- Writing lyrics for my debut album which is scheduled to drop later this year

9- Tweeting positive tweets and being social through internet and in real life

10- Running 2 hours 3 times a week

11- Discussing things with parents and sharing ideas with them

12- Eating every meal at it’s time

13- Adding more fruits to my meals

14- Praying to God everyday

15- Watching documentaries

16- Enjoying the beauty of our world once every week (by going to the most beautiful part of the city and enjoying the view for one or 2 hours)

17- Using my phone less (3-4 hours a day)

18- Reading news every morning

19- Learning new languages


One advice to sum up this challenge: DON’T GIVE UP! STAY STRONG BECAUSE IT’S WORTH IT!! I’m thankful and grateful for all the support and motivation I was getting from this subreddit and to be honest, I wouldn’t make it without you guys support! I’m so f****ing thankful and grateful guys, I don’t know how to thank you guys. I love you all with my heart.

20 things that helped me through these 90 days

by Zeniusboy