This is a simple and powerful tool that Yale Professor Judson Brewer recommends for skilfully handling our urges.

“With addicts, we use a RAIN acronym. We get them to:

R – Recognize what craving feels like.

A – Allow it to be present without pushing it away, allow it to come up, do its dance and fade away.

I – Investigate what craving feels like in my body right now with curiosity.

N – Note craving as it comes and goes along with tension, yearning, and tightness in the body.

We have found in our research that the more these addicts practice this approach, the more skillful they become at ‘urge surfing,’ or ride out their urges without acting on them.”

~ Judson Brewer, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor (Adjunct) of Psychiatry; Medical Director, Yale Therapeutic Neuroscience Clinic

This is a simple and powerful tool that Yale Professor Judson Brewer recommends for skilfully handling our urges.