ສິ່ງ ໃໝ່ໆ ແລະສິ່ງມະຫັດສະຈັນແລະຜູ້ຄົນໄດ້ເຂົ້າມາໃນຊີວິດຂອງຂ້ອຍຕັ້ງແຕ່ເລີ່ມຕົ້ນ NoFap

Today’s day 50 of my 90 day hard-mode goal. It’s been a positive experience overall. A lot of new and wonderful things and people have come into my life since beginning the NoFap practice. I bought a farm and am in the process of starting a Re-Wilding and Equestrian Therapeutic center up there in the mountains of Colorado. I’m also doing further research and education into client-based sexual healing and tantric practices. I’m quite happy with the direction my life is going in. I feel relatively peaceful and calm much of the time. Depression, social anxiety, and irritability have all quieted down. My health, fitness, and ability to focus seem to be increasing almost daily. The effort this practice has taken has been well worth it thus far.

I’m posting here in search of greater connection within this community. I first joined NoFap under the impression that this is a sex-positive forum. But I see far more highly religious, anti-sexuality, guilt-ridden, and woman-hating posts here than I could have ever anticipated. Men referring to women who are open and adventurous sexually as whores, and speaking hatefully of sex workers, quoting bible verses as they do so. Many of my friends are sex workers. I’m on the fringes of being a sex-worker myself- it’s astoundingly powerful therapeutic work, work I’m proud to be doing in the world.
I would love to connect with more sex-positive, like-minded people on here who are engaging with the NoFap practice as a way to enhance their sex life, who see NoFap as a way to celebrate their sexuality, not as an exercise in guilt, religiosity, or sex/body/woman-shaming.

If sex and pleasure is something you believe should be celebrated, and that NoFap/brahmacharya is a pathway to honor this aspect of life, please hit me up! I’d love to meet more people with similar values to my own here.

Peace and strength on your journey, whatever your reasons for it may be! ✌

LINK - Looking for secular, health-oriented friends here

By HyacinthHellwaters