Возраст 25 - 41 ден: Полека почнувам да се фаќам за животот и себеси

Before I found out about NoFap I would masturbate at least 2-5 times a day and on occaision get high and masturbate up to 4-5 hours a day. I’ve never been addicted to porn, I manage very well without, but thought i’d just give it a shot. Now 41 days in its one of the best decisions i’ve made in my adult life (i’m 25 now).

I feel so much more contempt with life, I am nowhere near depressed and filled with self-pity as I was last month. I am able to talk to girls the same way I talk to other guys and my ability to be social and face my fears has been significantly increased.

Apart from that I am starting to realize how much of a mess I really am and have been trying to improve myself through studying self-help books, improving my body language and a lot of help from r/malefashionadvice, something i’d previously never would have cared about. And the results are simply amazing.

Мислам дека nofap ми овозможи повторно да го оживеам мојот живот во целост, верувам дека сé уште има долг пат на нофап пред мене, но јас сум одличен и сите овие подобрувања дозволете ми да се разбудам наутро исполнето со радост и енергија да се соочи со нов ден.

Some of my achievements so far:

  • Изградете храброст да побарате девојка и двапати да одите на датум (прв датум во 5 години).
  • Имав девојки да ме поздрават на улица, бидејќи можам да го задржам контакт со очите и да се смеам без да се изградам вознемиреност.
  • Поради некоја причина сум многу повеќе алармирање во класа и може да го следат целиот материјал
  • I don’t feel the need to get high, pop pills or get drunk 24/7 because I am not as depressed anymore
  • I feel the need to do something, go out and do stuff. I have a free train ticket in my country and spend almost all day traveling to places, reading books a long the way and having fun.
  • Јас сум многу поудобен со поразот и неуспесите
  • Имам голема доверба, само вчера можев да седнам до една девојка во автобусот што го знаев од моето старо училиште и можев да разговарам со неа за речиси 30 мин, пред да морам да се симнам. Мојата самодоверба понекогаш ме тера да сакам да кажам (wow) гласно.

Some books I have been reading since I started NoFap that really helped me with all of this:

  • Како да победувате пријатели и да влијаете врз луѓето
  • The alchemist
  • The Book on The Taboo against knowing who you are
  • Сидарта

Other Subreddits that I have been visiting:

All these books and me frequenting these subreddits has come natural after about 2 weeks of nofap. There’s a hunger in me to become the best person I can be, I want to archieve greatness and its only now that I realize that playing videogames and sitting inside for the majority of the day isn’t going to get me towards certain goals and dreams I have set for myself.

Why the hell do I need masturbation? I have a feeling that if I keep this up for another 2-3 months I will be able to find a girlfriend or date on a frequent basis, thats more important to me than a small rush a couple times a day.

(ps. sorry for my bad English)

LINK - 41 Days in and i’m slowly starting to get a grip on life and myself. I’m riding the self improvement rollercoaster.

BY – jonasbonus