Исцедена порно индуцирана ED, Повеќе социјални, Повеќе енергија (во мојот 2nd рестартирање)

This is the 2nd time I’ve reached 90. The last time was two years ago. The first 90 day challenge, I had 3 main changes: 1) More energy 2) Cured porn induced ED 3) More social

This time around I didn’t have any ED to cure. I just wanted to do it for the boost in energy and being more social. I like how sharp and alive I feel with nofap. This time around though, I’ve been dealing with insomnia. Part of it is having more ambition. How do I get to the point where I’m my own boss? Part of it is the social life. I toss and turn in bed thinking about a date that I’ve just had.

Anyway, I know the key to beating the insomnia is to wake up the same time everyday and to work out. I also know that I now have a higher quality set of problems which if I can solve will lead to a higher quality life.

I’m gonna see if I can get to 100.

Thanks again to the community here. You guys are awesome!

LINK - 90 дневен извештај

by sfpoet