Возраст 27 - Зошто сум се откажал од порно засекогаш


I’m 27 and PMO addict. I started MO in grade 5 (age 11 i believe). My step-brother age 13, who came to spend summers with us, introduced me to my first плејбој magazine that summer. I can’t recall when masturbation became an every night occurrence but i know by age 13 or 14 it was.

I’d soon discover that there was some softcore porn on at 2 am on weekends. I would say i’m going to bed, but wait hours for my parents to go to bed, then sneak out and turn on the tv. Sitting right in front so i could hear with as little volume as possible.

I started watching hardcore porn around the summer i was 14 or 15. My grandmother had a bell receiver and had one of those cards that gave you every channel. I found the porn channels one night while she was sleeping. Let’s just say i started to visit my grandmother more often.

I got a computer at age 16 and ever since then the internet has provided me with my fix. I remember when i first start watching, the thought of anal was disturbing to me. I thought, “why would any want to do that, that’s where shit comes out”. I’ve now watched many different genres that completely disgust me.

I have social anxiety and depression. I’ve been suffering from these illness for as long as i remember. I know there is a direct correlation between my PMO addiction and my mental health. I can recall at age 20 when i went to bootcamp for the navy reserves. I didn’t masturbate the whole 2 months. The first couple weeks I was very anxious. But something start to change week 3 or 4. In an environment where, someone who suffers these illnesses would usually find an increase in anxiety, i was finding confidence and happiness. After the first month we finally got a weekend off and I lost my virginity that weekend. I didn’t even have to try the girl came on to me! In the next 4 weeks I found myself speaking up more and just more excited about life.

I have another similar experience two years ago. When i first watch the ted talk “the demise of guys”. I decided I was going to quit (I quit for 2 and a half months). I was working the worst paying and most labour intensive job i have ever worked in my life. I once again found myself more confident and happy in an environment that wasn’t very ideal.

Also my buddy’s wedding was close to the end of that period, which i was a groomsmen in. I basically had my pick that night of two different girls who kept trying to dance with me. Then got laid again from a different girl at a bar two days later. I relapsed some time after that and got hooked again.

I’m quitting this time for good. I am changing my lifestyle for the better. I want to experience emotions such as happiness, excitement, and confidence. I’m tired of sadness, anxiety, and fear.

I hope to use this community as a place for motivation and guidance on this lifestyle change.

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By imjustoneguy