Имаше порно-индуцирана ЕД. Урологот препорача хируршка интервенција на пенисот. Излечи PIED со nofap наместо.


Англискиот не ми е прв јазик. Добив нов GF откако бев сингл скоро 3 години, за време на кој јас БМО би барем еднаш на ден (честопати повеќе од тоа). Јас веќе се борев со претходниот ГФ (порано бев во ПМО за тоа време, иако не толку колку што направив откако се разделивме), сега со моето ново ГФ ми се влоши ПИЕД отидов да посетам уролог - всушност, еден од најреномиран (и најскап) во мојата земја.

He asked a few questions, then had me tested: he injected some viagra-like substance in my penis (and, yes, it hurts a lot…), then played a porn DVD and told me to watch and masturbate to get hard, so that he could check my erect penis with some sort of scanner. I did not get hard at all, I guess partly because the porn was way too mild relative to what I had grown accustomed to, and partly because the whole situation (i.e. masturbating while a guy in a labcoat watches you, right after getting a needle in your dick…) did not exactly help setting the mood. So the urologist told me that I was basically skrewed. He chastised me for not confronting the issue before, then literally told me “if you were older [I am in my thirties] I would immediately book you for surgery. Because you are relatively young, let’s first make a desperate attempt with heavy doses of chemicals”.

Сега, апчиња направи многу малку (и чини многу). Непотребно е да се каже дека бев многу депресивен, соочен со изборот за да имам пумпа хируршки вграден во мојот пенис, или да се откажам од секс засекогаш. Тогаш го најдов Nofap. Дадов се обидувам, бидејќи многу од она што го читам ми се чинеше дека се однесуваше на мене, плус немав што да изгубам во тој момент.

Па еве ме, 90 дена потоа, и мило ми е што можам да кажам дека мојот PIED главно го нема! Може редовно да имам секс со мојот ГФ; првично, се случуваше понекогаш да станам мек за време на сексуалниот однос, но сега обично успевам да останам напорен до крај. Мислам дека има уште простор за подобрување и имам некои сомнежи за тоа како би се претставил со кондом (што во моментот не е важно бидејќи мојата ГФ е на пилула), но дури и ако ова беше моето закрепнување, едноставно е одлично!

I don’t know if there is actual science behind this, or it is just placebo effect. I don’t care, I am in a way better place after discovering nofap than I was a few months ago, so I will stick to it and enjoy my new life. Now I am wondering if I should go back to the urologist to talk about how he got me almost suicidal, and whether he is aware of nofap. Maybe it could help others, I don’t know…

So, basically, I am 90+ days in (relapsed 3 times during this period but without binging). I did not experience any of the alleged “superpowers”, but that is not why I am doing this. I am doing this because of PIED.

TL, DR: Имаше ПИЕД. Урологот препорача хируршка интервенција на пенисот. Излечи PIED со nofap наместо.

EDIT: Thank you all for your support!

LINK - Извештај од 90 дена - иднината изгледа многу посветла (или како мојот уролог ме натера да се самоубијам)

by charmingcorpse



  • Yes, that is what I am also thinking. I am no scientist but PIED looks very real, and nofap really seems to work for a lot of people. I am inclined to think that many urologists are not necessarily against nofap, they are simply not aware of how addictive and damaging porn can be. I’ll have to pay for another visit, but I am curious to hear what he thinks, and if it helps spreading knowledge and helping other guys with the same issue, then it’s money well spent.
  • Thank you! I am actually interested in knowing if anyone else got tested the same way I did, and presented with the same conclusions. In essence, he said that not getting hard despite porn and the viagra injection meant that my blood vessels were too narrow due to a genetic defect, meaning I could not get a proper erection through blood flowing into my penis. He even accused me of lying when I told him I used to achieve strong erections when I was younger!
  • Italy. But I know he is a regular speaker at international seminars, so I guess he is respected among his peers. Well, he is almost 70 years old, so it is not too surprising he is not very familiar with how disruptive internet porn can be.I think he did it in good faith, he looked at me straight in the eyes and said “[charmingcorpse] be honest with me or else we will not get to the bottom of this: you never had a proper erection, am I right?”In the pre-internet porn era he probably still lives in, there was simply no possible explanation other than some sort of physical malfunctioning.