Возраст 18 - ПИЕД: Отидов од физички неспособен да станам доволно исправен за секс до повеќе пати на едно седење!

I’ve watched porn since I was very young, I’m currently 18. I’ve always had extreme trouble with sex drive for real girls in real life, and PIED.

I’ve been dating a girl for about 6-7 months now, and finally stopped watching it all together ( no peeks or anything ), and this last week I went from physically unable to get erect enough for sex to being able to multiple times in one sitting!

I literally couldn’t get hard enough to do so last summer at this time, or the summer before it. It’s an amazing change.

You may not see effects right after “stopping” and may be discouraged.

Please continue with your efforts no matter what, the end result will be so worth it.

ЛИНК - How Not Watching Porn for 2 Months Changed my Life

by galixifyy