Возраст 19 - појасна кожа, коса престана да паѓа, изгубен интерес за инцест порно

Возраст 19 - појасна кожа, коса престана да паѓа, изгубен интерес за инцест порно

The confidence and mental fortitude are intangible things, but my face is clear now, for the first time in 6 years, and the fun part is i had learnt to live with the pimples and acne, so this part is a clear added bonus. I just wish there was a way that could give reverse my hairfall too, but i guess that was the price i had to pay for that addiction.

I’m 19 years, i had been trying to quit masturbation for 6 years, i noticed that it wasn’t good for me about 2 months after i discovered it, i had begun to miss out on social gatherings, going to classes etc, spent whole days in front of my screen, but still i would say i was much more addicted to fapping than porn, even though i was in pretty deep,

i was browsing very very inhuman stuff, stuff i feel really ashamed about now. I tried to quit multiple times, but i couldn’t make it more than 3 days anytime, that was back when i was unaware about this subreddit or nofap, i just knew that fapping was ruining my life because that was all i could think about. The immediate reasons for my trying to quit this time were threefold.

First, i started using reddit and came to know about this sub, before i had tried to quit porn for Entire life but it was just too big a burden, this time i thought the 90 days challenge seemed like a good idea (not saying I’m going to relapse on day 90, never, but it sure helps to have target in mind). Secondly, my fantasies had become plain disgusting (incest), i had never hated anyone as i started to hate myself. Thirdly, i failed the exams in my University. I knew if i didn’t change something in my life, i was on the path to self destruction.

The benefits are, i feel like a better man, i look at females like fellow humans, am much more confident in my abilities, and happier in general. Other than that my hair fall is stopped, although i can’t prove it is because of nofap or because of my dietary change, but if i relapse i am pretty sure I’m gonna start eating shit again and stop exercising, so indirectly it is related. I’m not a masturbator now, i am a man and a well adjusted human being.

LINK - I note my first tangible, physical effect of nofap, after a month

By Atestanto-де-Дивизија