Возраст 25 - Екстремна вознемиреност за повлекување, но СЕГА помалку вознемиреност, подобри разговори, постабилни нивоа на енергија

Well ive done 4 months of Nofap so I thought I would briefly talk about my experience. Theres been ups and downs on this streak.

I would say the negatives is the withdrawals; at one point I had the worst anxiety ive ever had in my life and there was two occasions where I called up an escort agency (legal in my country) but had not gone through with it; I still struggle with thoughts of going.

The positives have been less anxiety overall and im more confident. I can interact with people and have conversations and jokes so much easier than I have before. I also have more stable energy levels. Ive done the whole thing on hard mode (still virgin gonna be 25 soon), and I dont even fantasise. I dont intend to jack off or watch porn ever again. I’ll see where else Nofap takes me as the months go on.

LINK - 4 Months of Nofap

By MaesterAz1