Возраст 27 - Пробав премногу сексуални дела што никогаш, никогаш, никогаш не би ги имал без порно. Пре Adубата има помалку смисла исто така.

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27m. I’m not sure I’ve ever gone longer than 10 days without porn since I was a preteen, but here I am!

I’m not sure if I would have qualified as an addict, so maybe this sub can shed some light. I have never tried a porn free challenge. I watched for about 5-10 minutes per day, once per day. At the beginning of November, I realized my 2019 use had gone from one time per day to two times per day. That may not sound like much, but it’s a 100% increase. I didn’t really like that knowledge, so I decided to limit myself to once per week to see how it felt. I stuck to it, and by the third week, the act I had once considered normal seemed a bit animalistic, crass, and gross. I was fiendishly awaiting the day where I could watch it again. Mid fap, I shut it off. I haven’t watched since.

Here are some things I’ve noticed:

1. Quitting porn isn’t too hard so far. I actually feel a little guilty typing this, because I know and believe that so many of you have deep and profound problems with porn. Just know that if you haven’t quit yet, it’s possible that it won’t be as difficult as you think! For those of you who are scared, take the jump. The worst thing that will happen is you’ll be back where you are now.

2. In my life, I have tried to instigate way too many sex acts that I never, never, never would have conceived of on my own without porn. This is way grosser to me now that I don’t watch it.

3. I’ve gone from meditating 10 minutes per day to 30-40, from exercising 2 times per week to 4-5, and from oversleeping to always getting 8 hours. I can only suppose why this is, but it seems like my being disciplined in one part of my life has led to my being disciplined in others. It’s a chain reaction, y’all.

4. My ideas about women were fucked by porn. When I quit, I noticed just how often I would meet someone and fantasize about sex with them. This has decreased significantly (though by no means been relinquished completely) by quitting. Sexual attraction is healthy and natural, but I was feeling lust to the point where it blinded my view of them as a complete person.

5. I see sex as less of a fix. I have cheated on a couple partners in my life, and I deeply regret it. I take complete responsibility for it. My porn use was one element that influenced my thinking of sex as something to quell desire and to give me a hit. Sex wasn’t the best unless it was роман, and what better way to make sex novel than by fucking another person? Adultery is now something that, on its face, makes much less sense to me than it did when I was using porn. The downsides are so great. So much is invested in a good relationship, and so much is lost when one cheats.

LINK - 91 days using only the imagination

by throwuhweigh128