Age 14 – 365 days later: Greater popularity, My love of baseball returning, My emotions no longer being numbed, Me becoming a social butterfly


It was just one year ago today that on my old account that I decided to quit porn for the holiday season because I still had a faint hope that Santa was real and that my elf on the shelf would see everything (lol don’t judge).

At first I was like eh, I’ll go back afterwards, but by early December, the grouchy miserable 13 year old began to wither away into a happy kid again. And after Christmas, I kept going, and going, and going. January sucked, it was cold and rainy, and I was the same way mentally, I nearly relapsed.

But then, something changed, almost as big of a change as the first change. I had a plan, get a girlfriend before Valentine’s Day and hang out with the popular crowd to get there, and then go back down to being unpopular, once again, it seemed dumb, but it was huge. By February 14th, I didn’t have a girlfriend, but I didn’t give up on popularity, and I’m still trying today.

As the spring came, I became very energetic and restless, especially in May, but I found my love of baseball again, and I now practice for spring every few days.

By May, I was feeling way more emotional (in a good way) and happy than 6 months before. But, in June, 8th grade came to a close, and it was hard for me to leave the grade I changed and grew so much in.

Then by July and August, I was more horny, but I could go longer without fapping. A week, and I’d be fine. It was weird, but it was very good and much healthier.

In August I turned 14, and I started 9th grade. In September and October, of always be out and about on weekends, and I went to all the varsity games, and hung out with all my friends, I was a social butterfly, and still am.

And as November hit everything stayed the same, well, except for maybe the muscles that just popped up from swinging a bat lol, and here we are.

365 days later, and that one decision I made on that cold, gloomy, November night, had impacted my entire life. No porn, led to better behavior, popularity, my love of baseball returning, my emotions no longer being numbed, me becoming a social butterfly, me being more active, and me growing muscles.

So although, I don’t really believe in Santa, it’s that belief that got me here, and in honor of it, I will repeat last holidays again, for the 33 days until Christmas ends. No porn, I might try nofap or the 7 day cycle or something but my goal is to phase out fapping, and stop once I get a girlfriend and finally, well you know.

But the moral of the story is that quitting porn, no matter how, is a beautiful thing, and everyone should follow my lead. Now, I need to sleep in order to wake up early enough to go to the Thanksgiving varsity game!