Age 16 – A lot more creative, Social skills have improved tremendously, Lot closer to my family, My brain feels a 100 times bigger


I started M ing when I was 13 every day (2-3 times during weekends and summer)(used porn occasionally) when I was 14 I found a website that stated that M and P are bad for you and so I started avoiding M on my own. Porn I quit easily but Masturbation was harder. Still I had great success and improvements (some of my attempts were months long) on my own but then my streaks got worse and worse over time.

Two months before joining this website (Sep. and Oct. of last year) my average was 6 day streak, then binge fapped about 3 times. Started using porn again too. I was trying to quit sooo bad. I was frustrated, depressed, hopeless that I was never going to win against this, had no optimum for my future. Then on the last straw I desperately searched the internet for some information that could help me and found and joined this NoFap website on October 26 2016.

I improved sooooo much because of this website. These were my attempts after joining this website.

  • 1st attempt:6 days (didn’t binge fap)
  • 2nd attempt:29 days
  • 3rd attempt:69 days
  • 4th attempt (current attempt):45 days

Because of this:

  • I am learning to play the guitar
  • I got out of my comprehensive high school cause it was way too stressful and competitive(now in continuation high school)
  • I have bright plans for my future.
  • I have became a lot closer with my friends and even made some new friends(my social skills have improved tremendously)
  • I am a lot closer with my family(my parents are more proud of me)
  • I have became a whole lot more creative(it’s wonderful how many abstract thing I can think of now.)
  • Definitely have a ton of motivation to do anything I want. (not lazy binge watching TV like before)
  • Be myself. I care a lot less about what people think.
  • My brain feels a 100 times bigger
  • My body is more fit (cause I work out thanks to the motivation of nofap)
  • And I am just sooooo much happier and cleaner(my thoughts and my body)

Advice: I have a lot of advice. But the main one is always be persistent. If you relapse once just pick yourself back up and try again. Go at this with a positive attitude knowing that your life will ultimately be better in the long term. And remember no matter how much you feel like you are; just remember you are not alone. We are all brother on this website ready to help each other out so that all of us can overcome our masturbation and/or porn addiction together. Stay strong and keep on fighting guys. You got this.

LINK – 5 months since joining this website.(current attempt 45 days)

by Harry Maclad


UPDATE  – 4 months no PMO

I feel like a healthier, cleaner person who naturally has tons of confidences and motivation to make my life better in every aspect. Socializing is tremendously easy and fun for me and I love hanging out with my friends and am excited to meet new people. I have learned a ton on new and interesting things, and there was tons of ups and downs on this journey but it’s been a really exciting journey so far and an overall happy and extremely rewarding one (a ton more rewarding that fapping)!!! I still plan to keep going cause PMO has no place in my life anymore! If any of you are struggling just know that it’s worth it, even if you just relapsed keep going!! If you keep being persistent and never giving up (with the help of this support group) you will definitely be in a much better place than you started!! Keep going!!!