Hi, this is my first post on Reddit and I am going to talk about my NoFap experience as the title suggests. I was a pretty regular fapper and porn watcher, had a collection of porn and my favourite pornstars, You know the works and I didn’t really see it as a problem. Then I heard about NoFap from a TEDx talk and decided to give it a go. I started NoFap on the 1st of December by deleting all my porn which was a big step in itself. NoFap was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. For those of you just starting out with NoFap I’ll tell you what to expect (at least what happened to me) and hopefully it will help to prepare you for what is to come, (no pun intended). Well, at the start of NoFap it wasn’t really that difficult because I still had that naive sense not knowing what was to come. As I got further into it I started to experience feels, deep feels. My mood would fluctuate, as would my energy levels.
Some days I felt like I could do anything and others I would feel like I couldn’t even get out of bed. I also noticed that I got more annoyed by little things that never used to bother me and my emotions were more unpredictable. Then I experienced my first wet dream since probably before I started fapping (about age 13 or so). I remember I was having a dream that I was fapping and I just woke up soaked and too paralysed to move from shame thinking that the dream was real then I realised I hadn’t failed NoFap so I just went back to sleep. Since then I have only had a handful of wet dreams but every time, it makes you question whether the dream was real or not. That’s when you realise that you were addicted to fapping/porn because your brain wants it so bad that it makes you want to do it and dream about doing it just to get it’s fix.
I remember when I just started and thought ’90 days is such a long time, a quarter of a year without doing something that I do on a almost daily basis’. Now I look back and think the exact same thing followed by ‘I done it’. I have de-activated my Facebook for lent (I’m not religious but I do lent every year just as a personal challenge to myself). My main concern about giving up Facebook was ‘How will I keep in touch with my friends and family?’ Then I realised if they want to keep in touch with me then they’ll find a way. I also completed a recent media course and got to work with some great people and make new friends which I probably wouldn’t have been able to do before NoFap because I wasn’t a very confident or sociable person.
Since I have also subscribed to /howtonotgiveafuck and started work on my inner ‘honeybadger’ and not giving a fuck about what other people think about me, I got the girl I liked on the media course’s number and plan on asking her out for a drink (once I have credit in my phone). People on the course also said I was ‘confident’ which has never been a word connected to me. Also since de-activating my Facebook I have spent my time much more productively by drawing, learning to computer program and playing keyboard instead of sitting on Facebook watching other people talk shit about each other whilst trying to disguise it and waiting for an update to appear just for it to be a game request from a distant relative. I know these things might not be relevant to NoFap but these are steps I’ve taken in my life and I don’t regret them one bit. As of writing this post I’m on day 91 of NoFap and I’ve set myself a new 90 day challenge on top of my current 90 day success and the when I hit 180 days I’m going for 1 year of NoFap then hopefully a lifetime of it.
TL;DR- Don’t think about doing NoFap…just do it! Free your mind from the conditioning of porn and take control of your life. Break free from the prison which you have helped to build because since this is your prison you will now it’s weaknesses and it strengths and you can exploit them to achieve freedom. Start living for today and taking more chances, stop worrying about the future because your future only lasts as long as you do. The picture of your life is being drawn, up close it is abstract and confusing but when you take a step back at look at the whole picture then it will become clearer. I wish you all good fortune on whatever path you take in life and remember it is YOUR life, no one else’s.
LINK –My NoFap experience so far…
by Gavlar1992