Age 21 – You get to a point in your NoFap journey where PMO seems fucking disgusting.

I lost count of my streak (been a few months) and the mere thought of fapping just makes me sick nowadays. I can’t even imagine myself returning to my old ways. Ever.

Just the thoughts of:

  • Being a creepy, lonely fucker- sitting in a dark room alone, face lit by a mechanical, cold computer screen that does not give a damn about you.
  • The sweaty hands and balls, stinking crotch and heavy, animalistic breathing- like you’re a fiendish creature. The more you watch and wank, the more disturbing your fetish gets. You end up watching gay sex when your not even turned on by gay sex. Beastiality. Peadophilia. You name it. It erodes your conscience. You’re a beast.
  • The frying of your dopamine receptors- and your mind is submerged; eroding in a chemical bath. You’re somewhere else, and nothing makes sense. Your facial expression is enough to turn your mother away in disgust.
  • The mindless, 5 seconds worth of numbness upon orgasm (I say numbness- this isn’t pleasure not even close). Forgotten as soon as it happens. No emotion post orgasm. Just the blurry vision and aching heart. Your dick hates you for lying to it again and shrivels up even smaller than before.
  • Your load- the millions of sperm, the life force in your body, scrunched up in a tissue and thrown in the bin. These sperm, your potential future sons and daughters, spat out and killed, left to rot in the rubbish because of your selfish, ghastly desires.
  • And that EMPTY ass feeling when it’s all over- you fall back into reality with a crash. You quickly turn off the porn on your PC because you suddenly fucking hate it. It’s the worst thing ever at this point.
  • Then that burning sensation of regret as you sit there alone. Thinking “What the fuck”. You spend the rest of the day alone- weakness, anxiety, depression all kicks in 10x worse than before you PMO’d. Video games are your friend- they don’t judge you for being so vile. Soulless, mechanical mediums suddenly replace intimacy with real people.
  • You can’t look your mom in the eye and tell her you love her, you can’t go outside and play football with your innocent, pure brother. You can’t imagine helping your sister with her homework because the thought of being alone in a room with a “vagina” instantly means you must fuck it.
  • Withdrawal from closest friends who cannot help you because they’ve no idea what the problem is. Grades suffer- future looks bleak. Think about ending it, suicide. Think about cutting yourself, drugs, prostitutes… And then realise you’re a pathetic fuck who hasn’t got the balls to do either-
  • And so you turn on your computer. And so the cycle continues.

NoFappers, looking back at these points in my life, I hand on heart swear that PMO is the worst thing to have ever happened to me. It sickens me thinking of these points in my life, and I vow I’ll never return to this endless cycle of misery.

And I hope that those out there reading this can relate to my experiences, and see in writing how pathetic it is to give in to these urges. See with your own eyes and learn from my experiences about about how PMO lifestyle is just a downward spiral. And find it within yourself to bring yourselves out of this pit of darkness.

It’s not worth it at all is it? Don’t destroy your valuable, short time on this earth. Live it to the fullest, and live it well. There are no second chances.

I wish you all the best.

EDIT I didn’t actually watch Pedophile/ Beatial pornography, they were fantasies I started conjuring up in my head when even the extreme end of porn didn’t satisfy my “urges”.


You get to a point in your NoFap journey where PMO seems fucking disgusting.

by Skyz_The_Limit