Age 22 – I cured my ED, but went back to porn and….

DECEMBER 12, 2012 –Hey guys, I’m back after 2 years of posting that I cured myself.

Guess what? You can fall back into the same thing. I had stopped watching porn for 3 months and mentally trying to get off on only my girlfriend during that time. This pretty much cured me, but it did take 3 months and lots of will power.

After being able to have sex with my girlfriend for about a year, I told myself I could watch porn again and be unaffected. Slowly, over the years our sex became worse.

My GF of 4 years has now separated from me, no doubt because of this problem as a root, among other things. DO NOT get cocky [haha] after being successful a few times. Stay away from the porn and live a normal, healthy life. I’ve abstained from porn over a month now, and hope to recover my normal sexual self, and my girlfriend.

In conclusion: Self inflicted ED is definitely curable, it just takes time and willpower. After curing yourself, it’s also possible to fall back into disastrous habits.

By Kanbei (link to thread)

JUNE 07, 2010

To: bummed_out, everyone with the problem

First I’d like to say I have successfully fixed this same problem.

Back in 2008, I discovered I had this problem. I tried to have sex with my GF multiple times and failed. I really didn’t see this coming. I was scared ********. I thought I’d never have sex unless I bought Viagra or something.. I started to frantically look on the net to see if people experienced the same thing. It turns out it’s not uncommon.

Thing is, it’s all in your head.

Before you go abstaining from porn, switch to more soft-core stuff.. something you would actually be doing. Sure it might not get you hard quick or it might not tickle your fancy, but you need to slowly come back to liking it more and more. I’d say do this for maybe a week or 2 at most. Just TRY to get off on this stuff. After that, abstain..

I stopped watching porn for 2 months.. and I was able to have sex. This will take some patience from a girl friend if you have one, mine did thankfully.

So all I can say is, if you must watch porn, stop watching crazy stuff you’re not gonna do. This is just to transition you to abstinence. After that, ABSTAIN FOR around 2 months~! [I did 3.] It really isn’t so bad.

I still watch porn, but I don’t do it like I used to and I am fine. This was only after the process I went through.