Age 23 – Greater calmness & mental clarity, More openness to life & willingness to stick with things, Heightened senses


Well I made it!! 90 days hard mode PMO free. Thank you to all of my supporters!!! Thank you so so much! I really couldn’t have done it without you guys!! Here’s what going on.

– calmness
– willingness to stick with things

– mental clarity
– heightened senses
– – smell
– – touch
– – mental checks

Just an openness to life and willingness to go to those places. I would like to point out that I’m not tied down by anything and these past 90 days have brought up some things that I needed to deal with and that willingness forced me into those pockets. I picked up a hobby of learning a language.. Things are looking up…

Day 180…YOU’RE NEXT!!!!
Keep going guys, it gets better, trust me

LINK – 90 seems to be the norm around here…

by Punisher06878