Age 25 – I can very happily state that my PIED which was threatening my relationship is now 90% cured


After around six months of abstaining from porn, minus several relapses (it is hard now and again, no pun intended) I can very happily state that my erectile dysfunction which was threatening my relationship with my girlfriend has now 90% been cured.

Whereas before, I would not be stimulated at all by my girlfriend, even when she was naked in front of me, I now get hard when we kiss passionately and our sex is amazing. It is a long road, with a few hiccups along the way, but I know you guys can do it.

Six months ago, I felt helpless, lost, weak, and worthless, not even a man. Like I couldn’t get hard to real women, and I was broken somehow. Let me tell you from my experience – it IS a problem that stems from porn, and it CAN be fixed by abstaining from it.

LINK – Porn-induced ED – Cured

by MonkeyHeaven