Me, now 31, have to personally thank Gary Wilson for his research in the field of porn addiction.
I started at an early age to masturbate to porn, since many years I have been struggling with either to decrease or completely stop this addiction. Actually I was searching constantly for an answer to the question why I feel depressed mentally and physically after masturbating. For me it has always been a constant decrease of power for each masturbation (when you masturbate several times in a day).
So I asked myself why is that? Most people who asked similar questions in online forums got answers like: “Yeah continue masturbating it’s not bad for your health.” In my case it was. So my first answer was that it had to do something with my penis or testicles, because when I did not masturbate over some time to porn I felt good and I believed it must be because of the concentration of sperm I had collected.
I was really surprised that it was a false thought when I first watched a yourbrainonporn video on youtube. It was like huhh, it is the brain that plays the main role, really a surprise to me. This enlightenment played a big role for me because I had been on the search for the answer for years.
I was off porn for more than a month and was literally feeling the dopamine released during the days and really enjoying the feeling. One thing to add is that I am in a long term relationship. Each time I started masturbating to porn I could see problems arising with my girlfriend, because I felt less attracted to her with less libido. Then when I’m off porn after some days the attraction and libido comes back.
Currently I’m in the situation to completely stop watching porn. I’m armed now with the knowledge of why porn addiction is bad for health.
Actually I stood off porn for about a month with one sole thought: “Rewire your brain, stop wanting novel artificial partners, it will damage your brain”. Worked like a charm 🙂 I’m really thankful for the discovery of yourbrainonporn, bought the book, reading through it now.
by niko