Age 33 – ED gone in 51 days, new life with my new girlfriend. (addendum: ED returned as I fell back into porn)

I just wanted to say that when I started I was suffering from PIED and performance anxiety, and I was barely able to orgasm through regular sex and erections were really bad. That’s the reason I started nofap. This all happened due to PMO during the year and a half I was single after my marriage fell apart.

Almost two months into my journey (with some struggling and a minor relapse with porn) I am at the point where sex with my gf is getting amazing. She’s really happy and can’t believe how much better I am in bed compared to when we started. I can also finally make her climax too, which makes me quite happy. Obviously getting to know each other, feeling more relaxed and comfortable also plays a big part. Still a long way to be 100% healed but at least we can now have regular intercourse!

Fortunately for me my gf has been extremely supportive during the bad times, and the relationship has now progressed to the next phase. It’s only been about 5 months, but we are truly starting to fall in love with each other. We take trips to places and are together a lot, she (and I) constantly talk about things for us to do in the future, etc…). For the first time in years I feel genuinely happy and feel loved by someone that I also care a lot about and, surprisingly, it’s not my abusive cheating ex-wife… The shit you put up with when you are “in love” with someone. Took me more than a year and finding someone else to truly open my eyes and get over it…

I don’t know how much nofap helped me, but I’m sure it did a lot for me and made things go in the right direction. Definitely helped me be happier, more confident and regain my sex life. Seriously guys, addiction to porn is not worth it, it’s like being addicted to a drug, it’s not the real thing and it will only make you miserable while you starve for real human love and interaction.

Thanks again to the community and good luck in your journey fellow fapstronauts.

TL;DR: NoFap made me happier, boosted my confidence, helped me consolidate the relationship with my new girl, and is gradually giving me my real sex life back 🙂

LINK – 51 Days: ED gone, new life with my new gf.

by ThreeMillionYears


55 Days, from PIED to doing it twice in a row in only two months, wow…

I’ll keep it short because I posted a few days ago with my improvement already. It’s been two months since I started due to pretty bad ED and performance anxiety during sex (we barely could have intercourse) with my new gf, after being single for one year and a half, with crazy PMO addiction.

It’s been two months now. Yesterday my girlfriend came by during my work break (i work from home) to go for a 45 min run, but we ended up having sex instead… for 90 min. ED is completely gone now, I’m out of the flatline, I feel amazing, and for the first time in my life I did it twice in a row with orgasm in both, with a 10 min rest in between. Also lasted a good amount of time during the second one. She climaxed twice too. I just looked at myself while doing it and couldn’t believe what I was seeing… For those that didn’t ready my post I finally was able to have normal intercourse just 2-3 weeks ago and it’s just been getting better each time.

What can I say, I am the happiest man in the planet right now, compared to how depressed and worried about my ED I was just 2 months ago. (Check my posts if you want to know more). And of course my gf is extremely happy with me too (at an emotional level too!). Also I look at her now and I find her to be stunningly beautiful, compared to some months ago. I guess that’s what happens when you fall in love and your brain is not broken :p

I hope I can inspire some fellow fapstronauts in their journeys, especially those suffering from PIED, performance anxiety and overall poor sex quality in bed. The secret to a great happier life and real sex is definitely quitting porn and stopping fapping, at least if it causing you problems, until you are fully rebooted and even then I would stay away from it. Your dopamine receptors will gradually heal and your normal sex life and libido will naturally come back.

PS: In my case I’m 33, didn’t start PMO until late teens, and had a normal/ok sex life before, so I think it took a shorter time. But still, my PMO period lasted 2 years.

TL;DR: Sex life keeps getting better, for the first time in my life I had sex twice in a row and lasted enough to make my girl climax. Thanks NOFAP.


60 day nofap with amazing results, then I relapsed and things are getting bad

I wanted to briefly share my story with nofap. I started nofap because I was dating a new girl after my painful divorce, and I was suffering from performance anxiety and PIED during sex (I had had a good sex life for the past 10 years before that).

My new girl was really understanding and patient through this. I started nofap/pornfree and did it without relapse for about 2 months (it was actually easy after the first week). My ED was gone and sex became amazing and we both now enjoy it a lot (she orgasms much more than my wife ever did, and we have sex one to three times a night/morning, which is more than I was used to before). And of course I also got all the side benefits of nofap: increased testosterone, much happier, depression gone, increased social skills, wanting to go out all the time, finally forgot about my ex-wife…

Fast forward 2 months later. Things are going great between us, but I relapsed and started using porn and fapping again because I was feeling comfortable. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking. All my energy, happiness, love, and even somewhat my feelings for her are disappearing as I fap day after day, except when the days we have sex. What’s really worrying me is that all this fapping has brought up memories of my ex-wife and how hot she was (even though she was the worst person you could imagine…) and the depression associated with her.

She loves me very much and deserves much better, so from today I’m resetting my badge and starting my body/mind reboot again. Incredible how damaging fap+porn can be to the human brain.

TL;DR: did nofap successfully for 2 months, got rid of ED and started having amazing sex. Then relapsed again and saw fap/porn slowly take over my life again. Today I restart my nofap journey. What I learnt: Once an addict always an addict.