I just reached 90 days PMO-free as of 7:00 PM EST. Though my life is far from perfect, nofap has helped tremendously. I had two final exams today and did fine on both of them. I was PMO’ing at the beginning of the semester and that was affecting my grades.
Nofap has definitely helped with that but it was hard to recover from such a rough start. My two finals were in calculus and chemistry. The weird thing about Calculus I is that it’s the only math class I’ve ever taken that gets easier as the semester progresses. Everything builds upon itself. I guess it could be a metaphor for my nofap journey. The longer I go without PMO, the further I grow apart from it. Now back on the subject of calculus, I had a C going in to this exam and I imagine I got a C on it. I almost never got below a B back in grade school, but at least I can go on to Calc II next semester.
I went into the chemistry final with a D and there’s a good chance I’m going to have to retake it next semester. For anybody who doesn’t know, the ACS is the final exam you take in chemistry and it’s very hard. I did an ACS practice exam this morning and got a 61%. The practice exam was actually the ACS from 2009. I felt like the actual ACS was a bit easier than the practice one. It’s possible I could’ve gotten a C on it, but I’m going to sign up for next semester’s class anyway.
Outside of those two classes, life is good. I might get my first job here soon and I’m going to the Peach Bowl on New Years. I’m in the marching band so I get guaranteed access. During my freshman year of high school. My school band along with several others played at the Sugar Bowl during halftime. I didn’t go but I watched the game on TV. I’m kinda glad I didn’t go because you only saw the show for about three seconds. The good thing about the Peach Bowl is that I get to see my own team play and it’s in the new Mercedes-Benz Stadium. And [FACT] Atlanta is better than New Orleans anyway.
90 days is not the end for me. I’ve made lots of progress so far and there is a lot more progress to make. Because of nofap, I can quit negative habits much easier than I did before. I have the motivation to accomplish the things I want. Before nofap, I was directionless and had no purpose in life. The only things that excited me were porn, video games, and YouTube. Surprisingly, quitting video games and YouTube were a lot easier than quitting PMO: despite the fact that I consumed both of them for hours a day for years. These past 90 days are just the beginning because I’m never going back to PMO. The nofap journey is like a mission to space. At 90 days, you’ve just escaped Earth’s gravity and the whole galaxy is there for you to explore. I’m not leaving this site just yet as I’m still not completely cured (and still don’t know if I’ll ever be 100% cured). Good luck to everybody else on their journey!
LINK – Day 90 At Last