
A Skeptical Look at NPR’s Dismissive Answer [Note: this article is a year old. We were so disgusted by NPR’s shoddy journalism (using as its source a close ally of the porn industry’s “Free Speech Coalition”) as well as its treachery in willfully ignoring key facts of which it was repeatedly informed, that we didn’t […]
This page is for journalists and other investigators who may have read assertions that Dr. Prause is a victim. NOTE: This page was originally written by the late Gary Wilson. However, the YBOP team has updated it a bit. Therefore the style and voice are uneven in places. Mere claims, no matter how vivid or […]
Comment: YourBrainOnPorn.com has long understood the value of self-reports in revealing the risks of new technologies, such as free internet porn. There are thousands of such self-reports on this website. Sexology researchers suggested that such self-reports were “worthless anecdotes.” Now, however, a top “Nature” journal has determined that self-reports are superior to various other research […]
Read More… from Self-reports are better measurement instruments than implicit measures
They describe the book as a compassionate resource for anyone struggling with problematic porn use. They also mention the smear campaign against porn critics like Wilson and others by Big Porn’s “mafia.” The discussion refers to these peer-reviewed articles documenting the porn industry’s appalling attacks on Wilson, YBOP and others who point to evidence of […]
Mary Sharpe from The Reward Foundation talks to @LeeAlanHall about the damage online porn does to health and relationships. She also tells how the multi-billion dollar porn industry suppresses research on these issues from reaching the public. They do this by using the famous ‘playbook’ PR tactics to create doubt about how porn can cause […]
Slate Magazine amplifies porn-industry-connected disinformation without even acknowledging glaring conflicts of interest in its sole professional informant According to Gallup polling, Americans are near a record low in trust in mainstream media—with only 7% of people in recent polls indicating a “great deal” of trust and confidence in the media (and 27% “a fair amount”)—compared […]
Read More… from Slate Magazine Joins Illustrious List of Outlets Promoting Porn Industry Propaganda
YBOP COMMENTS A big part of the “porn playbook” is defamation and harassment of those who speak about the harms of porn or problems in the porn industry. The most egregious porn industry shill is sexologist and former academic Nicole Prause (mentioned in Gabe’s video). In 2013 former UCLA researcher Nicole Prause began openly […]
Read More… from Porn Playbook: Deny, Disinform and Defame (video)
Paul Wright PhD is a highly regarded, prolific pornography researcher. Apparently, he’s tired – as are many others in this field – of the deceptive tactics employed by some of the notoriously agenda-driven sexology researchers in the field (and their biased refereeing of papers). He highlights two of their stratagems in separate Letters to the […]
Read More… from Paul Wright, PhD Calls Out Porn Researchers’ Questionable Tactics (2021)
Wright, P.J. Arch Sex Behav 50, 387–392 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-020-01902-9 “Let it go, let it go Can’t hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door” (Elsa – Disney’s Frozen) The wisdom of Elsa’s self-admonition to let go of her attempts at overcontrol struck me as an important life-lesson […]
Read More… from Overcontrol in Pornography Research: Let it Go, Let it Go… (2021) by Paul J. Wright