Estudi: baixos desigs sexuals i trastorns de l'ejaculació més elevats en usuaris de pornografia joves a Internet

Urology professor Carlo Foresta, President of the Italian Society of Reproductive Pathophysiology, has completed a study on 893 young people between 18 and 20. Low sexual desire and ejaculation disorders were higher in regular internet pornography users.

Marijuana users had the highest rates of disorders.

The data collected by the research team showed that 78% of young people regularly consumed porn online. 29% of respondents said they used internet porn at least monthly; 63% more than once a week and 8% accessed pornographic sites daily or even several times a day. Typically, a visit lasted approximately 20-30 minutes. 

10% of the young people felt they had become dependent on (addicted to) porn use. It appears that sexual behavior is compromised in about a quarter of those who use more than once a week.

Enllaços relacionats:

Dr. Foresta Interview (en italià)