Reduir el fet de trencar i abandonar la pornografia ha canviat completament la meva vida durant els darrers tres anys.

I have been attempting No Fap on and off for the last three years. My greatest streak is currently 45 days. This is not good enough.

Cutting down on fapping and giving up porn has completely changed my life over the last three years. My motivation and energy has been sky high. I found confidence with women, confidence with friends. I even graduated with a prestigious award from my department head.

However, I know deep down that my fortnightly fapping has been keeping me back from tapping into my full potential. I want to go beyond. I want more. And I believe that this streak will be it. My first 90 day streak.

That is my promise to you all.

I am beyond grateful to the no fap community. It has already given me so much. And its time I completed the ultimate challenge.

Pau i Amor

Stay Strong Together

And Sorry For Being Overly Dramatic 

ENLLAÇ - Completed Masters Degree. The Real Challenge is Here.

by abudaaa1