La sobreexpressió de Delta JunD en el nucli accumbens impedeix la recompensa sexual en hàmsters sirians femenins (2013)

Genes Brain Behav. 2013 Jun 22. doi: 10.1111/gbb.12060.

Estat LE, Cobertures VL, Vialou V, Nestler EJ, Meisel RL.


University of Minnesota, Department of Neuroscience, 6-145 Jackson Hall, 321 Church Street, Minneapolis, MN, 55455, USA.


Motivated behaviors, including sexual experience, activate the mesolimbic dopamine system and produce long-lasting molecular and structural changes in the nucleus accumbens. The transcription factor ΔFosB is hypothesized to partly mediate this experience-dependent plasticity.

Previous research in our laboratory has demonstrated that overexpressing ΔFosB in the nucleus accumbens of female Syrian hamsters augments the ability of sexual experience to cause the formation of a conditioned place preference. It is unknown, however, whether ΔFosB-mediated transcription in the nucleus accumbens is required for the behavioral consequences of sexual reward.

We therefore used an adeno-associated virus to overexpress ΔJunD, a dominant negative binding partner of ΔFosB that decreases ΔFosB-mediated transcription by competitively heterodimerizing with ΔFosB before binding at promotor regions on target genes, in the nucleus accumbens.

We found that overexpression of ΔJunD prevented the formation of a conditioned place preference following repeated sexual experiences. Aquestes dades, quan s'uneixen a les nostres conclusions anteriors, suggereixen que ∆FosB és necessari i suficient per a la plasticitat del comportament després de l'experiència sexual. A més, aquests resultats contribueixen a un important i creixent cos de literatura que demostra la necessitat d’expressió ousFosB endògena al nucli accumbens per respondre de forma adaptativa a estímuls gratificants naturals.

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