Tuổi 21 - Giảm lo âu xã hội. Tăng năng lượng. Tăng năng suất. Tăng can đảm (đây là một điều lớn)

Made it to 40 days, second longest streak, but probably the best so far. The reason being is that I have concrete goals I want to achieve, and the morals to back them.

So far are the benefits;

  1. Giảm lo lắng xã hội.
  2. Tăng năng lượng.
  3. Increased productivity (although this could still do some serious work)
  4. Increased Courage (This is a big one)

What has transpired over this time frame;
-Currently enlisted
-Picked up four hobbies; BJJ, Chess, Cooking and drawing, all of which are being actively pursued.

Progress has been minimal but glad to see the results so far. Next goal is 60 days and looking to consolidate routines and better habits by then.

LIÊN KẾT - 40 Day Progress Report

by Nathaniel858