Ouderdom 21 – Het sedert ek 16 was gesukkel met pornoverslawing

Gelukkige jong paartjie

I’m 21 and I had always struggled with porn addiction since I was about 16. I would masturbate at least once every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I was addicted to the 10 seconds of pleasure from getting that nut off. A major problem that stemmed from my addiction was failure in the bedroom. I had never been able to get and maintain erections with women because my brain only associated pleasure with porn. It had really impacted my relationships and I would be incredibly scared to engage in sexual activities with women. That was until I started to restrain from watching porn. I had failed many times trying to do this but eventually i stuck it out.

The dreaded flatline

After about 10 days my urges had disappeared and I had flatlined. I felt no sensation in my penis and it was extremely worrying . I had found this girl that i fell in love with but every time we would try to have sex my member wasn’t working and it really put a strain on our relationship. Slowly but surely after about three months, i became a horny bastard again. We have been fucking like jackrabbits the past two weeks and the wait was entirely worth it. She is an absolute angel for hearing my problems and sticking around with me. It is very important that you explain to your partners your addiction and how they can assist you. I don’t look at every woman in a sexual way now and it has really helped my mental state. ask me any questions below i’d be happy to answer.

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Flatline: My flatline lasted about 25 days. I have also fallen for the “is this thing still working” trap a few times and that really screwed me up. something that helped me a lot was having my partner give me a blowjob or handjob even if it didn’t make me finish or give me a full erection. it tricked my brain into believing that the only way i was going to orgasm was through her or some type of sexual act that wasn’t porn. I am sure that the road to recovery seems non existent and very far away but I promise you it gets better I never thought i’d be fixed but here I am.

LINK - 3 Months of NoFap

Deur - u/SunDevil00

As jy sukkel met pornografiese verslawing of 'n porno-geïnduseerde seksuele disfunksie, ondersteun jou reis om pornografie op te hou. Snuffel duisende herstel selfverslae om te leer wat diegene wat herstel het, ervaar het: Herstel van Rekeninge Bladsy 1Herstel van Rekeninge Bladsy 2 en Herlaai rekeninge bladsy 3.