The Other Porn Experiment (2012)

The Other Porn Experiment


Article: What Can Informal Control Groups of Former Porn Users Show Us?

The widespread use of Internet porn has been one of the fastest-moving, most global experiments ever unconsciously conducted. But it’s not the only groundbreaking porn experiment going on today. Devastated by sexual performance problems or other crippling symptoms (such as morphing sexual tastes, loss of attraction to real mates, and uncharacteristic desire to isolate), users are taking the initiative. They are conducting their own counter-experiments by the thousands.

By stopping porn use and sharing their “findings” publicly, these guys are, in effect, the missing control group. They are the non-porn users that researchers say they can’t produce. (In 2009, when researcher Simon Louis Lajeunesse attempted to investigate the effects of Internet porn on college guys, he couldn’t find any who weren’t using it.) Why do control groups matter? Imagine if all guys started smoking heavily at age 10 and there were no groups who didn’t. We’d all assume respiratory disease and lung cancer were normal for guys.

In the case of Internet porn, usage is nearly universal among today’s young males. Without control groups, it has been hard to know which, if any, of their diverse symptoms might be arising from years of continuous Internet porn use.

Informal control groups to the rescue

But for the last decade, humanity has had a way of comparing Internet erotica use with non-use on a wide scale. Sure, it’s not ideal. It’s not double-blind and it’s not randomized. But this new informal experiment has its own advantages that many formal studies lack: It is international, very large, public, and growing. Thousands of experimenters have sprung up in all kinds of forums where men congregate: bodybuilding sites, pick-up artist sites, information sites, sports sites, porn-recovery forums, etc., and the threads are often thousands of posts long.

My mindset has definitely shifted. I was never thinking that porn would cause problems for me but it did and quitting porn use confirmed this.

One active pocket of explorers is on, a popular hangout for today’s youngish Internet-savvy males. Most of is militantly pro-porn use, which makes the 380,000+ Reddit “[No] Fapstronauts” bold indeed. (A Fapstronaut describes the Reddit 90-day challenge.) Or if you prefer to avoid Reddit, check out and

For the uninitiated, “fapping” is slang for masturbating to Internet porn. Most young men in the Reddit generation have not masturbated without the aid of the Internet, so for them porn and masturbation are synonymous. In fact, many are surprised to discover that, when they give up Internet porn and their brains return to normal sensitivity, climax without porn is a more sensual, satisfying experience.

Porn-loving detectives at work

Why would a porn-loving guy quit? Symptoms vary, but most guys quit only because they figure out that they may have developed porn-related sexual dysfunction. Two guys explain:

Guy 1: When I started no-fap, I couldn’t even get hard on porn. That is how addicted I was. Watching porn had become a daily habit for me, not something I did because I was horny.

Guy 2: I noticed my behavior and mojo would change depending on if/when I fapped, yet still I heard all around me that masturbating/porn is normal and healthy. But I had difficulty finishing with my girlfriends. I actually faked orgasm to hide this, and dreaded [receiving oral sex] without using my hands. To fix it, I’d not fap until after I met them for sex.

What kinds of improvements do no-fappers report?

Rebooter from our forum: I’ve just reached 5 weeks of no porn, no masturbation. I’m over the flu-like [withdrawal] symptoms and I’ve started hitting the weights again. It feels good to be squatting again. ROAR! The insomnia has gotten better, though there are still restless nights, but my quality of sleep has improved dramatically. I’ve also noticed some morning wood. Redditor: I don’t mean to come across as melodramatic, but suicide was a serious daily contemplation. I hated other people, who seemed so cheery, and was just angry and frustrated. [Quitting porn] has changed me for the better. I feel like life is once again worth living.

Discovering real mates

Others are rediscovering what it’s like to enjoy social interactions and be attracted to real mates. They are finding out what full erections are. Most impressively, they learn how great intercourse feels to a brain that is no longer desensitized. Many report improvements in confidence, mental clarity, charisma, vocal quality, self-respect, and ability to socialize and flirt. They feel like themselves again, or perhaps for the first time. After all, a fish only grasps the concept of water when it leaves it behind. In short, the very symptoms psychologist Philip Zimbardo describes in his short TED talk about the effects of “Internet arousal addiction” are receding in these “test subjects.” (Note: As of 2018 the World Health Organization plans to add both gaming disorder and compulsive sexual behavior disorder to the world’s most widely used diagnostic manual.)

Distressing news from The Other Porn Experiment

The only worrying bit of data from the informal control groups is that porn addicts who cut their teeth on highspeed are not recovering their sexual performance as quickly as those who engaged in courtship/mating behaviors with real partners before they dove into highspeed (see – Young Porn Users Need Longer To Recover Their Mojo). This is more evidence that today’s porn has different effects on some brains from static porn of the past.

Unfortunately, this generally means that a younger guy with sexual performance problems can expect a slower recovery than a guy who has been using porn far longer. Adolescent brains with early access to limitless highspeed porn appear to be more vulnerable to its effects than older brains. This phenomenon is consistent with the unique features of the adolescent brain, and the way brains prune back unused circuitry by adulthood, possibly leaving some porn fans stranded with a stronger attraction to pixels than real partners.

Existing research on Internet porn

Most questionnaire-based porn research has fallen into two categories. (We’re not speaking of the recent Internet addiction brain research that includes porn use too.)

  1. Has Internet porn caused an increase in crime, rape, and other irrelevant data?
  2. How does the user “feel” about porn?

As for 1: Stats show a rise in rape rates in recent years, despite the fact that excessive Internet porn use actually takes the starch out of many guys.

As for 2, guess what? Porn users like porn. Most see no problem with it. More important, they assume it’s not creating any negative consequences (and it may not be). But if you are 22, and all you have ever known from age 11 is daily Internet porn use, how do you know whether it is connected with symptoms (if any)?

Most guys only figure out what’s going on if they experiment with stopping:

I’m a 16-year-old boy/man. When I was young I was carefree. But as I grew older I started to become extremely depressed, unmotivated and shy. I’ve only recently realised how much being addicted to porn and masturbation (since I was 12) has affected my life. I feel like I’ve wasted enough of my life at this point, and I’m determined to stop this addiction. The first time I realised that abstaining from masturbation has many benefits was about two months ago. I went almost two weeks. I felt extremely confident and found it really easy to talk to girls and people I didn’t know. In fact, the first time I intentionally went without masturbation, I fell in love.

Student, 22 – My friends and I were inspired by the Seinfeld episode “The Contest” and by “40 Days and 40 Nights” (both comedies about trying to temporarily stop masturbating). Just the challenge of it was fun, but I also found that my interest in girls lined-up properly with reality. Instead of daydreaming about doing a pornstar in some crazy position, I planned exactly how I’d ask the girl-next-door to the Valentine’s dance. Anyway, I went to college (and started watching porn again), and my education never took off, and my dating/sex-life never took off. I eventually dropped out and worked for a few years, and now I’m back at college. I feel like my life almost passed me by. More self-reports

American Society of Addiction Medicine

A new control group from The Other Porn Experiment

The glaring knowledge gap left by the absence of formal control groups has actually already been closed by addiction specialists. However, the mainstream media has been slow to catch up with this development. In 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (doctors and researchers) declared that addiction is one disease, not many. ASAM specifically stated sexual behavior addictions are as real as drug addictions. And they say that all addictions can be assessed the same way.

Since then a wealth of new Internet addiction research has come out confirming that Internet addiction (1) changes brains in the same ways that other addictions do and (2) causes depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism in some users. Some research also reveals rates of addiction in young male Internet users that are more than twice the rates of drug and alcohol use in the population.

Good news

Incidentally, if you’re hooked, be optimistic. Some internet addiction studies have found reversal of some addiction-related brain changes.

Still, without easy-to-understand research that isolates Internet porn use, includes control groups, and leads to simple headlines, it has been challenging for mainstream journalists to grasp, or report accurately on, the significance for porn users of recent Internet addiction research. Some inadvertently misled readers by implying that researchers have investigated porn users’ brains and found nothing. This risks perpetuating a false sense of safety in those who begin to notice symptoms.

Moreover, some academics have been quick to assert that the only possible conclusion (in the absence of the ideal controlled studies), is that Internet porn has no harmful effects. Huh? This position creates risk for addicts, who generally seize upon any excuse to continue using, as well as for adolescents whose brains are particularly vulnerable and whose impulse control has not yet fully developed.

One single variable from The Other Porn Experiment

Today’s informal control groups are showing us just how profoundly highspeed porn alters the lives of users. They are all the people whose brains are sensitive to the stimulation of constant novelty-at-a-click. By removing the single variable of frequent highspeed porn use, vital, illuminating data are being collected and shared informally. Lives are transforming. Browse thousands of recovery self-reports to learn what those who’ve recovered have experienced.

Gravity existed before anyone figured it out. So did the hazards of smoking. So do the symptoms of Internet porn overuse. Wide scale human experience can reveal important insights, even when science is immobilized by sexual politics and the impossibility of finding porn virgins. Anecdotal evidence becomes experimental evidence when thousands of people alter only one variable and see remission of common symptoms.

Thanks to the control groups now crystallizing on the web, guys are no longer flying (or fapping) blind.

In the Comments section below are over 1,000 posts from porn recovery forums (YBOP has no forum). These guys are experimenting with giving up porn, masturbation, or both. Many claim they are not addicted to porn. They are part of The Other Porn Experiment.

To understand the possible neurobiology behind many of these benefits, see Porn, Masturbation and Mojo: A Neuroscience Perspective

1,017 thoughts on “The Other Porn Experiment (2012)

  1. From reddit – NoFap – 90 days

    Wow. It’s been one hell of a ride. 90 days you guys, and I finally made it! It’s been tough, but these last 90 days have been awesome for me.

    Of all the changes I’ve experienced, here’s a few I can think of off the top of my head.

    • Increased sex drive (easier arousal, more genuinely turned on by women in all aspects instead of objectifying them)
    • Higher quality social interactions with everyone! Guys and girls alike.
    • More energy
    • More confidence

    It’s been an amazing 90 days guys! I’ve kept my entries down because I wanted to stay away from temptation (the internet), but I couldn’t have done this thing without this community! Thank you all!

  2. A guy who reduced porn to once a week –

    Since limiting my porn+masturbation to once a week (every Sunday), I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my life. Longer eye contact with people, feeling a little more confident, more energy to be social, yesterday I was happy for no reason and started dancing all the way up my stairs into my apartment…wouldn’t happen if I had masturbated the night before. If you have any form of social anxiety or aren’t completely satisfied with your social life, you’re selling yourself short to continue using porn+masturbation every night. First try to go 7 days without porn+masturbating and see the effects for yourself, if you have the will power then try your best to limit porn+masturbation to once or twice a week…it can be a rewarding experience for some (including myself)

  3. From reddit – NoFap

    Hi guys and gals of NoFap,

    I’m 2 weeks into nofap and noporn. I decided to quit fapping and porn for life, a decision that’s impossible to regret. What I wanted to share is what I feel.

    When I wake up till when I go back to bed I have this deep rooted urge. This drive, this hunger for life, for sex, for girls, for power, for kicking ass. It feels as if i’m propelled forward by a fire in my pelvis, in my balls. Now that i’ve quit this artificial thing called porn, given up on artificial food and as many artificial stimuli that are disposable, I feel amazing.

    It feels as I’m a step closer to my viking ancestors, driven by hunger and lust for adventure to foreign shores. Undertaking more daring things every day, smithing a desire to build my empire. Seeing storms on the horizon but steering boldly forward into the belly of the beast. I share the urge to plant my flagpole in fertile soil. We shall harry the coasts where our docile and weak counterparts lay idle and live vicariously through porn and other distractions. And they will not know what hit them, for when they were fapping, we were sharpening our swords and hoisting our sails. We shall steal away their finest women and leave them the scraps of our tables. I have found a new source of pride and confidence in taming my inner waves of lust. And I’m building my longboat to ride those waves into valhalla.

    I raise my sword for you, my brethren , and for valhalla.

  4. From reddit – NoFap
    Day Ten: Being myself.

    I met a girl during my fap period. I kind of liked her. Hung out a few times, but nothing really manifested in the way of a relationship. I basically got friend-zoned. The thing is, I was never comfortable in my own skin around her. Even in the friend zone. I was never myself. Kind of always kicking myself for saying or doing things that were way out of character. I was just flailing around. We’ve stayed friends because of common interests.

    Yesterday I had lunch with her. I know I’m only 10 days in, but man, the conversation was just easy. It’s like doing this has put me back in touch with myself. If I know myself I know exactly what to say and when to say it. I didn’t really care how she took what I was saying because it was the truth. If she didn’t like it, that’s her problem. I’m allowed to have my own thoughts and opinions. We all are. It didn’t even come to that and we had one of the best conversations we’ve ever had.

    I know this is a small victory. I had a conversation with a friend, big deal right? But I can’t help but feel a little pride. What I’ve learned is I’m still in here, I’ve been buried under some clutter, but I’m here.

  5. from medhelp thread

    Today is a day 53 without PMO. But now things taking big turn. The urge of M&P is not strong but the urge of Sex is too strong to resist. It makes me crazy. I am always horny now. I just dont want to think about it but even if someone talking about girls makes me horny. thats weird…I feel restless all the time, i feel frustrated and i feel like my body wants me to just DO SOMETHING. i dont know what is happening to it normal??

    anyone has similar experience?? 

    2 months before it was totally different . But now the desire of sex is very intense. After 50 days of abstaining from PMO i realized one thing that sexual power is really powerful ,the way it changes your thinking is really strange it can actually control your mind, the way you act.

    and one more thing.. i am always scared of approaching girls(even now) but anyway i asked a girl out this weekend but she rejected me but in a nice didnt feel bad.i’ll try again.      

  6. From reddit – NoFap
    POSITIVE CHANGES Observed After 10 Days.

    I’ve been at PMO-ing compulsively ever since a young age and honestly, I have to say that it destroyed almost every aspect of my life from the way I look, my attitude towards life and mental capacities such as my memory and focus.

    Well fellow Fapstronauts, I’m proud to say that this is the first time I’ve hit a 2 digit in my push to keep porn and fap free and I must say that these are several positive changes I’ve observed:

    • I feel a whole lot less sluggish.
    • I ALIVE and HAPPY for no apparent reason.
    • My complexion seems to be improving.
    • One on the girls in my class commented on how my eyes ‘seemed nicer’. Maybe it’s because i don’t look so dead anymore.

    Well, yeah, that’s about it I think. I’ll be sure to update all of you within the next 10 days! Keep fighting the fight!

  7. From reddit – NoFap
    So, 4 weeks of nofap, breaking a 3 month long 3 day spell?

    I’ve finally broken out of the 3 day circle I was in! Now I have enough experience now to simply confirm that fapping makes your skills with women worse, and, naturally, not fapping makes them better if you’re fapping in the first place. It clogs your mind in many unnecessary ways. But I had a 46 days streak, where everything was great, but then I fell into a pattern for a few months, and without me noticing it really, my skills with girls gradually declined.

    Now I’ve talked to several girls in the last weeks, and suddenly there has been a spark between us, more or less intense. This is the stuff I am nofapping for man! Also, I’ve gotten a lot more creatively active, and I’m making music again. I even think my voice might be better than before! 😀 Say what you want to, but for me, this shit works. I’ve experienced it, felt a huge difference between the nofapping and fapping way of life. Stay strong, for victory is in sight!

  8. From reddit – NoFap

    Unexpected positive effect

    My struggles are far from being finished but I noticed a very cool positive effect these last days. No, my dick didn’t double in size, I still have my anxiety induced by flatlining and energy levels aren’t “through the roof”.


    I’m freaking calm all the time. I’m not even sure I appear calm because I still can seem pissed or tired or stressed. But deep inside I do feel some kind of an ocean of calmness. It’s like I discovered Buddhism.

    Before when I struggled in a social situation I was like “Omg omg omg omg what do I do now?” Now it’s more like “I ran out of stuff to say, oh well.” or “Oh, I’m stressed, this will pass“.

  9. From reddit – NoFap
    Today is day 15, and here are my results.

    Let me tell you what’s happened to me during the past two weeks. I went from being s depressed unproductive lump everyday to taking two online classes (not for credit, for FUN, holy shit) and keeping up with them, working more on a project than I even have been able to before, brushing my teeth twice every day and cleaning up my house regularly, getting up before eleven (semi) regularly, and appreciating my beautiful girlfriend even more.

    Here’s the best thing: yesterday, I found myself bored. Not bored like I used to be, like oh I have nothing to do, why does life suck so much right now. No, bored like wow, I literally have done everything I planned to do today, I have nothing else left to do, what do I do know? It was a feeling that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. It felt great, it felt like I had improved my life, and it felt like I had genuinely accomplished something.

  10. this is phenomenal

    LINK to Nofap

    I discovered this page as well as YBOP three weeks ago and immediately went on a ten day streak without PM but had intermittent sex with my girlfriend. On day 10 though, chaser struck and I relapsed once. Ever since, i.e. for the past 11 days, I’ve gone completely without any PMO whatsoever (girlfriend gone traveling for now, it will be difficult to keep up no-O in about two weeks from now, which is definitely what I want for the time being…any tips how best to sell this?).

    To sum up, the results have been AWESOME. Much more motivation and energy for work, exercise and housework, brainfog and mental fatigue gone and replaced by a clarity of mind and an ability to concentrate that I haven’t experienced for at least the past two years. I work in academia (theoretical economics), so my mental energy means everything to me and after trying to optimize and fix things along many lines with little effect (diet (now a well-planning and diligent Paris-exception vegan), supplements (Vit D, Zinc, Mag, B complex, L-Tyrosine, Creatine), exercise (running, weights), quitting coffee, sleeping well, cold showers etc.), I resorted to diverse stimulants and nootropics to be able to continue producing at least acceptable results (but nothing like what got me where I currently am or like what will keep me here, I was definitely on a downward trajectory in terms of productivity and stimulants always made it worse after a few weeks or months so I was never satisfied with them at all). I am 28 years old and started PMO at around 18, but until about two years ago without any apparent side effects. Over the years I usually combined a once-a-day PMO habit with girlfriends that added another 3-4 times weekly of O to that bill. Thank god I’ve never experienced any ED symptoms yet, but judging by what I’ve read here and elsewhere, this would have been only a matter of time… That said the brainfog and lack of motivation where more than enough to take for me already, it has been miserable and I never understood why all this happened to me, given I was eating on average much healthier, working out much more and generally living much cleaner than most of the people in my environment who didn’t seem to have these problems. And looking at my own past self I was also sure (or at least hopeful?) I could do better than what had become my new normal. Thank you NoFap for showing me that I haven’t been wrong.

    Now 11 days is way to short to conclude anything of course, and my original intention was to wait with my post until my 90 days are completed. But the progress even after as little as 11 days (or 21 if you count that first streak in) has been so overwhelming, so I needed to share my exuberance. I sincerely hope things don’t come crashing down too soon? I haven’t been flatlining yet and am not quite sure what to expect in terms of motivation/energy during that time. But I’m almost positive it can’t be much worse than before NoFap in the long run, so I’ll stick with NoFap for at least my 90 days, this is as certain as the existence of gravity. No rationalizations, no second thoughts. I am partly also writing this post to remind myself at any future date of the great benefits I’ve had in only two weeks and that nothing is worth giving this up again.

    Now that I’ve made abundantly clear my positives, I will say that I also noticed some of the usual negatives, albeit nowhere near negative enough to justify reconsidering NoFap:

    • blue, achy balls around days 5-9
    • some withdrawal symptoms around days 2-4 (like quitting coffee, mild head aches, slightly moody etc.)
    • occasional fights against temptation (still happening, but totally manageable, just wait and don’t do it, or distract yourself with exercise or something)
    • somewhat more compulsive internet behavior (checking news etc.), not sure if this is purely subjective though

    Lastly, one benefit I have DEFINITELY and beyond a doubt experienced is a different, more positive reaction from girls. More eye-contact from strangers, more flirtatious behavior from female friends/acquaintances (last Friday I almost cheated on my gf with a really cute co-worker after a department social at a bar but luckily somehow excused myself last minute; I never cheated on any of my girlfriends, so this would have left my NoFap trial with a definite bitter aftertaste…). I have no idea what the connection is here, and to be honest never quite believed this when I read it on NoFap before seeing it for myself. But I swear to god I am observing it most every day now.

    At any rate, I’ll be back with more experiences as day 90 draws nearer, hopefully as positive as the ones I am relating here.

    Please feel free to ask anything, though I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer after only 11 days, but I will try my best.



  11. Awesome Physical Changes.
    Hello fellow Fapstronauts,

    I’ve been trapped in the PMO cycle for as long as I realized I had any anatomy to work with. Being 26 now, it’s absolutely amazing to me how many thousands (if not tens of thousands) of hours of my life I’ve pissed away looking at pixels. I look back at the girlfriends I’ve had, and the times I would forgo time with a real human being in favor of sitting alone, PMOing, and feeling ashamed of myself.

    I started NoFap simply because I was sick of the amount of time I was wasting essentially doing nothing. I was surprised to see I wasn’t the only one who fell into the trap of watching their life pass them by, and being downright pissed off about it. I had tried a number of times to stop in the past, but always fell back down the well of PMO worse than before, and usually after only a couple of days. Also, I’ve had a couple resets (I’m honest about these things), but it’s been about 5 weeks now that I’ve been following NoFap and I feel stronger now than I ever have before.

    When I first started, I was worried that a lot of the beneficial effects would merely be placebo, but I’m witnessing physical changes greater than I would have ever imagined. I’m sure a good chunk of the benefits are the result of not being in a drowsy fog from constant PMO, but I would have never imagined results like this!

    1. Deeper, more confident voice. I used to stammer and mumble pretty severely when speaking in front of groups of people, and my nervousness would lead me to speak in a higher pitched tone. A couple weeks ago, I gave a speech in front of 150 people. My voice was clear, confident, and deeper than it has ever been before. Fuck yes.
    2. Added 40 pounds to my bench press in 5 weeks. I’m sure a good chunk of this can be attributed to simply having the energy to exercise more, but these are gains I never could have imagined. In college, when I was lifting 3-5 times per week, I could never get past the 225 plateau. In the post-college days I’d lost a good deal of my strength, and could get 1 or 2 reps off at 205 on my best days. I was almost in disbelief when I finished my second rep of 245. I have NEVER seen a gain like that, and I’m not taking anything (except a healthy diet).
    3. Ability to 10 miles, and not over the course of a week. I’ve always hated doing cardio. As a slightly portly, asthmatic guy, I downright loathed it. When I was in the best shape of my life in high school and working out 2-3 hours a day, I still never ran more than a couple miles at a time. Today I ran 10 miles, and in a time I can be proud of (1 hour 50 minutes). This is something that was so far out of the realm of imagination that I’m still completely in shock.
    4. Clearer mind, better ability to concentrate. Very simply, I’ve witnessed my own ability to focus on a single task degrade over the years. I’m sure it still has a long way to go, but it is refreshing to feel like I’m in control of my thoughts and desires, and that I can move forward in accomplishing what I set out for. God damn that is a refreshing feeling.

    All this in 5 weeks, and with a couple speed bumps mixed in. I have absolutely worked my ass off, but for the first time in my life I feel like I have the time and energy to take on anything that may come my way. I feel more determined than ever to seize my life, and drive towards becoming the person I should be. I’ve been lurking for a while, but thank you to anyone who has posted their experiences. It’s what has gotten me to this far, especially at night when there isn’t much to engage me. I went from isolation, disappointment, and shame to solidarity and optimism. For that, thank you.

    TL;DR: Roughly 5 weeks into utilizing NoFap, and I feel like fucking Batman. Pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you aren’t stuck in the PMO loop

  12. from medhelp thread
    TheChieftan Jun 28, 2012

    Hi, I’m 48 and was masturbating to porn mags and internet porn for a lot more years than you have been! I’m replying to you as a lot of the guys on here are very young and I think whist what they are going through is valuble info for all sometimes someone a little older may be a closer match to what yr going through.You need to remember, if we’ve been at this for 10 years plus then to expect a recover in 3 months is hopeful to say the least. There is no pattern here or formula. For some 3 months might do it but for others it will take longer. For me I went into the withdrawal mode and honestly felt like I was coming off drugs for about 2 weeks (not that I actually know what thats like!). I was moody, headaches, angry, sad etc. The whole spectrum of emotions but I stuck with it. After about a month I went into flatline and this lasted again for a few weeks. No interest at all in anything sexual. I thought my penis had given up and gone. Towards the end of the 3rd month I started to see and feel things that I hadnt for a long number of years. Morning erection, erections for no reason during the day etc. All this gave me confidence that I was on the right track. I’m now 6 months down the line and although I’ve had 2 occasions that I went back (one was deliberate to see what would happen) I can tell u that I am a different man from 6 months ago. My energy is back, my libido is in full flight, basically I feel like a teenager again. Porn and mastrubation screwed me up for almost 20 years and I had no idea it was doing it.

    Keep going and don’t get down heartened. All that you’re feeling is perfectly normal and if u stay the course u will come out of it. 

  13. 6-month report
    Hi there guys, its been a long time since i was last in this forum.

    Just finished the sixth month mark in my reboot progress.It was really hard at first but kept getting easier and easier as the days went by.But what i can truly say has helped me immensely in this recovery process is the ability to control my thoughts.The thing is i have been suffering from an anxiety disorder and i have been a habitual worrier(just discovered it after reading a couple of articles and books as i will describe later.) as far as i can remember.Last month i decided to combat this habit of constantly worrying and so i decided to go into one of the book shops in town to see what i could get that was talking about this area.

    So i stumbled upon this book with the title”the worry solution” which talks of how worry and anxiety affects our moods and overall health.Also inside the book it shows different techniques of dealing with various unwanted thoughts using different relaxation techniques.This book has truly helped me deal with my anxiety attacks and constant worrying that comes along with these reboot process.

    I haven’t had a mate yet since i am coming from a sort of a break up (which was really hard on me) but even without a cuddling mate i am truly appreciating the benefits that come along with no pmo. My mood is great,my overall health is great since i have even added some few more pounds,and Most importantly my confidence and self-esteem has improved.I don’t know if breaking up with that girl prior to this reboot process is the reason that i have come this far but one thing is for sure, am never going back to porn again.

    Also another thing that has helped me immensely is the fact that i have changed alot of aspects in my life greatly and i have formed some new hobbies to kill away time e.g i read alot, and i have started to put more emphasis on my playing chess.I also find time to meditate which has improved my focus and concentration levels.

    Just as a parting shot, i think putting a web filter on my computer was one of the smartest decisions i have made in long while which keeps me focused when am doing my work on the computer. I think with this filter in place(which i don’t see getting rid of soon) will avoid formation of other bad habits such as internet addiction which i hear is far harder to quit than porn addiction.

  14. Hey guys,

    everything is going well. i feel great. relaxed, confident, a supreme knowing that everything will work out…even better than my expectations

    my skin looks amazing, i am visibly glowing, i naturally stand taller, my voice sounds amazing, i feel like a genius, my talking skills have improved by a long shot, people are a million times nicer to me, i handle my emotions a kajillion times better.

    there is really no words to describe how i feel. AND I AM ONLY ON DAY 49!!!!! It gets better than this?!!??!?!?!

    i wouldn’t change this experience for anything

    women are crushing on me hard. they are just in awe of my existence lol. everytime i am around women, they get nervous, they squirm, they glance, they look away, they let their guard down, they relax, they give me the deer-in-the-headlights look, or the classic doggy-bowl look. i promise you, i am not that good looking (maybe i am?). however, i feel like i am the hottest guy around. bask in my ambiance world lol. the catch 22 of this: even though i am gaining so much confidence, I FEEL SO HUMBLE. i feel incredibly meek.

    guess thats what happens when you are holding a month and half of sperm in ya testes lol.

    the best part is i dont want any of them. my first reboot goal=get women. 2nd reboot goal=find better quality women.

    they all are amazing women, dont get me wrong.

    before, i would take anything that was handed to me. now, i am a lot more picky. i want a queen. i want a beautiful, self-confident, strong but humble woman.

    i have to start socializing more and i have to start weight training soon also.

    in conclusion,

    no PMO=GREATEST life hack ever.

    life is good, God is good, prosperity and abundance for all.

  15. From reddit – NoFap


    Hy, I just want to say something about me. I’m 17 years old and I’ve been fapping to porn I guess for like 3-4 years or less don’t know there was a time when I fapped like 2-3 times a day and I had no idea that was affecting me. I had no idea what was self esteem, confidence in a man.

     I was starting high school I had really high emotions when I was trying to talk to a girl, I wasn’t making eye contact with the girl I was always looking on the walls, at her tits and she noticed that but she didn’t say nothing and also I was really agitated that you could see that. I had a bad acnee and because of that I didn’t really liked talking with anybody becuase the way I was looking.

     Only a year ago or something like that I saw this video on reddit Your Brain on Porn and that’s when I realized that masturbation was the cause for me. All the symptoms was there, no self esteem, no confidence, agitated, too afraid to say anything, always cared about what ppl think of me. I found out about this subreddit, /nofap.

    I was really trying but I couldn’t get more then 2-3 days was impossbile and then I saw a post on reddit from /gonewild and that broke me again I was watching it every single day at pics with girls and the urge was even bigger to fap right away. After that i saw pics with male+female there having sex and then I thought about me what the fuck I’m doing what is my sexual life and from there all began for me. I still watch gonewild but I don’t want to masturbate really I can control it.

     I haven’t masturbate in 12 days and I feel so good about myself, a few days ago I was with my brother at the mall checking things out about clothes and what I wanted get for myself and I see the this blond girl coming towards me and I was telling to myself I have to talk to this girl my heart was beating so fast and after she passed me I ran after her and talked with her about 10 minutes after that I invited her to a drink and she accepted, we changed numers and now shes texting me every day and she wants to go out more often. I still can’t belive this but I really think It’s my time now to lose my virginity.

    I really wish you good luck with your journey and never lose faith even if you broke from time to time.

  16. Never thought this would happen.

    LINK – Never thought this would happen.

    This is my second go at nofap, having failed about three months ago after which I gave up for a while.

    Anyway, about a week into nofap I was invited to a house party. I was enjoying myself with a few beers and a cigar. For the first time in nearly two years I was noticing girls keenly listening to what I was saying. They were touching me, smiling at me. I ended up spending a fair amount of time chatting to one girl in particular. Yesterday I ended up asking her out, and we’re getting coffee tomorrow.

    Not only that, but for the first time in years I’m feeling good about myself. I’m getting things done, carrying myself better, have a clearer mind and have nearly stopped procrastinating alltogether.

    I haven’t hit the flatline period, but all I can say is after only two weeks things are looking up, and can only continue to get better. Thanks heaps guys and soldier on.

  17. From debate about nofap
    I like this excellent explanation comparing those who have been deeply affected by porn use and other who experience less negative effects (addicted vs non-addicted).  


    Change ‘porn’ or ‘fapping’ to some other addiction, and it might be easier to see why there is so much fervor for some people.

    You are like a casual drinker who sees if he can go a month without drinking. At the end of the month, you say ‘hmmm, that wasn’t so bad, but I think I’ll go out with my buddies and have a drink’. You can do so, because you’re probably not an alcoholic.

    But many of the people on here have addictions to masturbation and/or porn. For them, they see some of the same type of life/health benefits that an alcoholic would see after a few months of being sober. The first few weeks are hard … VERY hard. And the benefits are pretty obvious.

    But for many of us, that’s because we weren’t fully functioning in society. People’s descriptions of superpowers are really just normal powers. Imagine if someone came up to you and said “dude, I’ve developed the superpower of being able to make it through the day without pissing myself”. You’d probably think they were crazy until they said “oh yeah, I am an alcoholic”. Many of the superpowers described by nofappers would sound equally laughable to someone who is not stricken by some of the social anxieties and other issues brought on by internet/porn addiction (for example, many nofappers are incredulous that without porn they’ll actually talk to women, and that women will talk back … to them, the lack of social anxiety, the ability to get an erection at 20-something, and willingness of women to recognize them are considered super powers).

    The thing about porn is that it has crept up on society as a major problem – it is easy to hide, the side effects are less obvious than drinking/drugs, and it is typically done outside of view of others. It’s often easy to spot a hardcore alcoholic, but can you spot a hardcore porn addict? The internet has made instant gratification so incredibly easy, and the rush so strong, that it is no wonder that 20,000+ people are trying to rid themselves of it.

    Second guy giving his perspective –

    I may be new at this, but if nofap can cure my ED, then I may become overzealous as well.

    Unless you have ED, have to resort to very taboo porn to get off, or are masturbating multiple times a day instead of fucking chicks, you really have no reason to bash people who have seen these problems be solved by nofap. Don’t be a douche. 

  18. After a month, much PIV success and personality change

    After a month, much PIV success (perhaps the most important reason) and personality change.

    29 y.o. male, masturbated since 7 maybe, normal porn till 15, escalating porn all the way to 29.

    So my reason for getting into this was I was so frustrated that I sometimes couldn’t get it up, and when I got it up, ejaculation rate was 10%.

    Throughout my journey, I didn’t really have the urge to look at porn, because I had an important reason (porn ED), which drove me to forget PM for good. Or it could be flatline. Though I must say, I had it rather mild (in terms of withdrawal AND flatline).

    This past week I’ve had sex quite a few times, and 4 out of 5 were PIV ejaculations. I still had to imagine my favourite fetish a wee bit, but all in all it’s still much easier to cum.

    Another plus side? I’ve become much more expressive during sex, compared to last time where I’d just do it quietly/timidly, while being expressionless because I needed to concentrate so hard on my fetish and also worry about my softening penis. Now I’m a lil more dominant, rougher, and more vocal. Also, penis stays hard without effort.

    Best decision I’ve made this year so far. Keep at it guys. The pros outweigh the cons.

  19. 50+ days, i’m 30 years old and this is what happened

    LINK – I’m 30.

    Yes i’m older than most of you, and i’ve been fapping since 13 at least 1 time per day. my porn consumption have been escalating from regular nudity to the most fucked up shit and while i’m not ashamed, i really think something was wrong with me. The last 3 years were a nightmare! i’ve been freelancing and i’ve not been very successful .. and you know what? every time an in success occurs i’ve fapped the bad feeling away. like eroins addicted do. exactly the same.

    but here we go to the good part , when i saw Your Brain On Porn ted presentation and decided to give this thing a try .. i’ve been trying to improve my willpower lately with different approaches (meditation, quit sugar and carbs, running 10km, quit smoking) .. and i felt this was an interesting challenge.

    in 50 days i accomplished:

    • i’m more secure of myself
    • flatline? not even once. au contraire, i’m having strong boners all the time just thinking about the idea of sex .. or kissing! i’m having kissing boners! that’s awesome!! i even last longer, i dont know if its related to nofap or not .. but my boner last forever, even after orgasm i can just swap the condom and go on again.
    • met a girl , kissed her, had sex with her and planning a stable relationship with her .. and that’s because of my new found confidence! i’m 100% sure of this, after 20 days of nofap i needed to get laid and i did everything i needed to do to get laid. simple.
    • i feel like i can confront people more easily but i get mad more easily too .. i’ve always been the “calm” one .. but now i get mad.. this i don’t like .. i think i need time to adapt to this new thing called testosterone.

    and that’s about it …

    tips on avoiding faptime :

    • stay away from porn, everybody says that and it’s true .. do not watch porn. for me i can still watch naked pictures .. like once every 3-4 days .. it’s difficult and i still really want to fap when i see a naked or semi-naked lady on the internet!
    • do thing , sports, go for a run, use that energy ..
    • do not get bored (avoid the random navigation on imgur)
    • want to fap? came here and read some shit about fellow nofapstronauts. it’s helpful.
  20. 44 days: Confidence restored.
    44 days: Confidence restored.

    I did something recently I’ve never done before: speed dating. I’ve heard the horror stories but thought I would give it a try. I gotta tell you, I think I did pretty well. Looking back, the thing that made the biggest impression on me is how much more confident I am than before. When I used to meet women, socially or at bars/clubs/etc, I was the shrinking violet–shy, eyes cast down, hands folded, poor posture. I look back now and I realize, the reason why women were not so interested in me before is because I was sending out all the wrong signals. Now, partly because of nofap, and partly because of learning about seduction game (basically how to act confident while on your way to becoming actually confident, i.e. fake it til you make it), I realize that your only limit is yourself.

    Compared to the other guys there, I was slightly overweight (just a beer belly), obvious I didn’t go to gym often (no bulging biceps). But I made up for it by being well dressed and wielding a very sharp personality, making witty jokes with each girl I met.

    Nofap is not magic, but I feel like things really changed for me over the past 44 days. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you just nofap, and nothing else, don’t expect supermodels to immediately reward your choice. But if you work hard at improving yourself, continuously, every day, you’ll begin to uncover the talents you had all long. As I found out at the speed dating event, and when I go to bars/restaurants/etc nowadays, I am starting to notice among men the same poor posture and shy personality I used to have. I wish I could take them aside and share some wisdom on nofap, etc. I think spreading the word about nofap, in a discrete way, will really improve the lives of a lot of men.

  21. I made an account just to post because this has changed my life

    Hey guys, I made an account just to post here because this community has changed my life.

    I’m on day 14, first try, and the first thing I did was hook up with a girl I knew, and I hadn’t gotten laid in a LONG time.

    The history: when I first started nofap, after watching those videos, I realized how much of an addict I was. It ruined some very good relationships in my life and it was an escape from reality. I literally wept the day after I started because I realized what I had done. I wasn’t attracted to my girlfriends after very little time, making them feel unhappy understandably, and then us breaking up. The story is the same between me and a lot of the guys on here, which makes me really happy that I’m not alone on this, seriously. Since you’ve all heard the bad things already from all stories here, I’m no different, so I’ll skip to the good stuff:

    1. I have tons of energy now and started kickboxing again which feels amazing. I never had the energy for it, and I didn’t even have the energy to ask “why don’t I have energy?”. Now I know why.
    2. I have lots more time to work on side-projects or my resume after work since I’m not browsing /b/, which I used to do for HOURS at a time, and I had never considered it a bad thing until now.
    3. This is making me realize that ALL aimless internet browsing is highly unproductive and makes me lazy, so I spend less time browsing at work or at home, and more time making stuff or doing stuff. Nofap is a chain-effect that starts by taking your hand off your dick, stopping looking at porn, and ends up with you realizing how much fucking time and energy you newly have.

    The only thing that sucks is that I am super horny and aggressive now, so I have to keep cool, and avert my eyes whenever I see a possible trigger. The hot secretary at work certainly isn’t helping me do that. =/

  22. 60 days ago I started this journey.

    60 Day Update

    60 days ago I started this journey. 32 days ago I made my first journal entry. You can read it here

    60 days in:

    What have I accomplished and experienced?

    • I moved out of my parents place. Found an incredible location right in the city and got a stupid deal on it.
    • Joined a gym. Met with a trainer and been working out every other day.
    • Went on a trip by myself (first time driving alone too) to a festival where I met possibly the girl of my dreams. We spent 4 days together, talking for hours and doing all sorts of activities. She’s drop dead gorgeous and her personality mirrors her looks. It’s heart melting. She lives 4 hours away and she’s visiting in August.
    • Women LOVE me. Specially over the last 2 weeks. The attention I get is, I guess, flattering haha. It feels good 🙂
    • Adding to that my confidence and self worth at at an all time high. I love life. I cannot remember the last time I was actually bummed out or depressed. Seriously. I’m fully in charge of my life. Tomorrow I’m quitting my job to focus on a project.
    • I’ve learned soooo much about who I am and what I actually want in life. I’ve found new hobbies (working out, gem cutting and making jewelry amongst other things).
    • I’ve found my Spirit so to say.

    Sounds great, right? Well it is. I’ve had to make a lot of bold decisions (no fap being one of them), and I’m continuing to make more. I think that’s what being a man is all about. So it’s not like a dreamy bike ride of some sort. It’s like the fucking tour de France. But it feels fucking great. Can you imagine winning that shit? Do you understand the honor in simply being IN it? Mind blowing.

    I can’t wait till I’m at 90 days. Actually I don’t care. I know it’s going to happen.

    Porn is evil. I don’t know what else to say.

  23. 90 days without fapping and I can’t list a single benefit
    COMMENTS: This is the most important post on any page. For some reason this man took nofap literally, and continued to watch porn.

    90 days without fapping and I can’t list a single benefit, thoughts below:

    The first 20 days were tough, after that initial period I fully realised I’d set this goal and was going to complete it, therefore I wasn’t tempted again.

    Porn was a different matter. When I started this I just took it at face value as “no fapping for 90 days”, so I never internalised the goal of not looking at porn, which lead to looking at porn fairly regularly. I didn’t touch myself, I just watched it.

    On the occasions I didn’t look at porn for a week or more, I found myself more stimulated by non-pornographic situations/images. I also had really strong urges to look at porn. I think cutting it out is far more important than not masturbating.

    On the community itself I found it demotivating. It feels cultish and a lot of the posts are cringe worthy, so I just avoided it for the duration.

    I think I’ll start a new challenge of masturbating but not looking at porn. I realised for the last 6 years I don’t think I’ve masturbated without porn, at all.

    So yeah, no benefits but I think I missed a key component of it. I am proud I did it though. People have praised my self discipline and I always thought to myself “well, yeah, but I masturbate constantly”, so to know that I’ve conquered a vice is a good feeling. Now to conquer the porn vice!

  24. I am at day 93 without porn and I can’t list a single benefit.
    COMMENTS: Another person from the above thread who experince no benefits. Is it because he continued some masturbation, or that he hadn’t experienced addiction-related brain changes…or neither?

    for me it’s the other way around. I am at day 93 without porn and I can’t list a single benefit.

    I quit porn because I read the articles on YBOP, but I still masturbated.

    week 2 I started counting the days without fapping. I usually fapped once every 7 days and maybe the day after that. my record is 24 days.

    NoPorn is easy for me, nofap is not. I get porn related urges and fantasies even though I haven’t been looking at porn for 3 months now.

    So I accomplished your new challange of fapping but not looking at porn and I can’t see any benefits. I will try to beat a new score (40+ days) and see if I can see benefits.

  25. Reddit Nofap “success” story No. 1337
    Nofap “success” story No. 1337

    Dear nofappers, I’m a 32 yo male who has been following the nofap challenge since just before the start of the year. I did my 90+ days, saw some benefits, relapsed for a couple of months, and eventually got back on the wagon to my current streak.

    I’ve basically never had success with women, although on the nofap challenge i have been experiencing increasing amounts of female attention that seems directly correllated to the length of nofap streak. Recently I have started to have random women smile at me occasionally, but I am not a big socialite and so opportunities to actually respond to the attention has been very limited… until last night when I was out on the town with a group of new friends.

    I hope any experienced nofapper will have an idea of where my story is going. Last night I met a girl who literally couldnt take her eyes off me. All I had to do was basically maintain contact and smile back and she was all mine. Of course we had some light conversation, and we did get on pretty well, but it did all seem like a bit of a formality and like she had chosen me or matched herself with me in order to spend a night with a man.

    In the end we didn’t have sex, we did all the stuff that porn leaves out. The hugging the kissing the rubbing and the caressing. And I don’t have any urge to look at porn and knock one out to compensate. I’m not sure if were going to see each other again and I’m probably going to spend the next few days fighting the urge to worry about whether I should phone or text her. But that’s a good problem to have.

    My erections seemed a little weak to be honest, and unfortunately she didnt seem too interested in my member, and was more focussed on the gentler aspects. Also I’m on a steep learning curve now with women and starting to figure out exactly how and when to take the lead a little more.

    Um not sure what else to put but thought id offer some content back to the community that I follow most days and have a lot of respect for… Ive often felt like a foreveralone, and hope this little tale may give courage and hope to others… even if it didn’t include a pornstar sex marathon.

    Tldr: been nofapping on and off all year, increased female attention lead to getting pulled, spending intimate night that couldn’t be more unpornlike

  26. Reddit – my hair has been growing back

    LINK – NoFapNZT

    I’m 27 years old and I’ve noticed that my hairline on my forehead has receded a little bit over the past few years and the overall having a full head of hair doesn’t seem as thick as it used to (at least that’s what several people have told me). It has been growing back since I started nofap about 4 months ago and my longest streak was 31 days. Hair on my chest that has never grown before is starting to grow in. Pretty amazing, but I guess since I’ve been fapping regularly since 1st grade, I never gave my body the testosterone it needed to develop more hair on my chest. This along with ability to make extended eye contact, rock solid erections, and a new found energy have been the most valuable side effects of nofap for me.

  27. Another forum: I’m a gay guy who’s had ED for the last 5 years

    I’m a gay guy who’s had ED issues for the last five years. The first time it happened was with an ex boyfriend. I lost it halfway through sex because I was quite frankly bored. And over the years it’s just got worse. The most embarrassing times are always during foreplay where I always stay soft; I tried to imagine the porn I watched to get my junk working, but nothing would ever happen, and my hook ups would always think something was up. Over the years I just sat in my room and let my PMO habits take over. I was depressed, hated socialising, and started to imagine my entire life sat in my room, tossing off to porn – I even started to fantasise about this scenario.

    But over the last few weeks, I started to think something must be wrong with me. So I typed into Google, ‘erectile dysfunction and porn addiction.’ I couldn’t believe this disorder existed, and it was amazing just how many people on the internet who were in a similar situation. Any way, I’ve given up porn for the last six days now, and I’ve already noticed some effects. I was sitting on the train, and I heard two guys talking intimately with each other – nothing sexy – and I got a huge erection. I couldn’t believe it. It was embarrassing trying to cover it up when I was walking off the train. I felt like a teenager.

    I’m thinking this might be one of the best decisions of my life.


  28. From reddit – NoFap: 57 Days, benefits

    LINK – 57 Days, benefits

    So now after I’ve wrote this post I should put a disclaimer in front of it. No fapping wasn’t the sole reason of benefits. I’ve been meditating daily for quite some time now, maybe 5-6 weeks. I also started doing yoga several times per week. Further I eat consciously now. I get plenty of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fibers from my food. I do not overeat, I stopped eating junk food, like sandwiches, cookies, dumpling, I am not eating candy and cholates anymore. Although I consume shitloads of dried fruits, which are really similar to candies. From those you can easily get lethargic if you overeat, but I’ve managed to get a pretty good feel of when and how much I can eat them to stay clearheaded and energetic.

    Few weeks ago I’ve started studying objectivism philosophy and now I’m a in process of forming my code of principles, which will help me guide my choices for the optimum living. I’m very excited about it and expect good things out of my life.

    Also something else worth mentioning. Compared to a lot of people in my age group (i’m 23) I’m in a shitty situation. I dropped out of college, I have no money for rent and have no job at the moment. No qualifications or clear talents. Despite that I feel ok about my life. Absistence from porn and masturbation helped me immensely to feel that way.


    • I don’t get ashamed or flustered if I fuck up publicly. Tested multiple times in front of groups as big as 45 people. Some examples of fucking up: messing up a toast at wedding, getting food all over my clothes, being unable to perform something which requires below basic level of coordination. Haha It was actually all funny to me, even now I remember those things as positives.
    • I’m so much more comfortable in social ‘mini confrontations’ if someone says a joke at my expensive, I have a much higher chance of responding in a cool manner and If nothing comes to mind I’m not affected emotionally or affected much less. I now tend to hold less grudges and let things go sooo much easier.
    • Initiating pleasant conversations with strangers is easier and more natural. As for approaching girls specifically, instead of having a blank in my head, I get creative ideas about what to say, I don’t capitalize on it often though. Also I feel that I’m more comfortable with being rejected and being direct.I don’t approach left and right, but I have more positive outlook and higher self esteem, because my standard of what’s possible expanded.
    • I am able to notice and analyze my emotions. It benefits me at least in 2 ways: I do not immediately respond with an nonconstructive response, when having an emotional, tough conversation with people who are important to me. Second benefit is that, even if I still experience, depression, sadness, shame, guilt, it has a more observational element to them and instead of tearing me from the inside, it nudges me in a semi friendly manner. That manner is “here is WHAT you are feeling, here’s WHY you are feeling it and here’s what you have to DO to make it go away”. It’s a call to action.
    • Loneliness, nostalgia, sadness decreased dramatically in my life, despite changes happening for the dominant part inside me, not in external world
    • I started to hate indecisiveness, pussy footing and pussy manners. Yes fuck you “Am I the only one which thinks that…” GUY and “LIKE LIKE LIKE” GUY and “Is it me or….” GUY. Yes it has a positive too. My procrastination rate decreased, I make decisions faster and I stick with them at higher success rate than before. When it comes to habit-decisions I get daily feelgoods, just from knowing that I stuck with my decision. I love myself for that and I respect myself.
    • When I look in the mirror I often think that I’m good looking. Compared to before, I would usually think that I look like a loser. Now I actually feel somewhat good looking despite looking the same way lol. Except maybe losing some fat from exercises, but you have lift my shirt to see that, face is the same, I think.
    • Oh yeah and my voice is deeper. I started feeling it about 8-9 days ago. It hasn’t gone away yet
  29. NoFap – 28 days in: definitely worth it.

    28 days in – definitely worth it.

    I loved porn as long as I remember. Wanking was one of my favorite things to do, don’t mention watching all the beatiful bodies on the internet. I used to do it at least once a day, usually twice. When I came back from some trips, I did it even more often because of increased feelings after that “long” (weak/two) break. I sometimes had a habbit to baptize things with ceremonial fapping session xD Well not exactly jizzing on things and blessing them, but sometimes when I was happy I had to wank to get calm. I didn’t ever have a real girlfriend, only a couple of close-ups, nothing serious. Neither to say, I’m still a virgin at a 20th level. And it didn’t bother me – I sad to myself that I value my independence, and free time. Yeah, free time to fap and play video games.

    The main 2 reasons I started nofap:

    • ED, which happened during a blowjob about 2 years ago, and lately I had trouble keeping my dick hard without rubbing it constantly
    • drop in happiness – everything started to seem boring. Everything I could do was sit in front of monitor, and: fap, browse internet, eat something, play video games, reloop
    • lack of energy – I was tired of everything. While on parties, I dreamed about getting home. At concerts, my legs felt like two drills drilling my ass and spine. Eventually, I didn’t want to go outside, meet people, do sports of any kind, even go to the store. Cave was a perfect place.

    And now, after 28 days, I must say… I definitely feel like a different man! I started:

    • riding a bike EVERY DAY. When it’s raining I feel like I’m going crazy sitting at home. I also do push-ups and sit-ups, every day. I’m thinking about starting to jog.
    • going onto parties, meeting people again, calling old friends, talking to old friends on facebook, generally started refreshing my acquaintances
    • eating healthy. I tried a few diets a while back, even managed to drop around 15kg, but got fat again after half a year. Now, it comes naturally. I just don’t need to eat junk food and bad carbohydrates. I don’t drink sodas, don’t eat sweets. I just don’t feel the urge. While I was fapping, I could eat a truck of food daily and still feel hungry
    • feeling A LOT more self-confident. I don’t hesitate to do things, I don’t change my mind and am a lot more assertive. I know what I want and tend to get it. Simply as that.
    • enjoying everything 10 times more. Started doing sports, played tennis recently till my thights and spine hurt like bitch, and loved this feeling. A lot better than a rasped johnson. Finally started programming for pleasure, not just projects at university. Learning UDK, painting again. And I suddenly have a lot of time to do it!

    I could go on an on about the plus sides, but these are the main. Why I didn’t mention girls? Because it didn’t change much. Don’t expect miracles. But it doesn’t meen it didn’t change at all! I can hold longer eye contact, ecalate touch, make fun of them, everything which earlier seemed… weird and scary for me. I feel like conversation with girls I knew earlier is going a lot smoother, I’m just not nervous and… don’t give a fuck! As simple as that. Now it’s as hard as speaking to a guy. I noticed that also girls give me a little more attention, like they are actually interested in what I think, do, etc. Earlier i felt invisible sometimes. Have to work a little more on my self-esteem though, but I can feel that everyday it’s getting better.

    I look at the past and see a sorry ass child who spent about 8 years being sad and miserable. I don’t say I was a total failure, but man, there are like milion things I could have done better if I only had more willpower and energy, constantly wasted on you know what. When I look at future, I see a lot of oportunities, and every single day seems more beautiful! I really feel like a child again.

    At the end, a little shortage of my quest so far (not very accurate, just circa):

    • day 1 – 7 – was bad, but I managed to overcome it. At the end of a week, I started to eat healthier and go out because I knew I would relapse otherwise.
    • day 8 – 20 – flatline in the beginning, big arousal near the day 20
    • day 21 – the worst day in the challenge. I edged a little, I felt like my dick was a huge rod made of pure steel. Wanted to fap so badly I almost passed away. Managed to overcome it, got out eventually and rhode the bike like crazy

    -day 22-28 – flatline again, but better than the first one. I feel like things are falling into place, and the brain finishes rebooting. Pretty good feeling.

    As a conclusion, I want to say I noticed one thing – nofap isn’t a miracle itself. It’s a wonderful catalizer which helps in the self-improvement. Or actually, as I feel myself, releases the barrier which was daily porn ad fapping, depleting the normal youth energy. Right now I go to the beach camping, I’m not taking my laptop, just books, clothes, some weed and crayons + paper. And I know everyday will be great, maybe I’ll meet someone… And if I’m not, it’s okay. Eitherway, I will be… happy

  30. Reddit – My No-Fap Journey: 90 days and Counting!

    My No-Fap Journey: 90 days and Counting!

    I’ve been lurking during my 90 day journey, but I thought I would write up a post sharing my experiences with all of you after reaching 90 days of Nofap. I have definitely seen some positive benefits, so I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to all of you and to this subreddit for existing!

    Why did I start nofap? The FAQ calls it “numbed pleasure response”, basically I was finding it almost impossible to climax with a real partner. I’m 28 now, and for most of my adult life I was an awkward nerd and so I relied on the internet for my sexual fix, with my tastes becoming more and more extreme as I became habituated. I had no idea what kind of damage I was doing to myself until I started going out with real girls and realizing that my “little friend” was a little fuzzy.

    I stumbled upon Nofap out of the blue 4 or 5 months ago, and started my first badge counter that night. I had a couple resets, around the 15 and 30 day marks, but this is my 3rd attempt and I made it to 90 days! The first 15 days were definitely the hardest, and there were lots of ups and downs; I think I experienced a flatline about a month in, but it seems to be recovering, which has made the last week fairly difficult (but not unmanageable).

    As far as my health goes, I’ve started going to the gym at least a couple times a week. Also, real women are much more attractive than before, and I successfully approached and picked up a couple random girls at the bar, for the first time in my life. Usually I would never even have approached strange girls in public, but even though I was a little nervous, I just manned up and did it. As vague as it sounds, I just feel like more of a “man”; less uncertain, more calm and more decisive. I wouldn’t say its been a magic pill that changed everything in my life, as I probably still spend too much time on the computer and too much time thinking about girls in general. However overall I feel like a healthier and more effective version of myself, which is great to see. One positive effect I’ve noticed is that thinking of the extreme porn that used to excite me is a turn-off now, which is quite a relief (I’m not a weirdo!)

    As for how to deal with urges, after I reset the 2nd time I told myself that I just wasn’t going to fap again, so I didn’t have to deal with fighting off urges because I knew I would NOT give in. Sometimes I found myself tempting myself with NSFW pics, but I knew I would not let myself down. Like others have suggested, sometimes I would use pushups or going for a run as a great way to take sex off my mind.

    As for where to go from here, the YBOP guys suggested in an AMA that 90 days was not a magic number; rather 3-5 months of Nofap was a more likely number for seeing lasting change (for those of us who started fapping online in our teens). Thus, I plan to keep Nofap going until the 150 day mark, because I refuse to let sexual dysfunction get in the way of my relationships with real women ever again. I am going to beat this addiction, and that is all there is to it. We deserve so much more from life than a sad lonely habit in front of a computer screen. Let’s go out there and get it!

  31. 90-day report from reddit

    Can’t believe I made it. But I did. Ten years of addiction – done! I’m a different man now – – and here’s what I’ve found.

    1. Masturbation seems pathetic and disgusting to me now. It’s very difficult to see how I loved sitting in a chair and wasting my time touching myself to pictures and videos of people I would never meet.

    2. It also seems second or third-rate. Fapping to something is like trying to sate your hunger by looking at a picture of a steak dinner. It’s a poor replacement for the real thing.

    3. Sexual desire is a form of energy. When you turn off the faucet, the water has to go somewhere else. Stopping your PMO addiction is a fantastic way to lend inertia to other areas of your life. You’ll want to do other things with your energy – get a different job, go to school, meet new people, pick up a hobby, etc.

    4. It shows you how dehumanizing objectification is. Every single one of those people you fapped to has, or had, a real life. Dreams. Hopes. Desires. They called someone “daddy” or “mommy”. They watched cartoons and went to grade school. They wanted to be something when they grew up. Once you realize this, it’s very difficult to just see them as a sex object again.

    5. Stopping my PMO addiction has made me desire real love. I was a sex addict. Most of the time, I didn’t even want to. It was simply a habit. Now that I’ve quit, I want to find true intimacy with someone. I want to spill my soul into them and become one person with them…trust them with every fiber of my being, with every piece of my heart. Now sex seems like such a small, silly thing, compared to love.

    6. Seduction and /seddit people creep me out. I used to admire and emulate friends who could pick up strangers constantly. That’s a fine lifestyle for some folks, but not for me. It makes me sick to try and pretend I’m interested in a person just to get into their pants. I’ll never do that again.

    7. You have tons of time! Suddenly, hours of your life are yours once more. Seize them! Make your time work for you. Make money. Find a hobby. Join a group of people with similar interests. The days are longer when PMO isn’t hogging your free time.

    The last time I wasn’t a PMO addict, I was in middle school. The years since seem like a nightmare. I will never go back. If this letch can make it, so can you! Keep fighting. Keep striving to better yourself. The trick is – the longer you stay fap-free…the less you wish to go back. Eventually you’ll never care to again.

    I wish that for each and every one of you.

    Thanks to all of you for being there, as a community. Having this place to come, to when I was weak or lost, was invaluable. Bless you all for helping total strangers discussing embarrassing things. Ha ha.

    Way to go, /nofap. You are helping people overcome addictions – one piece of flair at a time. I’ve not been so proud of a gold star since I was in second grade. 🙂

  32. Reddit – relapse revealed benefits

    My Story (“Superpowers”, Reset, Thoughts)

    Well, I’m some days late but I planned to do this since my reset.

    First of all, the story of my relapse: Well, its not really a story, but I will tell it anyways. I started NoFap challenge for fun, as I thought. So i made about 2 weeks, when i thought screw it and edged, it cant be that bad. But it was and so i relapsed. But the “good” thing is: After my relapse, i realised that i indeed am addicted to fapping. (Not too much to porn. Although i fapped, i didn’t look at porn.)

    Second, my “Superpowers”: Again, i didn’t realise before my relapse which benefits i had from not fapping. But after it, I can give yu some examples: Before NoFap, I had some terrible headaches for about 5 minutes, daily. It vanished during nofap but came back after the reset. Same with my hands. They would suddenly start to shake and the more i looked at them, the more they started shaking, up to a point where I couldn’t control them anymore.

    So I thought i would tell you this so that you see that you can’t always see your benefits. But I can tell you: I bet you have some. Although you didn’t notice. Just think about it.

    tl;dr: Didn’t realize how good NoFap was for me until my reset

  33. From Wet Dream Forum

    I don’t know how your porn usage has affected you, but it’s worth a shot to stay away from it for a while ( and give up MB during that tome as much as you can), and see what happens. WDs are just a side benefit!

  34. 18-years-old and just finished the 90 days.

    For other horny teenagers, you can do it too man. I did it. Adults, everyone else, you guys can do it.

    I started this in April. Half because there was an addiction element, I always checked for new porn and it felt like a waste of time. Another half because I just wanted to say I did it when I’m the horniest I’ve been in my life. Because I could, and I will continue for another 10 days until 100 days to add another digit. Once you hit 90, you will want to hit 100. You can walk on the sidewalk knowing you have more willpower than everyone else.

    /r/nofap has been super helpful, I lurk here all the time but never post. I figured now might be the time to do it and give you guys my thoughts, they may even be controversial.

    • Mind over hormones: For me, my mind is rock solid. I can stop most things that I don’t want to do instantly. The problem is I will think about it constantly. In fact, I still looked at porn, I thought about fapping. It took a few weeks before I stopped looking at porn. But I never edged though because that would mean taking off my pants and touching myself and at that point your hormones > mind. Basically while you’re doing this, the visual aspect, the boner aspect will remain. I can stop myself in most things but unfortunately I cannot stop an erection. It’ll take some time before you realize “I’m not getting anything from this” and boom, you just stop. Then this happens…
    • You stop giving a fuck. Women are just dudes with vaginas. There’s only a little more than that. Stop thinking about you can do for them. Ask yourself what they can do for you. “Can I buy you a drink?” Turn around to “you should buy me a drink.” That sort of attitude. But in general, just be normal. They’re normal. Women have this attitude down because society wants you to be the chaser and they’re the chased. Fuck this immediately. You’re awesome. Start loving yourself man. Don’t love yourself? Figure out why not then work at it A LITTLE BIT each day, just a little bit. One day get a hairstyle that works for your face, another day buy a new gingham pattern shirt that looks awesome on you, another day try learning how to do a backflip, another day to learn to cook something. Awesomeness as a whole doesn’t happen instantly, but you CAN start being awesome immediately. In fact, there are a bunch of subreddits for these so it’s not like you have to get off your ass and into the sun or something. You can plan and learn first, then do that. But the doing part is important.
    • Masturbation is fine in complete moderation. Okay, this last one I may get flamed over. But I feel like it’s possible. Do the 90 day challenge first and if at the end you’re sweating over wanting to fap again and you can’t wait for this shit to be over, you’re not done man. If you haven’t even thought about fapping in a week or if the act of fapping kind of bores you (this happened to me, I started looking down at fappers but I think there’s a natural balance that some people have found) you might be able to do it, but definitely not because you’re addicted and definitely not because it’s a chore – like a heroin addict needing another fix. Strict rules for this (for me) – 1) Never fap to porn. Porn is done for you, it’s just not good, you’ve seen the videos. 2) If you fap once, don’t go on a binge all day. Just do it once because you enjoy it every once in a while, like every 2 weeks. Again, this takes willpower and the ability to know your limits. As long as it’s not to fix an addiction, I believe it CAN be done. Moderation is the key. If it’s really bad for you, just keep going man. This also depends on what your goal is.

    Phew, I think that’s all I want to say. I just want to thank /r/nofap. I’m going to continue the nofap, even though I think you can yesfap in moderation. It just seems kind of boring to me at this point, and I know I can’t look at porn, so the whole thing seems eh. Anyways, I hope I don’t fall into the dark world of sweating over a computer with a dick in a hand and looking at bunch of tabs and being angry that a pair of balls is being zoomed on.

    Good night, and good luck.

  35. Nosebleeding, Shemales and Beards

    Nosebleeding, Shemales and Beards

    Hey guys,

    I will keep it short and simple (KISS). This is probably the most irretating title you’ve read but all these things are connected with my addition to porn and how I want to stop this addiction.

    The first one is nosebleeding. I used to get all the time, every day and every time I blow my nose. After doing NoFap for some time I came to the result that my random nosebleeding had stopped. Always when I failed, I had nosebleeding. Are there any other fapstronauts who have frequently random nosebleeding?

    My second point are shemales. I don’t want to talk about that very much but I failed because of it. I’m not gay but my brain is playing tricks on me. I guess a human brain can’t figure out that shemales are guys with boobs.

    My last point are beards. Beards are fucking awesome. After a week of NoFap I start to grow a beard and got the idea that I won’t shave it until I fail. After 1-2 weeks my beard if you want to call it like that looked awesome. Sadly I failed after nearly 3 weeks and as punishment I had to shave it. Right now I can’t wait until I got my beard back.

    NoFappers! (male NoFappers)

    Beards are awesome. The length of my beard will represent my days without PMO? Anybody with me? Can’t wait till I got my beard back.

    Thanks for reading.

    TL;DR Nosebleeding when fapping, shemales are guys with tits and beards are awesome. Let’s grow beards!

  36. Day 42 – really hard time

    It’s a bitch, man. It’s a fucking bitch to recover.

    I’m on day 42. Longest streak without O, and second longest without MO or PMO. I’ll make the PMO record in a few days.

    Here’s what’s up:

    I can’t feel good about anything.

    I’m worse socially than I ever was. I don’t want to socialize. When I have to socialize, I usually feel like a complete dumbass. It’s embarrassing. It’s god damn horrible to try to lead a normal life when you’re going through withdrawal. I wonder what people must think of my shitty, sullen, brooding behaviour these last few weeks. I’m not acting natural and I’m just not fun right now.

    My mood changes at the drop of a hat–usually to a feeling of rage, an emotion which has never been a problem for me before.

    I have trouble falling asleep.

    I wake up too god damned early, restless and unable to stop kicking my legs and thrashing around.

    I feel like my head is in a dark, dark cloud.

    I can’t concentrate. I get confused. I can’t follow a book very easily. When I get home and lie down, exhausted, I feel like a giant hand is pressing down on me, physically keeping me from getting up.

    Oh, and my penis was declared dead several weeks back. That’s the least of my problems…

    Believe me, I’ve felt the highs too. The first few weeks of my first attempt six months ago, I was in a constant state of euphoria. Happier than I’d ever felt, more social, more confident, etc. And during those weeks, I charmed the pants off a few girls and met my current girlfriend. But now… Well, I feel like crap.

    I hope other people who are having shitty, protracted withdrawal symptoms get some comfort from reading this. It seems to me there aren’t enough posts about the awful long-term withdrawal symptoms some of us experience.

  37. just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!

    just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!

    Hi, since last December I found /r/nofap very motivating. You guys convinced me to start nofap (no porn+no fapping) on January 2nd of this year and I hadn’t masturbated until today. (

    Since I was a busy high schooler (and lazy lurker) I hadn’t found the time to post a long and detailed analysis of my ongoing experimentation with porn/masturbation abstinence but now I think I better post something now before I forget it.

    When I started reading /r/nofap in late December I was already kind of fed up with wasting my time watching porn. Turns out this subreddit’s community, the tempting badge counter, (and a major crush on a girl I wanted to impress) were just enough to convince me to change my habits and trash my intermittent PMOs.

    I guess because of these reasons doing nofap wasn’t a huge challenge for me, unlike my friend who could only do it for a week (I referred /r/nofap to friends, teehee).

    The first 2 weeks of nofap were around the greatest-feeling weeks of my whole life! I actually had motivation to do what I always wanted to do: write songs, play songs, write poems, publish poems. I felt like a freakin Pulitzer prize winning author for half a month. I couldn’t sleep because I had 100000x more energy than usual. Testosterone overdose, anyone? I was EXTREMELY motivated by my crush.

    After 2 weeks life pretty much went down to normal with some exceptions: * Being a successful fapstronaut gave me a mental edge over others. When facing a more alpha male I can say in my mind “well hotshot I bet you sit at home in the dark and masturbate in a corner every other day. Guess who doesn’t do that? ME” * I obviously had more time on my hands which I spent some on video games, some on writing/playing music, whereas before I just played video games. * nofap acted as a confidence-booster as I worked to improve my inner game and self-image with some tips from /r/seduction.

    A month into nofap I started getting constant boners and wet dreams every week. For some weeks my libido would be totally dead and at other weeks I would be horny as fuckkk.

    So why did I break nofap today? I think it was for these reasons: * I was spirited and accomplished many things on nofap in high school, but during this long summer I became dejected, lonely, and increasingly bored. * I wanted to see what would happen. * I was sick of stupid reoccurring wet dreams and unwanted surprise boners. * I don’t plan on having sex or having a gf anytime soon anyways (my own choice, don’t pin this on religion, reddit folks). * No more crush to really push me. * Stumbled upon a porn subreddit posted on reddit and it escalated from there. Darn you reddit!

    I watched a ludicrous amount of much porn today. I forgot how cripplingly addictive that shit can be. I hope to stop PMO in time for college even though I really don’t want to now. This isn’t the end though, I learned a TON about being a cooler, more attractive person in half a year. I accomplished so much with confidence and motivation that seem to have popped out of nowhere when I started on my nofap journey.

    Hope this really quick rant has some sort of insight in it. Remember nofappers, keep yourself occupied and away from depression. And get out more! You can do this! You gotta do this! Letsgo!

  38. 44days, this is the best thing I ever did

    44days, this is the best thing I ever did

    I’ve gone from a feeling of 😐 complete lifeless existence to enjoying things. I make eye contact, I smile, I enjoy doing things. I started trying to date. I went from overthinking the shit out of everything with women and afraid to even message them on online sites to messaging them with ease. I used to not even like myself and not knowing what to say, to realizing I’m pretty great and fuck it i’ll say what I feel like and if they like me cool, if not fuck it who cares. I went on a double/blind date with some chics and while I blew it with her I had a great time and whatever, I’m not going to get it right everytime.

    I would have completely pussied out and made up excuses 2 months ago, now i barely gave it a thought. I went from being afraid to have a life to wanting to have a life and not giving a shit if I make an ass of myself. I even met an awesome chic who I seem to have real feelings for and not just want to fuck (well i really want to do that too, but not just that). And even if I get fucked over by her I went from 😐 to 🙂 so even if I wind up like 🙁 its still better than 😐 Besides I wont stay 🙁 for long, I know not to dwell on stupid shit anymore.

    I mean there’s the other shit like I’ll get hard constantly and I’m horny as all fuck, but its more than that. I feel better about myself, my creativity and wit is returning, I’m not afraid to try shit anymore. I never thought I was depressed before, I still don’t know if I was.. I was just there. Now I’m more alive, and its awesome.

  39. The Dark Knight (as I now call my penis) Rises: 90 days complete

    The Dark Knight (as I now call my penis) Rises: 90 days complete. AMA

    I never really thought I’d make it here. Well, I thought I would, just that it wouldn’t take me this long to do it.

    I’ve been with /r/nofap since it’s inception as simply a challenge to see if you could go a week without grabbing your junk. I didn’t join simply for the challenge though. I’d struggled with ED for a long time; I saw how it affected multiple partners. I’d lived through watching them cry, thinking it was something wrong with them. I knew porn and jerking off was screwing with my brain and body, but I couldn’t stop. Then the challenge came along.

    I latched onto this place like a suckerfish. Before we had badges, we had a spreadsheet to track people’s results. You bet your ass I jumped onto that and ran it. But I never competed. I kept screwing up, spiraling back out of control. “Well, maybe next week I’ll start,” I’d tell myself. And it was a lie. I’d make it up to 2 weeks every once in a while, but never longer.

    So what changed? Well, I saw results the longer I abstained. I had a girlfriend at the start, and by God, if I had gone 2 weeks without PMO, she was the hottest thing around. Just looking at her sent the blood surging down below. But I still wasn’t quite right. I’d still fall back into my PMO ways.

    Spring exams rolled around, and I guess something finally clicked. I didn’t have time to fap; my scholarship was on the line. So I made it through those 3 weeks. Might as well keep going, I told myself. Then the girlfriend and I broke up. Shit.

    I could’ve spiraled back out of control, but for once, I knew it wouldn’t change anything. I kept at it. I won’t lie, I went through some very dark times, and I seriously considered fapping for that brief instance of happiness. But I didn’t.

    Fast forward to now. I still have days where I don’t feel right, but I’m finally understanding what a functional sex drive is like. I can’t even pretend to say that I understand people any better than before, but I do feel like I’ve gotten to know myself some. And that feels pretty good.

    I still have my porn problems. I looked at some the other day, at day 83. That sucked. I had days where I…I dunno, missed it? So that’s still a struggle. But damn, it feels good to have one part of my life under control.

    I thought I may rub one out today, but what’s the point? Thanks for the community, /r/NoFap. If you’ve got any questions, shoot them my way. I can’t promise I’ll answer right away, but I’ll make sure to answer everyone.

  40. Long time lurker. 26-day relapse [really long testimonial]

    LINK – I tried starting this about 4 months ago. I was a chronic fapper masturbating 2-3 times a day. When I first started I only went 3 days and relapsed. I then went a whole week and really started to feel the benefits, but when i started to get a lot of sexual energy I just relapsed, and so I was stuck in this cycle of relapsing after 1-2 weeks for like 4 months.

    Then I finally told myself that I had to stop for good, but this time the motivation was different. It wasn’t only for myself, it wasnt just so I could get my libido back and be able to talk to girls and be less socially awkward. It was for the people around me. It was for my friends and family. It was also for the women around me. I began to think about all the girls who had some interest in me, but I couldnt be sexual enough to keep their interest. Girls like sex too, but they don’t like a guy who can’t be sexual and who isn’t confident in himself.

    So this time I went almost 4 weeks and felt like I really reaped the benefits. On the forth week when my sex drive was really high I was really confident. Before I would break eye contact in fear of socially awkward moments or just coming off as creepy, but this time I wasnt socially awkward and didn’t feel creepy when I held eye contact without saying anything. I was more patient and emotionally stable, I didnt get depressed or angry nearly as much as I used to and was actually in a good mood 90% of the time.The woman around me could feel the confidence, happy feelings and sexuality radiating from me. I communicated these feelings through eye contact and eye fucked every girl I talked to. I felt like a much more attractive person. I made clever remarks and I was much more genuinely interested in getting to know people. I was funny and at times didn’t give a Fuck about what I said, because I was confident in all my actions and if I was wrong in doing something or saying something wierd I learned from it, where as before when I said something wierd in a social setting I would get depressed and then wouldnt talk as much as a result.

    The key to not relapsing is translating the energy from not fapping to just being busy and getting out and doing stuff. I started dating for the first time in my life, worked out, hung out with friends, went to parties, went clubbing, went on trips. I jumped at every opportunity to socialize, and I loved it because I was a social person. I stopped being such a space cadet and stayed present to the moment. I paid attention to detail and what was going on around me. I was able to react better in certain situations, where as before I would freak out.

    I embodied the idea of becoming a man. I became a man in my own way, I didnt try to be someone else, I just didn’t give a Fuck about what people thought. I thought of the idea that a true man goes after what he wants and shouldn’t be ashamed of doing so and so I became this person who was confident, energetic and wasn’t ashamed of his desires. I did and said everything as if I was right until proven wrong.

    Sorry this is kind of all over the place and really long, but I just had to get it out and I want to thank the nofap community for helping me realize that there were other people out there like me going through what I went through.

  41. At 30 years old, I am finally beginning to feel like an adult


    I started out planning to just do the 90 days and then, probably, go back to some PMO. Now that I’m just over two months in, my perspective has radically changed. I now see what life is like with and without masturbation. There is no way I am going back. At 30 years old, I am finally beginning to actually feel like an adult, like I have a little bit of control over myself. I’m nofap for life, there’s no way around it.

     I now almost shudder when I think of all the years (essentially my entire teens and 20s) that I seriously held myself back by spending so much time with my semi-erect cock in my hand, alone, hunched over my laptop. I don’t mean to blame PMO for everything negative in my life, certainly, but I feel confident that it was a major factor

    1. Re: Finally an adult
      Hi, ascherj is it? I hope I have the right person. I totally identify with what you’ve written. I’m 29, almost 30, and not much of an ‘adult.’ I regret the past, and the present is tough, not really sure about the direction I’m heading/being financially stable. So glad to hear that ‘control over oneself’ is possible for us, lol.

      So how did it go for you, did you re-learn to love people? My mac and exquisite porn (haha) have been the only way I cope with negative feelings towards people, since I was 12. Just wondering, thank you for posting.

  42. its porn

    FAPed. Not resetting.

    Hey all! well got to day 13 ( a new record for myself) then FAPed without porn. Not resetting my counter for a reasons.

    1. I didn’t look at porn… i had no urge to look at porn. My sexual motivation seems to be off the wanting to get off to porn (which is precisely why i’m here.)
    2. The real life is turning me on more and more every day.
    3. I feel no guilt afterward. In fact it was amazing and deeply satisfying. I actually felt like a load (excuse the pun) was taken off my back. I really felt a true connection with my sexuality. not felt since childhood

    I think the real important thing here is avoiding pornography. What people don’t realize and get discouraged by is that this WONT GET YOU A GF and if you are aiming for that you will fail.

    Most importantly do what works for you. Not what works for everyone else.

  43. A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays; Nofap and Life

    LINK – Much of what you’re saying hits home. I’ve been battling it “unofficially” for awhile, realising that something was wrong, but not finding NoFap until I started my counter.

    Since then I’ve started to notice small, but growing, changes, with occasional feelings of intimacy towards the girl I’m seeing. These are much more intense than the feelings before. I’ve also changed in my attitude towards restarting my university degree this Autumn, having felt distinctly apathetic towards it, I now can’t wait to get started (most days).

  44. Relapse after 20 days; my story and experiences

    Relapse after 20 days; my story and experiences

    About me: 26 year old male with a 10 year history of daily PMO. My goals going into NoFap were to increase my willpower, energy, turn around my relative lack of success with women, and mostly reverse this trend of just not feeling as smart as I used to, that started around the time I got high speed internet at home.

    So after months of attempting and relapsing I told myself I would start a 90-120 day (or until I felt “rebooted”) challenge on July 1 to coincide with a new academic year. I also started meditating for 5-10 minutes every morning.

    I was doing pretty well for 20 days, though there was a constant feeling of wanting something that I’d describe as a gnawing “hunger” of just wanting to get rid of this near-constant horniness. I never considered myself addicted to porn or fapping but have been doing it daily on average for 13 years.

    Some changes I noticed over 20 days: my willpower, energy, and motivation mostly increased with a few minor ups and downs. My confidence, especially with approaching women and thinking of witty and clever things to say skyrocketed. My beliefs and attitudes about women also changed. I’ve read on this subreddit that other people stop seeing women as sex objects and start seeing them as humans. I’d say that’s partly it but also there’s just a visceral pleasure at the idea of interacting and flirting with women that’s unlike anything I’ve experience. But the biggest and best possible change was that I just felt smarter and more optimistic about my future and my ability to achieve my goals in life.

    The negatives during those 20 days was this constant “hunger” and constant thinking about sex or masturbating or tricking myself into having a wet dream so that I could get even temporary relief from that feeling. That shit sucked. It was ultimately why I relapsed.

    Unfortunately during the last few days before I relapsed I happened to see a music video (Nicki Minaj’s Beez in the Trap) that left little to the imagination and just pushed me over the edge in weighing out the pros and cons of not relieving this pressure. I had also finished a huge presentation I had been working really hard for and wanted to “celebrate”. So the following morning I relapse with the whole shebang: my old favorite online streaming videos, PMO, the works.

    After I relapsed I noticed the following changes on the following time scale. Immediately the day of I had less energy, had more trouble stringing together witty jokes that I had started to get used to, and was less confident in public. I relapsed twice more the following day in the morning and night. At around 48 hours after my initial relapse I felt this mental fog return that made it more difficult to think. Having lived with it for so many years I did not realize how severe it was until it started lifting during my reboot.

    The worse part was that relapsing wasn’t even that good. I kept thinking it would feel so good but those orgasms just feel so… hollow and unsatisfying.

    I looked up deltaFosB to see if my symptoms correspond to the time scale of this protein to see if I could exclude all of these effects due to placebo but the time scale is consistent with a real effect.

    If I could do it again, what I would do differently is having a hard date to tell myself would be the last day I’d have to deal with this gnawing feeling (even though I had anticipated a flatline) rather than the vague 90-120 days I told myself that would end whenever I felt “rebooted”. Just having that hard date would help me get through the worst times.

    This time around, I’ll set a goal of 40 days (twice my previous) so I have something to look forward to, to get me through the worse times. Next reset: September 1st. Baby steps first, right?

    TL;DR: Attempted 90-day challenge, noticed more confidence, energy, and willpower especially with women. Relapsed at 20 days. Mental fogginess and lethargy returned within 48 hours.

  45. Caved after 57 days – Here’s What I Learned

    Caved after 57 days – Here’s What I Learned

    So after 57 days of NoFap I finally caved.

    When I woke up this morning my morning wood was abnormally hard and my penis and balls were in a lot of pain.

    I decided that NoFap wasn’t worth damaging my reproductive organs so I gave myself a hand. (no porn!)

    Thankfully, after I fapped the pain went away almost immediately.

    I’ve decided not to continue with NoFap because in the days leading up to this event I’d started thinking it’s just an annoyance more than anything else at this point. I feel I’ve learned/experienced/benefited in every way I can so there is no point in doing a reset.

    I was never addicted to MO or PMO. I wasn’t one of these guys with severe ED who fapped everyday. But I did want to quit using porn (been at it nearly 15 years) and I did notice my erections were much larger and harder after participating in nofap. There were also a few times (not everytime!) that I was with women where i went soft.

    Here is what I learned and some of the benefits and changes I’ve experienced over my 57 days:

    • Larger, harder erections
    • I’ve stopped looking at porn.
    • NoFap gave me more energy
    • I started being more social to help me find real women so I could get some relief. (I didn’t have sex yet but I did recently meet 2 new girls with potential)
    • I made 2 new friends (good ones) as a result of being more social as well.
    • I’m in better shape. I was exercising before but with the additional sexual tension/energy from nofap I took it to a new level.
    • I created a profile on plenty of fish for dating and have been talking to a girl who is cute, interesting, and I will be meeting soon.
    • I started writing a book
    • I read 6 books that I would not have read otherwise
    • I learned a lot about the effects of sex on our brains.
    • I started playing pool with a friend every saturday night to get out to the bars and meet women.
    • Applied for a new job

    Most importantly, I’ve discovered a new way of life. The benefits from nofap are huge and I like the way it makes me feel day to day.

    As far as I can tell I will continue to abstain from both porn and fapping for the rest of my life. But now I will fap occasionally for a needed release(I’m thinking once a month) until I get a source of real sex with a partner.

    I wanted to thank you all for your support over the past 57 days. I know I’m on the right track now and if for some reason I ever return to my old ways I know where to find you all!

    If anyone has any questions or wants some advise I’m happy to answer as best I can 🙂

  46. My new love interest has started calling me “the voice”

    My new love interest has started calling me “the voice”

    She and I have been talking every day for almost a week like a couple of teenagers (we’re both 34).

    The only time we’ve seen each other was the brief occasion on which we met, so we’ve primarily gotten to know each other by phone.

    She goes on and on about my voice. She tells me it comforts her and reassures her. We’ve only been talking for 6 days and have spent a total of almost 10 hours on the phone. She insists we talk at every opportunity we get.

    r/nofap, I have never had a woman respond to me so powerfully and so quickly after meeting her. As a singer, I know nofap has improved the quality and resonance of my singing voice. Now, as somebody suddenly getting a lot of feedback from one member of the fairer sex, I can attest that it has also made me into somebody that at least one woman can’t stop listening to. I can hardly believe it!

    Fapstronauts, I am grateful for all you’ve taught me. Cheers!

  47. I can’t feel good about having sex without love anymore!

    I can’t feel good about having sex without love anymore! What the hell, nofap? Anyone else change their attitudes towards IRL sex?

    I used to not have a problem with it at all, when I was on PMO. I think PMO shuts down your emotional and moral centers of your brain as well, because I must have been so inundated with pornography images I treated real life like pornography.

    Recently, I thought “hey I can still have sex on nofap! I’ll just do that then, no harm done, right?” But I felt so guilty doing it with a girl I know I don’t love… and I know in my heart that I can’t do it anymore, maybe only once in a blue moon if I’m single. I’ve had a lot of girls too, so it’s not like I need to sow the oats anymore, I think it’s time I started treating sex like a thing that should be shared between two people who love each other.

    What the hell nofap, I came here as a nihilist! What have I become? Anyone else experience this “emotional sensitivity” (for a lack of a better term) along with nofap?

    so many… confusing.. emotions… arrrgh

  48. 50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.
    50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.

    I plan on doing a post like this every 50 days to show my progress. Hopefully, this will help others in a similar situation.

    I’m older than many of you, 44 but, I have similar problems. ED, spending way too much time on fapping, addiction to porn.

    I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m not married. I’m working on that. I think porn and fapping are some of the reasons I haven’t been more social. Spending too much time on the internet and TV are reasons too. I guess my story says look what happens if you don’t address this shit. You wake up one day and you’re in your 40’s and life is not what you thought it was going to be. I thought in my late 20’s I would be married with kids on the way but, that never happened. I spent too much time by myself and not out with others enjoying life. So, I’ve been trying to change that and Nofap is a step in the right direction for me. I don’t want to paint the picture of me being a total hermit because I’m not but, I definitely could have been a more social person throughout the years.

    Here’s some progress I’ve made in the last 50 days: ED maybe slightly better, my confidence has improved, better eye contact, more active, more assertive, more goal oriented.

    I haven’t had one relapse and I don’t plan on it. I think I haven’t relapsed because I was ready for Nofap before I found this community. I was improving my life for the better before I started this challenge. Before I found this place I had already started meditating, journaling, exercising, dieting, and was somewhat active. After starting the challenge all of these things became more of a focus for me. I did them more and I did them better. So, I already had my mind in a good place and had some focus. When Nofap came along I knew I needed to do this and my mind was ready for it. That’s why I haven’t relapsed.

    Nofap has given me more tools to understand how to get the things I want in life. I feel like the pieces of my puzzle are coming together and Nofap is one of those pieces. I can’t turn the clock back and get all of those wasted years back but, I can change what I do today to effect my tomorrow. So, that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking it day by day and doing positive things. When the woman of my dreams comes along I’ll be ready for her.

    I know a lot of you guys are in your 20’s. Do the Nofap challenge and make sure you don’t waste your 20’s and 30’s like I did. You can change your life with Nofap. This community gives you tools to understand how to reach your goals. I’m moving in that direction now. Who wants to join me?


    Good post. I’m 42 going on 43, no real relationships for over 11 years, and making a major change like this is a struggle. I don’t have any great hope that I’ll end up finding someone, but if nothing else, I will get myself loose of an addiction that has almost certainly cost me uncountable opportunities to be happy with a real girl.

    I’ll second his sentiments: you young guys, PLEASE don’t squander your prime time on porn! There is so much to see and do, people to meet, fun to have! The internet is a great diversion, but when it becomes your only diversion, you’re on the wrong path. Believe me, old age will wait for you, it’s not going anywhere; just getting closer one day at a time. Be happy when you get there, not regretful. 🙂

    THIRD GUY –  

    Well Im pretty much afraid Im heading towards there…sometimes I feel so desperate I wish I was in one of these religions where they arrange a marriage for you so you dont have to worry about seduction, confidence, etc etc… GUYS, PORN is so seductive and readily available…it makes you hide, in that dark corner so no one finds you there fapping , browsing perverted shit…sometimes I think it is soooo available because it is in some people’s secret agenda to make us stupid. So Im also there..breaking my lifetime record!


    This may be one of the most important posts on NoFap.

    Thanks for a beautiful post. I am 39 yrs old and COMPLETELY relate with what you’re saying.

    I’m really happy for you and I think you’ll get to exactly where you want to be.

    One thing you wrote stood out: “When the woman of my dreams comes along I’ll be ready for her.”

    I’m working towards this myself!

    Congratulations on your 50 days and good luck!

  49. 21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…

    21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…

    Since starting NoFap I have felt both more attractive, and more attracted to the opposite sex. I feel better at communicating with people of either gender, with stronger eye contact and more confidence in myself. I even ended up hooking up with a girl I had known for a long time which has already resulting in some Fun Times (TM). It feels almost like a missing piece of the puzzle has been found, and I am not so ‘different’ from other men as I once thought myself to be.

    One of the best things about NoFap though, in my opinion, is the pride you get from controlling yourself. It might be that there are things in my life I regret, or things I could be doing better, but damnit, I have a computer in my room with high speed internet access and yet for 21 days I have not looked at porn. Not even once. I also don’t MO in the mornings or before I sleep. I’m not a disgruntled monkey desperate for a little hit of pleasure to sooth my insecurities or lack of satisfaction. I’ve made a choice to take the high road, and when you make a significant change like that, you can carry it with you wherever you go. That’s real confidence, that right there. It doesn’t depend upon something external to you, like your grades, income, etc. Hence as long as you believe in yourself you have nothing to fear. Your situation in life might change, but nobody can take away your self respect. Only you can do that.

  50. 2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)
    2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)

    It’s technically two months minus one day but I feel like getting things of my chest today.

    I can say without doubt that these two months were the most life-changing and productive in my entire life. Not everything was great but things move so quickly, I’m really curious of what I will become in 2, 3, 12 months from here.

    So, here we go.

    • Realized my life sucks and got depressed
    • Felt like a weirdo / freak and lost all social abilities
    • Started working out again
    • Went on and successfully completed a 1 week blackout experiment (no Internet, no Games, no TV)
    • Fought depression
    • Moved out !!
    • Completely changed my views on others and myself
    • Became less egocentric and started accepting and talking to people, more then ever
    • Got eyefucked a gazillion times
    • Got hit on
    • Got perma-confident
    • Got dead dick, got super horny, got 2 flatlines and counting
    • Started noticing real girls
    • Still feel awkward with them though and do not initiate contact with them – no superpowers (but I’m flatlining)
    • Went on a friend-date with a girl and realized I was on her hook for months/years (feels bad man). Decided to stop the relationship

    This last point is was motivated me to make a post. It’s funny, I feel like a have a fresh view on every single little thing in my life. I’m changing everything and my only limit so far is time. 3-4 months from now I’ll completely remake my life. Realizing I was a “nice guy” on the hook was one of the most painful things that happened, especially since I was already getting used to control everything and feel good about myself. But this was something from my old life and I had to deal with it. It’s spring cleaning.

    I’m wondering what tomorrow will bring and how I will react. I’m saying goodbye to my old self with all the good and bad qualities this guy had. R.I.P. little wanker.

  51. Made it the entire summer: 90 Days

    Made it the entire summer: 90 Days

    I started this journey at the end of school last year. I had been addicted to PMO since I was around 11 years old. I tried to stop a few times and had been fairly successful once, but always went back. Now that I’ve made it to 90 days I’m going to keep going, and I want to share a few insights and things that have worked for me in the past three weeks.

    • Get a partner! Not a sex partner, an accountability partner. Have a friend in real life who can keep you honest and check up on you once in a while.
    • Replace PMO with something else. I discovered Reddit at the same time I decided to stop. Whenever I had free time to get off I would visit Reddit. Yes, I used Reddit’s addictive properties to help me!
    • Work out. I started running and biking more, and found a few programs with the goals of 100 push ups, 200 sit ups, and 25 pull ups.
    • Just do it / Just don’t do it. I understand that beating PMO isn’t as easy as “Hey I think I won’t ever PMO again!”, but sometimes all you need to do is tell yourself that you aren’t going to give in right now. Just wait one more day.
    • Stay busy. Whenever I was at summer camp, running around working all day, I didn’t struggle as much to avoid PMO. At least for me, the most dangerous place was sitting alone with nothing to do. Stay active, stay involved, get a hobby, do something.
    • /r/getmotivated, /r/gotmotivated /r/motivateme Take advantage of the communities and resources here. The motivational subreddits have gotten me outside running multiple times. Check them out next time you get the urges.

    If I think of any more I’ll post them, but that’s all for now. This has been an awesome 90 days, and I feel so much more alive! For those of you who are just starting off, you gotta stick with it, you will feel better soon.

    I hope someone can benefit from what I’ve written here. Good luck to you all, Carry on!

  52. 20 days in and I’m starting to notice some changes

    LINK-20 days in and I’m starting to notice some changes

    As my badge says, I’ve completed 20 days, and something strange and unexpected is starting to happen. Well, two things are.

    First of all, I…no longer get the urges for porn or fapping. It’s been days since I’ve felt like doing either of those and now when I start to think about them, I just don’t even want to. I’ve had hours upon hours by myself at home and somehow not only have I avoided fapping and edging, I haven’t even thought about it. I really did not expect this to happen.

    Also, I’m starting to see women differently. It’s very subtle, and the process isn’t complete, but my perception of them is changing. I’m starting to see them as actual people, as women, not just as sexual objects, not just as walking sexual organs. I didn’t even realize this before I started NoFap, but every woman I saw I immediately thought of as a sex object. Literally, my first thought was to mentally undress her and sex her. However, now I’m starting to understand what sex and sexual attraction is really about; it’s more about having some sort of emotional connection, about experiencing closeness with the other person. It’s not just about what they are physically like.

    I expect these effects will slowly magnify as time goes on. I’m genuinely surprised that this is having an effect on my mind; I didn’t think I would change.

    TL;DR don’t get urges for PMO anymore, see women as people and not objects, surprised that changes are actually happening

  53. Taking back the control

    First thing first… English is not my first language so apologies (LINK)

    I’m 29 years old and I had been masturbating and watching porn since I was 12. I’m writing the two things together since they were one action for me… porn led to masturbation and vice versa so quitting porn was a really hard thing to do.

    I can’t count the times that I woke up in the morning and said to myself “today you’re not watching porn” and surprisingly (or not) in the end of the day I would found myself cleaning up after me.

    So as you understood so far, I was pretty hooked up and I had no idea how to deal with it. One day I bumped into a series of Youtube videos called “Your brain on porn” and I started to watch them (out of curiosity) – and it HIT me!!! I need to get control in my brain!! it’s not about my penis, it’s about rewiring my brain back to normal!

    I had no idea that this little fact is so powerful… I felt like I’m in control now and it’s just a matter of training… and today I’m close to celebrating a year without porn and masturbation (9 months and counting .

    I know it’s a cliche but if I managed to do it anyone can!!! hope I helped… good luck!

    The sex life is great!!! I have a girlfriend for almost two years now and she’s a part of the process. I told her that I’m quitting from day one.

    In the matter of fact, I told a few friends too (males & females). My intention was to spread it in order for it to be a solid fact, I know it sounds maybe too harsh but it sure helped me. The feeling that I took control… can’t tell you how much it means to me.

    I didn’t have any erection problems or woman problems, the only problem was that I felt like I really can’t control it. I would have seen a sexy lady somewhere (tv, news website, university, etc) and suddenly my brain would start to send me urgent “we need to have a talk” signals… hated it!

  54. 14 days

    Has anyone else experienced interesting non-sexual side-effects from NoFap? Here’s what’s happened to me so far.

    I was going to post about this tomorrow (at 14 days), but I’ll be away from the computer and I’m in one of my ‘moods’ atm (see below). Anyways, I thought I’d keep a log of the changes that I’ve experienced so far from NoFap.

    1. I’ve almost entirely stopped my intake of junk food. Seriously, they only real ‘junk food’ that I’ve had in the past two weeks has been chinese for lunch. Other than that, I’ve had almost zero desire to get fast food/junk food. Someone brought donuts to the office yesterday, but after I had one I almost felt like vomiting.
    2. It’s easier for me to go to sleep/wake up. Yes, I know this partially makes sense (especially if you’re fapping at night), but even when I had to wake up at 5 AM (with about an 1 1/2 of sleep), I had very little troubling stirring.
    3. I enjoy things more. This is a little hard to explain, but I find that things that give me pleasure (such as music) are now enriched a great deal more. It goes hand and hand with…
    4. I have a lot of nervous energy. These are the moods I was talking about. It’s hard to describe, but imagine how you felt when you were a child waiting excitedly for something. It’s kind of how I feel: it’s a pleasant buzzing in the background, waiting for me to apply it.
    5. I exercise. A ton. Partially to burn off this excess energy, but also because I just feel compelled to. It’s an interesting sensation.
    6. I have more ‘time’, when nothing’s changed. I talked about this before, that I calculated spending 1-2 weeks just on my porn folder, downloading/organizing/etc. over the years. While it’s not as though I devoted hours of each day to surfing porn, I still find myself pleasantly surprised when I finish all my work/exercise/etc. and find that it’s only 9 PM. I suppose I should say that it’s more about concentrating and getting things done faster than having more time.

    Of course, I’m not promising you’ll feel this at all. NoFap isn’t a magical cure-all for all your problems, and YMMV with basically all of these symptoms. Remember, this is a personal journey, and this is basically a support group. I just thought that it’d be interesting for people to talk about their non-sexual side-effects that they’ve encountered.

  55. Day 60: growth is often hard to notice, but this isn’t

    Day 60: growth is often hard to notice, but this isn’t

    No, I have not turned into superman. No, all my issues are not sorted out. Yeah, I still have trouble getting out and doing the things that I should.

    However, since starting NoFap…

    I have gotten a job. I have had lots of sex. Coincidence? Maybe. But abstaining from the thing which stole the importance from other areas of my life certainly didn’t hurt.

    These incredibly noticeable changes have happened since I started this, and they almost never happened before. Keep the expectations realistic, but doing this has worked wonders for me.

  56. 31 day update… massive life change.. if you are thinking about

    So I’ll start off with a TLDR.

    31 days off fapping. I have a sexy 21 year old girlfriend (I’m 20, first girlfriend in years), I’m studying daily and preparing to go back to college in two weeks time. I’m genuinely happy and full of energy. I’m back doing kickboxing and the house has been spotless for three weeks now. After a two year low with bouts of clinical depression I am finally back on track.

    All this has happened in the past three weeks. I have never felt so good.

    I was originally going to write a journal every day but soon I met a girl and we were seeing each other a lot and it sort of fell out of thought until now. Here is the few entries I wrote.

    DAY 5 NO FAP

    Incredible depression. Never in my life have I felt so alone. The need to fap has dissappeared thankfully. To be completely honest I am not sure how I made it to day 5 at all. It seems the last five days are a haze to me, as if both months and only hours have passed similtaneusly. It is hard to explain. Hope is the only thing that drives me, hope that the war of self loathing and lonelyness will some day soon end. As this is the first journal I am writing I will explain in full my journeys mission. I am changing my life. I taking kickboxing more serious, getting ready to compete, I am eating paleo or as close as I can get without being OCD. I am taking a hiatus from the computer and internet and I am taking reddits 90 day noFAP challenge. This is my seventh or so go of nofap and I refuse to fail this time around. Infact I CHOOSE not to.

    DAY 6 NO FAP

    Slept for about 11 hours last night. I had very strange dreams. Incredibly lucid and real. As to be expected the themes of the dreams all pertained to issues that currently plague my mind. I woke to extreme “hornyness” and almost forgot my goal. I pushed through and like yesterday I feel no urgent need to fap. My temperment is better. I feel lighter and more motivated than yesterday. Hopefully my mind continues to improve. Less anxiety today, felt a stir of more energy. Had the courage to speak to a girl I like that works in a supermarket. The need to fap is slowly diminishing and my mind feels more at ease as if a dark cloud is slowly passing overhead and a bright glimmer of suns hope has escaped through its trenches.

    DAY 8 NO FAP

    31 day update… massive life change.. if you are thinking about doing noFAP read this and DO IT.

    Feeling incredibly rested and energetic, and more relaxed. I feel as if I have been swimming in dark waters and am now reaching the surface, I can’t quite see it yet- but I know it’s there. It’s been nearly 8 days now since I fapped and I have a new appreciation for women, they are so god damned beautiful. I have never felt like this in my life. I feel as if they can sense it on me. My eye contacts better and I feel more confident. I will not fail.

    DAY 15 NO FAP

    Sorry for the lack of updates. The past six days have been interesting. My desire and appreciate for women has escalated to a level where I am actually talking and asking out random women I meet. Yesterday on the train on the way home I noticed a stunning french girl smiling at me, she got off at my stop and I couldn’t help myself- I hopped off and asked her name, if she had a boyfriend, where she was from and if she would like to go out with me some time. She said yes by the way… I also have been going out and meeting people that I am usually incredibly nervous around. My eye contact is much better with both women and men. I am MUCH more clear headed and possibly and even open to alternative routes to accomplishing a goal (more flexible)- which is unlike my perfectionist nature. I am far less worried about judgement. If this continues I will finally be where I want to be or at least on the right track..

    So that is all the journals I wrote. Between day 15 and now I have met this girl 5 or 6 times. We went to the cinema on the first day (cliche I know, it was her idea) and since then I have cooked her food and gone out clubbing twice. Now one thing I have done is have sex. Which maybe screws up this noFAP thing but sex is sex and it’s not something I have regularly, let me tell you (let alone with a gorgeous 21 year old french student).

    Overall I’m motivated, my anxiety is definetly much easier to get a handle on and I’m much, much, much more clear headed. I recommend this to anybody in a rut, anybody with anxiety problems or anybody at all really. If the next 59 days go as smooth as this I will be there in no time. Best of luck my fellow noFAPPERS!

  57. Two days ago I was miserable

    So two days ago I was miserable and contemplating the idea of wrestling with a speeding train—now I’m feeling like I’m on MDMA.

    This isn’t a joke, two days ago I was plotting ways of ending my life. I’m a rational person, and things have been going nowhere for a long time, so having fulfilled my bucket list, all I could think was: “Fuck this shit, I’m out.”

    So I posted something on /r/suicidewatch — just in case someone would give me some bit of information, knowledge, an experience, a hint or just well-meant support. Anything was good. Because besides factually ending my life, I also considered “simply” doing away with who I was. Be a new me: a better me. Practically the same idea, I suppose, except with a conscious mind.

    So someone posted this thing about /r/nofap — I was doing this about 3 times a day, 9 times a day when I was really bored.

    So I stopped. I hadn’t that day, either. So I guess I just completed day 3 of not fapping. Again: I’m a rational being, I contemplate everything. According to my job performance I’m an analytical mastermind or something. And I’m being modest here.




    1. The weather is great, normally I’d sulk and sit inside. I did chores in and around the house and took time to travel around town a bit for some long-standing necessities. I enjoyed the sun, I enjoyed being by myself, I had lunch with a gorgeous friend of mine.
    2. For the first time in months I genuinely laughed about things. Silly things. A video here on Reddit, a joke someone made in a shop I visited, the sarcastic humor of said friend, the unfortunate accident of a random bird…
    3. I hooked up my PS3 again, just to play one of the many games I never finished. I finished Red Dead Redemption and I actually enjoyed the shit out of it. Took me 4 hours, I had quit this game about a year and a half ago.

    I’m not sure what kind of magic you guys got me hooked on here, but for all I care you guys found a magic cure to happiness and satisfaction. And this is only day 3. The FAQ tells me I’m yet to peek.

    My goal isn’t sex—I’ve plenty of that—my goal is reinventing myself. And I needed something for it, and I didn’t know what it was. There’s happyfuel in my balls and I’ve been dumping it into tissues all this time. This is a great first step. And a whole lot better than jumping in front of a train, I’m sure.


  58. DAY 68 PMO FREE – yourbrainrebalanced


    NO TURNING BACK! IS THE THEME OF THE DAY. thanks HadEnough and rcfergie5.

    It is a good motto to live by.  The benefits of not using PMO greatly surpass the short term dopamine fix that PMO induces in the brain.  I feel like my brain is healing.  When I started this re-boot, I listed the following symptoms that I felt like weight on my shoulders:

    1) lack of motivation

    2) irritability

    3) brain fog

    4) inability to concentrate

    5) mood swings

    6) social anxiety

    Today, I am proud to state here that I no longer suffer from any of these symptoms.  My moods are much more “steady”.  People are starting to notice.  The anxiety is GONE…my concentration is crystal clear, my motivation for life is very high.   I also eat better and even enjoy getting out of the house, away from the computer.  Fishing, hiking, and just walking with the dog has really helped me get deep into this re-boot without a relapse.  These are hobbies I REALLY ENJOY but neglected for at least the past decade since I first got high-speed internet.  I have become a leader among my long-time buddies.  Fun male bonding with them on the fishing trips “off shore” in the diesel powered skiff.  The skiff was the best purchase I have ever made. 


  59. Years of porn

    The NoFap Story of a 28 year old guy

    I have tried no fap several times recently, and I have had to reset over and over again. Resetting the badge always gives me hope that I can escape this addiction, but then the loneliness sets in and I go back to my old habits. But this time, I’m determined to change my life and be the real person who is hidden beneath the angst and pain caused by isolation and pornography addiction.

    I always dreamed that I would find the right girl for me and settle down at a relatively young age. Its one of those dreams that stays with me and I actually have recurring dreams about it at night. But there was always this constantly nagging addiction that has plagued me since I was a teenager, and I think it has effectively prevented me from seeing my dream come to fruition.

    I remember the summer when things went from bad to worse. I found this website that provided free passes to all the major pornography websites. At the time, you could only find 3 minute streams of the videos which would always leave you wanting more. I had hit the jackpot. I was on summer holidays, so I would spend days on end looking at new videos, searching for new girls, each one better than the last. I had no idea what this habit was doing to myself esteem and my drive to socialize and meet girls.

    It was always the pornography addiction coupled with the addiction to video games. It was as if something inside me was telling me that I could only live vicariously through these means. It got worse as I got older. It didn’t help that I lived by myself for most of my late teens into adulthood. I didn’t know any better. I thought a social life was for certain types of people, extroverts, who just wanted to drink and talk about nothing. I had it all in my self-contained little world.

    I managed to make a career for myself, a lot of people I met would find me likeable and engaging. But the part of me that wouldn’t let go of the porn would tell me I was hiding from the world, they would find me out eventually. They would come to know me as the loser who can’t even talk to girls, and had never had a girlfriend.

    There were girls too, beautiful ones were interested in me. I was never able to fathom that either. I would always get looks and compliments, but me? Why would a girl look at me? Maybe my nose was too big or she didn’t like the shape of my head. The porn took my self-esteem with it. I would never pick up on the hints that some girls would give, and I’d end up pursuing the ones that weren’t interested and getting my heart broken in the process, many a night was spent lamenting my misfortunes in the love department. Was it the truth? No. I just had this messed up addiction that would tell me I wasn’t worth loving, and that it was all I would ever have. The only way I would ever have that passion.

    I believed the lies that I told myself. It got so bad that after a while I developed terrible social anxiety. People would ask me questions, and I would take what seemed an eternity to answer because of the brain fog. Making friends became more difficult because I grew more withdrawn over time, spending entire days fapping away.

    Were there happy times, yes, of course. I became an accomplished soccer player, completed my psychology degree, got engaged at one point. But those moments all seemed fleeting, because I was bound to the one thing that would hold me and maybe eventually deepen my depression and lead to suicide. I honestly felt that way at times. I remember having the biggest crush on my neighbor and wanting to at least say something, but I would be so tense when I’d run into her in the hallways. I remember overhearing her saying, “our neighbor is probably masturbating” to her roomate and they both laughed. I didn’t have to second guess that she was talking about me, I was always so tense when I’d see her, she just knew that something wasn’t right. Maybe I would have had a chance if it wasn’t for the addiction. But my point is that when PMO has taken hold, the outside world can tell. You become a shell of a man.

    I broke up with my fiancee, and things got worse for me yet again. I don’t know how I was able to leave the house for work some days. I would feel terribly weak in my legs, and I could hardly think coherently. The thought that I could never be loved was reinforced, I broke up with my fiancee, but I asked myself whether it was my fault she didn’t love me and spend time with me like I thought she would. In reality, the relationship happened because I felt very lonely and isolated. And again, I would spend days PMO’ing. It was my escape, if I wasn’t playing soccer or at work, then chances are I was at a computer screen fapping. Reinforcing the negative thought patterns, and social anxiety.

    I’m old enough now to understand that I have a lot to offer a woman, and the world in general. I want a family of my own, I want to live life without the nagging fear that I’m not good enough, and that I’m somehow defective. I want to feel, have those vivid dreams, laugh and smile without reservation. Feel pain when I must instead of being numb to it all. I want to live the dream I have had ever since I was a boy. No relationship is perfect, but I believe true love is the closest thing humankind has to heaven, if you believe in heaven.

    In 7 years, the longest I have gone without fapping has been 30 days. Guys, noFap changes you. People look at you differently, you walk with your head up because you’re no longer doing something that you’re ashamed of and have to hide from everybody. Its worth doing, even if only for the 90 days, leaving porn behind is a must for all of us. It reduces us to hollow shells. I am posting this because I want to be accountable to the other guys and girls here, I want to be able to come and ask for encouragement when it seems so much easier to just download some porn and fap. NoFap will allow us to love ourselves again. That’s how I feel about it anyway.

    I just wanted to add that I never thought I was addicted to any extreme kinds of porn. But then I reflected and realized that I always had a liking for cuckold porn. To avoid too much detail, these are situations where a man’s wife is with another man while the husband watches. And I think it warped me to the point where I could only picture the women I was interested in with other people whether fictional or real. I think that this is a terribly dangerous niche of porn, as they all are.

    Thanks for reading guys, let’s help each other get thorough this and come out as real men. I hope that in the coming months I’ll be posting here about how I found my first girlfriend in two years and I have new found confidence. But this time, I’m doing it for me and the young men who can learn from my story.

  60. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it.

    LINK – FireOnCampus

    Well the day has finally come, and I have not. (At least for 90 days) It has been a difficult journey, but I learned many things along the way.

    Let me give you a little background on who I am: I am around 19 years old and am still a virgin, though I have a girlfriend and we’ve been together for about 8 months. I have been masturbating since I was around 15 years old to mainly pornography (with the occasional magazine here and there). It was originally around once a week or so when I was free at night, but during the summer and some stretches last year it was basically every day.

    I decided that maybe it was a problem when my girlfriend couldn’t get me off. I didn’t have ED by any stretch but I was always the one who had to finish. My sensitivity definitely wasn’t what it was when I started fapping. After I saw the TED talk I was convinced that maybe it wasn’t a physical thing and that maybe mentally I just wasn’t all there during intimacy.

    Like many of you have discovered, not fapping has its benefits. After a few weeks I noticed that I had more energy and I had a distinct desire to be pro-active. I got back to working out and I’ve been doing this one routine and have been tracking my progress for the last month. I actually lost 10 pounds as well and I look more fit.

    As for the ladies, well my girlfriend has noticed I am more confident and energetic around her which is a plus. I have had a few releases throughout my noFap journey when I’m with her, but I thought that those were acceptable. Not too many though, we don’t live too close during the summer so I haven’t seen her very often.

    Overall, quitting masturbating didn’t necessarily improve my life dramatically and transform me into some super-being. However, it definitely gave me more energy and noticeable boost in confidence.

    I’m glad I found this sub-reddit and I wish all of you the best of luck! Feel free to ask any questions or post any feedback below.


  61. 40 days and 40 nights

    Seems like as good a time as any for an update. It hasn’t been easy lately, but it is without a doubt worth it. LINK

    • Week 1 felt empty. Fapping had become this almost instinctual response. Everyone out of the house? Pants off, computer on. That kind of thing. Breaking that cycle in the first few days was the most important thing to me. I would always force myself to read a few NoFap posts before doing anything, and that always steered my hand away from my pants. Still, it suddenly became harder to fill the hours in a day. There’s just so much time I never realized I had before!
    • Week 2 the flatline started. I had no sexual urges at all – it just wasn’t interesting anymore. The only way I knew I was still functional was that I started getting solid morningwood. This was the easiest time to resist (since the urges weren’t there in the first place) and the time I started some new habits to use those empty hours. Exercise, meditation, music practice, and blogging to name a few. It still seemed like I had so much time.
    • Week 3 the flatline continued. I started to get a little worried, started to get those thoughts of “better test to see if I’m still capable…”. Meditation helped me see that those were just a recovering addict’s rationalizations and starting cold showers helped drive my focus elsewhere. I always used to fap when I was bored, but now that I haven’t been fapping for a while, I find that I’m less bored. Little things are becoming far more interesting, chores that I would’ve put off doing I now do almost unconsciously.
    • Week 4 the urges started picking up again. Now I’m living with my parents until the end of the month, so there was no real way to act on them without risking relapse. Cold showers became my best friend, sometimes multiple ones per day. I absolutely refused to edge – why taunt myself with what I can’t have? I still hadn’t had a wet dream, and all that energy just kept building and building. I worked out harder and read more, trying to exhaust both mind and body, but they always had more energy in reserve. It was both awesome and terrifying.
    • Week 5 was harder still, but the nofap habit was fully ingrained by that point. My family took a vacation to the beach, and the sight of so many hot gals and guys nearly-naked threatened to set me off. Beware any time your routine is broken, be it by change of location or hours awake or anything. The addict part of your brain will take that change as a chink in the armor and worm its way back into consideration. Constant vigilance.
    • Benefits? There are so many. For starters, I feel like the Energizer Bunny. I can just keep going and going and going and barely get tired. I feel so much more in control of myself than before, and that extra agency is letting me do things I’ve always wanted to, but never been able to do consistently (namely exercise, music practice, and meditation). I’m noticing the little beautiful things about the world so much more. Generally I’ve just been happier – before I would often just wait and waste the time between fapping sessions, but now I’m using it to work towards my goals. Nothing beats that sense of accomplishment.

    So why do I post now? Basically, to keep myself from relapsing. I just had my first wet dream of nofap (of Biblical proportions), and I’m wary of the chaser effect.

  62. Nofap has seemed to made my life like the movie Limitless.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that If I want to succeed in life with my dreams, work, or girls, I cannot fap. (LINK TO POST)

    The past 11 days have been incredible. I’ve got so much energy to do everything. I can ride my bike 12 miles then run for 2.5. I’ve never done that before. Everyday gets better and though the urges get stronger, the rewards are better.

    My secret is writing the number of days clean in my rear view mirror with a dry erase marker. You always look at that and it’s always an encouragement. I tell you guys, you can do it once you get a taste of the life outside of porn and life itself will be your motivation to conquer it.

    I’ve been seeing a girl lately and its been pretty great. I have had a few close calls but in the moment you must make a choice to live and not die in addiction. It’s so worth it. I can’t wait to be completely free. 88 days to go. Your promise land is waiting for you. Will you believe you can possess it? Break through the fear of the unknown and learn to love the unknown. It’s safe there.

  63. My story – 25y old virgin with social anxiety

    Hey guys and gals, (LINK)

    I feel the need to write my story and rant a little because I Oed today with a sexdream while sleeping.

    I am a 25 year old virgin with social anxiety. I fapped since I was about 12 years old. Fapping was a daily routine till I was about 23. At this stage I told myself to not fap every day because it became very exhausting and I am tired the next day. So I only fapped on the weekends about 2-5 times. Since I am about 20 I am into drugs. The first few years I only smoked weed daily and use shrooms about once every few months. I discovered more and more drugs I like. I took drugs for the sole purpose of making fapping more amazing. Which worked pretty well … My taste of pornos got weirder and weirder. My collection got bigger and bigger.

    Don’t read the next passage if you don’t want bad ideas or relapse easy.

    Then I discovered amphetamines. If you know what amphetamines do they are vasoconstrictor and contract your blood vessels. You also get extremely horny and they have a freaking huge impact on your dopamine balance. Well I discoverd I could fap for 10 hours straight and cumming 5 times without problems. The orgasms are freaking amazing and I get horny when I think of it. You cum for hours and you cum so extremly hard. I did this about 10 times once every weekend in a row.


    I noticed this had a huge impact on me. I got quieter and quieter and just didn’t talk with anyone at work and didn’t do something on the weekends. Well besides fapping.

    I discovered this subreddit and the TED talk on the first of July this year.

    Since then I tried noFap and had streaks of 16, 22, 4 and 6 days.

    My first relapse was from a drug induced orgasm and I told myself what the hell I might even fap if I already came a little. So I went for a 6h fapping session with porn.

    The second realapse happend after I was on holiday at the beach with a few friends. All those beautiful women were just to much. So when I came home I edged a little and came pretty fast.

    I don’t know why I relapsed the third time. Probably boredom. Relapse with porn.

    The fourth time I relapsed was today. I woke up and went back to sleep for an hour again. In this hour I had a sexdream and I orgasmed. FUCK THIS SHIT.

    Every relapse I feel pretty down. At least I don’t relapsed with porn so it feels not as bad as my first relapse.

    So what has noFap given me till now:

    • less social anxiety. I have made new friends which I do stuff and go to other countries or on holiday. Never did something like that in the past 10 years because of anxiety and disinterest.
    • I found myself talking more and more to girls at work. Just training the basics of conversation. I know this sounds stupid but I never did something like this my entire life.
    • You penis gets bigger. This is no joke. I almost gained an inch till now.
    • I can look people longer into their eyes. Pretty amazing if you do this with girls and they are the ones who break eyecontact.
    • It seems like girls notice when you don’t fap. Almost every girl I pass in the street looks into my eyes. Girls at work check me out. Even if they have boyfriends.
    • I have more confidence to say what I want to say. It seems like other people enjoy this and I am more funny than I thought. I just never spoke up because I was afraid what the other people think about me.
    • The ability to not give a fuck about what other people thinks about me gets better and better by the day.
    • I am more motivated to do stuff. Two week ago I went hiking the first time in my life.
    • If you relapse you don’t lose all of your progress!!! The second time I relapsed I had only 1 or 2 days of bad feelings but after that it was like before the relapse.

    So thank you all for this amazing sub and help me kill my SA without medication.

  64. Day 79 – Feel like Im in the puberty again!

    OMG it really feels like Im in the puberty again. Last night I had a wet dream and next minut I came in my pants. I FUCKIN JIZZ IN MY PANTS. I havent done that since I were 13 years old, before I started PMO. Its crazy, now I see all kinds of beautiful girls I didnt notice before. (LINK)

    Its like everything gone back to the stage it was before I even started PMO.

    I will continue my journey. I will reach 100 days and even longer Thanks for all the help so far my brothers. Keep on fighting.

  65. 10 days in and I can bend

    10 days in and I can bend steel bars with my bare hands, cure cancer with a touch of my finger, and communicate with animals!

    Ok, well not quite…

    …but here’s what I have noticed since starting nofap and no PMO:

    • More energy – I’ve been going to the gym about twice as much as usual and I seem to recover from my workouts faster.

    • There seems to be more attractive women around now – maybe it’s just the nofap goggles ?

    • I notice women noticing me more than before nofap – I think what’s really happening here is a combination of things 1) the biological changes my body is experiencing do cause me to be more attractive to women (i.e., testosterone boost), and 2) I’m so damn horny I stare at more women than I used to and I hold my stare until they finally look my way. Whichever one it is, or if it’s both of these things I don’t care, the results are positive.

    • My mind is somewhat clearer and calmer. My mood is on average up from where it was pre-nofap. I’m not the happiest man on the planet and things that upset me before nofap still upset me now, it’s just not as intense.

    • I think I’m sleeping better and my dreams are getting more positive.

    • I haven’t hit a major flatline yet, hopefully I never will.

    And now the obligatory I’m not fapping and this awesome thing happened to me moment: I went out this past weekend with some friends to a bar. I’m older, in my mid-30s, and I always thought younger girls were creeped out by my age. Don’t know if it was the nofap confidence boost or what, but I found myself talking to and making out with a girl who was in her early 20’s AND she was attractive.

    Is this shallow and somewhat childish? Yes. Do I care? No! It was a wonderful ego boost and just the kick in the pants to keep me on the nofap path. I chalk the experience up to the wise words of Tone Loc –”But that’s what happens when people stop fappin…”

  66. Age 33 – 5 weeks: Some words from an old guy

    Some words from an old guy

    Hello! I’ve been lurking these forums for a while now, and I feel it’s about time I made some kind of contribution. I first heard about this place via YBOP, and I’ve read a lot of inspiring stories here. Kudos to everyone trying to overcome their personal limitations!

    I don’t remember why I first stumbled upon YBOP and nofap, but I’m very thankful I did. It’s strange how you can continue PMO:ing away without reflecting on how unnatural it really is. This forum and YBOP has made the elusive a bit more obvious. Masturbating to porn really hurts you.

    I haven’t masturbated or watched porn for about 5 weeks. In this time, my appreciation for everything in this (my) life has increased a lot. I feel a lot clearer about almost every situation. I can watch poeple (and especially girls) in the eye and remain completely relaxed (this has led to a few interesting situations).

    In the short amount of time that I’ve been porn- and masturbatory free, I’ve experienced more adventure than in several years before. I cannot believe how stupid I was to not discover this before!

    If you actually noticed the benefits, you shouldn’t have a hard time quitting. Actually, if you cannot stay away from porn and masturbation for 90 days, you’re a fucking wimp.

    Well, until a few weeks ago I was a fucking wimp as well, so the walls I’m throwing my stones at are made of glass.

    I don’t want to give the impression that I stopped watching porn, and girls all of a sudden started materializing naked in my bed. It’s more like I’ve been much more comfortable with my horniness around (some) women and they’ve mostly responded favourably ;).

    At 33 years of age, I’m feeling like I’m heading for new and unimaginable adventures.

    (Sorry if my English sucks — I know it’s not an excuse but I’m Swedish…)

  67. Day 22…well, this is a turn up for the books!

    Well, I’ve just gone over the 3 week mark, so I thought I’d do my first proper post here to tell people how it’s been for me so far.

    Whilst one of the main reasons of NoFap for me is to break my porn addiction, I didn’t actually come here specifically because of that.

    A few weeks back I was at a local pub with a few friends and I started talking to an old acquaintance that I hadn’t seen in years. We got on really well and I dropped her a message on Facebook to say it was nice to catch up and that we should do it again sometime. From there we started talking via messages and eventually by text and phone and before I knew it I realised that I hadn’t fapped in over 5 days. And I hadn’t missed it at all.

    I remembered seeing NoFap months and months back but paid it no heed at the time because I thought that there was nothing wrong with having the “occasional” tug. Curious, I came back and started reading about all of your experiences and thought: yes, I’ll give this a try.

    This is my first run and I’m currently on day 22, and so far I don’t miss it at all.

    So, are the side effects true? God. Yes. My confidence has sky rocketed. I know longer imagine myself as a troll stooped over a desk, but as a functioning, respectable adult. And it HAS rubbed off (no pun intended) into my social life. I now have one or two people in my life who seem actively interested in me, and I put it down to being more outwardly confident and happy with myself. I will GLADLY sacrifice a few minutes of tube sites a night for feeling this great.

    So my message to anyone who is thinking of starting: don’t think twice. Do it. You will be amazed at the results, even in such a short space of time.

    It won’t get you laid. It won’t get you a girlfriend. YOU will. Because you feel that. Damn. Good.

  68. Unplugged from the Matrix

    Unplugged from the Matrix

    I’m starting to feel like Neo when he starts looking at everything in Matrix code. Every girl that I’m attracted to now has some kind of weird Aura around them. I asked this girl I’m kinda seeing if she started wearing a new perfume. She was like no I’m not wearing anything. Last time I felt like this was when I was 15, and it’s only been a little over a week. Hopefully soon I’ll be flying around cities and dodging bullets.

  69. “Brain fog” can go fuck itself.

    LINK -“Brain fog” can go fuck itself.

    I know you’re not supposed to beat yourself up about relapsing. IMO, relapsing and finishing despite seeing a glimpse of myself in the mirror doing the deed isn’t even the worst part. It’s the shitty feeling the next few days after that is.

    After only 11 days, I feel like a different person. I’m much more talkative and aware in social settings. At work, I’m on top of everything instead of forgetting things and asking people to repeat themselves. It’s been over a decade since I started looking at/watching porn and this feels like this is how I truly am.

    I know this feeling from before…. my previous /nofap best was something like 19 days. Near the end of that 19-day period, I got several lap dances for an unrelated celebratory thing – bad idea. The estrogen overload combined with not fapping for weeks made me feel amazing. Now, I’m sort of irritable and impatient – plus I work in retail… maybe that’s causative and not correlative? Anyways, I was bulletproof the next day at work – felt like I had climbed a mountain or something, NOBODY irritated me. But I had too much pent up energy and hornyness that I ended up relapsing the day after. And many times after. Back came the brain fog, gone was my razor-sharp awareness and that on-top-of-the-world feeling. Ugh.

    I wish I’d never descended the slippery slope of porn. I have a renewed motivation to keep that brain fog at bay, whatever it takes. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes. If only I could do a memory flash, a la Men In Black blue flash-thingy. Speaking of which, it’s shit like that…. obscure movie references that I would never remember during my spans of brain fog. Forget about being a zombie.


  70. 120 Days and still going!

    120 Days and still going!

    So today is day 120 for me, and what a 120 days it has been, doing nofap was one of the greatest decisions I ever made, I am no longer the person that I was when I was using PMO, let me repeat that, I am a very different person today than I was 120 days ago, nofap works, it changes you, rather it brings you closer to your true self.

    Let me just say I did not turn into a casanova, but who the hell cares?! I feel so comfortable with my self, sometimes I get this sense that I’m a badass for no reason! I feel very attracted to hot girls, way more than before, but now I know they’re just females, they’re not angels or beings from another dimension, they’re just human females.

    Most of my social anxiety is gone, I don’t care as much what people think of me, or if a girl likes me or not, I can hold eye contact with anyone, nobody is better than me, they might be richer or better looking or smarter, but nobody is better than me, I am me, the me that I’m supposed to be, this how I should’ve felt at 16 or 17 if it hadn’t been for PMO.

    I am living life way more now, I rarely sit at home, I can talk to anyone, I surprise my self everyday. I still don’t have a GF, yet I don’t dwell on it, I know my time will come when I will meet that perfect girl and I will be ready for her. I feel so much better, when I wake up in the morning, when I talk to someone, when I go to bed, I just feel so much better in every aspect of my life.

    Nofap works, it really does, stick with it guys and you will be rewarded, don’t stop at 90 or 120, keep going as far as you can take it, trust me on this, you won’t regret it.

  71. 17 years old reboot

    17 years old reboot

    I am rebooting because i have ED and PE, anxiety and depression. So here it is, day 63 no PM, and day 22 no PMO . I have some questions that no one seemed to have the answer for me. Since I started the reboot, i had frequent wet dreams (1 dream/2-3days/a week top) Is this set back my reboot? Wet dreams can occur during flat-line? Usually when i get a wet dream , i don’t dream about porn, but i never get to the sex part because i ejaculate soon as the action starts. But last night a got a weird dream that i don’t remember really well. I was fapping to porn but it wasn’t porn, it was weird, i think it was a POV or something (anyway this happened very quickly, like i was in the middle of the dream, got erect, porn magically appeared in front of me and ejaculate, done).

    Anyway, the reboot process is going pretty good, i feel much much better, anxiety and depression are on low and i’m starting to get very good moods. Down there, not much is happening, no random erections, rare morning woods. But i am confident and i think i will see progress soon.

  72. my sex life with my wife infinitely better,

    I’ve found that not fapping has made my sex life with my wife infinitely better, but as for staying Fap-Free… I suppose nobody’s perfect. I’ve never completely cut out porn, and it caught up to me today. If anything, it’s a reminder that the problem is porn. Either I cut it out entirely, or I’ll keep slipping. (LINK to post)

    I never made a 90 day or 120 day post, but I’ll sum up my experience in one sentence: If you’re in a steady, sexual relationship, you shouldn’t be fapping. It’s that simple. You should be channeling your sexual energies towards one another. These last 4 months have been great, and I recommend NoFap to anyone who might be interested. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of NoFap for a single person (I imagine it’s a great deal more difficult), but for me, it’s been nothing but wonderful.

    I hope you all experience success at least as great as mine.

  73. General observations after 38 days

    Okay, I’m gonna make this sort of readable.

    • My concentration is up by like a million percent. In two days this semester, I’ve spent more time reading in the library than last semester alone. This is probably the most significant and noticeable of the changes.
    • I wake up earlier, am more rested, and spend my day more structured and smart than I used to. Way more.
    • Women notice me. I still act like a 15-year old as soon as I get horny, but that probably comes from having sex two times in a lifetime.
    • My ED still isn’t cured. I know this probably is a downer for some, but I keep my hopes up and count on it fixing itself either by continuing the streak or by being less anxious while actually having sex. I made a girl O even after ED occured though, that helps the self-esteem.
    • I feel more happy. Even though I have my ups and downs, I am confident that my general level of happiness is higher.
    • I have so much more physical energy. This manifests in some of the points above, but to get a physical result, I started exercising Krav Maga today. It was awesome.

    What I need to work on:

    • I need to edge less and work on not getting erections at all while talking to friends on Skype and such. I usually stop after a couple of seconds, but I am well aware that it might eventually be my downfall.
    • I feel much more comfortable talking to and opening up to females. This is in itself good, but I feel I’m overdoing it and being way too open about emotions and girl issues to way too many, especially girls. That might scare some away, or seriously hurt me some day.

    I take one day at a time, and force my hand away as soon as it starts doing things it shouldn’t. It’s much easier than it was the first couple of days, but still takes some discipline every now and then.

  74. 30 days! Definitely worth it.

    30 days! Definitely worth it.

    I never had trouble with ED but social anxiety and concentration problems are pretty much my trademark characteristics, and for years I thought it’s just part of my character. I quit 30 days ago, just to give it a try and 2 weeks in I was thinking “I feel the same” but I started this year of college with a new found confidence and motivation.

    I didn’t feel the change that was happening but now that I look back and try to compare my “old self” and now, I definitely see a huge improvement. Eye contact was something I always struggled with. I always tried to keep eye contact, but it took effort. It wasn’t something that I do naturally. Online I can make jokes and have fun, but when I’m around people it’s like my mind blanks out. But this mind-block is gone now, I feel comfortable laughing out loud and smiling a lot more where usually I would just smile awkwardly and hold in my laugh.

    I also just had my first crush in years. The last time I even had a crush on a girl and felt like I want to be in a relationship, not just sex and stuff was years ago. Seriously. Now I’m not saying I have any kind of chance, but it’s still good. I almost forgot what it feels like to just want to be around a girl and the feeling I get if I make her laugh or if she’s happy to see me. I honestly doubt she would ever consider me more than a friend(I’m not exactly good looking), I don’t think I would if I was in her place. And because of that, I feel a lot more motivated to improve myself, my body, my looks in general, even my study skills.

    Now I can’t give nofap the credit entirely, I’m in a new country, with different culture in a one of the best universities around and all this plays a role. I don’t wanna give you the same idea I got when I first got here. “I stopped fapping and now girls are attracted to me all the time!! also I have girl radar and awkward boners all the time!!” Because that’s not my experience. I didn’t have any awkward boners at all, I don’t stare and think about every passing girl and my hormones level are not shooting through the roof. Infact, I think I may be a lot less horny overall. Also girls are not jumping on the chance to be around me. But I feel a lot more confident, a lot more motivated, more focused and maybe a bit more interesting and can hold more interesting conversations. And hopefully on the right track to a better me.

  75. 32 Days in, what i’ve noticed about myself, traps, triggers, etc

    32 Days in, what i’ve noticed about myself, traps, triggers, etc etc

    Okay guys, so its day 32 of my NoFap challenge. Firstly let me establish that i started this with the intention of just completing the 90 days but quickly decided after some early positive changes that i wanted to quit porn and beating the meat for the rest of my life.

    A bit of background, im 29, discovered masturbation at a very early age and would do it at least once a day, have done it up to 8 times in a day, it became very much part of my lifestyle, like a burden that i tolerated because i loved it. Im certain it affected me growing up, made me timid, and i sucked with girls, even though im a good looking guy, can speak 4 languages and im funny.

    Ive had 2 serious relationships in my life, one lasted almost 3 years, the other 2 years. Never had issues with ED, have had weaker erections and not being able to come on the odd occasion but i can count those times on one hand. Dont know why but that last sentence sounded semi-sexual. meh. Both ended because i became disinterested in them, because of how i wired my brain with porn. Saw them more as a sexual outlet and felt like they owed me the right to sex, instead of seeing them as beautiful individuals. I had sex all the time, at least once a day but would supplement with PMO. I was fortunate in a sense that i didnt develop ED but did have loss of sensitivity and always had no energy, felt depressed, overly anxious about petty shit, mood swings like a junkie, and unfortunately tho one closest to me bore the brunt of it and my hair started to thin out a bit.

    A workmate was watching the TED video on a coffee break and it really hit home with me. It was basicallly describing my life to a tee. I decided that day that i would do NoFap. I joined, (i only belong to this subreddit and have no idea what the rest of reddit is about yet), got to day 9 after a week of edging and thinking its cool until i shot my money and felt deflated (pun intended). Since then its been 32 days.

    What ive noticed:

    • week 1

    Immense surge of energy, almost superhuman. I would go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 2.30am with my mind and body convinced it was 6.30am and that im rested and ready for work.

    could work out for 2hours straight and keep going easily.

    Had tremendous amounts of energy at work to get things done, shocked my workmates. felt like i could flip a truck on demand.

    • Week 2

    Much the same as week one, except my good friend’s sister came out of the blue and started messaging me on facebook, pretty much told me shes been keen on me for years. She comes over a few days later, we have sex. She has strange body spasms ive never seen a girl do before while she comes which only took her a short time. This subsequently puts me off my own need to come. Crisis averted, money is retained. We go out on a date, shes awkward. Probably because im going to leave to work in Abu Dhabi for good and shes going on a Euro trip and doesnt want shit to get attached. Fair enough, im grateful.

    • Week 3

    Flatline central. Initial high is diminished, reduction of overall energy, all power and communication systems appear to have shut down in the penile area. Interesting things happen though, concentration steadily increasing, new respect is gained among peers. Not giving a fuck attitude is present and is rewarded with more respect. Start developing a mini posee. Found myself at home doing something weird. One of my Fapping triggers became exposed. I find that when im bored on the net, my brain will say go to a generic porn site, because this is what i did before, this is how i would start an internet session. As soon as i became aware of this i put a stop to it and developed ways to manage it such as turning off the net and reading over stuff related to my hoobies. Attention diversion is key.

    • Week 4

    Energy increasing slightly, libido returned slightly, follow on effect from not giving a fuck still reaping positive returns. I see chicks checking me out, i check them out, make intense eye contact. Discover the importance of genuine primal eye contact. Make it happen more often from now on even if slightly mechanical. Notice the addictive side of my brain trying to fill the void of not fapping with other stimuli such as awesome music, metal, dubstep, anything dopamine inducing. Fucking love it. Find myself initiating conversations with old friends on facebook, and skype, texting old friends to catch up. Seeking out to reconnect. Discover I was depressed, and was a self centered idiot for a very long time. Fell down about this for a short time, decide its not worth feeling bad about it, everything in life is a lesson and I seek damage control instead. Apologise to my sister for an argument we had two years ago which made us not speak to each other.

    • Week 4.5

    Have a serious meeting at work which could result in a written warning because a job was screwed up i was also late for the meeting a couple of times. Go in guns blazing, make my point clear about how ridiculous the boss is being, take his points and condescending comments as his way of trying to show who’s most dominant. I acknowledge within myself that he is my boss but he’s still not above me, say my points, deflate his arguments, leave him flustered in his office. No warnings issued. Respect from boss gained as a result. Intense heavy workload at work all week, new found mental concentration and stamina keep me safe from making careless mistakes in my design work. Libido returns slightly, woke up a couple of times during the night with raging wood, find myself begin able to operate at a satisfactory level all week with very little sleep.

    What ive figured out so far:

    • Not only was i addicted to PMO but i also have an addiction to media. Net, youtube, facebook, etc etc. Find myself wasting a fuckton of time on these things. Purely as a way of diverting my brain from boredom. I find that when i forcibly divert my brain away from these things to something useful it remains engaged in the task.
    • PMO triggers are ingrained within your brain and take time for those neural pathways to rut over with new ones, i suspect this period requires the most strength in order not to relapse.
    • Recover is definitely non linear. Being biological in our nature its only natural for us to have super up and super low days. I just acknowledge the low days and work as best as i can and ride the high days with an absolute vengeance.
    • This isnt going to open the fucking stargate or make you see the world in binary like the matrix but it will definitely help you in ways that you definitely would not have anticipated. Today i noticed my old self from perhaps a decade ago coming back. My quick wittednessnotarealword, mental stamina, and capacity are gradually coming back to me. Now that im realizing this and look back at what life was like a few years ago im certain i was depressed and stuck in a shithole of a place.

    Hope this post doesnt bore. I could go on all night, kinda feel like a dick for lurking and decided to give some back 🙂

  76. The Halfway Mark – 45 days

    The Halfway Mark

    Today I am halfway through the 90-day challenge and I thought I’d post a few thoughts. First off, I never thought (nor do I now) that nofap would solve all of my problems in life. I simply thought that the time and energy spent browsing porn and fapping was wasteful and needed to stop. That said, some bullet points:

    • I do have more energy. It’s not a spectacular, bouncing-off-the-walls type energy, but I generally have the energy to do the things throughout the day that I want to do — be it work, cleaning up, going out, working out, etc.
    • More time. An obvious one, that. I estimate conservatively that I spent an average of two hours a day on PMO. That time is now mine and it’s noticeable. I often go through a day wondering what to do with all the extra time. But that’s a good thing.
    • More confident and more social. Again, I wouldn’t say that the increase here has been huge but it’s been noticeable. I find myself chatting with strangers more. I want to be around people more than I used to. I just think I’m more relaxed and friendlier.
    • Good habits seem easier to stick with. I’m working out more, eating better, drinking less. It could be just a result of the resolve to go on the nofap challenge, or it could be the resultant change in brain chemistry, I don’t know, but I struggle less with motivating myself to do things that used to be very hard for me.

    So that’s it. Overall I feel like a better, healthier, more positive person. I’ve said this before but I don’t think nofap will solve all of life’s problems for me, but it will put me in a place where I can solve them.

  77. Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.

    Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.

    Day 10, the single longest stretch ive gone without fapping since I was 12 years old. I can’t say that the past few days have been particularly difficult for me since I was more or less flatlined the entire time, and also being incredibly busy starting my second semester of college. I wasnt left with much time or desire to fap. So I know Ive had it easy compared to some of you guys, and I respect you immensely for being able to power through your first week of what must have been pure torture.

    Regardless of the flatlining ive been experiencing, I have noticed quite a few changes over the past few days.

    The crippling social anxiety that ive been experiencing for the past 5 years has basically eradicated itself from my day to day life. During my first semester of college last spring, my usual routine was to walk into class, sit at my desk and fidget and shake from the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins caused by the anxiety that I was experiencing.

    Any time that the teacher would announce group work I would immediately be overwhelmed by an incredible wave of anxiety flowing through my body. My face would go red, my pulse would quicken, my breathing would become irregular. And then once I finally got into the group I would be even worse — barely capable of expressing a single coherent thought the entire time because of being so nervous. It was a very uncomfortable experience and one that I am thankful to be finally getting rid of.

    These past few days at school have been amazing, and I dont believe it would have been possible without nofap.

    Now I walk into class with my head held high and a slight smirk on my face just because im excited to see what new things I get to experience today. My shoulders are relaxed and my face is friendly, instead of contorted in fear.

    When my instructor announces group work (which they seem to be addicted to), I still feel that initial rush of anxiety hit me. But I know that is still just the initial reaction and my brain will take some time to adapt to my new behaviors and confidence. Regardless, whatever little anxiety I feel doesn’t linger for a very long. As soon as I get into my group I am completely focused, confident, and relaxed. I communicate clearly with my partner, and in my mind I image us as friendly allies fighting towards the same goal of completing our project together.

    The only unfortunate thing about my new found social confidence is that most of the time me and my partner will spend our time talking and getting to know each other rather than actually working on our project, and we can waste a little bit of time that way. I feel like people are a lot more comfortable around me. I actually look forward to all group work now.

    I have started talking a lot more to people, and expressing my thoughts with incredible clarity and precision. And for anyone who has ever had chronic social anxiety, you know just how foreign that behavior can be.

    I feel like an entirely new man. I am confident, clear-headed, and overflowing with energy. And I have to attribute these new developments to not fapping since I have made absolutely no other changes in the past week except for that.

  78. 7×7=49 days/My experience with NoFap/Takeaways

    7×7=49 days/My experience with NoFap/Takeaways

    It’s hard (two words in and I’m already making puns) strange to imagine to myself that I’ve been Fap/Porn free for 7 weeks now, and the immense clarity that I’ve gained in these unique days.

    Some advice I’ve gleaned from Dale Carnegie while I’ve been reading (more free time in those late night hours now), is the concept of fighting your battles one day at a time. I didn’t just arrive here at day 49, I had to wade through the rigors of days 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 first, those sure were tough.

    Then came the lazy summer afternoons through the latter weeks, the boredom, the criticism from my peers and (even women I’m dating) when I would explain my mission when the topics of PMO would arise. Each day had its own challenges. Each day forward will have new ones.

    This is the valuable lesson that I’ve learned. We have a tendency to think toward the future, to imagine how painful things will be days from now, especially if the moment that we’re in is particularly painful itself. PMO is a simple escape from this pain. But there is power in the daily victory, successive victory over our own discipline.

    I seem to notice my transformations about a week after the change has taken place:

    • I’m calmer, more compassionate, more curious, more decisive, more humble.
    • My hands are steady, my eyes are kind.
    • I’ve encountered and retained more women of quality than in all my past dalliance with pickup and game theory satire.
    • But the biggest transformation is my knowledge that my pursuits are my own, and stem directly from a place of self-interest, not self-centeredness, but my unification with the child inside of me.

    Some may call it the soul, others chakra, yet to me it is simply a feeling that the static surrounding my mind has been filtered, that the world is all at once beautiful and intriguing, with no singularity to impede myself from myself. I wish the same for all of you brothers and sisters. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, I could not have seen as far without standing on your shoulders.

  79. Connecting with people, discernment, rambling thoughts…

    Connecting with people, discernment, rambling thoughts…

    Just some rambling thoughts, from someone that hasn’t fapped for a while. I hope there is some value for someone…

    I came to this place via YBOP. I never had ED or any “serious problems”. I was also not a very heavy user of porn. I maybe PMO:d 2-5 times a week. But I think that porn can be very sneaky in that your sense of what’s normal and healthy gets distorted. Thus, I wasn’t aware of any influence that watching porn had on me.

    More than 50 days porn and masturbation free now! It feels real good to look back on that number!

    Today, I don’t feel too sharp though. I had too much to drink last night… Have been a bit tempted to search for porn. But self control has been intact so far. Often when I’m hung over I get tempted. I need learn to control my drinking a bit better too I think. Anyone got any suggestions for resources (reddit or otherwise) about moderating your drinking? I’ve seen /r/stopdrinking, but that seems mostly tailored for heavy addicts. I’m not really an alcoholic, so I feel that it’s a bit difficult to relate. It’s just that I really like getting drunk for some reason! 🙂

    So I went out yesterday, since I usually don’t like spending Friday nights at home. Met up with a girl that I met and talked to a bit last week in a club. Apparently, she’s recently been dumped by some guy, and she’s a bit down and was in need of some distraction. I think she wants more than just being friends, but I only want to be friendly with this girl (I realized I’m not very attracted to either her looks or her personality actually). Anyway, it was good to just take the initiative and contact her, and spend some time getting to know her.

    About some of the benefits I’ve had from > 50 days of nofap

    • I feel I’ve become more integrated during this period: more in tune with my self, and more at ease with other people. As part of this, I also notice much more when girls are attracted to me.
    • As I said, better ability to take control of situations and lead. There’s still much room for improvement, though! I’m still not making stuff happen often enough!
    • Improved sense of self worth, especially with regards to women. Holding myself to a higher standard. Not being so impressed by how women look. At the same time, being very impressed by how women look. ;).
    • Much higher sensitivity to everything sensual; looking into the eyes of a beautiful girl and feeling intense emotions of joy.

    Everything isn’t perfect though (like it ever will be!); I still don’t have a girlfriend. I’ve spent a lot of years in a job that doesn’t satisfy me fully (and I continue to work there). I don’t have very much money saved. No clear direction in my life. I don’t set that many goals for myself. I have no dreams. I realize staying fap and porn free will probably not give me any of this, but so far, the experiment has been worth it.

  80. It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good.
    Ask me anything” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”>90 Days!!! Ask me anything

    It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good. I’m so glad I found this little corner of the internet and I’m so glad I mad the choice to commit to this. This is a lifelong change for me and I’ll never look back!


    I tried doing both at once. But I just kept failing. after months and months of doing both I finally realized that this wasn’t the right method for me. So this time, I just quit porn. But I have been preparing for Nofap the whole time! the first 30 days of Noporn was ‘whatever’ fap whenever I feel the urge as long as it wasn’t to porn. the 2nd 30 days I fapped every other day, and during these final 30 days I’ve cut it down to once a week.

    I also changed where I masturbate in this time. Before It was almost always at my computer desk. But the only place I allowed myself to fap was in my bed. This, I think made the difference to me.


    I read a book! Two and a half books!(still working on the third) All 3 over 400 pages. I’m the kind of guy who reads maybe half a book a year because I think I should. But since starting this my attention span has inflated. I feel smarter, more able to handle problems.

    Self confidence has always been extremely high. But this has shot it over the moon! Before my confidence derived more from apathy. But that’s whats starting to change, I’m beginning to love the adventure of life again, and I’m confident because there is no reason not to be. I’m more comfortable feeling what I feel. I hope that made sense… Haha

    Social skills: I don’t know… I’ve always been mediocre in this department, and living in a new city I’ve found it hard to find new friends. That’s still something I’m working on… Not much change during this 90 days for that.

    How does your view of women (or men, depending) compare now to how it was then?

    [–]AHardChoice92 days[

    Honestly, I never really objectified women in real life, as I read a lot of people here have. Its going to sound weird but I never really thought of the women in those videos to be ‘real’. Just as actors playing a part. There are things I’ve watched, that I would never want to do to a woman. But it seemed okay to watch because it wasn’t real. Now that I’ve been away for a while, I realize, that’s kinda fucked up. They are real women, with real lives, with real families, real problems, and real emotions, just like the rest of us… So to answer your question in short: My view of the every day woman, I’d say hasn’t changed much. But the way I think about porn actress’ is a lot more sober-minded.

    Worst urge and how’d you beat it.

    [–]AHardChoice92 days

    My worst urge was a week long! I tight-walked the edge of relapse for a week. During this week I had thoughts every day about whether or not it was worth it, If it even mattered, and I thought about missing it. More than a couple times I had my finger on the trigger (so to speak) but I’d close my eyes, breath in and out, and remind myself of what I REALLY want out of life, and I remember the path I need to take, and I realized this can’t be a part of my life anymore.

  81. After a week of no porn/fappin I had the greatest sex in my life

    After almost a week of no porn/fapping I had the greatest sex in my life! (SFW)

    So, I’ve been together with my girlfriend for 18 months and we have been having sex for about a year. One week ago I found /r/NoFap[1] and after reading what is was and all that stuff I decided to join.

    I’ve been fapping to porn for many years and when me and my girlfriend got together I said to myself that I should stop looking at porn. But, it didn’t took long time before I was doing it again… And it was not until 6 days ago I really decided to stop PMO. I told my girlfriend about it and she thought it was a good idea. I installed K9-Web Protection, with my girlfriends e-mail so that I could’t get the password to unlock the porn.

    The week have been fantastic, I’ve been able to concentrate much better in school and I’ve been a lot happier than before. I’ve also had the motivation to work out more then before. Last night me and my girlfriend had sex and it was the best sex we’ve ever had, at least in my opinion.

    To all fapstronauts out there… stay strong and never give up! I can tell you, it’s worth it!

  82. 24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This)

    24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This For Motivation/Inspiration)

    Before you read this you may want to check out 2 Weeks and 15 Days

    There is a TLDR at the end for those of you who are to lazy read. But please, just read it and upvote so that this post inspires other people and lets them know how much of a life changer Nofap is.


    I began to realize PMO as a problem about 2 years ago, especially after I saw the TEDx talk a few months back). I am CURRENTLY 18. I have been able to abstain from the MO for very long periods of time (2-3 months at most) but ever since I was able to get access to porn I have been viewing daily and edging CONSTANTLY. I discovered NoFap 24 days ago through YBOP and here I am: These past 24 days No PMO, no edging, no nothing.

    If you are still wondering if it is worth it or if you get any results, the answers is simple.


    Here is what 24 days did to me, and it will fucking happen to you. The Benefits. Point by point.*

    Urges The urges to watch some porn/and or edge did not appear in any heavy abundance during the first 2 weeks. But as I reached the 3 week mark the urges returned pretty hardcore. However my willpower is stronger than I though it would be. No Fucking way am I going back to the smily face. This is my FIRST shot at no PMO and there is no way I am gonna fuck it up. /r/Nofap has helped tremendously with motivation. Still never let your guard down…EVER.

    Energy/Motivation Unreleased Sexual energy is fucking exploding and I am loving it! I have always worked out very religiously and very regularly. But with no MO and especially with no P my workout are fucking hardcore. I never remember having such amazing workouts and improving my physique soo much. Almost have a six pack!! In great shape. I went from running 30-40 minute sessions and doing 3-4 miles to running for 60 minutes and doing 5-6 miles DAILY. I sleep well. I have the energy to do whatever the fuck I want ANYTIME. I can truly say I have never had the sort of energy and drive that I have now in my past of life of PMO, especially the P. Dudes, I am fucking unplugged! Challenges in my life that I used to view a crippling hardships (education, university classes, work) now appear to be soda cans on the road that my fucking tank of energy will crush into fucking particles when it drives over them!

    Flatline I quickly discovered that the so called flatline does NOT OCCUR SPONTANEOUSLY. Instead certain things trigger this feeling. After narrowing it down… 1)feeling lack of accomplishment 2)Stress/poor diet of junk-food/lack of sleep 3)Boredom (A HUGE CAUSE OF THE FLATLINE) 4)Lack of improving my life BEYOND nofap 5)Laziness

    If I avoid these then the Flatline is a little bitch that cannot touch me.

    General life improvement Too fucking long to list, but here are some: Productivity is greater than it has ever been in my entire life, this is an absolute fact. Family and friends are noticing changes. Charisma higher than ever. Motivation is long lasting. No mood swings. Determined like never before. Exited to shape my life in to what I want it to be.

    I could go on all day with these…

    Now what you have all been waiting for

    Social life/ GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!!! Of all the benefits of NoFap, this is perhaps the greatest EVER! Alright lets fucking do this! 1) I have always been told I am a very good looking guy by family, friends, girls (not GF’s), etc. Problem was, looking at porn it showed me fake women–who on recollection are not attractive to me at all, REAL girls are sooooo much hotter!–and my confidence was at an all time low for most of my life. NOW!! I am more confidenct than EVER! Confident in my appearance, charisma and personality. 2) I don’t stumble like a blubbering moron like I did when I PMO’ed: Uhh, uhhhmmm….mmmm..well…ah… whats…uh..your name….(pulls out phone and stares at a black screen, avoiding eye contact) Now I fucking look hot girls right in the eyes and give them a confident, outgoing and seduction-like smile. 3) Girls are noticing me. A LOT MORE! The hot fit girls at the gym who I though were way out of my league (BTW fuck leagues there made up bullshit) are now giving me smiles, stares and flirt with me. 4) Before PMO I would never have ever guessed that they were flirting. Now I notice the blushing, tingling of hair, seductive pose, the eye fucking, all of it!! 5) I cannot believe I watched the women in porn, in hindsight they look fake and scary. I do not understand how I found WAY TO MUCH make up, over-tanned skin, and fake colored hair, fake physique attractive. Real girls are the real deal, they are the ones I am attracted to. 6) Social anxiety is pretty much gone. I walk into a room like a fucking boss with a smile on my face and project confidence like crazy. Not afraid of group work at university, not afraid of job interviews. Other men look intimidated by me, probably cause they PMO. MY ACNE IS GONE! I could not believe it! My facial appearance got better! 7) I hear this too much, “Oh god its like your a different person. I never though you were so good at etc, etc, etc” 8) A BUNCH OF OTHER BENEFITS THAT I COULD SPEND HOURS WRITING OUT

    Conclusion This is SOOO FUCKING WORTH IT!! I cannot believe so many people are still in the endless, worthless cycle of PMO.

    NoFap gives you the advantage over the other 90% of men who are week and who cannot control their urges and who cannot direct their sexual energy. You are part of the elite group that is on the road to success in life.

    The benefits are immense! Do not PMO, do not edge and use your stored sexual energy to shape your life into what you want it to be. REAP THE REWARDS FOR THEY ARE GREAT!

    TLDR: Just read the damn post. If you are in doubt, if you are lacking motivation or willpower, READ THE POST! Please up vote so others can know the power of Nofap!

  83. 27 years old, and 10 years of wasted life.

    27 years old, and 10 years of wasted life.

    Porn destroyed my life gentlemen. I’m not young, or as young as most of you. I’m 27. I have accomplished nothing in life. No education. No career. Nothing. Do you know what my life has consisted of? Living with my mom. Chasing sex-based relationships of no significance.

    Long term goals were put off, or not properly persued. Close relationships with friends dissipated. The jobs Ive had? Minimum wage stints, that never lasted; I’d work, then quit. Work than quit. I was an extremely sensitive person to critizism.wamastus easier to quit than to take the heat. I masturbated daily since I was 12. I am able to be this brutally honest with everyone here, because I feel that the vital life energies I needed to be above, or “normal” – were stolen from me every day.

    Do I blame porn for EVERYTHING? Well, no. Part of it was my upbringing. My own stubbornness. But because of excessive masturbation, I have always had bad memory. Bad at remebering. Bad at all types of educational functions. I always thought “something was wrong with me” – others too, thought I had some type of mental problem. It wasn’t up until I started nofap that.. Hey.. I can actually do things I never could. Ever since nofap, I Can actually go to the store, and remember to get 5 items without writting it down.

    Before that, I couldn’t do it. Trust me, something would have been forgotten.

    Folks, if you don’t think that’s bad, I don’t know what is.

    That’s how bad I was. I would be extremely anxious going to the store. I had crippling anxiety. People would tell me things and I would forget in a matter of 30 seconds. I dont know what was wrong with me. But I do now. They say Semen is your vital energy. I would masturbate until nothing came out. Imagine, having an orgasm and nothing came out. That’s how drained I was. Drained of my vital forces.

    I threw away my life. I am starting over. It’s been tough, but I cannot dwell on the past. I can only make do with what I have now. No, I have no completely wasted all of my life. I just grew at a much slower rate than most people. I still have all of my past experiences and knowledge to draw back on, but as far as accomplishment, memory, drive, conciousness? I have never lived with it until now.

    I want to touch on one more thing. It builds as time goes on. 7 to 15 days is not the same as 3 days. 30 days I’m sure is different. Welp. It’s time for this nuetered, 27 year old to get back to building his life. One can say I Was locked away for 10 years. Jumping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job, chasing sex based flings; matter of fact, I stopped being honest with women at 24, when I realized how weird they thought I was for still living at my moms.

    Now that I am liberated from the female form and the urge for it, I can focus on fixing myself. I am no longer addicted to it. I wish you all luck

    I always used to think I was better than everyone. More intelligent. And school was for suckers. Truth is, everyone had better functioning minds, and my over stimulated, foggy, masturbated mind could barely handle basic math. What a false sense of existence.

    I used to hate family functions. I look forward to them now. I am trying to build a relationship with my nephew, I never did. I like to be around family more. I struggle to come to grips that, puoshed away everything, close relationships, or the potential for making new friendships.. I pushed all of that away.

    It’s been tough, trying to rebuild a damaged life. But I continue on.

    I’m a different man now, but it hasn’t been easy.

  84. 90 Day Report and Life After NoFap

    I hit 90 days today, a fact I’m extremely proud of. Furthermore, I intentionally masturbated today.

    Why, you ask?

    • I’ve been in this for a while, since around Feb 2011, before the subreddit was even popular. It took me a long time to build real momentum. I’ve had my ups and downs, but now I’m at a place where I have much more control of my arousal and my fantasies. I used to think abstaining from PMO would be a lifelong thing for me, I was very serious about this and very absolutist in my opinion. But in the past few weeks, for various reasons, I’ve decided to experiment with “MO.” No “P” will be a lifelong thing for me.
    • I got into nofap for a few reasons. The first place was basically confidence. Confidence I wouldn’t get ED, confidence to pursue women, horniness to be aroused by all women. Second was experimentation. Now, after abstaining for a while, and accomplishing what I wanted to, I have decided it’s time for a new experiment. Like the other one, confidence building is the main goal.
    • I’m going to train myself for sex. Sex with real women. Just like NoFap was to prepare myself for real women – to avoid ED – my new masturbation would be to prepare myself for real women. Train my penis for the sensations, train for the stamina, train for the avoidance of fantasy and focusing on the sensations in the present moment. I spent some time over the last 15 days reading and planning.


    • My new masturbation will be in moderation. If I ever feel like it’s becoming a time-sink, and I do it compulsively and have no control over when I do it, it’s back to full blown PMO abstinence. Masturbation will be one day a week to start. Self control will be just as important to me now, as it was to me over the past 90 days.
    • There will never be any hands. Hands cause death grip syndrome and an unrealistic experience, and I’m just plain sick of my hands! I have purchased a fleshlight “stamina training unit.” Furthermore, I will use the fleshlight in a realistic fashion – by thrusting it. I will get my heart rate going, actually exercise, get into realistic sex positions, etc.
    • There will never be any porn or audiovisual stimulus whatsoever.
    • Furthermore, I will avoid fantasy. I’ve read things about masturbation focusing only on sensation and the present moment, or at the very least, thinking “only of genitals, not scenarios,” as recommended on YBOP’s website. I do subscribe to the idea that porn is more of the problem than masturbation, but you have to give up all of it for a time to reboot.
    • No guilt. The one unfortunate thing about struggling through NoFap for a year was that I had that guilt after coming, like a 13 year old little Catholic boy. My new masturbation is going to allow me to enjoy an orgasm and not judge myself, for the first time in two years.
    • Experiment with how ejaculation affects arousal and motivation. Possibly experiement with masturbation without orgasm.

    If I don’t like what’s happening, I’ll go back to total abstinence, but I wanted to try something new.


    I got home after midnight last night. Day 90 achieved. I decided to try out the fleshlight, right then and there. You need to soak it in hot water for like 20 minutes. So you need some patience and some self-control while prepping the thing, which I like. I set it up and it was all ready to go. Now it was time to get aroused. This was my favorite part of the whole session. I simply thought of masturbation, and got hard. Something I could never have done in my porn days. I put on a condom, because I’ll be wearing a condom for any sex I have, going with the realism theme. And I entered the fleshlight. I thought of nothing, I just had sex with the fleshlight. I lasted all of 15 seconds :)So I am definitely going to keep training, and learn to not be a two-pump chump. I think this will build me some sexual confidence and help me when I’m pursuing women.


    • Yes, it truly is possible to masturbate without fantasy, though I probably couldn’t do it if I didn’t reboot.
    • I’m a little exhausted. Orgasm is draining, my god, I don’t remember feeling this part! Continue with moderation, don’t drain all sexual energy. Do men who have regular sex feel this drained all the time?
    • I don’t want to fall back into the grips of addiction. Be cautious.

    Discuss, fapstronauts. For the record, especially for noobies, I highly recommend spending an extended period of time with full blown abstinence! I just wanted to get some people’s opinions on moving on after nofap.

  85. 15 days of noFap, like being on a super-drug

    15 days of noFap, like being on a super-drug

    I just need to share this with whoever has not made it this far. I’ve had several attempts (over 5) at no PMO and the furthest I had gotten was 7 days until now. I swear, I feel like I’m on some all powerful drug right now.

    Music sounds amazing, girls look amazing and they no longer appear as sexual objects to me. My erections are returning. The other day I tried to test my erection, and all I had to do was just think of a girl and BOOM. My erection could fucking cut through steel. This has NEVER happened to me before.

    The past few years I’ve had ED pretty bad. I’ve had very few sexual encounters where I haven’t had to worry about my penis not working. Although I haven’t had any yet since 15 days of noFAP I am confident that I will easily get an erection the next time I have sex. This makes me very happy =) I just can’t wait till the next time I get to try sex. It is going to be about 1.5 seconds of awesomeness!!

    So in conclusion, if you haven’t made it this far yet QUIT PMO NOW! I swear, every aspect of your life will get drastically better!! This is the best I have felt in such a long time, I forgot what it used to be like to live a normal life. Oh ya, and its only day 15. 90 days in, I will be God.

  86. How one Fapstronaut found his wings.

    Greetings, nofappers!-57 Days

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this subreddit. I was taking a break from reddit as a part of this whole self-control thing that started with nofap. Anyway, today I decided to return because something happened that I just had to share with you guys.

    Earlier tonight I was over at a friend’s apartment. I’m there with my roommates and several people I don’t know, but I’m at least acquainted with most of the people there on some level so I’m feeling pretty comfortable. Anyway, I’m standing in a circle with probably 6 other people, all acquaintances, and we’re just bullshitting and discussing random topics. As this is going on, I turn to say bye to someone as they leave and this black girl comes up to me and goes “Excuse me, what’s your name?” I told her, and then she introduced herself and a few of her friends. The next thing she said took me completely off guard: “I just want to say that you have the most beautiful skin! Your cheeks just have this natural rosy glow.”

    I would say I was taken aback, but that would be an understatement. As someone who has suffered from low self-confidence and mild social anxiety, this compliment was one of the biggest confidence boosts of my entire life.

    I’ve never been complimented on my skin before. There’s nothing spectacular about it – in fact, I have relatively dry skin. I’ve never been approached that way before either. What happened tonight literally has no precedence whatsoever in my life. All I can attribute this to is nofap.

    Nofap has seriously been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I feel more healthy than ever. I need less sleep, and the sleep I do get is deeper and more fulfilling. My dreams are more intense. My appetite is bigger, but I crave healthier foods. My voice feels more powerful. My muscle tone is better, even though I rarely lift. My sparse facial hair is coming in thicker and darker. I no longer feel controlled by my mood, but instead feel the need to proactively regulate my mental state and emotions. Most importantly, my confidence is (now) at an all-time high.

    Guys, these are all very real benefits. Nofap + cold showers is the only major change I’ve made recently in my life. I know some people want to question the validity of some of the claims made by fapstronauts, and I think that’s a good thing; there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy skepticism. However, this is your life we’re talking about guys. If you’re on the fence about trying this nofap thing, just do it. What have you got to lose? Why cheat yourself out of a better life?

    To all you fapstronauts fighting the good fight, I wish you the best of luck and resolve in order to defeat your inner demons. You CAN do this. And I promise it gets easier. The more success you have socially and personally, the more you realize how you never want to go back to the way things were. When you get that compliment, or that smile from the girl you pass on the sidewalk, it’s magical: You grow too big to fit back into that computer chair.

    In closing, I just want to say that I love you all! Peace, stay strong, and never give up on becoming the person you want to be.

  87. Superpower Unlocked: X-RAY VISION

    The other night, I hung out with some old friends from high school. I graduated college this spring, but they’re still in uni. I headed down to their frat house for drinks and shenanigans and a chance to catch up with people I hadn’t seen in years. (LINK to thread)

    For context, I should mention that I’ve been largely isolated from people my own age this summer. I’ve been working a LOT (dem student loans don’t pay themselves), and my few coworkers are significantly older than me. So this night was the first time I had been in a relaxed, social situation since I started my NoFap journey in May.

    Walking around and meeting people, I could SEE porn addiction in certain people’s postures, their heads trying to withdraw into the protection of raised shoulders. I could HEAR it in their mumbling voices. I could sense some defense mechanism within them shutting down their ability to keep eye contact.

    I learned a powerful lesson: if you’re addicted to porn, you absolutely project that. It infuses its essence into our actions in ways too subtle for us to consciously avoid.

    I get it now when I read about Fapstronauts reporting that they’re mysteriously starting to have women approach them. They’ve stopped telegraphing their dependence on jacking off.

    I’m never going back to my old habit, because now I know a terrible truth: You can fastidiously hide your wank stash in a labyrinth of folders within folders disguised as inconspicuous files; you can fap in the utmost of secrecy; but when you go out and interact with your fellow humans, you might as well have your dick in hand, because your habits are visible.

    TL;DR: If you unplug from the matrix, you can see the code.

  88. from reddit nofap –

    I came to the conclusion that I should stop watching P, since my genre of P choice has gotten weirder and weirder. I want this because I want a girlfriend and a stable relationship founded on other stuff then cumshots and just sex.

    I have been P free for a little over to weeks and already my life looks brighter. The girls smile more, I notice girls every wear, guys don’t intimidate me anymore. And best of all Im feeling more secure about my penis and my boners. Seriously, all the positive effects one reads about here IS TRUE!:)

  89. I want to be the man I was after 55 days, not the boy hiding

    I want to be the man that I was after 55 days, not the boy hiding in his room with fake women.

    I had no expectations to last even a week on my first try at NoFap, but, to my surprise, I reached 55 days. It was an immense change in my life, and I want to return to the person that I was after 55 days.

    I’ve continuously failed for the past few months, quitting after 10 days, 20 days, even a 25 day streak. I now know that PMO makes me weaker, and I feel like less of a man. Before finding this subreddit, I didn’t think twice about porn, but now I’ve seen and felt the changes personally.

    The difference between 55 days and 1 day is immense and quite noticeable. I don’t like who I am now compared to the man I used to be. I can hardly imagine what an entire 90 days or more could do for me, but I will soon find out.

    I made these excuses to myself in an attempt to rationalize why I shouldn’t do NoFap:

    • Everyone watches porn, and NoFap is a weird thing to do.
    • There is no science behind this, and NoFap is nothing more than an idea from strangers on the internet.
    • I just need to do it one last time, a farewell to fapping.

    The last time you fapped was your goodbye. Remember that every time you watch porn, you are taking a step backwards. The biggest traps for me were going on binges after failing and making excuses to myself.

    NoFap is the right thing to do, and it will change your life for the better. Take the 90 day challenge with me because I know I will succeed this time.

  90. Day 31 – quick review post

    Day 31 – quick review post

    I’m on day 31 of my nofap. I have cheated three times though, each such event lasting 2-3 minutes. It was google image searches that were tangential to other web browsing I was doing and I got sidetracked into google image searches that I knew would turn up some P images. I mainly did this to gauge my body’s reaction, but I don’t like the head rush I got from these. But from now on i’m going to avoid even those scenarios.

    After day 7 I started getting morning wood pretty regularly, which was very new to me. I remember getting morning wood as a teenager, but I don’t think I’ve gotten it since I was about 17 years old. The past couple of weeks it’s decreased in frequency to maybe 1 out of every 3 nights.

    I’ve purposely avoided sex with the gf for a month, and she knows i’m doing nofap. She’s hounding me for sex and I’m planning on the sexytimes happening this week. A little nervous about how it will go. I’m still checking girls out in public like crazy, which I kind of want to stop.

    I’m making much better eye contact and my social anxiety has decreased quite a bit. I’m a lot calmer too. I’ve been running the past couple of weeks so that’s also going well, but I have not observed any effects from nofap on any kind of athletic performance. I’m not surprised by this because I don’t expect any benefits in this area, and I’m also not doing much. I plan to ramp my activity up slowly and get back into working out in a sustainable way, 4-6 times a week.

    I’m getting a lot more work done, which is the biggest thing for me. I still waste a lot of time browsing reddit and reading news and checking my RSS feeds, etc. I hope to tackle those issues soon, but one thing at a time.

    For the first 3 weeks I was pretty depressed. I had trouble motivating myself to get out of bed, and was feeling tired and had no motivation to get any work done when I was up and about. But starting day 25 I’ve started to feel better, and have started getting more work done.


    Well, it has happened a lot. It has been almost three month since my last blog entry. (LINK TO POST)

    First I have to say to Marnia,and all other members: Thanx, your support means a lot to me, and second: REBOOT WORKS GUYS!

    All you need is loving partner,trust and patience. My gf and I stopped PMO addiction together,quitted phone sex,and started having,good and passionate sex. The result? The baby is on it’s way, and we ‘re getting married in two month.

    Problems? Well, guys reboot is ongoing process and it takes time to gain confidence. A week ago I went on the porn site and I started thinking: “What is this crap, it is not a true sex, what do I needed this for anyway?”  And I went of the site, and installed porn blocker (MetaCert), because man is weak and needs help to avoid a “just one peek “situation, to win an addiction. I remember one day,a whole day of sex,I think I orgasmed 13 times. Sometimes, thougts like: “Will it get up?” emerge the surface, but they vaporise in the passionate sex.

    Few days ago, I had wonderful sex in the morning and in the night I couldnt get it up. Perhaps I was exhausted from multiple sex every day, perhaps my head is full of wedding preparations pressure, perhaps I felt that sex was something I have to do, a task that I have to perform, which I did not.

    Sex is about relaxation and enjoyment,not a task and reboot is a process that takes time and it has it’s ups and downs, but the main thing is: REBOOT WORKS.

  92. Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable

    Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable

    I just started a new semester at my University (Biology undergrad). I’ve been really excited for this! I started NoFap about halfway through the summer, while I was out of town for four weeks. When I came home, I decided to totally break the habit, and stick with no fap. I’m really glad that I did! Last year I broke up with my girlfriend around Haloween 2011, and sort of fell into a major fapping addiction in the months following. I would often fap before heading to class to “help me focus”. The real result was that I felt dirty, uncomfortable, asocial, and asexual for the rest of the day. I got little attention from girls and I just feel deeper and deeper in until I finally decided to quit this past summer. Any way, I’m only two days in and it’s already amazing! Here are some of the things that I’ve observed.

    • I’m more confident around girls. I am much more sure of myself when talking about the and feel much more comfortable.
    • I both give and recieve eye contact more frequently, and notice people shooting me smiles, especially from girls.
    • A sophomore I briefly met last week bumped into me again today, was thrilled to see me, and gave me her number. That never happened before.
    • I walk with better posture, and am always full of energy. People are noticing.
    • I feel ready and motivated to start using the school’s rec center gym regularly.

    I’m really happy with how this is turning out! This is my first time seeing a lot of new people since the last semester ended, and it’s crazy seeing all the changes at once after 50 days of transforming my habits. I’m really glad I finally decided to take No Fap seriously. Thanks guys, stay in the game, it’s worth it!

  93. 90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)

    90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)

    I made it! Except that it’s been a pretty relaxed summer and stress is a huge trigger for me. Going back to college is going to be rough. But I think i’ve given myself the right tools to deal with things now. Also I try to keep TV, video games, and internet to a minimum now. Anyhow here’s some random thoughts:

    • A girl in high school told me she wanted to have sex underneath the football bleachers. I didn’t act on that or even ask her out because (I blame it on) masturbating 2-3 times a day. What the fuck was I thinking?
    • I’ve realized now just how much the media and porn has affected people’s self images. It’s pretty funny to see guys complaining on the internet about how they think their 7 inch dicks just won’t get the job done. Or about how everything thinks they need to be a ripped porno style hunk to get chicks. How instead of doing interesting hobbies that they enjoy, people try and get buff to impress other people. (Side note: if you enjoy going to the gym keep doing it, it’ll definitely help a little bit with chicks, but who cares about some ripped guy who isn’t interesting? As long as you’re decently in shape it really shouldn’t matter too much)So get off the internet. Stay away from the media.
    • Think about for a second for just how many people these days are playing video games and constantly jerking off instead of talking to women. All of these people who in previous generations would have had no problems, no social anxiety, nothing. They’d just do it. But instead, escapism has come to the point where no one has to care about it anymore. And a crazy ridiculous number of people seem to have this problem, too. I used to be this kind of person. But I realize now that talking to women isn’t rocket science. It’s meant to be spontaneous, awkward, whatever. There’s meant to be failure at times. That’s life. Just do it.
    • Speaking of the above I remember back to one of my roommates. He played video games(and likely PMO’d) pretty much any time he wasn’t in class and I remember him always asking my other roommate, “Did you find me a cute girlfriend yet?” Now really, what kind of an attitude is that?
    • I feel like crap after playing video games for more than an hour. I could previously play video games all day/night. No more. Nothing against video games. But I do think there’s a lot better ways to be spending your time.
    • If you view porn/masturbate for 30 minutes a day or more just think about what you could be doing with that time instead. If you spent 30 minutes a day playing an instrument or doing a hobby instead of masturbating you’d get really good at that instrument or hobby pretty quickly!
  94. I haven’t tried committing to

    I haven’t tried committing to not masturbating, but I’ve experimented with not using porn for 30 day stretches. While using porn, I see myself as bored and as having nothing else to do. When I am foregoing porn, I serendipitously discover productive and fulfilling things to do – and find the energy to do them. Examples: working out, writing, learning Python, telephone calls to friends, even going on dates! So try foregoing porn for 5 days, 10 days, or even 30 days. If you succeed, you’ll appreciate the benefits and thus have the strength and motivation to forego again. LINK TO THREAD

  95. from YBOP

    The marked difference in my lifestyle is that I find it easier to relate to people now. I have more friends. Prefer making friends over phone than using porn. Anger and depression problems have all been eliminated. I sleep better. My mind finds it easy to relate to women. The dangers of Porn is real my friends so fight the battle.

    I think for anyone fighting the battle, hang on and keep faith.

  96. Week 1 – Placebo-effect or not things have already started to ch

    Week 1 – Placebo-effect or not things have already started to change

    Hi, my names Reggie (deal with it), this isn’t my first ‘serious’ attempt (probably 5/6th), my record is 19 days and recently I have upped my average to probably once a week…. but I’m really wanting to do this for the long-haul

    Spent the last few days away with friends on holiday, and can honestly my up’d not-give-a-fuck persona about life shined through, we had lots of fun and no drama, and I really didn’t realise how much fun you have with all this built-up ‘power’ inside! (I know this is early days, but a few months ago I’d probably average at most 2 days before unleashing my energy in porn)

    I’m hoping this upcoming week I’m going to really get back on track with 3-hours a day working on my discipline (guitar), and also focus on getting out of bed at 9am (no more staying in bed till 1/2pm – I’m a student so I only have 3 weeks left till I’m forced to get back into the swing of things; I’m starting now

    On a side note I am single, there is this girl at university who I do kind of have some feelings for…. recently I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what could happen when I’m back at university, I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt romantic feelings like this with such intensity (I’ve had a bit of a dry spell recently)

    This weeks main findings

    -Having more fun, everything is feeling stronger

    -Social anxiety is decreasing, improving on not worrying about what people think of me

    -Greater intensity of romantic feelings, it will be 4 weeks before I see this girl again but I’m already filled with energy and excitement for when we meet

    What I’m concentrating on for next week

    -Getting out of bed earlier, for obvious reasons

    -Focusing on my discipline, I have the time now and more energy

    -Improving my not giving a fuck persona, I want to concentrate on me rather than what other people think of me

    I am determined to live up to my (user)name!!

  97. Vocal range?
    Vocal range?

    Anybody notice their vocal range broaden a tad bit when they quit? I was singing on the way home from class today, and I was hitting shit I’ve never been able to hit before. I was a happy boy!

    GUY 2)

    Yeah, actually. Wasn’t going to post about it, and maybe it had more to do with confidence, but yeah. I’m casually hitting notes I normally have to try for.

    GUY 3)

    Yes, I have noticed this. I think my voice has more volume now. I can talk over noise much easier now like music for example.

    GUY 4)

    He’s not lying. This is in fact the truth from my experience at least. Your voice gets deeper.

  98. Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stoppe
    Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stopped fapping?

    I first did nofap at the beginning of the year and made it about 2 months before stopping for some reason. I think that I noticed a correlation between ejaculation and my skin breaking out. Has anyone else found some truth in this old wive’s tale? If so, are they able to keep good skin while having an active, healthy, sex life?

    GUY 2)

    I’m 100% convinced that frequent masturbation causes acne. I’ve done the online research and it’s only by here-say that other people with this suspicion asked their doctors which told them, no, masturbation does not cause acne.

    I think this is a lie. Why? Simple trial and error. The same exact results have been duplicated over and over my entire life. Masturbate, and you’ll get pimples. Don’t, and your face clears up. It’s been so consistent in my life that, before nofap, if I had an upcoming event where I knew girls would be present – I would stop masturbation to clear up my skin almost instinctively.

    I know that they’re connected from so many accounts of, for example: I masturbated 4 times today and in the next 1-2 days my face goes berserk with pimples. If I don’t? Nothing happens. For YEARS this has been the case.

    TL;DR It’s fuckin’ true

    GUY 3)

    when i had acne i would go on all the time and there were a lot of threads claiming this and a lot of naysayers as well. i never tried it but it worked for some allegedly.

    GUY 4)

    I never really had bad breakouts (I have pretty dry skin), but I have noticed that my face looks healthier since starting nofap, and a girl randomly told me at a party that my cheeks had a beautiful glow. Also, I normally have pretty dark circles/bags under my eyes but I’ve noticed that they’ve lightened significantly, though this may in part be due to cold showers.

  99. Obligatory 90-day post

    Obligatory 90-day post

    So, I guess I made it! I’ve been checking back every day or two just to see how I’ve been doing, and then it clicked this morning: I hit 90 days!

    It’s difficult to look back and see any change from then to now, but take a look at this image. You cannot give me a position at which blue becomes green. Why? It’s a gradual process that occurs slowly. The same goes with NoFap.

    Now I’m not saying after 90 days you’ll instantly be a better person. What NoFap does is give you a little nudge in the right direction. You have to be willing to make the most of what you’re given.

    Since NoFap I have joined the gym, started making eye contact and small talk with people, taking care of my body, and reading more. I chose to do those things, with help from NoFap. The notion of porn disgusts me, and almost seems foreign.

    Take advantage of what NoFap can do for you, and always keep in mind why you’re doing it. I won’t guarantee “superpowers” or amazing results, but at minimum isn’t not sitting alone in a room artificially simulating sex better than doing so?

  100. Stop Or You’ll Go Blind

    Stop Or You’ll Go Blind

    I always used to think this phrase was religious propaganda right along with using “The devil made me do it” as a legitimate excuse. (grew up in the south and heard this more than once…)

    Yet, after 26 days of not looking at two dimensional women while furiously pulling on myself to the point of oblivion, the phrase, ‘Stop Or You’ll Go Blind’ has taken on a whole new devastating meaning.

    Looking at a computer screen and jerking off to the digital ghosts of women makes you

    Blind to so many deeply important elements of life, like:

    • To your ability to control your self, to respect yourself and to look someone in the eye with pure love instead of being riddled with shame. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want to be seen doing on the front page.
    • To your ability to begin experiencing peace, joy and stillness without looking for it outside yourself.
    • To your ability to explore the profound value of discipline.
    • Blind to the score of women all around you all the time that hold your gaze and then sneak a look at your package while passing.
    • Blind to the delicate contours of nearly every womans emotional (their present self) and physical health (their tremendous body).

    Right now, the thought of washing and massaging a womans feet seems to me now to be Highly Erotic. Just seeing a woman remove her bra in front of you feels like a lightning bolt of pleasure coursing through your rib cage. I could never use condoms because they spelled instant ED for me every time. Now, they are essential.

    When someone uses your computer, you know you’ve got nothing to hide. The same goes for your consciousness, you have nothing to hide – so approaching women and regular people is easy, as it always has been, you were just blind to that because two hours ago you jerked off to a 2D Sascha Grey clip on your faptop.

    There wasn’t a single time, in the thousands of times I PMO’ed in my life that I did not feel ashamed.

    What was I ashamed about?

    I was diminishing the value of women and therefore myself. I was letting the women in my city down and therefore myself.

    I was going blind.

    It’s so easy now to see the vacant look in mens eyes everywhere, the sadness they carry and I find myself wanting to promote nofap to passersby’s everywhere.

    I feel rejuvenated and powerful and I’d be interested in a study that examines the spike in depression as directly linked to broadband access to porn.

    Stick with it and you’ll find out how easy it is not to. It now reminds me of playing with G.I. Joes for hours, if you’re over the age of 12 it’s something you just drop.

    Don’t let the women in your life down! Give them your whole self and discover a new level of ecstasy together! She deserves it!

    Upward and onward forever!

    TL:DR Fapping makes you blind to so much life, stop.

  101. from MedHelp – Too much porn/masturbation cause ED?

    LINK: Jonas_Blane, Aug 31, 2012

    This post chain has been one of the most inspiring post chains I have read since I began my battle … no …. WAR against PMO a few years ago.  Even though I read countless accounts from men all over the world going through the same issues with real women that I was having based on my PMO habits, I thought I could serve 2 masters the whole time.  I wanted my cake (PMO) and eat it too (encounters with real women).

    To posters like ‘hardc’ out there, I am here to tell you that based on my experience, you can not ‘cross swords’ with PMO and real women and expect to function properly. You have to make a conscious decision to get away from PMO for several months and allow your brain to reboot, or continue being miserable serving 2 masters.

    Many posters already pointed out the power of The information on that site is what finally made me see that your body/brain changes when you are heavy into PMO.Even merely watching P and not M can be damaging because it is not about the act of M, it is what is happening in your brain while watching P that messes you up.

    Even if you reboot after several months and start doing PMO again, the “pathways” in your brain linked to PMO don’t disappear, and they are easy to reactivate if you start the habit again.

    After countless attempts to stop (I usually made it to day 10 in the past before I could not take it anymore), I finally made the conscious decision that I did not want to serve 2 masters anymore.;That was 16 days ago, and I have not regretted that decision at all.Since I have been into PMO since I was a teen, this is the first time in my life that I “feel like a man”. My MW is starting to return, and when I see real beautiful women in public, I have this awesome feeling that was never there when I was into PMO.

    So to all you past posters who inspired me with your accounts of your trials and tribulations dealing with PMO, I thank you whole heartedly.You helped me realize that I was not alone in my struggles, and that if some of you could go 60+ days without PMO, then so can I.My goal right now is 60 days, so I am in the “2nd quarter” of my journey and I can’t right to get to halftime.

    To all those who may have just found this thread and are thinking that life without PMO is impossible, I urge you to start from the beginning of this thread and read the testimonials from people like me so you can see that serving 2 masters *****.I also urge you to take a look at the content on so you can learn how PMO addiction is very similar to alcohol and drug addiction and why you must start your journey to stop PMO.

  102. 40 days – I am much better at talking to women

    40 days

    I hit 40 days today. I am noticing that I am much better at talking to women and not having the fucked up thoughts of wanting to have sex with all of them. Anyone else not caring if you have a girlfriend or not? this is the first time I have been single in 12 years and I feel great about it.

  103. Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person

    Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person

    I don’t have many friends to tell. I’ve been a World of Warcraft basement virgin up until I nearly dropped out of college earlier this year. I kicked video games, and a few months later I found YBOP. Anyway, I did* have 3 close friends that I talked to often, and I told all of them about YBOP and my journey to rid myself of pornography / masturbation addiction. They all laughed it off. At first, they were ok with it because I guess they thought that I would give up, that the task was so monumental and that I was simply fooling myself into attempting it. I remember my friend telling me sarcastically “GOOD LUCK!” when I told him I’d go 90 days.

    I don’t see this group of friends for over two months. The next time I see them, I have a body, not just a sack of bones. I look great. I feel great. I tell them how I’ve changed. How much energy I have these days, how much willpower. I tell them about my daily schedule, how I wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym at 5, come home, take a cold shower, eat a healthy breakfast and head off to the beach before college. I tell them how much I’ve gotten done. How I’ve quit all forms of instant gratification. The internet, junk food, video games / tv and masturbation / pornography (I was still relapsing every 7 days to masturbation, but kept a pretty long no porn streak).

    You know what my *friends* told me? That I was insane. That masturbation and porn are perfectly healthy. They told me every guy has limits, and that by not orgasming I was breaking them. That we as men are designed to orgasm, that its like a “bucket” that fills and empties out. I responded by saying that “wet dreams are a perfectly normal way to orgasm, without feeding an urge”. They ask “whats the difference between the two?” At the time, I was so stunned at their response that I had little to say. Nowadays, I’d say that one is instant gratification and instant gratification is incredibly addictive. Addiction causes reality distortion…your thoughts being blurred in order to satisfy an urge…basically the one thing that ruined my life.

    Anyway, I was in shock at how my friend from when I was 11 years was acting despite seeing such a dramatic change in my lifestyle. I chalked it up to jealousy. I told myself they just don’t understand. In the end, it didn’t matter.

    Then he proceeded to call me a martyr. He told me that I was trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean by attempting this task. This friend of mine claimed that he had never masturbated and that he does not watch porn. So instead, he sleeps with women. He has one night stands. Lots of them. He uses women like objects and then tosses them away. Over time, I realized that if a man treats women in such a way…what way will he treat his friends? In a similar manner, I’m sure. It became clear to me how I was used for years upon years by this group, and I shunned them away.

    Now, the point of this story is not that I have horrible taste in friends, it is the fact that these thoughts stayed with me throughout the journey. They surfaced during my toughest times. The thought that “no pmo is like crossing the Atlantic ocean”, came up when I had my strongest urges…and you really don’t want to hear things like that when you’re on your hands and knees praying for that extra strength to move on. The comments of the uninformed can and will hurt you when you least expect it. Those comments become weapons that your addiction will use against you, to distortion reality and  convince you to give in to your addiction.

    I love bringing the Matrix into my replies, because I feel like this entire journey has been like unplugging from the Matrix for me (thank you Morpheus, aka Gary Wilson).

    “When you’re inside, look around…what do you see…businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save..BUT until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it”.

    Does this scenario sound that farfetched? I’m sure you’ll get a defensive response if you try to walk up to some guy on the street and tell him that internet porn is bad for your health. That response will only hurt you when you need to see the light. It will only block the truth. It will only aid your urge. 

    This is why I exercise severe caution with whom I tell this information to. I don’t need to arm my porn / masturbation addiction with more ammunition to throw at me when I’m facing urges from hell.

  104. First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap

    First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap

    I am only two weeks in and I am already a new man. I can’t even believe how it has changed me. I am really aware of my surroundings and I am enjoying life. I am a sophomore in college and 20 years old and I never have had a girlfriend. I never have had my first kiss. I seriously was a pathetic individual.

    Now ladies are constantly visiting my dorm room. And yes yesterday I had my first kiss and made out with a girl for the first time. The funny part is that I was so terrible at it and I realized I am in need practice… luckily she’s down to teach me. I believe that PMO has kept me from experiencing this in the past. I am very thankful for nofap. DO NOT GIVE UP FAPSTRONAUTS!

  105. What PMO addiction really robs you of…
    What PMO addiction really robs you of…

    …is feeling alive. It robs you of the outside world. I say this for all forms of instant gratification, not just porn. Anything that makes you stay in your comfort zone…anything that tries to keep you in your shell is an activity that is siphoning the happiness from your life. Instant gratification may seem like happiness, but it is all just one massive lie. It robs you of the happiness of achievement. It steals from you the pleasure of hard work…of going past your limits, of breaking out and living life to the fullest. 

    I have a little story for you guys. It isn’t in my journal on here yet, but I have been waking up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym every day for the past 3 months. Now, the last big relapse I had was on last Friday, I woke up at 4…I snowballed. Instead of going to the gym, I took a nice warm shower to get myself relaxed (It was my second hot shower in three months time), then I ended up masturbating. Of course, after I was done…I felt extremely tired again so I went back to sleep. Two hours later I woke up angry at myself, but told myself that I wouldn’t ruin the day any further. But as always, with relapses, I felt too tired to do anything productive. I guess thats the downside of using sexual energy to do incredible things on a daily basis…when you actually give in…the hit is significantly harder on you. Then my mother tells me that she is going to go out to do some shopping, and that I should stay home and wait for a UPS delivery. The first thought that comes into my brain is that I’m going to watch porn. Alone in the house…perfect scenario for it. Since I have porn blockers on every single one of my internet devices, I do it on my dad’s work computer. The orgasm that I felt from PMO was SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than the one I felt from just regular masturbation. It was so strong that within 5 minutes, I was passed out on the couch. I spent the next 2 days recovering. The next day I had ZERO motivation. Nothing. I couldn’t even get up from the desk if I wanted to. I didn’t even want to masturbate to porn…I didn’t have the strength.

    So where is this all headed? Well… today I wake up at 4:30 am, and I look outside my window and see that it is just raining cats and dogs. I remember what happened last friday. I remember how my indulgences led to full blown PMO, and I knew that if I indulged in extra sleep now…there would be hell to pay (I have relapsed so many times by indulging in some extra sleep over the past 4 months…it isn’t even a question to me anymore). Instant gratification has a way of snowballing. Why take the hard path, why fight that urge…why resist the craving when you could just give in. Its all too easy. So the mental struggle begins. I know that what I really crave is PMO, and that MO would just be like lying to myself…it would set the stage for PMO later on. I’m thinking in my head…”why lie to myself…I’m craving PMO right now, masturbation just wouldn’t be good enough.” My brain is now setting up the scenario. I take a nice hot shower, I unblock the porn, I get the deed done and I end up in bed sleeping while it rains outside. I don’t take the hot shower…Instead I go to the computer and open up my hosts file (where I block all the porn). I placed a little note in the hosts file that is very personal, but its basically provides good evidence for the fact that I am a porn addict (and then goes into detail how this ruined my life). It didn’t stop there. I had the porn website typed in my browser. I was seconds away from hitting enter. And then it just hit me…I’m an addict. I’m actually addicted to something that is ruining my life, and my addiction is distorting this reality and its consequences. The word “addict” looped in my mind for several seconds. I closed the browser, added the porn site back into the hosts file, got dressed and went to the gym.

    I have never felt more alive in my life…walking to the gym in the middle of the rain at 5 AM in the morning. I felt like I had done something monumental today. I felt like the ultimate bad ass. Instead of robbing myself of my energy and basically destroying the next 2-3 days of my life…I chose to go out there and live life. I wanted the adrenaline, but not from the porn…from living life.

    I had an amazing work out, I took my cold shower and enjoyed it more today than I ever did in the past three months. And now I’m eating my breakfast, typing out this message. Today, I am a bad ass. Today, I am the boss. Today I am alive. Today will be an amazing day.  

  106. My take nofap and its supposed benefits, 20 days in.

    My take nofap and its supposed benefits, 20 days in.

    I started nofap feeling jazzed by all the success stories I’d read. Since then I’ve become fairly cynical of all the miracles taking place, I generally believe people are too hyper-sensitive to the smallest changes.

    But all the same, I have noticed some things.. so here’s my attempt at being objective.

    The first thing is all the free time. My evenings feel longer and emptier because I’m not lost in a porn-fuelled high. Have I done anything with my new-found spare time? No. I’m simply filling the time with reddit instead. Some people are being productive with it, and they deserve credit.

    Secondly, I had my first climax with a girl. This is a big deal. For years I haven’t even been close to jizzing cos I was lost in thought- either I felt like I was acting out videos I’d seen, or I felt as if I needed certain specific (freaky) things to happen in order to get off. Maybe I just felt particularly comfortable with this girl, who knows. In any case it felt awesome to blow a phat load.. (apologies). and im not resetting, I dont consider getting laid and climaxing a setback. If anything, its rewiring my brain for the natural thing, which is the point of nofap, I would have thought?

    Thirdly, I feel less anxious.. the skittishness isn’t there anymore. Could this be due to life generally being on the up-swing atm? Possibly. But I have definitely felt more open to parties and meeting new people, and haven’t been brutally judging girls by their looks. A refreshing change.

    So there you have it. Thoughts?

    TL/DR – Changes. Nights are empty, was able to climax with a girl (finally), have less anxiety. yay.


    Day 90-This is only the beginning.

    So what have I learned from this? Once my mind had been cleared of all the stupid cloudy thoughts of lust, I was able to regain myself and focus on the big issues of nofap-porn, women, and growth as a person.

    Porn- Even if you keep masturbating, by all means, DO NOT LOOK AT PORN. Porn is horrible; stay away from it at all costs. It fucks with your mind in a way you can’t even comprehend. In all my 90 days, the only times I saw porn were by accident, which was only twice or thrice, and I don’t miss it at all. Thinking of how pathetic I was back then makes me shake my head in shame. You will not grow or improve if you continue to watch porn, and that may be hard, but no one said this would be easy. The reward makes up for it.

  108. 90 Days – one of the best things to ever happen to me.

    90 Days (First Reddit Post, Be Gentle)

    So 90 days ago today on the 7th of June I stopped PMOing, and I’m fantastically happy with the outcome. I’m healthier, more responsible, more present, and most of all happier. Here’s roughly how my experience went: The first few weeks were incredible, all of the hype I’ve read here has been up to snuff, it was truly awesome, I was having more intense dreams, I had energy to do everything, and nothing could hold me back. Then I flatlined, and it hit me like a truck. It was about a month of blah, mostly having difficulty falling asleep, because I had no idea what to do with myself before bed. After that, I’ve been on a steady incline in quality of life about for the last month and a half, and it really has been an incredible journey.

    As for anyone who’s naysaying the effects of nofap, I’ve got to tell you that you’ve got to try it to believe it. Yes, everyone is going to have a different experience, but good things do happen. I’m sitting down and doing things I need to do so they’re out of the way, my girlfriend will every once in a while tell me that “somehow [I’m] more attractive,” and most of all I’m happy (which is incredible coming from six years of on and off depression).

    I can honestly say that nofap has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

  109. My 90 days, and why I’m going to keep going further.

    My 90 days, and why I’m going to keep going further.

    I am a 23 year old man, and Like many of you I realized what pmo was doing to me and decided to do something about it. My first streak was 32 days, and after that reset I decided to keep going largely based on other nofappers posts. “If they didn’t quit after a reset neither will I.”

    As the days kept going I started changing my eating habits, exercising in some form, and visiting other subreddits when I wasn’t working. The changes to your brain are noticeable but not on a linear basis. Some days your are king of the world, other days you are the court jester. The greatest gift nofap can give you is the ability to apply your own willpower towards increasing your self control. Superpowers aren’t necessary here, you just need to find your inner source of awesome.

    I’m continuing primarily because my addiction was stronger than some of the stories I read about on here. I used to pmo more than three times a day, some days more than five.

    One last thing I should mention, keep your computer somewhere easily visible. I use my computer in the living room so that the idea of fapping or looking at porn doesn’t cross my mind when I’m browsing the internet.

  110. 38 days without porn…

    38 days without porn…

    Around day 30 I had the most powerful urge to go back and use porn. I was able to suppress the urge and take it out at the gym. It was strong urge and I felt almost sick… I had no idea of the impact porn had on me physiologically.

    Just last week I told the girl of my dreams how I felt about her. She told me she felt the same way too. We both cried with joy. It was a feeling out of this world since we’ve known each other for a year. I know pornfree and NoFap thing contributed to me being more open to my feelings on an emotional level. I’m 21 and I’m becoming more of a real man everyday… taking responsibility for my actions, knowing what I want, loving my family and friends. I just wish I would’ve started earlier but I’m glad I’m where I am now. It’s a serene feeling that no one can take away. It’s happiness.

  111. Late post-90 days post – my current self thanks the me from 102

    Late post-90 days post – my current self thanks the me from 102 days ago

    I’ve finally gotten around to making the 90 days post! Been rather occupied these last 2 weeks or so. I’m still busy atm, so this will be short-ish. Which is good I guess – being busy that is. I don’t think I’m fully ‘cured’ or anything like that – I think the impulses/urges/inclinations to watch porn and fap will always be there but my willpower to resist both is now quite formidable. I have no interest in getting off on my own, to porn or anything virtual like that – it’s gross and somewhat weird imo right now – much better to wait for or work toward the real thing. As Red says in the appropriate ‘That 70s Show’ episode (‘Happy Jack’ I think it was) – “If you can’t find someone to do it for you, you go without!” Makes sense I think, which is why I’m going to actively start looking for that Someone – not just for the release, cos that’ll be shallow – but for the companionship, the partnership etc. that comes with it. I’ve missed that, and I want to experience that again.

    Other than that, I’ll keep working on my other stuff – work stuff (graduate school research), working out (I’m fairly athletic atm but I want to put on some serious muscle) and also the spiritual side of things (I’m a Christian and so I want to continue progressing in my walk with Christ).

    I’ve achieved most, if not all, of the goals I set up at the beginning of the 90-day challenge so now I’m setting up some new ones for the next 90 days. It does work after all! I’m happier, more outgoing, got a more positive outlook on things and am getting stuff done. It’s fantastic! I’m continuing with the NoFap challenge and am definitely looking forward to the next set of 90 days and beyond!

    tl;dr: NoFap works! My current self really thanks the me from 102 days ago

  112. How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.

    How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.

    Who am I? Until a month ago, I was the typical average Joe in regards of Porn and Fap: Addicted to internet porn, I was consuming it at least once a day and, of course, fapping every day. Average good looking guy, single, 30 years old, good job. When I was motivated, I could have a great deal of success with women. The key words here are: “when I was motivated”.

    Frankly, I had no idea of the effects of mass porn on me. Then I found nofap on reddit. Read it all. Read it again. And start a nofap / noporn month. After 30 days, the consequences are so great that I have to share them with you.

    I have to say that my objective was the following: Nofap noporn, but if I met a girl, I would go along with sex.

    First fews days were awful (I thought at that time). I felt pressure in my body and my mind. Already a big “sex thinker”, sex was in my every thoughts. Work was hard. I had difficulties concentrating on anything else. I almost felt like a sex predator when I was walking in the streets: every girls I saw was a potential date. It had to be: it was now the only option. And “it” began.

    After 5 or 6 days, I realized that the pressure I felt was not something bad: It was energy. It was motivation – not only sexual, put pure genuine everyday’s life motivation. I flet that every beautiful girl I saw was in my range. Buying a bootle at a wine shop, I decided to give my opinion about a wine a girl was holding in her hand, something I wouldn’t normally do. Guess what, it ended up with a phone number.

    My eye contacts with girls was sharp. Smiling to them became normal. The day after in the subway, I smiled at a beautiful tall darkhair girl. She came to see me, asking me where I studied. She appartently saw me at University few years ago. I standed straight before her, smiling, making jokes. Always looking at her, I felt she was somehow interested, touching my arm, brushing her breast “accidently” on my arms, signs that don’t lie. Guess what: Phone number.

    On friday I went to a bar with 3 friends. I saw a superb Lebanese girl with the dream shape. Again, eye contact, smile, confidence. But this time, instead of letting her go – what guys almost always do – I went to her and told her that I liked how she was dressed, that she had a lot of style. Short discussion. Guess what: phone number.

    On sunday (7 days without porn / fap ) I went for a coffee with a old “flame” from college. 2 hours later, we were in my bedroom. I won’t go into details, but it was the most amazing sex I ever had in my life. At first I feared I would come in seconds. It didn’t happen. On the contrary, I was in total control with a non stop incredible erection. Then the orgasm came. The longest most powerful thing I’ve never experienced. I think it lasted 30 seconds. And the erection was not gone. I have to say – and this not bragging – my friend was very impressed. Me even more than her.

    It now has been 30 days with no fap / porn and I’ve never felt more confident in my life. And the results are there. All this is not theoretical. I met more girls in the last month that in the last year and you know why ? Because it’s the only option. Because I now know I have nothing to loose.

    Bottom line: Guys: Stop wasting your sexual energy on porn and fap. You just can’t imagine what’s hidding behind it. Most girls will confirm the following principle: they prefer confidence and humor than appearence. You think you’re not sexy enough to experience what I just did ? You – are – wrong. Try it. It is in you. Now I know it.

    So instead of spending nights on youporn, you go outside and experience things about yourself you didn’t think possible.

    From a guy who is so thankful of the nofap reddit page that he had to share the good news.

  113. A very sincere thank you and a personal milestone

    A very sincere thank you and a personal milestone

    A month ago I was ready to give up on this. I thought “you don’t have a girlfriend, you’re lonely, and you can’t make it past 9 days…what’s the point?” But yesterday I finally got that little red two and I can’t tell you how great it feels. So before I go into what will likely be a very long rambling post, I must say thank you nofap, thank you so much.

    Though I haven’t necessarily felt the “superpowers” to the powerful extent that so many discuss, I have certainly felt myself become a better man:

    • I am more motivated. I have begun training for a triathlon, I write more, and I get all my homework done on time.
    • I am less stressed. Last year (in the thick of my habitual masturbation and porn consumption) I was always stressed and felt like I had too much on my plate. Now even though I have a more difficult work load, I don’t really feel the stress. And when I do feel it, it never cripples me, it motivates me.
    • I have much more time. This is just simple math. If you watch porn for 4 hours a day and then suddenly stop watching porn, that’s 4 more hours you have to play the piano, read a book, go for a run, hang out with friends, call home, build a rocket and fly to mars, whatever.
    • I have much more energy during the day. For example; yesterday I got up at 6AM and did stationary biking. Even though my legs were super tired, I later went and played an hour’s worth of racquetball with a buddy. I know that before nofap I, first of all, wouldn’t have made it to the gym at 6 AM, but I know I wouldn’t have survived a day that physical.
    • I also notice that women pay more attention to me. That’s not to say that I’m an Adonis and that I can’t walk down the street without women accosting me. But several friends now have pointed out that girls have been much more flirty with me (something I’m not always great at noticing, sadly). I often catch girls smilingly blush and turn away or get excitedly nervous when I talk to them, as opposed to turning away in disinterest.
    • On top of that I view women much differently now. When you spend 4 hours a day staring at womens’ body parts, that is what they become: body parts. But when you stop, you respect them as fellow human beings. You want to know them and learn their personalities. You don’t stare, you make eye contact. And you notice beautiful things about them that you wouldn’t have before.

    Sorry for the wall of text; this post may seem a bit vain considering my counter only says 15 days, but I have been working at seeing that little red two for almost four long months. So this is a huge accomplishment for me.

    For those of you that are skeptical about joining, please just try it. I was skeptical too but I am so thankful that I joined this challenge. I have learned so much about myself, about ambition, and about life. I am happier, more energetic, more popular with my friends and colleagues, I am more kind and more patient, and I am simply better; and I owe it to nofap. Thank you fapstronauts, for all of your encouraging posts and for this supportive and open community you have created.

    Onward and upward!

  114. I enjoy the little things so much more. Everything is beautiful

    Slightly off topic, (LINK to thread) but still relevant is the concept of sexual energy. I have not written it in my journal yet, but ever since I started this journey I have begun to live an incredible life. When I first started, I did not know anything. I did not know how deep this rabbit hole goes. All I knew is that I had escalated, and I had ED. I also knew I had HOCD and I wanted to know if I was really gay or straight. I wanted my mind to tell me the truth. I wanted to know if my sexual preferences and fetishes were really my own. Was I really this disgusting person, or was it the porn? Well, Anyone who has done this for a while knows the answer to those questions.

    However, what I did not expect was that on day 5 of my journey, I had woken up feeling this new found sense of energy. Up until this point in my life, I always felt dead. I always felt tired. I never had any energy for anything. My room looked like a tornado went through it. I couldn’t even lift a shirt. Chores, studying, and everything life had to offer was extremely difficult for me to do. I was not living life. I was incapable of it. But on day 5, I woke up feeling INCREDIBLE. Underdog, you have a DBZ picture as your avatar so you might appreciate this video:

    This was basically me. Little did I know, since that day my life would never be the same. I had not only had inherited the energy to live my life, but I had learned to love life. All aspects of life. A year ago, I would go to bed at 4 in the morning and wake up at 3 pm. Today, I go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym. After that I take a cold shower and have a healthy breakfast. My eating habits have changed. My body has changed. My interests have changed. My mind has changed. My emotions are deeper and more complex than they could ever have been. There is not enough time in the day for the amount of things that I want to do. I enjoy the little things so much more. Everything is beautiful. I have this natural attraction to women, this magnetic unstoppable force. Nature is beautiful to me. Simple foods taste amazing. On my good days, I feel more alive than I have ever felt. It is often overwhelming. I simply cannot believe, after 24 years on this green earth that one can feel this way. My social anxiety is gone. My panic attacks are gone. I’ve got more confidence, I can talk to people…I am no longer afraid of living.

    I have to say that I think that while porn is the number one enemy here, sexual energy is not meant to end up in a tissue. It is such a massive power source. It can be channeled to do incredible things. I live an incredible life because of that energy. I love every moment of my life, even the times when I have the urges. It is the urge that forces me to live the way I live. The urge to masturbate forces me to go out and live my life. The options here are that simple. You either A) relapse, or B) leave the house and live your life. And that is amazing. Nofap / NO PMO has forced me into the world. It has forced me to face my problems head on. And I learned to love it. I can’t live without it. They say that the urges never go away. They simple diminish in intensity. That is exactly what I want to happen. I do not want them to go away. Urges can be channeled. You don’t have to sit there and take it. You can leave, you can go out…live your life, channel that energy into anything. There is a plethora of things that you can do with your life. And the most amazing thing is that its all interesting to me. My semester in college recently started, and I found myself sneaking into classes that I did not register for…simply to sit through the lectures. This is coming from a person with a 2.3 GPA, who used to cut weeks upon weeks of class to play video games and watch porn.

    I’ve realized that once you take away that instant gratification layer…life becomes so much more pleasant. I am never bored anymore. Ever. I simply do not have time to be bored. I can’t feel bored even if I wanted to. To me, boredom has become a symptom of brain imbalances. There should never be any reason to feel bored. Ever. 

    My point being is that you’ve got to use those urges to masturbate…use that energy…harness it and you can do anything. There are no limits. There are days when I have the most insane urges, and no matter what I do I can’t seem to shake them. These usually come a few days after a relapse…but I tell myself these words: “If I can get through this today, I won’t have to feel it tomorrow…tomorrow will be an incredible day if I can get through today”. And its usually true. By resisting my urges, I harness that energy and the days afterwards are usually pretty incredible. I feel like a god amongst men. I radiate life.

    This is why I don’t want to put limitations on abstinence. The urges feed me with the fuel that I need to keep living an incredible life. This is why the hardest times for me are not actually the times when I have urges, but those calm periods when I do not have them. I have no drive to push me forward. However, urges can be debilitating, and that is why it is worth it to get past 90 days of no masturbation. While the urges will still be there past 90 days, they will be significantly weaker. I hope they will be enough to push me out into the world, but not debilitating enough to make me fall on my knees and shake involuntarily.

    It is worth it to harness this sexual energy. If you defeat masturbation, you defeat porn as well. You become a master over your body, and your urges. I believe that is the fundamental key to happiness in this life.

  115. Thank you, thank you, thank you

    Thank you, thank you, thank you

    So I had a perfect night tonight, guys, and I want to thank you for all the goodness that nofapping is bringing to my life.

    It’s been almost 50 days now -with one relapse in the middle (hence the badge)- and I’m a completely new person, a better version of myself.

    It all started with nofapping: it allowed me to have plenty of time to focus on my job, my fitness, and my social skills. A couple months ago, I was a broken man. Addicted to PMO, low self esteem, self-centered and permanently uncomfortable in my own skin.

    Looking for a fix to myself, I stepped into nofap by pure chance. I started reading stories and relating to most of them. I thought… this is it, you want to fix yourself? you got one big quest to accomplish now.

    Stopped nofapping and saw immediate benefits (addicted to PMO for 20 years). Social anxiety gone, much more energy, boosted self-esteem… the drill.

    Anyway, the biggest treat nofapping gave me is time. I used to arrive home and fap until it was bed time so since I stopped it I started to update my knowledge about my job, doing sport, eating healthy, improving my social skills… you might think all those things are not because of nofap. I mean, there’s people out there who would nofap and just loose their time on the internet or whatever. Well, in my case, fapping kept me as a captive in my own body. The addiction was so hard I didn’t have time for anything else. Over the weekens I used to binge for days. Eat-> fap -> sleep -> fap …

    So when I broke free these are the things that improved:

    I’ve been so successful lately in my job that the whole company congratulated me for some of my projects. Is this a coincidence? hell, no. It’s just that I arrive home and read about my profession instead of fapping.

    I’ve lost 7 kilos since I stopped nofapping (fapping gives me the utmost hunger so I used to binge eat after it). I bought a bike and cycle from work everyday for an hour. I used to fap for 2 hours and assault my fridge to eat the first shit I found. Now I cook and do elaborate, healthy and delicious dishes. Again, you might say doing sport and eating healthy are not related with fapping. Well, in my case, I used to arrive home and feel this urge to go to my room to fap. Even one hour before finishing my shift, I was thinking in going home and fap ASAP. Since I don’t do it, everything follows naturally… I NEED to do something with my time.

    I started learning about life hacks. Being alpha, seduction, how to talk to anybody, stop being a nice guy, toxic people, brain circuitry… The many hours that I gained from fapping allow me to do productive stuff. Related with fapping? I think I’ve always been this guy. But my PMO addiction occupied all my time and toughts, so when those were gone, I managed to be the real me, not the zombie I used to be. A guy whose brains were hijacked by this terrible addiction.

    Today was my self-imposed first day of practice for social skills. I just felt ready for it. I went for a tour around my neighbourhood in my bike. I just wanted to try and approach a girl. I go to a park, spot a cute lonely girl. Go there. Gulp. Tell myself I’ve got some balls and have to do it. Sit not far from her. I look her in the eye and say hi!. She stands up… and walks away. Adopted abundance mind (there’s millions more), and genuinely didn’t care about it.

    Went home, ate something, played PS3 and went out with my flatmates. Rock club, gig inside. Couple beers and positive vibe all around. Spot the cutest girl on earth. Think Penelope Cruz only prettier. She’s with a group of guys and girls. I wait a bit and then find some balls to approach her. No nerve, cool as ice. I go “excuse me, I’m sitting there with my friends and I thought I should ask you: are your from earth? I mean… were you born in this very planet? she freaks out but laughs. Amazing conversation and rapport follows.

    I didn’t end up making up with her, but we had a truly funny conversation and I walked out the club like the biggest man on earth. Seriously, sometimes is not about getting a kiss or sex. I had sex a couple weeks ago and it was not nearly as fulfilling as tonight. I had the balls to talk to the cutest girl on earth and made her genuinely interested in me, looking me in the eye while smiling. I left her standing, wanting more of me. Fuck yeah! Two months ago I wasn’t even able to look a normal girl in the eye. Not even men. I wouldn’t even dream of approaching a regular girl.

    So why I’m posting this in nofap and not in seddit, loseit or fitness??

    For starters because it all started with nofap. If I didn’t start this with you guys, I wouldn’t have the time to focus on important stuff in life and feel accomplished. Secondly, because I’m 100% positive that if I carried fapping, even if I was fit and successful in my job, that damned toxic shame and social anxiety will overwhelm me like it did during all these years of addiction.

    So thank you, thank you, thank you guys. Thanks to you I’m a happy man leaving a happy life. I got my mojo, my self-esteem and my manliness back. This is just priceless. I was a broken guy. I don’t want to get into details but my mind was so fucked with sex I ended up doing weird stuff.

    TL;DR: nofap allowed me to feel good about myself and be the dude I want to be. Thanks bros

  116. made me realize how little of a sex life outside porn I had


    I think I kind of know how you feel. The first two weeks were great, I felt a lot more energetic, my OCD and social anxiety were getting a lot better, then it plateaued. Things didn’t go back to the way they were, they just stopped getting better. I don’t care though, after years of fighting anxiety any way I could think of this is the only thing that’s making an actual difference. My voice is louder, I can talk to people even if I get nervous instead of becoming completely paralyzed.

    It’s also helped me reevaluate where I am in life, which hasn’t been easy. For the last decade I’ve been in a relationship with someone who… it’s like we’ve always been best friends, but the sex has always been very complicated for her let’s just say. It made me realize how much I was dependent on porn and masturbation to make things work, which made me very angry and depressed when I realized it.

    Since I started nofap we’ve had sex once. It made me realize just how little of a sex life outside porn I ever really had. So now I’m doing hard mode. It’s going well so far and I hope it’ll hold. She knows I’m doing this, and the longer we’re going without having sex and me not masturbating it’s becoming clearer and clearer how much our sex life never really worked.

    We’re probably always going to be very good friends, and we still have a small business together, but this is all just showing me that my life has to go elsewhere, and that I can’t keep up this charade. Porn was a vital part of it. Without it I feel like everything is out in the open, warts and all. Hmm, I meant for this to be a lot more relevant to your post, which I really liked by the way!

    There’s way too much talk in this subreddit about the superhuman benefits of nofap and not nearly enough perspective. Anyway I really agree with what Obey160 says in this thread: sometimes you don’t know what you have until you lose it, as well as with HanDuet: why go back? I’m sticking with nofap because porn isn’t such a prize to go back to. However moderate the benefits may be, I’d still like to keep them.

  117. Best Sex of My Life

    Best Sex of My Life

    I just thought I would share my story as I have found reading everyone else’s so inspirational.

    I decided to become a fapstronaut only five days ago but even in this short space of time it has had a big effect. The great dreams and extra energy are a welcome change from the norm. Although gonewild has been tempting i’ve managed to steer clear with a little help from all of the great stories I have read on here. What I did not expect was the effect it would have on my sex life.

    To give a little background, I have been with my girlfriend for over 5 1/2 years. We have been together since I was 16 and have only had sex with each other. The problems started a year and a half into the relationship when she had a mild case of thrush on holiday. When we tried to have sex it was very painful for her. Ever since it has been very difficult to make love, and after visiting a specialist it turns out that she has Vulvodynia. Basically what it means is that the nerves confuse pleasure and pain signals making it feel like a touch is a stabbing pain.

    Four years have gone by and it has not been easy, but we have stuck together. It is so heart breaking when you want make love to your partner and they end up crying, curled up in pain. We have both lost our confidence sexually, and I must admit I have felt like less of a man. I have asked myself many times if it’s something that I was doing wrong.

    As you can imagine, I would masturbate a lot to make up for the lack of sex. Sadly, I could even feel myself loving my girlfriend less because it would make it easier to cope with the heartbreak of not being able to make love.

    Anyway, over the past year or so things have slowly started to improve. The first time we managed to both orgasm, we both had tears of happiness in our eyes, after so many years of pain and vain attempts.

    Tonight proved to me why becoming a fapstronaut is the way forward. After 5 pornless days I was much more turned on and the extra sensitivity was incredible. She could sense this and it was a huge turn on for both of us which made things much easier. She barely had any pain and the sex was sensational. I have never had an orgasm like it. After such a build up, physically and emotionally I could literally feel the dopamine and oxytocin spread throughout my body, it was so good I just laid there for 10 minutes. My erection was much harder than usual so my SO had a great orgasm too. It was a beautiful thing.

    So, thanks for all the stories and interesting links. I really feel like nofap has given my relationship a new lease of life.

    TL/DR: Haven’t been able to have sex with my girlfriend properly for over four and a half years, not fapping gave me the best sex of my life and has helped my relationship.

  118. Day 97-Attention everybody: girls don’t just have boobs and butt

    Day 97-Attention everybody: girls don’t just have boobs and butts! They have other body parts as well as personalities!!

    So i’ve reached the point where no longer do things like ass and chest interest me a ton, but rather, they kind of piss me off. Not the asses and chests themselves, but the way people talk about them. Just now, my friends were talking about boobs and which boob size was the best. Personally, boobs are boobs, so I don’t care what size they are (except for D’s and above; that’s just too big for me), and frankly I thought the whole conversation was really stupid. Another time, I told those same friends about a recent female friend I had made and how awesome she is, and their first comment, no joke, was “oh yeah. she has no boobs or butt, but her skin is nice.” The only thing I could think of was “why the hell does that matter? Why the hell are you even thinking about that?” There are very few things that irritate me, VERY VERY few things, but dumb remarks like those really do get on my nerves.

    Don’t get me wrong, if I see a fantastic pair of boobs/butt, I will notice it in my head, but I don’t base the entire girl off of those things. Those kinds of observations are very rare nowadays anyway. It just makes me angry that the first thing that comes to their heads when they think of that girl is her cup/butt size. Why the hell does that matter?!

    But yeah, I’m going for day 200. Until then, keep flying fapstronauts

  119. What I Know With 100% Certainty, Join Me.

    What I Know With 100% Certainty, Join Me.

    I KNOW with 100% certainty that I will not fail this challenge. In my mind, it’s no longer a challenge; a chore. It’s a privilege, something I “get” to do. I was lucky enough to come across this wonderful subreddit, this wonderful concept of arousal addiction. After reading about how many of my problems could be improved by not fapping, why would stopping be difficult? I look forward to “actively not fapping” each day. To watching my counter go up. To me, it’s just another aspect of self improvement that I love doing. I workout 3 times a week and love it; I don’t fap 7 days a week and love that too. I love the mood swings that I’m experiencing. The depression. The anger. The disappearance of my libido. I see all of these symptoms like I see sore muscles after a good workout; signs of growth and progress. They satisfy me. And I am already seeing results. I see my ability to interact on an interpersonal level increasing; the same as increasing the amount of weight I can squat or bench press. I love what is happening, and can’t wait for the future. Bring it the fuck on.

    Come with me on this journey my friends. We are the privileged ones. We have been given the opportunity to improve ourselves. We GET to do this. So why the fuck wouldn’t we?

  120. after 184 days

    I never had a problem with ED or finding sexual partners (I’m happily married to a woman who loves sex), so my decision to start nofap was more out of curiosity and to stop wasting time. Before I started, I was spending about an hour a day in front of the computer, fapping 10-15X per week (then also having sex another 3-4X). I would feel rather guilty, but it was somewhat of an outlet and anti-depressant so I didn’t think much of it.

    After 184 days, here are some of the pluses I’ve seen:

    • I’ve found myself wanting to be closer emotionally with my wife
    • I no longer fantasize about women that I meet – it’s really nice to be able to respect a woman for who she is rather than how she looks
    • When I can sleep, I have a lot more energy
    • I’ve redirected that energy into running – I’ve run a half marathon (in about 1:30, woohoo!) and have trained up to 26.5 miles for a full marathon that I’ll be running in November

    The negatives:

    • The need to be emotionally close with my wife has been a double edged sword – she’d prefer if I backed off a little (she’s a doctor and spends ALL day with people, so wants to be alone more than I do)
    • Because my wife doesn’t want to connect as much as me, I find myself daydreaming about other women, and becoming closer with female friends than I probably should. I have no sexual interest in them, and my wife is cool with it, but I’d rather it be her than someone else
    • I am still interested in orgasming 10-15X per week, so often cannot sleep. I sleep much less now, so am always tired. My wife physically can’t have sex every single night, and I used to use fapping as a sleep aid as well. Without this aid, I’ll often lay in bed until 3 or 4 and be tired a lot more

    So, I haven’t had any super powers, and I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not sure if I’ll continue. Any thoughts/questions are welcome!

    I just realized that I passed the 180 day mark … some thoughts

  121. 90 days “clean” – What changed?

    90 days “clean” – What changed?

    It’s been 92 days since my last fap. I can barely recall the last time I did it, which is a good thing in my opinion.

    What motivated me to start the /nofap challenge was simple. I’d gone around 8 years without a long-term relationship. Yes, I had random sex and short term relationships in that time, but nothing seemed to satisfy me. It was like the world was grey, procrastination was high, motivation was rock bottom low. I was also struggling with periods of depression and a feeling of low selfworth. Fapping one to three times a day to porn (which was growing more and more specific and hard core) was the daily routine. Being an avid TED follower, I had seen “The Demise of Guys” earlier and when I stumbled upon the video of “The Great Porn Experiment” I figured. Why the hell not? If abstaining from porn and fapping for a couple of months can help improve my psyche and the enjoyment of good old sex, why not just do it? I quickly recruited a friend of mine whom, unlike me, was in a long-term relationship but joined to help me stay on the straight and narrow.

    One week after starting the challenge my brain was in a state of what can only be described as a high. I felt confident, the testosterone was flowing, I walked with my head held high and was proud of my achievement of 7 days of fap abstinence.

    On the 7 day mark was the Global Reddit Meetup. I ended up going and meeting a wonderful woman, which is now my girlfriend. Was /nofap the reason? Maybe. It certainly attributed to being so forward, talking, cracking jokes and asking her out that same night.

    Forward to the 30 day mark. I’d been going out with my girlfriend for 3 weeks, had sex which was more enjoyable than it had ever been. But, a brick wall called summer vacation was in the horizon. I went for a 4 week trip in the US. LDR with a girl you’ve been dating for 3 weeks prior… I’d not recommend it. We pulled trough though, and although she sent some naughty pictures and I to her, managed to pull trough without fapping, although the desire to get some relief was constantly burning.

    Now, at the 90 day mark, what has changed?

    I’ve “tested” myself by checking out some of the porn that got me fired up before, but it doesn’t hold much interest to me anymore. The sex is better than it has ever been in my 10 years of being sexually active. My confidence is unchanged. It dropped back to “normal” levels after a while. I’ve experienced flat-lining which is extremely frustrating when you haven’t seen your girlfriend in a week and all you desire is to have epic sex, but unable to get it up without some seriously long foreplay or not at all. I’ve not gotten any form of depression since beginning the /nofap challenge. This is most likely thanks to the nofap and not my girlfriend as depression would come and go earlier no matter my relationship status.

    Am I cured now? I’d say no. But I’m definitely better than I was 90 days ago. My current goal is to get to 180 and do another report.

    But did I manage the feat alone? I’d say no. Much of the feat can be attributed to having a friend you can share your experiences with, to motivate you forward. I’d also say that having a sex partner has greatly helped me (but also challenged me) to keep my hands above the covers at night, so to speak.

    In closing I’d like to give my thanks to the nofap community. All members, from just starting out to the veterans of 180 days+ has helped immensely when it comes to motivating me trough reports and questions to keep up with the challenge. Stay strong and good luck with your nofap challenge!

  122. This will get you on NoFap for life

    This will get you on NoFap for life

    I relapsed after 37 days. Once you relapse it’s so hard to get on a long streak again, your brain will rationalize ”one more time, then we’ll start over again – hey, what does it matter, you only got 3 days…”

    Had to reset again yesterday. Read something in this book I’m reading about neurology that changed everything. I suddenly realized NoFap is serious, dead serious. Check this out.

    A scientist mapped the brain of a Silver Spring monkey. He did this by opening the brain up and stimulated the monkey’s thumb, then analyzed where in the brain neurons fired for the thumb. He did this for the pointer, middle finger and so on. His findings were remarkable at the time: he found that the neurons that fired when the thumb was stroked was right next to the neurons that fired for the index, which was next to the ones that fired for the middle finger and so on. They were aligned.

    Next they sewed the index and middle finger together on the monkey (quite cruel actually) and waited for two months. Then they opened the brain up again. They stroked the thumb and saw the neurons fire at the same place as before. Now they stroked the index finger, which had been connected to the middle finger for two months, and they were amazed to find that the brain had reorganized itself, so that there where there used to be two separate neuron maps for the index- and middle-finger, there were now just one big map.

    Neurons that fire together wire together! Some professional guitarists also experience this when they get something called focal dystopia when they can’t move two fingers separately, only as one unit. When neurons fire together they also wire together.

    This means that if you watch porn, which more often than not have dominating, humiliating, degrading and violent themes – you not only experience sex and violence together – you rewire your brain and change the neuron structure each time so sex and violence wire together in your brain. No wonder a lot of NoFappers here testifies that they experience ED (which to be blunt is euphemism for impotence).

    When we watch porn we not only experience it, we rewire our brain. Each time we watch porn we strengthen this connection. Each time we ejaculate dopamine is flushed into these connections, further wiring them together, acting as “glue” since pleasant experiences get wired more easily.

    Getting hard when in a normal relationship with a girl will be just as impossible as for the monkey to use his fingers individually. If after two months the monkeys fingers had merged into one neuron map, what do you think years and decades of porn will do to your brain? Without the pornographic themes you won’t get hard. Fortunately you can unlearn these behaviors and change the neuron maps back, this is what NoFap does – we all have to realize this is dead serious.

    The day before yesterday was the last time I ever watched porn.

  123. My Full Potential (Day 8)

    LINK – My Full Potential (Day 8)

    Towards the End of Day Seven: I’ve had tiny urges today, still nothing I couldn’t resist. I’m not quite sure why I’ve had no strong urges yet, it’s kind of confusing me. I ended up not going for a walk today. Mostly because I didn’t feel like it. I’ll make sure to tomorrow though. I might start updating this once per day rather than morning/night. I am proud of myself though to have kept up this journal thus far. It’s really an accomplishment for me, even if it’s something so small. I’ll also list some of my benefits so far.

    • Larger muscle mass
    • Majorly increased sensitivity
    • I’ve started brushing my teeth twice a day (previously, I’d rarely brush them(it was another one of those self motivation thingies))
    • Exercising a lot more and a lot more frequently
    • I’ve started taking more care of my personal appearance
    • My girlfriend has been able to make me orgasm without me fantasizing or thinking about porn
    • I’ve noticed a possible slight change in my attitude
    • I’ve spent quite a bit less time online as to how much I was spending previously
  124. 100 Days- Positive changes but, no superpowers

    100 Days- Positive changes but, no superpowers

    This is a proud day for me. Here’s what I’ve accomplished the past 100 days: no porn, no fapping, no edging, no orgasm. Also, increase in confidence, holding eye contact, and more active. My ED is slightly better but, I haven’t tested because I haven’t had sex in a long time. I hope that will change soon.

    I set some other goals while doing the NoFap challenge. Here’s what I’ve accomplished:

    Meditation- 65 days in a row

    Journaling- 60 days in a row

    Flossing- 62 days in a row

    Diet- Lost 23 pounds, now at my ideal weight

    Also, less internet and TV.

    My plan is to continue the challenge until my ED is fixed. I’m undecided about how long after that but, I really have no desire to ever fap again. I do have occasional urges but, this is my thinking right now and I don’t know if that will change in the future. I just feel better without having porn and masturbation in my life. I’m more in control and more positive. I’m a happier person without all of the bullshit that’s associated with wasting time looking at porn and fapping my day away.

    Thanks for all of the support throughout the 100 days.

  125. From a Norwegian forum

    It looks like there is a lot of trolling in this thread now, so I thought to share my experience with you: I am now on day 16 of 100 after discovering My encounter with this page gave me all ways an eye-opening experience. I did not even know I had a problem until I stumbled across the link. I assume it is because I do not have any internal references for what is actually “normal” considering that I started too early to experience “normal”. My brain was numb for dopamine. 

    After two hard weeks I notice now that the positive effects begin to look forward. I notice including a generally higher energy level and “clearer” thoughts. Interest in real (as opposed to virtual) partners begin to return so small (yes, I started early and has been operating for about 10 years now), and this gives me really the motivation I need to stay the course. Additionally, I took myself to experience glimpses of joy as before belonged to the past. This includes little things like that I suddenly sing in the shower or just smile to myself. Food tastes more, and I have for the first time in a genuine desire to be known / socialize with new people. Given I am still in an early phase of the program varies very day. It almost feels like I’m bipolar. This is also preferable to the first 10 days that was really heavy. I am very excited about the coming weeks, but take one day at a time. The irony is that when I tell women that I have been “monk”, then look they seem to be more interested in having sex with me. It is about wanting what you can not get, and I do not even get me even in those days.

  126. Improvements despite relapse?

    Improvements despite relapse?

    Hi everyone, I’d just like to ask those who have gone for sometime then relapsed before the 90 day, have you found on your new run that your mind-set and attitude toward pornography has changed significantly ? Personally I had a set-back despite some time away from pornography but I found some pretty incredible changes in how I viewed it and my overrall mindset, is this common?

  127. ultra flatline of death/method to make NoFap effortless

    ultra flatline of death/method to make NoFap effortless

    I’m 20. I’ve been off PMO for over 30 days and I haven’t had any struggles with even a thought of relapse. Want to know why?… I have a worse addiction. I’ve been off video games for over 50 days. The urge to game completely overshadows my desire to fap. This may sound silly but for some reason my brain seems to only be able to focus on one addiction at a time, and the greater of the two dopamine demons turns out to be video games.

    While this is fantastic in that I am killing two birds with one stone, I have been dealing with MASSIVE mood swings for the past month in addition to no libido. I couldn’t pop a boner if I tried and I’ll go from complete contentment to absolute depression over the most insignificant things. Like, I saw a beautiful girl earlier today, realized I would probably never speak to her, and started crying. I mean, it is BAD. And I don’t see an end in sight. I only know that there is one eventually.

    Anyone else try this? When did your rampant teenage mood swings stop?

  128. You can never go back…

    You can never go back…

    So for the first time in perhaps three months, since I came back to my parents’ house for the weekend, I looked at some porn for a little while on one of their unblocked computers. And something weird happened.

    I didn’t feel it. The “magic,” if you want to call it that, was totally gone. There was no overwhelming, tunnel-vision of horniness, no real urgency. I didn’t feel disgusted, but I didn’t feel satisfied or have that voice in the back of my head (in my limbic system, to be exact) telling me this was awesome, either. I just felt empty – I looked for a while, I stopped without even getting hard.

    In many ways, the last few months feel like how I might imagine a really hard break-up being like, as if your entire world, or at least what made you keep going, has been wrested away from you. Porn became part of your identity, and you loved it for what it was – comfort. And I think that’s what is so insidious about porn – it doesn’t take over ALL your life (not unless you are really messed up), but it dictates enough of it that you are deprived of being a truly “whole” human being. You are certainly deprived of that feeling that you are a man, at least in my case.

    I looked at this porn for a while, then I kind of stopped and said, “What’s the point?” This is a waste. I’m going to die someday, and I won’t wish that looked at more porn. Despite the fact I’m still horny, especially in the mornings – I guess after this mini-relapse I know for certain that it’s impossible to go back. Why would you want to?

  129. 20 Day report

    20 Day report

    Hello bros !

    Even though its not really customary, I was thinking to make a 20 day report to let the community know how my time has been in these couple of weeks.

    1. I can sleep a lot better. I go to sleep at about 11 and wake up at 7 fresh and doing good. No problems whatsoever. I even dream more and seem to be more rested throughout the day.
    2. The girls, man, its going really good. Or at least I think it is. They are checking me out (or I finally observe that they are), I get compliments on clothing choices, some of them even come over for coffee. Even though I have a girlfriend, and I would never cheat on her.
    3. Studies are going great, I seem to be more concentrated and I manage to think more clearly and put my thoughts better into practice.
    4. Some flatlining, some days its good, some days its bad. I was definitely having more erections before I started noFap. ED seems to have gone away to some extend, I can see a definite improvement there, just its still not yet as I wish it to be. Can someone clarify if this will improve or not ?
    5. Porn has no place in my life anymore. I dont even feel the need to check out sites with porn, I have no fear to relapse, I can even click a gonewild link once in a while and i’m like ‘whoa, that girl is really hot’ and thats it 🙂 Im so happy about this, to be able to control myself better and not to give in to my primordial urges.

    I am an addict, and till this addiction disappears, I will stay grounded and work my way up to the top, one day at a time. I just want to know from you guys if your ED problem has come up again, how long did it take to disappear completely ?

    Stay strong !

  130. My experience at 104 days – delayed ejaculation

    My experience at 104 days

    Background: I’m 22 years old. I started masturbating at the age of 11 or 12 and since then, I would go at it at least 5 times a week(that’s the minimum sometimes much more than that). Sometimes it would be aided by porn and sometimes just imagination. I’ve had sex with 7 different participants and hooked up with ~14. Due to my constant masturbation, I wasn’t able to cum from anything but sex and incredible blow jobs outside of my masturbation. Also, I tried this no fap once before but caved in after a week or so because I saw an incredibly attractive lady on the front page.

    First thing I’ve noticed, I have more energy and no longer feel the need to take as many naps as I used to. I have much more time on my hands (hah) which I occupy with extracurricular activities because of the lack of naps and jerkin’. I’ve been going to the gym much more. I’ve become more cleanly and concerned with looking good to the outside world. I feel more confident with my ability to do things. The biggest draw was that I found an incredible lady who is interested in me and enjoys my nerdy qualities. Now, here is a disclaimer towards this whole no fap thing. I’ve always been able to get it up in the situation, but due to my lack of sensitivity from 10-11 years of fapping, I was unable to attain an orgasm from her (we haven’t had sex yet, but we’ve done everything but.). So, I would get off on her chest, but I found this to be a little different than typical masturbation because, ya know, it’s with a chick and if she’s telling you to cum on her chest, you fucking do it. That was the beginning and middle of my journey. Then, at like 80-some days, I was able to achieve orgasm from her efforts only. It was glorious and the biggest load of my life. Since then, no problem, I get off from her efforts only. For some reason, I have been much more in touch with my emotions than I had before and I have been feeling things for the first time in such a long time.

  131. No turning back (5 month report)

    No turning back (5 month report)

    I can hardly believe I’ve finally made it 5 months, but here we are. My biggest observation about the whole process thus far is that my goal for this whole process has been constantly shifting the further along I get. “Be successful with women” -> “Don’t be a fucking creep” -> “Don’t get bent out of shape over women for no good reason” -> “See women as real people rather than fantasy objects”. My sex drive still isn’t all the way back, but I’m not even worried about it anymore; there’s just no comparison between the quality of life I have now versus 5 months ago. That’s all I’ve got. Stay strong!

  132. The me is returning

    The me is returning

    Today, after 24 days, I looked at the mirror, and I saw the guy returning.. haven’t really seen him for about 10 years. 10 years of fog and numbness. Now he’s ressurecting. Nice.

    GUY 2)

    Absolutely. Do you know what i just thought the last night? “I’m me. I’m me. I’m me. Finally I’M ME !” I couldn’t stop to repeat that to myself.

    GUY 3)

    Awesome! I’ve noticed the same thing. No more being a shell of a man. The chains are being torn off and I’m tasting freedom again.

    GUY 4)

    I know what you mean. It’s not only positive, though – getting in touch with your emotions again also means getting in touch with negative or sad feelings. Good job!

    This is the reason I’ve decided to try /r/NoFap.

    GUY 5)

    Same! Even though I’m just starting this mission!

    GUY 6)

    Same. I’m starting to feel real, deep emotions again for the first time in god knows how long. There’s just a depth to happiness, sadness, grief, anticipation, excitement, etc. that wasn’t there before I started nofap. As if there’s this whole other dimension to these feelings that I was unable to see because I was numbed by dopamine. I cried last night. It was fucking awesome.

    GUY 7)

    I know exactly what you mean, well I think so, says the man at day 2 :P.

    Its great to feel like yourself again.

  133. I relapsed after 190 days and this is my very fist NoFap post.

    I relapsed after 190 days and this is my very fist NoFap post.

    As of 10 days ago, at my 190 day mark, I made a conscious decision to fap. At the time, it didn’t bother me one bit. In fact I planned on doing it just the once, but old ways quickly crept back. Over the past couple of months, I had begun to feel very alone. I have not been in a relationship for 3 years and it was really starting to get to me. 190 days ago I realized that I was dealing with these feelings by using near daily PMO. Having read the stories of previous NoFapper’s, I thought this would be a great way to face my anxieties and really learn who I was. This isn’t the first addiction I’ve dealt with in my life. At first it was video games (in my younger days), then alcoholism, caffeine and porn. I’ve come to see that I have a natural tendency towards addiction. I learned to handle video games many years ago, then alcoholism nearly 3 years ago. I came to see that I used these vices to hide from my anxieties and low self-image, all stemming from my lack of courage to face reality. Since then, I’ve learned to genuinely love life and those in it. Before, I saw porn as nothing more than a harmless release. However, I slowly began to see the truth. Firstly, porn was just another way of running from reality. Secondly, I came to the acceptance that porn stars were not just images on a screen, but real people. Many of who seemed just as lost as me, if not more so. I started to feel terrible about my participation in using porn stars to escape my own loneliness. I was actively contributing to the continuation of their and my own suffering. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see porn as a very fulfilling life. If watching it makes me feel this empty, I can’t imagine what doing it for a living does. Not that porn stars or porn watchers are evil terrible people. We’re all wonderful incredible beings. I just think many of us don’t see it or own it. I know it took me a lot of suffering before I was able to see it in myself and I’ve certainly had a difficult time owning it.

    All in all, I think that’s what led to this relapse. I’m still afraid of facing and owning certain parts of myself, specifically my loneliness. My NoFap journey is not over and has not been lost. I’ve come an extremely long way from 6 months ago. I actively started dating again, even though none of the dates developed into a romantic relationship. Still, it’s the most active dating I’ve done in my life and I have slowly become more comfortable with that side of myself. In a way dating is what triggered my relapse or at least my expectations of dating. Even though I choose to view each date as a step in the right direction, I still felt just as alone when they obviously weren’t going in the direction of a romantic relationship. This started as an underlying nagging feeling. However, it slowly began to build as I started seeing family and friends in good healthy relationships and myself still single.

    In typing this, I can clearly see my misguided view. However, in the midst of my emotions, it was much less clear. The relapse itself occurred on the night of my friends’ birthday. We all met up at a local bar to celebrate. That night a new girl who just moved to town was with the group. I found her to be incredibly attractive, more so than I have felt in a long time. At the end of the night, I invited her to a show the next day, but she was already booked to go out with friends. No biggie. I figured I’ll see her again. On the way out, my friend, who was also the birthday boy, asked if I had noticed the new girl and I eagerly said yes. He confessed that he was very attracted to her and it being his birthday felt it was a good omen that she just so happen to show up for his birthday. It being his birthday, I told him he should definitely give it a shot. Still, inside I felt frustrated at the fact that we both fell for the same girl. However, he is a very good friend and it was his birthday, so I figured I’d let it go. Well, later that night, when I got home, the feeling of frustration and loneliness hit me hard. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to find refuge from this feeling. I didn’t want to face it anymore. I gave in.

    I felt no loss that night. I had gone 190 days without self-pleasure. The longest I can remember since middle school. I owed myself this one day. Well, the next day I was fine. However, the loneliness came back so I decided to give in one more time and another and another. I first started with just using my imagination. The next day, I switched to pictures of normal women. Nothing special. Nothing pornographic. I thought to myself, this isn’t so bad. I was even somewhat pleased to know that I could find normal pictures of women so attractive again. However, this quickly escalated to more and more graphic images. Images that made me feel empty and lost like not so long ago. I refuse to let this happen again. If there is one thing I’ve learned from my journey, it’s that I have to allow myself to learn. To face reality and take responsibility for my own suffering and the suffering I perpetuate.

    I have reset my counter to day one. Not as a punishment, but as a reminder that in each moment I can choose to start a new. What I’ve put into this world is mine to own. However, what I bring into this world is mine to decide.

  134. The fog is going…

    The fog is going…

    Hey dear community! Just wanted to share how I feel on 5 days of NoFap after a month of daily fapping, when my motivation was pretty fucked up and I couldn’t stand anything because I lacked generally pleasure in my life. Now, Im sitting here, writing a context less contribution while I just feel so aware of myself, so clear in the mind. It’s like you marched through a thick fog and sun is finally breaking through…It’s amazing!

  135. New Personal Best!! And NOFAP Update!!!!!

    I’ve started three times now…. the first was the hardest. Stick with it though man! It’s well worth the effort!!!

    I’m so far removed from porn, that it’s hard for me to remember any porn star names… I have to really strain to think of my two favorites.

    I can’t even remember any videos. I have more interesting things I’m thinking about. IE, actual women. They’re texting me, messaging me, and enjoy my company. What has porn ever done? Sure it brings a temporary pleasurable feeling to release…. but ultimately it’s empty, lonely, and cold. I have better things to think about and do!!! You’ll get here man! Stay focused, know what your triggers are, find ways to stay away from triggers or block them, use your free time to go do things that you enjoy.

    As a side note…. after my 2nd relapse, I realized that nofap was hurting my nofap challenge. Thinking about and reading nofap was making it harder to not fap. I’d suggest reading nofap for the first month or so to learn about some of the difficult times you’re going to have (hopefully learning from others mistakes without making them). Posting only when things are really hard for you to figure out. From there, open your wings and soar out into the real world. Get absorbed into something fun and exciting and never look back!

    New Personal Best!! And NOFAP Update!!!!!

  136. have a bit more energy and I’m more focused. I am also happier

    Day 90

    (Couldn’t come up with a decent title) Hello. 20 year old male who’s been a Fapstronaut for 5-6 months.

    How has my 90-day challenge been? It wasn’t that hard actually. I’ve had days where I thought: “Hmmm… Wouldn’t it be fun to masturbate?”, but it didn’t get further than that.

    I think the reason why I managed to avoid PMO/Masturbation so easily, was because I’ve been so busy the past couple of months that I haven’t had time to sit by myself and think about those things. I also relapsed a million times before I managed to get all the discipline and motivation I needed. (Avoiding boredom might be a good way of avoiding porn and masturbation). I also met someone a few weeks after my last relapse, so I’ve had the opportunity to have sex instead of masturbating when I get horny.

    How do I feel? I have a bit more energy and I’m more focused. I am also happier because I feel that I’ve gained more control over my body. I can for example stare at a piece of candy, and hold it in my hand, without wanting to eat it. My mental “whip” has gained a thin, iron layer with nails, and it hurts like hell when I break my rules (Let me know if the metaphor doesn’t makes sense).

    EDIT: Here are my suggestions to what you should do to avoid the urge to fap. – As I just said; Stay busy and distracted. Join a club, meet some friends, clean your room etc. Don’t waste time on being bored and lonely. – Exercise – Get enough sleep.

  137. 90 mother flippin days. Woohoo!

    90 mother flippin days. Woohoo!

    Hey everybody, I didn’t think I could get this far so easily. I’ve been a member of /r/seduction and I wanted to try this as extra motivation to go out and meet girls. After the first 2 weeks I felt pretty good by not basing my opinions on the reactions of others. I’ve been outside of my comfort zone and it helped push me toward better habits.

    I didn’t stop fapping and became superman, but I started a) reading more b) got out of my house and off the internet more c) exercising d)meditating.

    In the beginning on nofap, I watched tons of porn(due to boredom) and didn’t relapse until the third week.Then things got too hard and I installed the k9 porn blocker to help and I blocked all NSFW posts on reddit. Then I took it ONE DAY AT A TIME and I just got to 90 days.

    There were definite mood swings and libido fluctuations during my 90 days. Fortunately, I understand they’re just feelings and they don’t control me. On some days women were interchangeable with men and on other days it felt like I was the only man on the planet.

    My inner voice is much calmer in situations where I would find myself getting really frustrated. My confidence is much higher and I don’t take most things seriously.

    New goal: 90 more days. Good Luck, fapstronauts.



    I have been masturbating 5 times a week WITHOUT PORN for 2 months already. when i use to masturbate with porn, i would feel less confidence, guilt, shame and low self esteem.

    Now without porn but just masturbating, i have more concentration especially in school, more confidence and more energy. I feel like my true self is coming back again. If u dont masturbate for some times, it will come out in a wet dream so wat is the point of not doing it. just do it moderately to clean out ur pipes but dont go crazy and do it like 5 times a day. that is a force and u will surely damage ur penis. just my experience.


  139. What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…
    What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…


     feeling that i can let someone borrow my phone, laptop, or ipod without the anxiety of wondering if they will find something i dont wish them to find.


    • Not being late for school.
    • Increased feeling of self-worth.
    • Not having to try and hide anything from my parents (though that’s more from no porn).


    I actually started getting really depressed recently, i didn’t link it to fapping at the time but now i realize that they were directly linked


    More drive to socialize. Especially with women.


    New inspiration for my creative hobbies.



    High energy

    Getting Laid

    100% more social

    Great moods

    More dominant attitude


    I got aroused from talking to a girl that told me im cute….


    • The Challenge of Mentally Defeating a Spontaneous Erection in Public, Again
    • Fixed Sleep Scheduled
    • More Tissues
    • Better General Concentration
    • More Concern On Health
    • Better Self-Guided Achieve

    DaveJones88848My d*** is more sensetive


    Not living a secret life


    I specially agree about the getting aroused from a hug part. I find myself easily excited but in a good way, even when i just hug a girl or hold hands.

    It’s a great feeling 🙂


    feeling like a man


    Getting so much shit done. Who knew there were so many hours in a day?


    Making more money, or more specifically doubling my sales (from 300 to 600-700 daily) and doing it CONSISTENTLY which is the hardest thing in our business. Viva noFAP! )


    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


    Surge of extra time to do whatever I need to do to improve myself.

    The monk like state of mind that comes with not having dopamine all the time.

    Being able to view normal women in a non objective way and also being able to detect subtle beauties in them even if they don’t look like a Maxim model.

    Never having to worry about my towels being hard ever again.


    Devolving into a primate on the hunt for females


    That feeling that you have where your head is clear and you don’t have that depressed mind, that happy feeling 😀


    • You’re not smelling like sweat all day
    • Don’t have to worry about deleting comp history
    • You don’t run out of toilet paper/kleenex as fast!


    You see more clearly: You are more likely to see the flaws in your daily life. You are more likely to shape your life to the better.

    You will crave for a balanced mix of dopamine sources: A healthy, balanced life.


    Big balls is a fun plus. It’s also nice having more energy the next day because I wasn’t up fapping the night before. Besides that, there haven’t been significant changes so far. None of those crazy urges people say they have from non-fapping. So far, it’s just been life as usual minus the fappage.


    • going to sleep on time
    • finding things funny again
    • feeling like myself for the first time in a while
    • finally understanding that my future is in my control


    • More time
    • Clearing up minor ADD
    • Increased desire to learn
    • More energy
    • The feeling that I am a Sexual Tyrannosaurus


    • Confidence
    • Improvement in social skills
    • Free time
    • Feel no depression anymore
    • Sense of self-worth
    • Energy
    • Will of connecting with others


    confidence boost! (but more time is pretty nice too)


    Feeling at peace.

  140. My personality has been.. amazing. i love myconfidence, the way

    235 days in. venting

    hey guys im gonna try to keep this fairly short. Ive written drafts of what i wanted to post on here throughout this journey but i only posted once several months ago. Every time i start writing it ends up being giant pages/blocks of text. Heres all i want to say… 235 days ago i quit marijuana, alcohol, porn and masturbation. My personality due to this has been.. amazing. i love my confidence, the way i act, everything about my self really. My favorite aspect is I dont really care what anybody thinks of me. I have a great job, I lost my virginity about 200days in. Ive thought about writing about that in full details but ill be brief.. i told her about nofap before hand and planned on going a few rounds.. i came practically instantly the first time and then was ready to go again about 15-20minutes later. the second time i still came in like <2 minutes.. i was pretty shocked but i made sure to satisfy her orally beforehand. if you guys want more (hilarious) details i can fill in the rest.. anyway it was really late and after those two orgasms i was seriously exhausted. I started having flu symptoms the day after, similar to the ones i was having one-weeks into nofap.

    anyway these lonely nights still get quite rough. 235 days in and i was still moments away from a reset. Theres times where i crave release.. especially for sleep. but right now im craving more than ever to watch porn for some reason… I know its not worth it. These four words have gotten me further than i ever thought possible. Yet these cravings..

    Im thinking about starting some sort of reward system for myself for lets say… approaching 10 girls. But its difficult since i cant think of any reward that would fit.

    anyway, i really dont want to end this on a depressing note. I am really happy with my self and am in such control of my emotions now.

  141. 50 days in and feeling great!

    50 days in and feeling great!

    For everyone who didn’t read my first post in nofap, I joined to become a stronger individual. Since I joined, my quality of life has greatly improved. I perform a lot better in the sack with my woman, I’ve quit drinking alcohol and I got back into running which I haven’t done in a few years. Not only is my mind stronger, my body is gaining awesome strength and endurance.

    I am definitely a lot happier than I was before, and hopefully the trend continues because I am loving life for the first time in a couple years.

    Keep it up fapstronauts! Life is the answer!

  142. so what pushed you over the edge and made you say “no more”?

    so what pushed you over the edge and made you say “no more”?

    Realized how much of a bad influence it had on my last relationship with an absolutely awesome girl, as well as the relationships before that. Realized I didn’t go out and socialize as much as I should have in college and regretted it but never did anything about it. I have a lot of friends on the surface but no deep ones, and was afraid to open up to anyone because on the surface I’m a smart, attractive, funny, pre-professional student, but I was ashamed of who I was inside, or rather of my habits. Even in the 16 days I’ve been doing this I feel so much better about myself. I’m not embarrassed of who I am and have nothing to hide anymore, and for once am actually aligning the person I want to see myself as with the person I really am. I’m really proud of my discipline as well. I have always been the person who said they were going to do something, did it for 3 days, and lost the fire and reverted back to old ways. Not with NoFap though. Sure, it’s hard as hell to keep up with it, especially when I wake up in the middle of the night with dreams about my ex, but I know why I want to change, and I know that I don’t even want to be the person I was again.

    I want to get myself back to enjoying people for who they are, not looking for women to do all sorts of raunchy shit with and being disappointed when they won’t. I guess the hurt of seeing the negative consequences and knowing everything I’ve lost or given up drives me to do this. I’m setting a goal at 90 days, but in all honesty I’ll probably be done with it forever. I’m realizing that I have a huge future ahead of me, tons of gifts as far as personality, looks, athleticism, etc (not being cocky I promise, I just usually try to hide my talents so that I don’t come across as arrogant) and am sick of falling back into the same old patterns when there’s a whole world out there to be seen and experienced. Even if I trip up and rub one out a few months down the line I’m never, ever going back to pornography or pictures of women online, that much is 100% for sure.

  143. 90 days and it’s been quite a change

    90 days and it’s been quite a change

    I started this in July thinking it was kind of a gimmick–I mean, how hard can not masturbating be? And at first it was easy. The first week of breaking my cycle of porn-laden before sleep browsing or whatever else I could find wasn’t too bad. I just filled my time with other things–reading and TV.

    I hit a flatline around 5 weeks in and it utterly killed my want to do anything sexual at all; I’m talking no erections for maybe three or four weeks straight. I was a bit concerned… Regardless, I kept going and lived my life.

    Honestly, I’ve never had so much free time in my life. It’s as if some kind of switch was flipped and I suddenly could do whatever I wanted. Not taking that time to find some “good porn” online before bed meant I could tackle whatever I wanted up until the moment before I really went to bed. I no longer needed to feel some kind of sexual stimulation/mental validation of satisfaction in order to sleep. And I sleep like a baby now.

    Of course, women have come and go, and during my flatline period, it meant for a few awkward naked, bonerless, nights, but it’s like a lot of Fapstronauts say, I’m no longer looking for a primal sex partner–despite how good that can be. I’m looking for someone to connect with on more than a physical level. The women I’ve had the best sex with haven’t been super-model-drop-dead-gorgeous, but instead have been women I have been attracted to for more than their looks–and the sex was phenomenal and way longer than when I was masturbating.

    So I’m 90 days in. I don’t really see myself starting up and getting that PMO again, but I can definitely say I have a better handle on myself. Sure, I may take care of my self every once in a while, but I don’t need it any more and I’m better because of it.

    Thanks to everyone in this community who posts inspiring stories, because they have helped me through the “hard times” of resisting to edge or just say “fuck it” and ruin my streak.

  144. recoverd from ED – but went back to porn

    i seriously can’t believe i’m back to this stage

    I’m a 22 year old university student with quite a story. In the interests of saving time, I’ll give you guys the short version of the story now and gradually reveal everything in future blogs. I hope to frequent this forum and please feel free to ask me any questions.

    I began my reboot about 10 months ago, after many failed previous attempts, documenting my progress in my diary and posting regularly on the YBOP site. That’s why I’m back here, I find it much easier to remain on course if I document my progress publicly.

    Long story short, I was a virgin, I masturbated to porn one or twice (sometimes more) times a day since I was 14 and it took me 111 days to fully recover from porn induced ED. I had just turned 22 and had successful sex for the first time. Over the following couple of months, the sex got better and better, I became more and more confident and was feeling the best I had ever felt in my life.

    This is where things get kind of complicated. I have strange “fetish” for women bossing me around and doing other somewhat “kinky” things to me. I know this is NOT because of any pornography because I’ve had these thoughts for as long as a remember (prior to the age of five) and they have always aroused me. I do know however that porn definitely developed my natural fetish as it slowly introduced me to other kinks. I noticed that the things I would look at 14 wouldn’t even come close to turning me on at 16 or 17, let alone at 21. This is a prime example of porn changing the human brain. Although I was already naturally “kinky” porn caused my kinks to reach very very weird extremes (hard BDSM and etc…really scary stuff when you think about it).

    So I was having successful sex with my girlfriend, but something was missing. It wasn’t porn but it was something a bit taboo that I am naturally inclined to. Out of embarrassment and shame, I didn’t mention this to my girlfriend and so I made the mistake of looking up porn again to feed my natural sexual likes. You call all guess what happened next….

    I started off watching porn once (very soft stuff) but it was as if I progressed from the porn I watched when I was 14 all the way to the porn I watched at 21 in a matter of weeks rather than years. I was clearly still an addict deep down. It’s now been a few months of watching porn and I have watched my erection begin to fail again. I seriously feel so crap.

    I’ve been off porn for about a week now but I have not seen any improvement as I’m still masturbating to kinky thoughts. I’ve masturbated twice today and I’m hoping this is the last time until I recover again. So I guess this is the commencement of “reboot take 2”.

  145. Needhops from reuniting…day 73 on

    Needhops from reuniting…day 73 on

    I’ll post my blog from reuniting on here Eventually so you can see my backstory/progress

    as of now I am at day 73. Still going through the highs and lows period. I initially started having a few good days here and there somewhere around day 36ish. The frequency of good days has increased without a doubt. I recently posted how great things were going,however I am having a shit day as of now. Feeling depressed;don’t have that extroverted/joking feeling.   To make things worse, the small stuff has been eating at me today. One of my friends who I don’t rly like anymore (if you know that situation) was getting on my nerves so badly today that I literally had to leave where the group of us were hanging out. 

    I consider myself to be a “slow healer” since I started the whole pmo thing around 12-13 and have never had successful sex or gotten hard from making out with a girl. I feel like I’ll need 120+ days to be “cured”. After reading ybop accounts, my day 73 is competable to some people’s 21-30.

    Here is a list of the benefits I have seen so far in general, good days or bad:

    -more energy

    -girls are becoming less and less sexual objects and more into people

             -this makes interacting with them easy. Before the whole pmo thing started I was very good         with girls so i want to get back to thy state

    -started working out

    -started meditating

    -started to read for pleasure

    (these 3 I could never do while pmoing)

    -general anxiety is disappearing, almost gone not yet. I used to wake up feeling umbelivable anxious not anymore.

    -less irritable

    – girls look much more attractive

    the beneits that come and go with good and bad days are:

    -return of natural sense of humor

    -sex is barely on my mind(obsessive sexual thoughts seem to make me anxious)

    -very extroverted

    -conversations  flow naturally; not constantly analyzing my behavior.

    – interactions with woman become effortless

    I feel like my limbic system still has some ways to go before it’s completely back to normal but it’s getting there. Girls started to stop looking like sex objects,which made me nervous and awkward recently,but this comes and goes. Looking forward to the future, can’t wait for the ups and downs to clear out.

  146. Power (Mind, Body, Soul)

    Power (Mind, Body, Soul)

    Hey everyone, I am new to this site, but I would love to write about my experiences thus far. I am currently on day 5 (again), and writing this blog post is surprisingly hard. My mind is unusually clustered with ideas and I cannot focus. Hopefully, this blog entry is coherent enough for you guys to learn about me.

    A little about me?

     I am age 20 roughly and have been using porn since I was around 13-14. It has escalated over the years to the point where I’ve lost a  some of my best friends. I am a virgin, but I have had two girlfriends (sigh). Forming new relationships has been quite hard recently and I usually end up in the computer room viewing unhealthy images. So far I have gone 1 session for about 30 days with no porn, 1 session for about 22 days, and a lot of sessions with no porn for a week.

    The Negative Effects I have felt

    – Lack of Muscle growth

    – Scrawny, weak voice

    – Lack of appetite

    – Absolutely no concentration

    – Replaying porn in my head all day long

    – Slow eating speed ( tied to lack of appetite)

    – Nervousness

    – Insane social Anxiety ( I won’t even wave hi to people I know)

    – Cannot form well thought out sentence

    – Cannot make jokes at all

    – In extreme times, I have stuttered endlessly

    – Distant from family and friends

    – Lack of sleep

    – Swollen face

    – Large Eye bags, pale skin complexion

    – Dry, itchy skin especially when I workout

    – Immature

    – Easily Angered

    – Depression!

    – Bipolar moods

    – Lack of any sense of time management

    – Super lazy

    – Crappiest memory ever

    – unattractive in all senses of the words to woman

    Benefits I found in my longest abstinence session

    – Increased muscle mass

    – Deep Rich voice

    – Controlled, calm thoughts

    – Heightened ability for good humor

    – Extremely Confident

    – Strong

    – Attracted women, anywhere and everywhere

    – Beautiful , complete sleep

    – Insane amount of energy

    – Disciplined

    – Time efficient

    – ignited interest in old friendships

    – At peace

    – Productive beyond any means possible

    – Viewed as intelligent

    – Acing exams left and right

  147. Cool side-effects

    Cool side-effects

    So, many of us have already experienced the really vivid and sometimes lucid dreams (actually mine have tapered off since day 30 tbh), but what else have you noticed?

    For me, I’ve noticed that comedy is at least 10 times as funny as before. I really laugh so hard compared to when I was in trapped in the numbness of fap-fog when I would barely smile. It’s really fun!

    (Victory! Dopamine receptors are returning!)

    GUY 2)

    I actually said “Cheers” to somebody who sneezed on the bus this evening.

    I’m not as shy about certain things as before. Overall good mood

    GUY 3)

    For me, my eyesight has never been sharper. I see everything so much clearer now than I did before. I don’t know why but it’s a great side effect

    GUY 4)

    Same. Genuine laughter. I’m working to be a screenwriter, and in the past 4 years, I have wrote very serious things, but for the first time, I actually looked at exploring the comedic side of screen writing. aside from that, people are saying I’m funny once again. 😀

    GUY 5)

    Good for you! Lots of sexy dreams lately .. Lots of energy through the day .. Really horny – tits and ass radar bleeping all day long – not used to this yet…

    GUY 6)

    Yes, I noticed this too months ago – I laugh harder. I even commented on this and someone else agree with me once I pointed it out.

    GUY 7)

    I have multiple dreams every night when i sleep, i’m kind of scared because i never use to dream a whole lot. even when i did no fap for a bit.

    GUY 8)

    Me too, regarding comedy. I’ve been laughing out loud at sitcoms that haven’t drawn a laugh from me in years. Same thing at live comedy shows.

    GUY 9)

    Yeah, I’ve been dreaming almost every night now too!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean by the “fap-fog”. Truly awfuL

  148. Getting Huge Compliments On My Voice

    Getting Huge Compliments On My Voice

    Women all throughout my office are commenting (to each other) on how soothing my voice is lately. I’ve noticed a deepening for sure, but with increased confidence and more controllable time I guess I’m delivering the right amount if bass and breathiness that they are looking for. That’s. Just. Awesome.

    GUY 2)

    Oh $#&%… I’ve noticed something like that yesterday, when I was singing. I’d swear my voice has never been so deep and clear 0.0

  149. 63 days and counting. Thoughts from a bodybuilder on this crazy

    63 days and counting. Thoughts from a bodybuilder on this crazy journey of NoFap.

    Background: 24, M, college educated, currently in graduate school. Natural Bodybuilder (No steroids, diuretics, testosterone boosters. etc)

    I started fapping since I was 12 to MTV spring break promos and slowly but surely moved to high quality hardcore. I realize that porn was my fake cure-all drug. If I was anxious, nervous, lonely, depressed, scared, or even bored, fapping was the first action I would take. 9 weeks into no PMO, my brain literally feels like it is breaking up with all the women I masturbated too. I loved the women I watched in porn.

    Behind a computer screen, they were always there for me. These girls gave me instant intimacy and could never judge me, laugh at me, talk behind my back, gossip to their girlfriends about how creepy I was whenever I tried to flirt, and of course, gave me instant sex.

    Behind the computer screen, I did not have to take any risks, undergo fear of rejection, and didnt have to force myself to socialize. My major withdrawal symptom besides depression is that I feel like I am missing something in my life. Masturbation and pornography was such a time-consuming activity that kept me elevated for hours. I would go on long binges that gave me an extraordinary high. Cruising through the newest porn videos and selecting multiple tabs gave me an infinite amount of opportunities to procreate.

    I felt like a king with gorgeous female slaves to do my bidding. Without these addictive opportunities, my brain needs to readjust to the fact that I will no longer have 30 sexual partners a day.

    On the other hand, the cognitive effects of no PMO have been astounding. I am not having any more anxiety attacks or panic breakouts that I used to have. Motivation is high, concentration is as clear as the purest crystal on Earth. Thoughts are no longer racing through me, I am calm and more thoughtful of my actions. Is my life perfect? Not even close. Moments make me sad, moments make me happy, but this is the river of life. It is better to confront every issue than to mask it behind a computer screen of flesh and sexual exploits.

  150. Crippling anxiety has all but vanished

    Crippling anxiety has all but vanished

    I am currently on day 29, this being the longest I’ve gone without porn/fapping since discovering it fourteen years ago at the age of 10 (it was a 1-8x a day habit during these years). After a bunch of <2 week resets I am finally moving forward.

    For all of my life (as far as I can remember), I have had crippling social anxiety combined with zero confidence and zero sense of self worth. The anxiety I’ve always had has been terrible.. I have never been able to look people in the eye, have always felt intimindated by everyone, always felt disgusted and hateful towards myself and have NEVER been able to have a random discussion with a stranger.

    Roughly two weeks ago… all this dissipated… and it’s been staying gone. I’ve been afraid to post about it because I was expecting it to come back full force after showing me greener pastures.. but it’s staying gone.

    These last two weeks have been unlike any I have ever experienced. I find myself craving the company of other people (something I’ve never felt before), and when I am in public I have been able to open up on random strangers without any issues. I’ve been having great small short conversations everywhere I go and the best part is… zero anxiety. I have no problems with eye contact anymore, I don’t stutter, I speak my mind and don’t care about what others think. Infact… I can even watch other people do aqward things (which would in turn make me feel super aqward about myself) with no issue… it’s un fucking believeable.

    I’ve been walking around with a smile on my face and a positive mood all day every day and I’ll tell you.. people are noticing. I’m getting approached by girls all the time looking to start a conversation just for the sake of talking with me… this is unheard of for me.

    Looking back my old mannerisms seem laughable.. who was that person? I don’t know but I do know this- I am never going back.

    GUY 2)

    Great stuff, I’m really happy for you. I have suffered from mild social anxiety in the past and although I made some improvements even before stopping to fap, now basically 2 months off( with a couple of resets), the anxiety has really almost gone away. I don’t have a clue about the reasons why nofap helps with social anxiety, but I believe that not having to experience this disgusting feeling after you have just had an orgasm to some nasty porn material really helps to correct your self-image.

    GUY 3)

    I’m glad to hear your SA has vanished. I, however, noticed the same effect whenever I stop using computer for a couple of days. I think this might be related to a computer & internet addiction in my case, not so much pawn..

    GUY 4)

    Same age as you, been experiencing lots of mood swings lately. Everyone’s course is different. Don’t despair.

    GUY 5)

    Stop using computer & internet completely for at least 3 days. Its like porn, only worse. Go read a book, only it has to be captivating. I had the same issues, then I stopped using computer completely and I feel way better now. Porn is just tip of the ice, the main problem is computer itself.

    GUY 6)

    Hehe it’s funny that you should say that… I’m about to try a week of blackout.

    No tv, computer, internet. School work will be done on paper / on the library computers. Reading will be via my kindle and that’s it. Cutting all media and entertainment out.. gonna spend a week REALLY focusing on myself with no distractions.

    GUY 7)

    Awesome! I know exactly how you’re feeling, it truly is unfucking believable. Where did all this confidence and self-control come from? What happened to the days of feeling incredibly down? It feels great. Never go back. Kudos, friend.


    Honestly man I still can’t wrap my head around what’s been happening. I honestly went through a few years of meeting and getting to know ~1 person / year because of how bad my anxiety was. And now… it’s gone. I am so happy for the first time in a very very long time.


  151. Another motivator: eradicating hemorrhoids

    Another motivator: eradicating hemorrhoids

    Yeah, this is probably TMI, but I think I’ve made a connection and wanted to share it with you guys.

    Over the years I’d get occasional hemmorhoids, but never bothered to assume there was a connection.  It didn’t feel particularly bad during PMO sessions, so I didn’t think much of it.  I’d seen a doctor about them (they are really painful, as anyone who has had anything more than a mild case can tell you), and the conclusion was just something like “some people get them, some people don’t”.  My causes tend to be certain kinds of heavy lifting.

    So, I haven’t had them in a long, long time, at least six months.  I also had a relapse about a week ago, including a couple “binge sessions”.  They came roaring back.  I can’t say for sure that there is a connection, but it sure seems likely.  I thought of the thread a while ago about how a guy always felt… uhh… differently aroused prior to a BM.  All of that stuff is connected!  Blood flow, muscles, this pushing on that, etc… it is hard to pin down the exact science, but it sure makes sense.

    I did a quick internet search and haven’t found any hard studies, but I have found a few anecdotal accounts.  While sex or MO lying down doesn’t seem to do anything, it seems to be MO while SITTING (i.e. in front of a computer) that aggravated the problem for a lot of guys. 

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’d rather be hit in the chest with a spade shovel than have a case of hemorrhoids, so I’ve found quite the motivator here!

    This is the thread I was referencing:

  152. My Story, 32yr-old had enough of PMO ruling my life

    My Story ,32yr old had enough of PMO ruling my life

    This is my first ever Post on any forum of any kind ….ever. My reason for being here is i wanted to get my story out and be a part of this fantastic NoFap Journey. Firstly i would like to thank you all for sharing your experiences of NoFap ,and Rebooting etc its been very encouraging to see you guys striving to have victory over P and M … and reap the benifits

    Ill try keep it short.

    I am Married 8 years, am 32 years old been fapping to visual sexual stimuli (sexy women) since i first discovered porn at age approx 9 (I think….I remember doing it well before i was producing the stuff needed to make babies !!) and have been PMO ‘ing ever since and got hell of a lot worse when high speed Internet came along , Ive struggled in my life at various intensities and times of depression, in-confidence (not sure if a word), lethargy, procrastination and really bad social anxiety (this is prob the most painful one)

    Amazingly all through this I have been able to set up and keep a successful business and have a bunch of employees and make very good money and also made my way up through the years to become a reputable professional musician and i play in bands regularly at a prof level. All this with heck of a lot of stress (anxiety) levels ,and generally unhappy which in my ignorance i thought that if i could make more money, be a better muso or be super fit ( I enjoy bodybuilding for aesthetic and strength purposes) that somehow these things will make me happy….WRONG.

    Ill leave things there as a background … I’ve been reading a heck of a lot of these posts here at NoFap and your Brain on porn and have been trying to rid of Porn for a while with lots of relapses (just had last one an hour ago and this time it was different – although it was enjoyable, my mind is changing -I’m seeing it definitely – seemed fake and a poor substitute for real relationships ) this time round i am 31 days into my recovery i binged on day 25 and had 2 relatively short relapses yesterday and today.felt terrible afterwards each time . IVE HAD ENOUGH !!!! Time to kick some PMO butt!!

    Ill have to say once i don’t have crippling withdrawal (usually lasts first 10 days into my past recoveries) I am WAY Happier, WAY more confident and hugely less socially anxious in ways that are phenomenal ……Just those damn cravings i get are soooo hard to resist sometimes its like my every cell in my body craves Porn and I’m sick of giving in …..My goal is 90 days NoFap , NoPorn

    All i know is the results are incredible once i go for a length of time keeping my hand off my Dick and not looking at porn or a porn substitute (sexy stuff on TV also drives me nuts which i hope will change once rebooted properly) …the most impressive is the feeling of being happy for no reason (never had this in the past) and a LACK of social anxiety and brain Fog (always had social anxiety even with my own family !!! wtf … and i never knew any different because its how i have always felt……

    Sorry for such a long post , ill keep updating to show my progress Thanks for reading, Any tips, questions and comments welcome : )

  153. I was becoming numb: physically, sexually, emotionally, and spir

    Didn’t get around to doing a 90 day report, so here is my 103 day report. (self.NoFap)

     by Standing_Tall103 days

    I am 32, male, and newly married.

    Before nofap, I would generally masturbate 0 to 3 times a day (usually 2). 99% of the time to porn. Started looking at porn back when I was 11, in 1991, and all you could get were Playboys and Penthouses. Good memories of listening to Poison and perusing some magazine’s we borrowed from a friend’s dad, but I digress. I had a friend who was an early adopter of the internet, and by 1993, I had access to some internet porn, but not much. Masturbating furiously by this point.

    As the years progressed, things changed. I was no longer just interested in looking at naked women. I began to need something from the more extreme side of things to get off. I know the difference between right and wrong, and the post-orgasm self disgust increased as the type of porn I consumed became more depraved.

    To make matters worse, I’d developed a fairly bad case of death grip. It didn’t prevent me from orgasming with PIV when I was in my early 20s, but by my mid 20s, it became a problem. I could “go” for a long time, and I thought that made me a stud. It was pretty cool when my girlfriend was multiorgasmic, but very non cool when she was a one-and-done herself. Getting off became work. It wasn’t uncommon to lose my erection mid PIV. Nothing could compete with my right hand. Sex became about getting off. I had separated the pleasurable aspect of sex from its unitive purpose. I was becoming numb: physically, sexually, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Fast forward to this past summer. My friend introduces me to reddit, and I find nofap within a week or so. I am intrigued. Are these guys really NOT masturbating? Impossible! Every guy masturbates, and if he says he doesn’t, he is lying! Right? Right?

    Two weeks before my wedding, I decided it was the time to BE THE MAN I WANT TO BE. I decided I would make my wife the center of my sex life, and would not make her share me with my fantasies. She deserved at least that much.

    Week one was hard. But I took it one day at a time. Week two was better. Week three was muuuuuch easier, mainly because I was having sex now.

    Since then, I have been tempted many times but it is not a daily temptation. It’s just not something I do anymore. It has taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. I’ve stopped drinking to excess since starting nofap as well.

    Nofap has given me more self confidence than I ever had before. Its not magic. Its just having the knowledge that YOU are the boss of yourself. YOU are in control of your choices and actions. YOU decide what you do and do not do. You are the person you choose to be. One. Choice. At. A. Time.

    In conclusion, Nofap is worth it. Its not about willpower; its about habits. Build healthy habits. You know what you need to do, in every area of your life, to get where you wish you were. Get off Reddit already, you’ve probably had enough for today. Go BE THE MAN YOU WANT TO BE.*

  154. Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread

    Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread

    Hi all,

    I’m very curious about this in particular as that’s my main reason for doing the challenge.

    I’d like to approach this in a clean fashion without too much text. I’ll provide a format below (corrections can be suggested and I’ll edit the post). I may make a statistical summary after enough have posted, or if someone qualified volunteers he may do it better. So, just copy paste the code all the way below my own entry, fill it in and it’ll come out with all the bold text and item sorting as above, once you post it.


    • Age: 27
    • Sex: Male

    Masturbation profile

    • Start & context: 13 (magazines), at 15 (almost exclusively pornography)
    • Frequency: once a day
    • ED symptoms: no morning erection, no wet dreams, no spontaneous erections in public inspired by attractive women, the penis is not fully hard during sex or masturbation, can ejaculate in a near flaccid state.
    • Time into NoFap treatment: first try 30 days, now at 13
    • Response to NoFap treatment: so far none

    So now you can copy paste the code below and fill in your profile so we can track this quantitatively. 🙂

  155. 96 day and I am only just beginning.

    96 day and I am only just beginning.

    My fellow fapstronauts, 96 days ago I quit as many of us probably did after watching Gary Wilson’s TEDx talk. This one video changed my life, overnight I went from 7-15 faps a day to none. Whilst a lot of people will discount and discredit what we do here, I can say that every positive benefit I have felt in the last 3 months have been directly related to my no longer fapping.

    I quit fapping and the next 6 weeks were the most stress filled weeks of my life, but I saw direct improvement. In those six weeks I was made homeless, attacked with a deadly weapon, failed University. Pretty signifigant events.

    Why do I make a point of this?

    My conviction never wavered. Not once, but 9 months ago I was mired in depression. I was supposed to attend university full time, but if I could find the effort, hell if I could find the motivation I could barely make it in one day every three weeks. My relationships with women…. Well, I had little not nothing in terms relationships for the past six years. It had taken its toll as you all could imagine.

    Now…well now. Despite failing university and all the associated dreams and ambitions being washed away, I have never felt better. I have my first real relationship with a woman. I start working soon, and despite my academic failing I have a fairly solid plan to get on track with my future.

    I have never felt better.

    96 days in…and tomorrow is just another day!

    Stay Strong my fellow fapstronauts.

  156. at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.

    It’s so difficult for me to keep this concise. I am going to say it isn’t about one aspect of life but many, however willpower is a very high priority. Building the first structure of willpower will always look impossible, that doesn’t mean when you have that you can go ahead and slack off. But you will have better understanding.

    My life has changed from procrastination to a good structure of willpower, it’s far from perfect but at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.

    I can’t remember who recommended me here, but please keep it up because masturbation to porn is still seen as not a problem for many people. To be honest masturbation to porn isn’t the exact problem, it’s not having a good moderation of it and I mean a good 2-3 months without it. Some people might say otherwise to which I say I agree, but opinions are opinions.

    I’m going to reset for sure tonight, staying up there is easier than resetting and I’ve already made it difficult enough.

    90 days, I ain’t stepping off this train any time soon!

  157. Is it normal for NoFap to leak into other bad habits like eating

    Is it normal for NoFap to leak into other bad habits like eating junk food?

    I know I am only three days into my NoFap journey, but something weird happened to me on Saturday morning. My body is starting to reject my junk food habits since I stopped fapping. Even just looking at the stuff makes me feel queasy now. I tried to drink some Mountain Dew and had to spit it out into the sink.

    Just a few minutes ago I got out some Chips Ahoy and the smell of them almost made me puke. I am not saying this is a bad thing, quite the opposite. I was just wondering if this is typical of NoFap.

  158. My willingness to participate in conversations have increased so

    My willingness to participate in conversations have increased so much this week.

    I love reading other peoples success stories and what this journey has given them. So I thought that I would do the same, I’m just a few days in but something major has shift inside of me.

    Before I could fap 3 times per day, I would wake up, do it, get home from work, do it, and then again in the evening. Before starting this nofap journey I always thought that I was socially reserved, you know the kind that would wear a shirt that says: “I’m not shy I just don’t care about what you are saying” and try to pass it off as that. But that’s just a lame excuse not to try harder.

    So as I’ve mentioned, my willingness to participate in conversations have increased tenfold. I see this most at work, where I usually didn’t talk very much to people. Now since starting NoFap, I want to talk to them, I am talking to them, and I have alot to say, things I didn’t knew before. This week has been one of my best ever because I’ve made people laugh, I got invited out to drink with them yesterday, the women at work talk to me alot now since I’ve started to make an effort, one of them even “pretended” to sleep on my shoulder during a presentation from our head quarters.

    So, just 4 days in, feeling a major diffrence, gonna journey onward 🙂 This is a million times more rewarding than fapping ever was.

    TL,DR After starting NoFap my ability and willingness to have conversations with people have increased so much and my job satisfaction has increased. Got invited out to drink with the staff and looking foward to the weeks and months to come.

  159. Since the start of senior I never imagined I could be this happy

    I just want to thank whoever created this reddit. It has been a huge key to my success in life this past few months. I’ve been really itching to make an account and tell my story to you all, how nofap has gone for me. I am a 17 year old male in my senior year of high school, and nofap has really made a difference in it so far.

    Before, I was weaning myself off of PMO. I would always view porn on my iPod, maybe my laptop if I was really in the mood for it, or rarely my computer, but I was too paranoid to use the laptop or computer in for the fear of getting caught, as my family would use both as well. My iPod was my personal gate to the internet, one that I could have easily at my disposal. When I was younger, around 14, I started to get into porn, and soon it got I’d get into some more stronger forms, but I had my limits. I didn’t want to get consumed in it.

     Around 15 I would do it constantly, at least once a day. When I got to 16, I’d have a streak of days where I actively masturbated, and period where I wouldn’t dare look at another image of a woman unclothed. My usage was declining, as guilt built up from using it, but I still would continue. Early in July I just got so guilty about it, I gave my brother my iPod and confessed to him about my porn usage. He took it and hid it from me and I had to go without porn.

     It was the best choice I’ve made as a teenager. After he left for college he handed it back to me, trusting that I wouldn’t go back to my old, dark ways. I can proudly say I have not used my iPod for such dirty acts since he placed it in my hands. I can truly say I’m above my porn use.

     Since the start of senior year, I never imagined I could be this happy. I started to be more outgoing my junior year in high school, but as a senior things just clicked and I was busting out jokes left and right, have as many laughs as possible with friends. I love them, they mean the world to me and to just become more social felt great. I personally didn’t think school could be this great with awesome classes and awesome friends.

     My biggest triumph is asking this girl to our Homecoming dance by singing to her. It was awesome, I’ve never done something like that, and to step out of my comfort zone to try to get her to be my date was exhilarating. She said yes, and we had an amazing Senior HC, and we’re closer than ever. =] I know nofap truly helped with this in particular because I gained the confidence to truly have control over myself, especially making eye contact. I became more interested in her as a person, before I would be more concerned with being able to get with her (which is totally the wrong way to go about women now). I truly care for her and it’s awesome that we’re so open with each other. I’m a really lucky guy to stumble across someone as special as her.

     But recently the stress of life has gotten to me, and I masturbated once again to a video on Youtube through my computer. I know I’m basically cheating myself because it’s technically not “porn”, and I want to eliminate that completely. I want to be able to deal with stress easily and completely without having to turn to MO. I want to cut it out of my life entirely so I can focus on my studies (there still good, but they can be better.), being the best friend possible to my friends, and being the greatest guy that for my special lady!

    So I’ve finally signed up on this subreddit, and I’m ready to make that final leap. Become the person I’ve wanted to be, the ideal. To finish evolving.

    Thank You NoFap, May I Have More?

  160. Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle

    I quit masterbating on Feb 1st 2012, my goal was to go 1 month, I have now almost gone 3 months.

    Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle to get out and face the day. Avoided a lot of social situations unless I was drunk. Then I found this thread.…&highlight=fap

    I have tons of energy, when I look in the mirror i feel like my skin has a glow to it. I joined a gym and started lifting weights, my lifts have been progressing like crazy. I run at least 1 mile a day right when I wake up. Social situations are a breeze. When walking around in public I feel so powerful, I feel like I can talk to anyone and do anything at anytime. I have noticed girls checking me out.

    And my sexual performance is crazy now.

    I was a pretty big porn/jerk off fanatic for years before this, probably 8-9 years of daily porn viewing and masterbating at least once per day. It was hard to kick the habbit, but i suggest it to anyone.

    I started to read the science behind “no fap” LINK TO THREAD

  161. I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life

    Came across a “no fap” thread on and they linked me to a site Stopped watching porn and stopped masturbating, 100%.

    The most noticeable outcome was after about 1-1.5 weeks that I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life. I began taking immediate action and every opportunity that presented itself to interact and have sex with said females.

    While that might not seem like much to some people, I have always been highly reclusive and relatively uninterested in pursuing anything socially, let alone with the opposite sex.

    About 5 weeks in I stopped drinking alcohol/using drugs completely, while I don’t know if I can attribute that entirely to the no fap, it definitely played a big part.

    As time went on things just started to snowball and just about every aspect of my life has changed and here I am ~6 months later wondering how the fuck I arrived here.

    Then I pop onto QGL tonight and it seems like the movement has found its way here. LINK TO THREAD

  162. I’m starting to SEE.

    I’m starting to SEE.

    With every passing day, I’m seeing a lot better. The magnificence of the orange leaves falling down the trees.. and the wonderful blue sky.. Now I’m listening to some classic’s and really hearing. It’s wonderful! 🙂 It reminds me the clarity I had when I was 10. Heart full of love and excitement about tomorrow. What will it bring? Maybe a porn withdrawal related flatline.. 😀 Or will it be the coolest day of all and I’ll call up the gorgeous girl I wanted to meet this week..;) Who the hell knows.

    GUY 2)

    I noticed this too. Fall colors are much more beautiful, art stands out and I’ve found myself really getting into music again. Maybe it’s a placebo or just a phase but I’m loving it

    GUY 3)

    It might not be true that masturbation makes you blind, but in a way, it DOES make you blind, just a different kind of blind 😉

    GUY 4)

    I know what you mean. It feels good to break out of the endless fap loop and start living again.

    GUY 5)

    I’ve noticed something similar, I haven’t come as far as you but I thought that for myself today. I’m seeing alot more details everywhere I go. Before I didn’t notice that rooms have curtains before somebody started talking about the curtains, then they magically appeared out of nowhere.

    GUY 6)

    I have noticed same thing. Now i see more little details and things that i haven’t noticed when i was on PMO.

  163. Porn ruined my relationship

    Porn ruined my relationship

    just thought I’d vent. I’ve been porn free since my 5 1/2 year relationship collapsed in on itself over a month ago. Just thought I’d share some background about this and hope some of you can learn from this. Porn really messed up my ideas of a healthy relationship. I started to use my fiancee as an object of my satisfaction, as a means to satisfy my urge. Rarely was there an emotional connection (for me anyways). She became an outlet for my urges.

    She didn’t want me to watch porn and I told her It became her responsibility to “appease” me if she didn’t want me to. My emotions were often negative, selfish, degrading even. I was not the man she fell in love it. I was not interested in going out places, I did not want to show affection, I was not interested in going the extra mile for her when she needed me to emotionally be there for her.

    This has been the most painful experience of my life but never in my life have I learned so much. For those of you in relationships or wanting to have a strong emotional relationship; I GREATLY encourage you to stop watching porn. It will distort your sense of women, yourself, and your relationships.

  164. The changes I’ve seen so far:

    The changes I’ve seen so far:

    Taken from my blog (Might be easier on the eyes)

    So it’s been 3 weeks give or take (23 days) since I began my journey. At first it felt like each day was an eternity. I was in pretty rough shape; a lot of things were going on in my life that were really taking a toll on me. In retrospect, it’s those things that made me change, so I really can’t be totally upset.

    What changes have I seen so far? Well, let me tell you!

    1) Happiness. This is the single biggest change I have seen in my life. My personality hasn’t changed, save the fact that I am comfortable with being myself no matter the company. I still love all the things I loved before- video games, sports, music, nature, and I’m still the same laugh happy goofball I was before. What has changed, however, is my mindset and attitude towards myself, towards others, and towards life. I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming. Like really proud. Not many people are willing to serve others and reach out to those in need, and I really enjoy being a person who does. I don’t think about what others think about me anymore. I used to dwell on it. Is this manly enough? Is this lame? Am I too weird for everyone? Now I embrace my uniqueness. I have a lot of qualities that I am really proud of. I can be a manly man, hunting, fishing, playing sports and drinking beer. I love art and I love music- drawing and playing guitar really calm me down. I can talk sports or I can talk philosophy. I can joke around, have a great time and be the life of the party, or I can get serious and talk about things that are really hurting people who are too afraid to reach out for help. Which brings me to my next point…

    2) More in tune with my emotions. I do have a sensitive side, I’ll admit it. I don’t parade it around (I’m not an emo kid or a hipster, nice try Tumblr) but I don’t have to hide it anymore. I can open up about my problems and let people in. Vulnerability was a big issue for me, especially with everything I was hiding. Now that I’ve put it out in the open, I have no problem talking to friends or those close to me about what is on my mind or what I’m going through. I also recognize what emotional state I’m in, and realize that it is something that can be controlled. Pissed off at the guy that cut you off? Take a deep breath and appreciate the good in your life. As Dr. Kabot says, it’s not cancer- we’ll get through it. I am a lot more open about showing emotion as well. Really happy? Let it out. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow; make everyone else feel good. I used to get really happy about something and feel like I had to hide it. I felt vulnerable if I was genuinely happy. Why? I have no idea. Being happy with others is one of the best feelings you can have. Where I used to reject affection, I now crave it. I don’t want to push people away anymore, I want to bring them closer.

    3) More social. Instead of wanting to stay in and not put in the effort of being social I look forward to getting out. Going to a new bar? Cool, new friends and people to meet. Going to a friends? Alright, let’s go hang out. I used to need constant stimulation in social settings- I was always looking for a ball to throw, a game to play or something to entertain me. I still do this, but I’m also fine with just being in other people’s presence. I never used to be able to just sit and shoot the breeze, and actually enjoy it now. When people ask me to do things now, rather than make up an excuse not to go, I look forward to the adventure.

    4) The world is more beautiful. Colors are much more vivid. Nature is much more beautiful, the leaves on the trees, the landscapes, the sunsets. Music really impacts me again- I haven’t felt moved by a song since probably 7th grade. People are much more amazing. I don’t see the person per se, but I see the positives the offer the world. This is not all due to the physiological change, of course not. But I believe that it is a by product of my discipline, and of my letting of the chains that held me back. Freeing myself of my demons has freed my mind as well, and with that freedom has come a recognition of how incredible the world is. The little problems in life seem a lot smaller, and the good things seem larger than life.

    5) I act on my feelings. This is one of the bigger things I’ve noticed. In the past, I would be hesitant to tell someone what I think of them, especially if I thought they were an awesome person. I struggled with giving compliments, again probably due to how twisted my worldview had become. Now if I think someone is awesome I tell them. What good does it do keeping it inside? Tell people how you feel about them, being vulnerable isn’t a bad thing. It actually brings those you appreciate closer to you. Honesty and trust are catalysts to great relationships.

    6) I see people as people. Looks are transient, personalities stick. I no longer want to be friends with the “cool” kids, or the attractive people. I am drawn to the people who are beautiful on the inside. Call it soft, call it lame, call it what you want. But they are the people that bring me happiness, and who I want to be with. And no, I don’t mean I seek out ugly people who happen to be nice- I just key in on how someone treats others and what they bring to the world much more than their interests or how cool people think they are.

    7) Patience. I have come to realize that everyone has problems, even if they hide them. Shoot, I seemed perfectly normal my whole life, maybe even more than normal. People thought I had a great life and that I had it all together. Even my girlfriends and family couldn’t see what I was hiding. That’s how good I had become at it. They knew something was up, but couldn’t put a finger on it. Now imagine how someone who wasn’t as upbeat I was going through something similar. Maybe their family member died or they lost a job. Maybe they’ve been hurt or are struggling with demons. I think this is in part due to my recent interest in religion as well, but I don’t take it personally anymore if people are rude or mean to me. I keep my rose tinted glasses on and believe that everyone is inherently good, and that the rudeness or anger is situational. Everyone has demons, they just handle them differently.

    I know a lot of this is probably placebo, but I don’t care what it is. I feel a lot better, have no feelings of depression or insecurity. I don’t feel like I have to try to be something I’m not, being me is just fine. I wish I could have found this mentality years ago, I lost out on a lot because of how blind I had been. However, like I’ve said before, sometimes you have to fall in order to get back up.


    Though I’ve only gone a week, I’m seeing the same changes (I’m 17 so that might explain the quick effects).

    Today I hung out with a chick in the library, chatted about music, did some light debating etc. I noticed how much more comfortable I was with myself than I usually am in interactions with girls. She seemed slightly bored looking through records with me (something I take great joy in) and eventually departed to study in another room. I happily said goodbye, not at all bothered that she didn’t seem interested in browsing CD covers. That was fine, I was happy to do it on my own.

    Whereas before, I would have to fake an “aloof” personality and forcibly appear to not care (while I actually felt a sting of insecurity and racked my brain about how I had fucked up and made the girl leave), I now simply accepted, without bitterness, insecurity, arrogance or sense of superiority, that she’d rather do something else.

    This wasn’t “game”. This wasn’t even “NOT GIVING A FUCK!!!”. This was just security and comfort with oneself, and it felt great. Definitely a motivator to keep it up!

  165. A lot can happen in 2 months.

    A lot can happen in 2 months.

    Coming into this challenge, I was a total skeptic. Not only that, but I was a lonely skeptic. I hadn’t gotten laid in months and I’d never even really been with a girl I genuinely cared about. I also had terrible delayed ejaculation. I wasn’t sure if any of this could be connected to fapping or not, but I figured I’d give the 30-day challenge a go to see where it could take me. If nothing else, I would’ve demonstrated to myself that I had some extreme willpower.

    As I reached 30 days, I experienced all the usual stuff: increased confidence, incredible conversational skills, and the ability to find pleasure in the simple things in life. Never really had a problem with any of those things before, but there was definitely a noticeable difference. I decided that 30 days wasn’t hard enough, so I decided to give the 90-day challenge a go. Here we are, 30 days from the time I made that decision, and man am I thankful.

    During the past month or so, an amazing female entered my life. Had I been my post NoFap self, I really doubt I would have even had the courage/motivation to pursue her. Instead, I manned up, began to talk to her quite a bit, and started hanging out with her. We’ve had some really great times in the past month or so, and yesterday, I finally decided it was time to put my claim on her and make her my girlfriend.

    It’s hard to put in to words how big of an accomplishment this is for me. I’ve never actually really cared about a girl I’ve been with until now. Still haven’t found out if my delayed ejaculation is cured yet as I’m taking this relationship slower than my last relationships. Sex in the first week or so is usually a recipe for disaster in a relationship. Hopefully, this relationship will be much more successful than anything I’ve had previous. If I keep seeing these benefits, I may never fap again!

    Some stats for the curious:

    • Age: 16
    • Length of time I used porn before NoFap: ~1 year
    • Time actively participating in no fap: 60 days. Still on my first attempt.

    TL;DR NoFap has changed my life completely in the past 2 months. I’ve gone from never being with a girl I care about to possibly finding the girl of my dreams. Before NoFap, I was a skeptic. Now, I’m a believer. Stay strong, fellow fapstronauts! This challenge is way more than worth it!

  166. 99 days: I want to tell my story again! Now in tl;dr version

    99 days: I want to tell my story again! Now in tl;dr version

    I basically wrote everything a week ago in my 92-day post, but I want to tell my story again. Yes, I like attention, but I also want to talk to someone, as I have only few friends.

    So, positive changes:

    • Creativity. I have more ideas, I am surrounded by them, it just takes a little to think, and I instantly know what to do.
    • Clear mind. No more brain fog, I know what I want, and finally I can study without problems: I open my books, read things twice, and there I am: I remember the shit like a motherfucker. My grades are ridiculous high. I don’t bother my mind with masturbation no more, that’s not an option in my life, anymore.
    • Better social interactions. I am not afraid to look anyone in the eye, I talk to people that I don’t know, I smile. I SMILE! I could never smile spontaneously, but know it just comes like that. I’m feeling like a normal human being. Before nofap I was really afraid of people, I couldn’t even answer a phone call without hesitating and thinking about what I’ll say. Even with my parents I am more confident, and that is a big milestone for me.
    • Energy. When I masturbated I was a lazy sloth: computer, shit, eat, repeat. Know I can literally jump out of my bed, throw some clothes on my body and go out running. There is nothing that can stop me from doing something I want or something that I want to achieve. I am god.
    • Self control. I had an addictive personality; I would smoke everyday weed, masturbate, eat shitty food, and I could do it all days long. Now it’s just a matter of will either I will say yes or no to something. I basically say no to things that are commonly considered as bad, but I also cut off things I like, just because I can, just because I am strong enough to do that.
    • Testosterone. Seriously, me veins are full of that manly hormone, I feel like fighting all the time, I am focused like a lion on his prey. My balls are made of wood. 99days more and they will be made of aluminium. In a year they will be made of steel, and in two years of platinum. In three years I think they will become diamond.
    • Egoism. I am the most important, not a girl I barely know, or my friends, nor my parents. There is only today, and today is the day I will develop myself. Maybe I’ll die tomorrow – I mean, I’m not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don’t mind. Why should I be afraid of dying? There’s no reason for it, you’ve gotta go sometime. I never said I was frightened of dying – so that’s why I have to focus on myself today. There is no time to waste.
    • Peace of mind. Nothing can make me lose my temper. 99 days ago I would literally throw things, or fight my doors because I was angry. Now, I just breathe, and everything is cool.
    • Strength. Fuck, I am strong as a teddy bear. I’m working for being as strong as a grizzly bear. Straight grizzlay!
    • Happiness. No depression, no that feels anymore. I am a healthy man. Why should I lose my life to sadness? Happiness is cooler, I love happiness. Smiling is my favorite.
    • I feel like a man. A man that is in full control of his own life. For example I deleted yesterday naked photos of my ex-girlfriend. I would keep them just as a souvenir, but I want to be truly independent of thought of my ex. I also respect her, and don’t want to have things such as that when we aren’t together anymore.
    • Life is great, life is beautiful. Porn is an imaginary world. There is no imaginary world that is real. There is only this. You. Your hands. Your eyes. Your brain. Your consciousness. Make a good use of it, you can reach the stars, but you have to want to.

    Negative changes:

    • I am sometimes too horny, but I am in full control of that. I discovered today that I can control my energy and point it to something else. It’s pretty awesome.
    • Wet dreams. It sucks to wake up with underpants full of jelly.
    • Further I have not observed any bad changes. Flatline in weeks 6-8 was such a bitch: depression, anxiety, but I fought with it. And guess what? I won.

    Tomorrow 100 days. I’m pumped already. The sun will shine for me tomorrow. It shines everyday for me.

  167. 45 day report

    45 day report

    I’ll make this short and sweet the best I can.


    • For the first week or so, I have to admit that I did feel more confident and ecstatic, but not like some day and night flipflop. I felt happier because I can admit to myself now that I am no longer someone who faps.
    • I feel more connected with my self-image and generally more involved with the real world. I definitely still got urges to PMO (especially in the first two weeks), but the thought of me doing that, as if I were to watch myself in 3rd person view, totally disgusted me. I think before, “detaching” myself whenever I fapped somehow made it acceptable to me, because the one doing it “wasn’t me”.
    • No PMO freed up time to take up other hobbies, such as writing, more exercising, etc.
    • I got a lot more cuddly with my girlfriend. Subconsciously, before my goal would always be sex whenever I’m making out/cuddling with her, but now I’ve learned to enjoy those expressions of love for what they’re worth. I can definitely see myself changing my view of her from simply a source of pleasure to a wonderful, enjoyable woman to be around. (not that I ever abused her or took advantage of her EVER, just improving upon what would previously cross my mind. just putting that out there that I need to be a better man)
    • Even though the frequency of having sex with my girlfriend went down, I have to say that the times we do have sex, it was more of making love. And it’s absolutely, mindblowing-ly, awesomazing.


    • Sometimes still when I’m all alone, I have to fight wars with myself to keep my hands out of my pants. However, especially more recently, I am able to tell myself “You KNOW you’re not going to do it.” and I end up doing something much more productive like read a book or head out the door. Into real life.
    • I get pretty bad chaser effects to the point where I get “scared” of having sex because I thought I was going to relapse. My girlfriend would honor that whenever I said ‘no’ to her, and so that’s why the frequency of sex went down. But even though I had chaser effect urges the days after love making, they got weaker and weaker as time went on.
    • I have a bunch of hand lotion…that I guess I actually should use for moisturizing my hands. hmm..I do have dry hands. Not bad.

    All in all, I think the biggest benefit of PMO (for me) had to be psychological. I tell myself now “I’m not someone who faps!” and I feel really good about that. The thought of watching strangers having sex on my computer screen isn’t even remotely arousing anymore. Go for the real thing, guys! THAT’S worth it! I’m grateful for my girlfriend for sticking with me, helping me through this. I’m not saying 45 days and I’m completely rebooted, but it’s definitely gotten me somewhere further that I’m proud of, somewhere closer to who I want to be.

  168. Worst consequences of your previous fapping/porn habit?

    Worst consequences of your previous fapping/porn habit?

    We are a positive community that usually always talk about the benefits of NoFap. But I think it could be beneficial to see what bad consequences our previous fapping habits caused, so we won’t go back. I’ll start.

    1. I actually had access to real sex for several years from a “friend with benefit” we met perhaps twice per year because my fapping habits took away my sex drive.
    2. Could spend hours edging, building up to a massive O, enjoy it for a second and then get a horrible feeling that I’m wasting my time.
    3. When I had a girlfriend I was always very eager to have real sex to decrease my need to fap. This caused problems with some.
    4. The things I fapped to got worse and worse over time. Now since starting this I understand that the novelty faded and I needed something more perverted all the time.

    I’ve been late to work several times because of it.
    Erectile Dysfunction as well.


    i probably left university because of it. or at least, i joined a course i wasn’t interested in because of it.


    For me, it’s that I preferred fapping to real sex. I felt I had to keep from fapping for a day or two when I knew I was gonna hook up with my SO. And if I couldn’t control myself, I’d actually avoid sex because I was worried about not being able to perform.


    Well, the effects and side effects from fapping have taken a high toll on my life: from not being able to get up in the morning because I was so depressed and tired of everything, from losing a wonderful girlfriend, failing several years at university because I couldn’t concentrate and memorize large amounts of stuff.. the list is so long, it’s painful to think about..


    For me it was erectile dysfunction. I am married and used to have wonderful sex, but fapping (with porn) was too convenient and I gave it priority over time with my wife. How stupid could I have been?!

  169. It has been very difficult & enormously rewarding

    90 Day report.

    Here it is people. It has been very difficult & enormously rewarding. Changing is a pain & it would have been so much easier to just put my dick back in my hand.

    I feel I should point out that my situation is a little unusual. Without going into too much detail, I was a very unhappy person & my circumstances changed drastically about 18 months ago forcing me to find the motivation to change my life completely.

    A combination of near suicidal depression, girl leaving me, losing job, therapy, r/nofap, r/socialskills, r/seduction, r/getmotivated, some medication & a little help from my friends contributed to the person I am now. I wasnt suffering from ED but I had just given up on life in general & noFap was (& is) a part of my recovery. I am still amazed at the support noFap consistently provides to all of us. The Internet is full of cynics but I have found this sub to be full of proud supportive people.

    The good:

    After about a week I felt bulletproof. It was difficult to concentrate at times but when I focused I got so much more done. I became more assertive & organized & generally felt a sense of unforgiving pride in myself. People noticed too, it was surprising to find myself quick witted in social situations & generally sharper. I spoke louder & more frequently in public. It is like being almost always “on form”, I went through a phase of hypersensitivity & can still work myself up into a frenzy. Almost all attractive girls were (& still are) intoxicating. When I see a girl im attracted to now I sometimes feel I should apologise for the intensity of my desire to fuck her. Its a visceral palpable feeling. There is an animal intensity to it. I understand that it is all chemical & I’m not a wizard conjuring boner-dragons but still, its powerful stuff. I also gained the ability to meditate to orgasm. My hair grew faster & when I went to the gym I tore it up. Maybe the control gives you satisfaction or visa versa, either way it is worth it. I cant imagine anybody taking back for a week (for example) & not seeing positive results.

    The bad:

    It was not easy. I went through a period of intense frustration. My social skills still haven’t resulted in me getting any sexual fulfilment and I blame myself. I edged more often than Id like to admit, especially towards the end of my 90 day commitment. I had wet dreams & started to wonder if I would be able to last more than eight seconds with a girl. I had one failed run of 35 days previous to that where I edged for hours & finally came so hard it hit the ceiling above my bed. I had periods of flatline too that weren’t unpleasant but worried me at the time, I just felt nothing for a few days.

    Where now?

    Committed to another 90 day noFap & 90 day pornfree. I’m trying not to dwell on the fact that I am still very alone. Fairytale ending would be nice but I guess Ill jut keep pushing on because that’s what I do. If you read this, thanks.

  170. From foreveralone to neveralone.

    From foreveralone to neveralone. 

    Hello. I’m gonna share my ongoing story of how i’m going from foreveralone to neveralone.

    • Intro You don’t have to read the intro if you want it’s just to let you know a little about my life but the imporant step’s ill tl;dr at the bottom

    I actually started about 6 months. So ill catch you guys up. I use to be a skinny wow nerd, playing WoW 12+ hours a day raiding in a top tier guild…I lived a pretty hermit lifestyle and because of this i really didn’t have much social interaction besides online, all i in high school was fap,game, and sleep. After i quit high school, it took me 2 years to decide i wanted to go to college. So fastfoward to today i’m on Anxiety meds, stop fapping and started going to the gym.

    • Important part So in high school i slept with an astounding 0 girls..My number is past 20 now thanks to craigslist,online dating sites and getting girls numbers around town. Now how did i do this you ask? I realized that i developed social anxiety from being inside so much and not interacting i talked about the problem and got on meds, i started working out to improve my self image which was a big confidence boost even tough i wasn’t anorexic or ugly by any means it was just for my own satisfaction. The biggest part was without fapping i got SO bored i use to spend hours looking for the right porn to fap to and then do it a lot…What did i do with all this free time? I went to center of my city and just talked to any pretty girl i saw. Similar to what the Simplepickup guys do. I just asked random things and tried to make them laugh..Sometimes i would just straight up walk up to them and say “Hey you’re hot! I’m “4ever2never” and that’s enough to get the ball rolling and get a number. So now i have a nice circle of friends that are women and a few FWB’s..My confidence is way up, no more fapping..I still play games but nowhere as much and i stop playing games instead of canceling plans with people to raid more like i would back in the day.

    tl;dr how i went from foreveralone to neveralone

    • Stopped fapping
    • Used free time to hit on girls in my city
    • Started working out
    • Took Anxiety medicine to help my social anxiety
  171. my erections were porn dependent

    Bang on! Thats the same conclusion I came to Before trying nofap my erections were porn dependent, now they are not and I can get one pretty easily. Now I’m no longer hooked on porn and without that overstimulation I only fap every few days – a healthy release because we’re males and we would go mad without it

  172. Why I’m done with NoFap

    Why I’m done with NoFap

    I’ve been lurking on this subreddit for a few months now and I have finally decided to quit attempting the 90-day challenge. Here’s why:

    I first started NoFap after reading about it in the comments section of a post a long time ago. I thought it was a cool idea and this site made me realize that fapping every single day should not be seen as normal. I lasted a few days then caved. I then went two weeks and caved. Finally I hit a month and then caved once again. I came to realize that what was damaging me was not the sole act of masturbating, but porn in general. Porn made sex seem only physical and it caused me to look around at girls and only think about fucking them instead of getting to know them.

    I didn’t join NoFap to be more confident with girls, I did it to stop watching porn. But then what hit me is that I need to masturbate every once in a while. It keeps my head in check. For example, after holding off for about ten days I almost texted this psychotic chick who was into me. I knew for a fact she would come by that same night from the dorm building over. Before I did, however, I masturbated. I masturbated not to any porn, but to previous sexual experiences. The one’s I shared with close friends and girls whom I had an intimate relationship with. The instant I ejaculated I felt immediate relief from what almost went down. That girl would have caused so many problems and I was so close to sleeping with her. Another minor example would be going to a strip club. I would think, damn it’s been like a month since I touched a girl, let me hit up some friends for a night at the strip club. But then I rub one out and guess what? The urge to go is completely gone. There’s $60 and my dignity saved.

    Lastly, NoFap fucked with my head because I actually became LESS confident when it came to approaching girls. I kept reading about how so many of you finally had the courage to ask a girl out after holding off from fapping for a few weeks or months. It was your “natural horniness” that led you to finally approach a girl. But you see, I never had this problem. And I remember one time I made it to two weeks. I broke and then that same day I saw a girl who I always see around campus, but never alone. And what do you know, she was alone that night. But I did not approach her because I felt like a failure after breaking the 90-day challenge. I never once thought or felt like this any time in my life. NoFap also messed with my way of thinking because it made me look at girls the same way porn did. I no longer wanted to meet girls to become friends with them, I wanted to only have sex with them because I was so damn horny. I guess it’s a little ironic if you think about it.

    I may be a rare case, but I believe that NoFap isn’t for me. I thank this challenge and this community for helping me with my porn addiction. I can safely say I haven’t watched any porn in over 50 days. But I think it’s okay to fap to previous experiences in your head or to scenarios you wish would play out. I also have to thank this community because now I masturbate once a week at most. I know the rate will decrease over time, but I also know that I will never completely abstain from masturbating.

    Good luck to everyone, I hope you all achieve what you are looking for.

    GUY 2)

    i thing that a majority of nofappers agree to this post. in the end its not about fapping, its about porn. as long as you thing you have an addiction, you should stick to this, because the results very positive.

    GUY 3)

    I agree. Porn is the real problem. A couple of times now while trying to quit using porn, and subsequently trying to quit fapping, I’ve begun to feel socially anxious for a few days. I’ve found in these cases that I can lower this stress level just by bringing myself to orgasm.

    For me, porn is like compulsively using substances. It’s an escape, and using it, especially with any frequency is unhealthy for my mental state, and for my love life.

    Is there some kind of NoPorn subreddit? I’m just trying to kick this nasty habit of constant fantasizing. I’m not trying to perform some feat of monk-like abstinence from pleasure.

    GUY 4)

    i agreed to what you post, i find nofap helps when u have addiction to porn mostly, not someone who fap once in awhile, i am going on my second try. it is pretty good for productive day.




  173. Anyone notice nofap affecting friendships?

    Social reorganization – gaining and losing friends (self.NoFap)

    Anyone notice nofap affecting friendships? I’ll start off with a few things. I defientely relate nofap to kicking a drug and when you do this there are friends that help you and friends that enable you. I also felt more powerfull and confident and less submissive. I don’t really fear confrontation that much anymore.

    I’ve had a lot of friends say “you look totally different now”. I don’t really drop the nofap story on people cause its ackward and personal , but I was having this life talk with an old friend and his girlfriend over dinner. He was talking about video games and I was like I don’t really have much time anymore, I’ve been exercising and going outside etc.. and his girlfriend kept hitting on me and I feel like and I could tell he was jealous. I’ve known the people for several years now. During the dinner I felt like I could steal this girl away from my friend. I went home feeling sick and he doesn’t talk to me much anymore. I felt like this person was never really my friend.

    I lost a female friend, someone who I was initially ok with being just friends , but after a while I felt like I was being used as an emotional sponge and the girl was shitting on me the whole time and would hit on my other friends who were in a relationship and sort of make fun of me and stand on me. I flat out told this girl I didn’t want to be friends anymore and burned a bridge , it was extremely painfull .

    On the plus side other friends are proud of me, I organize a lot more events and have built stronger friendships with some of my old friends now that I’m less shy about asking about pick up advice and the like. I joke around a lot more.

    The saying were not laughing at your were laughing with you comes to mind. When the fog lifted I realized some friends were lauging at me or standing on me and others were laughing with me picking me up .

    Tl;Dr : anyone else push away fake friends and bring real friends closer?

  174. my classroom is much better managed this year… a correlation!

    checking in after about two months

    I work with elementary kids, and it feels REALLY good not to have pornographic images playing through my mind while I teach them about gravity or whatever… last school year, I would often PMO right before going to work (I didn’t really like the habit, but I would find myself gravitating toward it anyway), and it made things REALLY WEIRD at school when I’d remember clips during moments of boredom or anxiety in the classroom. GROSSSSSS – this school year has been much better.

    Related: my classroom is much better managed this year… a correlation!

    GUY 2)

    The same thing is happening to me, I work with teenagers and before I could have these flashes in my brain of us in a sexual situation, this made me feel horrible. I was there to help them, not fuck them in my mind. Well needless to say that’s gone away now and it feels much better at work.

    GUY 3)

    Good Job. When I see news stories about creeps working with kids, I think to myself that most of there were probably normal guys like me, but just got warped by PMO. Doesn’t justify it of course, but I’m glad you’re taking the right steps. Stay the course!

  175. I was a video game addict with no confidence and more bad habits

    End of Day 60: A reflection.

    I had always been guilty of my bad habit before I found NoFap. I had always knew somewhere inside of me that it probably wasn’t good for me. And yet for four years of my life, I fapped almost daily. Today marks my second month as a changed man. It’s the sixtieth day of my amazing journey.

    Before I started NoFap, I was a video game addict with no confidence and more than one bad habit. I rubbed one out daily and sometimes even more frequently than that. Now, after sixty days of complete abstinence, I’ve overcome my addictions. I haven’t played video games in over a month; that’s a massive achievement for me! I used to come home every day and sit on my ass for five plus hours at a time. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying NoFap made me quit video games, I’m saying I was able to step back and take a look at my other addictions after I stopped one of them. As I look back, I see what a waste those hours in front of the set were!

    And I can also see what I’ve become. Since I quit beating off, I’ve had more time to record my dreams in my journal, and have consequently been able to achieve lucidity almost every other night. Since I stopped fapping, I’ve had significantly more motivation to work out. I’m more fit than I’ve ever been before, and I wake up every morning feeling FANTASTIC! I take cold showers and I work out and I play my cello and I end the day exhausted.

    Some notes:

    • I started NoFap before my school year started, and I’m glad I did because I don’t think I could have handled the stress during those first few weeks if I’d started after school started.
    • My family has supported my journey. And no, it was not awkward at all when I told them.
    • I now have a girlfriend, and she is the most amazing girl I have ever dated. She’s beautiful, interesting and smarter than me. It’s a fantastic story, if you’re interested.
    • School is a pleasant challenge for me now, as opposed to the nightmarish madness I used to think of it as.
    • I don’t take shit from anyone anymore. Self confidence = ON
    • I went cold turkey, have never edged and it’s only really been difficult for me once.

    In closing, I’d like you wonderful people to reflect with me. Ask me anything about my journey and feel free to comment about your own!

    TL;DR: Quitting fapping + quitting video games = Girlfriend + “Holy shit, there’s an easy mode?!”

  176. 100 days of NoFap, A story of success, c

    100 days of NoFap, followed by 5 days off. A story of success, change and realization. (self.NoFap)

    Hello everyone,

    TLDR at the bottom of this post.

    Before I start, I’d like to first extend a thanks to everyone here for your continued support and inspiration. I have no doubts that without all of the inspirational posts and stories that I’ve read on this sub-reddit, there is no way that I would have been able to participate in NoFap as long as I did/have, and I would not have been able to accomplish all that I have in this period. Your stories were a constant source of encouragement to me, and I encourage anyone else who may be reading this to share their story in the hopes that it may help anyone else who may be pursuing NoFap.

    Before I begin this undoubtedly long tale, a little backstory: I am a 23 year-old male, who recently finished university. During my daily meanderings on Reddit (shortly after finishing my very last exam), I stumbled across r/nofap, as well as the YBOP video. Despite fapping almost daily for the past 9 years or so, I have never considered myself an addict, nor have I ever thought that I had a problem with porn use. Porn was very frequently a part of my fapping experience, but after all, all guys watch porn, right? After watching YBOP, I began to make some correlations. I have been battling ED issues for 2 or 3 years now, and there are only so many times that you can convince yourself that you’ve had too much to drink before you begin to believe that there may be a more serious problem.

    Unlike some of the other people who post here, I have never thought of myself as a socially awkward person. I have never had any real problems speaking to members of the opposite sex, and, despite the aforementioned ED issues, have never had any problems bringing girls back home with me. I am by no means a “player” or a “man whore” or whatever you may want to call it, but I certainly haven’t been celibate in the years since I first became sexually active.

    However, despite my successes, over the past few years I have been having more and more problems with ED. Whenever I found myself with a woman, I would be able to get it up enough for oral sex and handjobs, etc but I would not be able to maintain or get hard enough for regular, PIV intercourse. This was very troubling for me, as I couldn’t think of any reason that a healthy young man like myself would be experiencing ED issues. Perhaps more disappointing and awkward was having to try and explain why I wasn’t able to perform to the girl that I just spent so much effort trying to bring home. Never a fun conversation.

    After watching the YBOP talk, finishing University, and moving to a new city, I figured this was the ideal time to try and make some positive changes to my life. I began attempting NoFap, as well as quit using recreational drugs. Additionally, I began exercising regularly and eating better. After about a month of failed NoFap attempts, I eventually began a good streak that I wasn’t willing to break. As far as I know, there was nothing different about my most recent attempt as opposed to any of the others, I just constantly reminded myself why I was doing NoFap, and read the success stories posted here whenever I was tempted to relapse.

    Like many others here, I used exercise as a means to help me abstain from fapping. I frequently ran and did pushups, situps and various dumbell exercises in my home. This was a very effective way for me to burn any excess energy I may have and help me control my temptations. Before beginning NoFap, I could barely run a mile without stopping to rest. After 3-4 months of regular exercise, I’ve lost 20 lbs and I’ve never felt better. On top of feeling amazing, people have noticed my body changes. Let me tell you, it’s a huge confidence booster having friends and girls constantly tell you that you’re looking amazing! After reading other success stories, I also started browsing r/malefashionadvice. As a reward to myself for reaching 90 days, I bought myself a bunch of new clothes to match my new lifestyle and physique. I now frequently notice woman checking me out as I watch down the street. I’ve learned that a little self confidence, along with eye contact, a simple smile can work wonders.

    Despite these positive changes, NoFap hasn’t been a miracle cure for me. There are still many things in my life that I am unhappy with and would like to change. Because I moved to a new city, I have a very limited social circle. There are many nights that I find myself sitting at home, alone, with nothing to do. I try to use this time to do something productive like reading or exercising, but from time to time, there’s nothing you want more than to head out to the pub with some friends, have a few beers and watch the game. Unfortunately that is a rare occurrence for me. Additionally, I have been without a SO during my time with NoFap. Hard Mode as some of you like to call it. Obviously this has made things more challenging as it was a full 100 days without orgasm. Finally, my job is very unfulfilling. Despite a University education from a premier institution, I have yet to get my career started and am working a very menial job. These are all things that I’m still working on improving.

    After 100 days, I decided that enough was enough and I was going to fap. I wasn’t struggling or anything like that, but I figured hell, I’ve had a great run and made some positive changes in my life and it’s time to move on. I didn’t watch porn or fantasize or anything like that, it was strictly a sensational experience, and I was all finished in less than 2 minutes 😛 After finishing, I found myself immensely disappointed. Not because I had relapsed, but because there was no improvement with my ED issues. As I mentioned previously, ED was the primary reason that I began NoFap in the first place, and it was very disheartening to see absolutely no progress after all the effort that I had put in. Similar to when I began, I was able to get an erection, but not one sufficient enough for PIV intercourse.

    Since finishing my 100 days, I have fapped 3 times, without porn or fantasies, and after the 3rd time, I found myself quite depressed. All of that effort, and I’m still having issues, there seemed to be no change. But then I realized, despite my continuing ED issues, NoFap has been a part of a huge positive change in my life. I’m in better shape, am dressing better, am “clean”, and am more confident in my day-to-day dealings with others. It hasn’t been a magic potion that has cured all of my life’s problems, and evidently there are still lingering physical/psychological issues that I have to address, but all in all, these past 100 days have changed my life for the better.

    It’s been a hell of a ride. Here’s hoping my next 100 days are just as beneficial.


    TLDR: Began NoFap as a means to help with ED. After 100 days, I have seen no improvement. HOWEVER, despite my continuing struggles, there have been many positive changes in my life! NoFap is not a miracle cure that will solve all your problems, but with a little willpower and determination, it can big help towards self improvement.

  177. Abusing Porn: erectile dysfunction and depression (translated)

    Abusing Porn: erectile dysfunction and depression

    by Pijoaparte »02 Aug 2012


    Hi all, I want to share a discovery that why not say, I have changed radically for the better and much suffering has ended. I have always believed that masturbation was something wholesome and healthy, and therefore consume pornography could be socially reprehensible but harmless.What is now common habit is that this can very easily lead to addiction in the game entering overstimulation of the reward system with devastating consequences, since it causes an imbalance in the levels of certain neurotransmitters. Information is available in an online community that explains from a scientific point of view and very didactic how something seemingly harmless can have catastrophic consequences such as (I quote): + erectile dysfunction (Not with porn, whether with a partner) + frequency Masturbation growing, declining satisfaction+ growing social phobia. + Chronic fatigue, lack of motivation. + Depression, anxiety, negativity.+ Inability to concentrate, mental fog. + Climbing to extreme porn categories that do not match the person’s sexual orientation . possibly believe that this information is not relevant but I have two things clear. On one hand I have been suffering for years most of these symptoms and to quit the habit have vanished as if by magic. The second is that in the subforum of sexuality are an overwhelming number of young people who have erectile dysfunction, when it should be something completely anecdotal or as we would have become extinct as a species. consequences of addiction to masturbation using pornography are extrapolated (saving some differences) to any other addiction in the game entering the brain reward system and release dopamine. Examples may be the video game addiction, compulsive gambling or addiction to sugar, which cause the individual chronic fatigue, lack of motivation and concentration, social phobia, and so on. could say that in this case science explained leading promulgating Buddhism for centuries, being something that Carlos also explains in his latest book “Find Your expression”. To be truly happy is to rid the exclavitud of material pleasure, control and understand the reptilian brain after momentary pleasures that comes the need and desire to make us suffer in an endless chain of misery. The conclusion I draw from being subjugated this addiction is that while you suffer, no matter how smart you are, your social skills, your willpower or whatever quality you have, as they are canceled, negative thoughts invade you and there is no way to control the ballast the chemical imbalance. The second is that it is very difficult to associate the consequences of addiction to the origin of the problem, a search that has taken me years. The reward has been that after approximately 3 months of abstinence from masturbation and pornography have become suddenly regain my verbiage, chutzpah, humor, energy, am able to enjoy a lot of things that previously seemed boring, I realized now that is very easy if I do not give importance to the opinion that others may have, I ceased to suffer anxiety, I am able to concentrate and learn significantly faster, the girls seek when I approached and rarely before my physical attractiveness has improved as a result of hormonal rebalancing (voice, hair, skin, body fat reduction, twinkle in his eye). The website is: informative page is a non-profit and in which there is abundant material, links to prestigious publications that explain the phenomenon seriously rigorous, videos, tips to kick the habit (it is very easy if you know the consequences) and especially many testimonials from people who have experience. The community is English and perhaps some you may have trouble understanding, but this can be arranged using the Google Chrome browser, which automatically translates pages. Having said that I would ask how many of you regularly consume pornography and experience these symptoms, and many of you you have met with cases of erectile dysfunction in young men. Greetings!

  178. become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene.

    Stopped fapping, I no more feel horny. Good or bad?

    I think my brain’s gone a bit crazy. Some background:

    I came to know about noFap through /r/seduction and/or /r/trueplayer. During the last four years, I was in college and the shock of not getting into a “good enough” college turned me into an introvert. From the first year of college, I started studying for getting a “good enough” job and pushed girls to the bottom of my priority list (though I didn’t have one). In those years, relationships were a time waste for me, though I wasn’t always like this. I had girlfriends back in school and there were two 2-3 weeks long relationships in first and last years of college, but my scumbag brain told me that I was wasting my time on girls and so I stopped talking to them. During those four years, I didn’t take part in any activities, played no sports, didn’t go to any gym, seldom went out. I just studied. And fapped. To porn.

    I started fapping early, maybe when I was around 13. At that time, it was something new and fascinating. During college, it was something to take away the boredom of my life. The more I studied, the more I fapped, and then I studied more. A viscious circle. So after college, life opened my eyes to the fact that there wasn’t a “good enough” job and I’d been an ass all this time. I got a decent job, but had missed out so much in college. Having no relationships made me too rusty to pick up girls and I joined /r/seduction and /r/trueplayer to get some speed. And people there highly recommened to stop fapping and use the sexual energy to, among other things, get girls.

    Coming back to this day, when I joined noFap, I thought that it would be too difficult to control my emotions and my libido since I’ve been fapping for so long. But I was wrong. Ever since I stopped fapping, there’s been some changes in me, but those are totally unpredictable from what I read here. I’ve started going out often and socializing more (this one’s predictable) but now throughout the day I don’t have any horny thoughts. Also, today I noticed, that instead of looking at girls’ tits and asses, I now look at their face. This isn’t something I did when I was fapping, I was more horny then and looked at a girl’s assets no matter what.

    I stay away from porn, sexual subreddits and other nsfw posts.

    So I just want to ask if there’s any other fapstronaut who has had same effects after he/she stopped fapping? Or only my brain is one of its kind? Or this is just the silence before the emotional storm hits?

    PS: Just so people don’t say that I’m dissing this community, I’ve like to add that I’ve become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene. I go out a lot more now and I enjoy meeting new people. I’ve joined a gym and plan to try new activities just so that I can, again, meet new people. These are the positive changes that I feel I’ve had, but not feeling horny is kinda new and strange to me.

    TL;DR: I stopped fapping and I’m lot less horny now. I don’t look at tits and asses, but to their faces.

  179. Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgo

    Just as the title says. It is so much easier, and I feel so happy. Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgoing. I’ve made more connections with people in general, and feel like I have a direction. Pretty crazy how nofap has given me the push I needed to make the changes I was looking for.

    Half way to 90 Days, cool.

  180. Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.

    Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.

    Social interaction. I was completely afraid of it and incapable of it 50 days ago. In the past week or so, I have interacted incredibly smoothly and effortlessly with people with whom I would have been unable to interact with in the past. I used to be unable to look people in the eyes. I used to purposefully hide from people I knew in public so as to avoid awkward conversation. I used to not be able to be invested in the conversation. Women, even those I knew personally, would intimidate me. I would fantasize throughout the day about being able to interact like a normal human… All of this is now changing before my eyes in a most drastic way. I can interact with confidence; be myself. I can hold an unbreakable gaze into other people’s eyes. I am actually part of the conversation, as opposed to being aloof thinking about leaving it.

    I am ecstatic I am about this continuing improvement. Social interaction has been the single most problematic area of my entire life thus far, and I am finally making visible improvements. Thank you so much, NoFap. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. It’s honestly like some sort of miracle.

    This weekend I had the confidence to be my true self with girls I met. My true self has a fucked up sense of humor, so at a party which I attended I ended up telling a girl I roofied her and she would be “passing out within an hour or so.” Normally I’d be afraid to make such jokes. But fuck it, this humour is the real me and I’m really working on not caring what people think. Anyway, she thought I was hilarious and I ended up talking to her for a while and getting her number. We’re meeting up for lunch tomorrow. I’m finally gaining the ability to be my true self, and I know it will improve my social life greatly.

  181. Taking back control of your life

    Taking back control of your life

    Ever since we are young, we are told what to do. Our minds shaped and manipulated by our parents, religious institutions, teachers, the media, and everyone else that we come in contact with.

    We grow up living the life we think we deserve. The life we fall into, rather than build from the ground up. One after another, thoughts are put into our head of who we are, what we should do, how we should be.

    Hopefully as we age we regain some control over our life. We rewire all the bizarre ideas we’ve come across and once and for all stop being manipulated by our environment.

    With the easy access to junk food and porn we are constantly feeding our emotional system with ‘feel good’ crap. We teach our bodies to live on fast food, and we push away the discomforts of sexual frustration with a simple click of a mouse and some lotion.

    At which point do we begin to take back control of our life. To become the dynamic force in the environment. To become the action not the reaction.

    It all starts with willpower to resist reactive behavior. No longer settling for anything less than you deserve. Demanding a beautiful, live woman instead of a pixelated, airbrushed, fraud. To demand a healthy diet and resist the sugary tempations. To thrive instead of living a life of mediocrity.

    I havn’t fapped in 157 days. Now, I hardly ever even think about it. I rarely even take the time to browse the forum. When I was at 85 days, I wrote a summary of all the superficial benefits I had recieved from nofap. I return today to inform you that the benefit runs much deeper than what you see in your life. It runs deep down into you masculine core. Nofap is one of the main keys to taking back the controls. When you are no longer manipulated by sex, a new world opens up to you. You have a freedom in life that you havn’t before experienced. Like Napoleon Hill says you begin to take ‘mastery over yourself’.

    Enjoy the benefits of your nofap experience. But these results are petty when you consider the grand scheme of your life. One that you are beginning to take back.

    Be the dynamic force that builds the world around you, the ultimate person you were meant to be, not the product of a broken culture.

    To all my fapstronauts, I wish you luck. With absolute certainty, I know you can do this.

  182. first attempt at no fap and I don’t intend on going back

    Counter-Intuition and No Fap

    1. I would have posted on day 30, but I was really busy. Anyway, this is my first attempt at no fap and I don’t intend on going back. I’ve noticed over this first 30 days that I am a lot better with women, mostly because I now prefer their company. When one is fapping constantly, you begin to think of women as a superfluous existence, because you aren’t trusting them with their job of satisfying you. So basically, fapping to women and being consistently drained of sex drive is more degrading than being consistently horny and trying to get sex from them. This is really a counter-intuitive element of life in general, but I think it’s because you’re forced to get inventive with the ways that you attract women, and it gives them power that they wouldn’t otherwise have if you were drained of sexual dependence on them.
    2. I am finding myself in a great deal of unexplainable situations with women since no fap. One night in particular, I was standing in a Pathmark supermarket texting some girl and standing in the wine section, because she had run out of wine and I lied to her and told her that I happened to have some lying around the house. I then ran to the supermarket and texted her until she decided that we might as well drink together. That night, she didn’t necessarily let me have sex with her, but we got pretty far, definitely some nsfw shit.
    3. I’m also more focused and much wittier, I seem to know what to say a lot more often than I used to. I’ve become more charming, which I think is due to the fact that no fap has made me value other people’s company, in general. I believe that this is because in sexual pursuit we often try to make friends with people who may link us to possible mates.
    4. I’ve also become a lot more emotionally resilient, which I believe is counter-intuitive, because being sexually frustrated should make one very unstable and that has happened at times, but then it passes very suddenly, when before it used to linger for an indefinite period.
    5. I think that not fapping also makes one seem less sexually desperate, which is also counter-intuitive. The reason why this is the case, I believe, is that when one is consistently sexually satisfied, all of your sexual pursuits seem forced, because you aren’t doing them because you need to, you’re doing them more because you think you should and because you’re isolated. The difference after no fap is that you learn to weave your sexual advances seamlessly into everyday conversation and it doesn’t seem like your forcing anything, but that it’s happening naturally. I believe that this approach is a big turn-on for girls, because they want sex just as much as we do, but they also want connection and if it feels natural, and they don’t have some sort of logical hindrance, they will usually be ok with it.
    6. I’ve become more in touch with my emotions as well and more willing to make myself vulnerable, which has translated into people making strong connections with me that I often am unaware of. I believe that this develops, because the sexual frustration makes one seek a palliative in connection with individuals, which is, by the way, a HUGE turn on for girls.
    7. Bottom-line is no fap has made me more of a real person, a person that values other people, and in turn ends up valuing himself. It gives you more confidence, because you have no choice but to be confident if you’re not fapping, otherwise you will never get laid, it’s a highly evolutionary response. All of these things aren’t even necessarily dependent on a testosterone boost, they’re more dependent on the very idea of needing to find out how to control one’s sexual life naturally.
    8. You must create the void and the need, then let you’re intelligence and adaptability do the rest. It will take some longer than others, but if you don’t give up and handle it with courage, I do not doubt that you will reap enormous benefits, of which I am still in the process of discovering.
  183. 30 days. This is my progress.

    30 days. This is my progress. 

    I’ve started nofap in February. I’ve gone a long way since. I’m not ashamed for failing so many times, because this is my path to walk, and I don’t compare myself to anyone. This is my longest stretch, 30 days summary.

    I respect myself.

    I’m well more confident, and in tune with my body. My self control makes me feel like a man. My voice has authority to it. I can see myself clearly go beyond the 90 days, and continuing this.

    I log in much less to the internet in general. I’m only using Facebook for chat, not wall and crap. Lately I’m feeling rather repulsed from logging to /r/nofap because of many negative posts, that I don’t want to read, I’d rather read the positive ones.

    I’m kinda doing my own hard mode: I’m eating food that is rich in Iron and Zinc, to increase sexual prowess, I want to be vibrant and sexually attractive. I’m doing Kegels, my penis actually reached its full erected size first time in my life, and its bigger than I thought it is. It didn’t before because I was used to masturbate when it was flaccid, because I came few times already. So happy this habit is dead. I’m reading books about the female orgasm and Kama Sutra. And when I do get laid, god have mercy on that girl.

    I spend more time outside then inside. I’ve even set a rule to myself: If I am invited anywhere, I’m going, and if I don’t like it, I leave. Only reason to refuse, is because I have something better to do. I can tell you, I have to fight myself sometimes to get out of the lazy mentality but then I get up, go, and come back so much happier.

    I view no porn.

    Before I couldn’t read well books at all, just short news flashes or tl;dr posts. Now I can read books, after several pages I have to rest. This is a great improvement for me.

    I do a lot more exercise, and my mind is free to do stuff I want, I’m not a zombie as I’ve been before.

    I enjoy to be touched, in my hands, arms, chest, in a sexual or non sexual way. I’ve regained my sensitivity to human interaction.

    I stand up taller and rather proud.

    I seem to be getting more attention in general, from women and men.

    Anything I wish for seems to be coming my way.

    I wish this feeling for everyone.

  184. You think addiction is the only way to pleasure?

    You think addiction is the only way to pleasure? You think sugar, porn, drugs, video games, and internet binging is what makes one happy in life and you’ll be bored otherwise? And again, he was saying don’t do those things while you’re trying to break from those addictions, aka rebooting from them. He’s not saying go a year without video games and then keep on not playing them. If you’re playing video games for 7 hours a day and you’re in your late 20s, then clearly something is wrong (even if you’re a teenager, but that’s for another discussion). Break free from that addiction, and then you go onto playing them for a few hours a week at most; same concept with most addictions.

    1 year ago I was a drug addict doing nothing but staying at home and BARELY going to school (fucking 1 class per semester and no job), PMO-ing several times a week, weighed 196 lbs @ 24% body fat, had no social life, and had doritos, cake, and nutella all day. You think I was happy back then? I was in such misery that I needed those dopamine rushes to mask the shit life I was caved in.

    Forward a year later (now) and I’ve beaten my drug addiction, sugar addiction, and working on the porn addiction. I weigh 158 lbs (in perfect BMI for my stats), and I can finally see my core (aka abs for the lack of wording). I feel a high throughout the day due to doing sprint-intervals early in the morning at 6 AM before work. Oh, and I’ve started my career path as well, a career which I’ve always dreamt about having and never thought I could achieve. I’m still in school (3 classes per semester because of the job), and I do Paleo, so I eat as healthy as it gets. I started Paleo on day 2 of my reboot, so that was almost 2 months ago.

    Yeah, life was shit for the first 3 weeks of not having sugary shit food, but you think that lasted? Fuck no. I craved it so much in my first week, that was all that was on my mind, for most of the day I almost forgot I was doing a porn reboot! I was sad, and by the begining of the 3rd week, that sadness turned to depression (depression is 2 weeks of consecutive sadness without a day of feeling normal). But damned me, by the 4th week it all changed. I got more energy than ever, I was doing faster sprints than before, and I was exstatic throughout the day. Did I mention I lost 14lbs in 14 days since I started eating that way? And I’m way happier with my life now than I ever was. The only thing I’m missing in my life currently is a woman/sex, I’ll give you that. I haven’t figured that part out yet, but I’m sure as hell a lot closer than I was a year ago.

    I know you won’t believe this and you’ll probably think “lol ya rite bro, you’re suffering from not having all that good food”, and it’s hard to convince I know, but it’s only an addiction that makes people think that way. I don’t crave that shit at all, a very different story compared to back then, when going 3 days without out I’d go crazy the moment I got my hand on something of that nature. That’s the good part of it. As a bonus, I get to have a killer body along with plenty of fucking energy.

    If you’re going to read one thing or take one thing from this post, be it this: A healthy body is a healthy mind.

  185. I’m opposed to the concept of instant gratification.

    I’m opposed to the concept of instant gratification. There is something fundamentally wrong with this. Instant gratification is what basically broke my life in half. By telling myself that pleasure is all that matters, by allowing myself to be ruled by instantaneous pleasure I robbed myself of the moments that make me feel truly alive. Why wake up at 4:30 in the morning when I could sleep? Why go to the gym, when I can gorge myself on junk food? Why care about my sexual health when I can PMO? Why go to class when I can play video games all day? Why care about the future, if I can feel pleasure now?

    The answer is simple. By forcing myself out of bed every morning (at 4:30 AM)to go to the gym, I am doing something incredible. I am experiencing life. I get to feel the pleasure of effort. Of putting effort into something. I feel alive.

    When I go through that set that leaves my body shaking, I feel incredible once its over. I get to feel proud of my accomplishments, and proud of my body. I hold my head up high when I leave the gym. I feel alive.

    I feel the same way with cold showers? Why take cold showers if I can relax in a nice hot shower? Why put myself through that unneccesary discomfort? Well, that unneccesary discomfort is what makes me feel human. The joy I feel, the incredible burst of adrenaline…and life…it feels incredible. I feel alive after these showers.

    Why go outside when you can spend your days marveling at all the artificial wonders that the internet has to offer? Why bother with the outside world when you can find out what your friends are doing on facebook and twitter? Isn’t that what real joy is? Look at the convenience of instant gratification! When I go on long walks, and take the time to smell the flowers, notice the birds and the trees. When I feel the cool breeze gently caressing my skin, I feel alive.

    Similarly, when I am running through my neighborhood to get home on a rainy day, and I am soaked from head to toe…I feel alive.

    When I put in the effort to complete an assignment, when I focus on my task and do not waver to any temptation until it is done. The feeling when the work is finished, is worth more to me than anything in this world. I feel alive.

    Why read books, when you can watch TV. Why put the effort into reading? Into imagining your own worlds when that act can be done for you by a television? When I read books and immerse myself in knowledge, when I use my own mind and my own thoughts…I feel alive.

    All of these things would never give me nearly as much pleasure if I had given into instant gratification. Because in the mind of an addict, why put yourself through this effort to feel alive when you could just masturbate. When you could just masturbate… isn’t that the saddest thing you’ve ever heard? Instead of living your life. Instead of putting yourself out there and really living… you’re masturbating…you’re pleasuring yourself for no effort. Instead of going out there to feel life…to know what it is like to feel truly alive…you’re draining yourself of the very essence that gives you that life. You’re giving up the joys of effort for a lie. And that to me is the ultimate tragedy of this addiction. 

    Forget erectile dysfunction. Forget the HOCD and the escalation. The biggest crime that masturbation and porn have committed against my life is that they blinded me to the true pleasures of life. They led me to believe in the artificial, instantaneous pleasures. There was a time when I thought that nothing was more pleasant than playing world of warcraft. That there was nothing more joyful than sitting down and watching an entire season of dexter in one sitting. That there was nothing more I could do with my life aside from sitting around and pleasuring myself endlessly. That all effort, all work…was pointless if pleasure was not the reward. That every action that I took depended upon two factors: The rate at which pleasure is derived from the action, and the amount of pleasure received. That is the ultimate offense. That is the one I cannot and will not forgive.

    You’re fighting an enemy that does not win by fighting harder than you. It wins by convincing you that fighting is not worth the effort. 

  186. Week 1 Check-In

    Week 1 Check-In


    – Been feeling less frail, due to the fact that fap time now = workout time.

    – Amount of interaction with the opposite sex has gradually increased. (For a few, the ass is definitely edible)

    – People been saying I walk taller, straighter and with my chest kind of puffed out (Possibly a result of the workout time as well)

    – Social interaction skills have increased (better at speaking clear, maintaining eye contact, etc.)

    Drawbacks and possible side effects:

    – Haven’t been able to sleep for shit. Go to bed like around 10:00 but don’t fall asleep till 11:30.

    – Mix of self-consciousness and just being more concerned with myself. Could be a benefit, idk.

    – Boners, random and persistent ones.

  187. love how much easier it is to focus on a woman

    90 Days already? Hard mode.

    I figured I would share since it seems like to be the cool thing to do. About me, I’m a 26/m not married, and I am a Christian (not a good example of one)

    I found this sub one day and decided to give it a try because I had been trying other ways to stop (rubber band on the wrist, and having an accountability partner) but kept failing. I still have someone holding me accountable, and I do the same for him.

    I’m not sure why this has lasted so long for me, but the most inspirational post I remember seeing was someones chart where they documented where they could be, but where they are currently due to fapping/resetting their counter.

    I experienced quite a bit of anger throughout this and I would say I’m still angrier than normal, but it’s been getting back to normal.

    I have not had a single wet dream, and I have to admit I did have one day last week that ended the hard mode streak. I have been seeing this girl and ended up receiving a hand job. I nearly put out both of our eyes with all the built up pressure. Afterwards we talked about it, and what parts of sexuality is too far in a relationship. I also told her about nofap. I got some push back because I wouldn’t have sex with her, but she is still talking to me and we will see if we work through it or not.

    Confidence has been through the roof, I have asked out/been out with a lot more women than normal, but also been rejected. The best part is I didn’t dwell on the rejections and just moved on.

    I have been quite a bit healthier as well. I completed the Tough Mudder a few weeks ago here in Vegas, and I’m now signed up for another one plus a half marathon next year!

    Due to this nofap/fast I decided to take the month before the tough mudder and cut out a lot of other things that were unhealthy in my life. I didn’t drink any alcohol, caffeine/energy drinks, soda, nor did I have any cheese, fast food, and limited my calories to 1800 per day for that whole month. That beer at the end of the tough mudder was the best in my life! I will not be going back to caffeine/soda/energy drinks because I am amazed at how my sleep schedule has turned around. If you’re struggling with late nights and odd sleep schedules. try getting all the caffeine out of your diet. I am tired and ready for bed at a normal 10pm hour. (I work an 8-5 job so I have to be up around 7) Due to that fast, I lost a lot of fat I had stored and I’m on track to being in much better shape. Refocused energy!

    Anyway, heading towards the next 90 days, never going back. I love how much easier it is to focus on a woman without that sick twisted lust.

  188. My mind is much clearer now.

    27 years old male.

    90 days later and my journey continues.

    I made 90 days without masturbating. I have broken the habit of fapping. Just letting you guys know that it is possible. You just have to take the decision of not fappin for 3 months and voilà. I don’t know if my brain is reprogrammed… should I feel different?

    I used to fap 3 times a day and I don’t have the need to do it anymore. If I look back and remember those days of solitary onanism: cumstains in the clothes, cumstains in the floor, rolls of higienic paper waning quickly… I felt ashamed and I feel ashamed whenever I remember those days. In the challenge days I have edged once and just for a few seconds. I have watched some porn too, but I didn’t feel like fapping, it wasn’t worth it, in my mind I always had the thought “that scene you are watching right now is not real, you already know what happens next: your hands will be dirty with semen and you will feel a crushing feeling of loneliness because it’s always the same. What you want is a real woman, not a screen”.

    You can make it as long as you want. It’s just that, willpower and making a promise to yourself. Be a man and take control of your life, as I did. And don’t be hard on yourself if you fail, that only makes it worse, treat yourself like a small child that is learning a new skill: self-discipline.

    Overall I feel better. I don’t have to worry about this problem anymore. I have taken up weight lifting and I’m progressing steadily. I have taken up reading too, I have read around 10 books in these 3 months. I’m working as hard as I can in my grades.

    Will I ever fap? Probably, but right now fapping is not controlling my life. My mind is much clearer now. Remembering the fact that I’ve been 90 days without fapping, (for now), is always going to be a confidence shot for now on.

    Good luck my fellow Fapstronauts, and thank you very much for your existence and support, you are a great inspiration for many men and women.

    I’m going for the 180 days challenge. January 24th here I come!

  189. No porn in 72 days. Crushed my date tonight.

    No porn in 72 days. Crushed my date tonight.

    Me, 72 days ago: Total brain fog. 0 libido. Smoking my Sundays away. Watching disgusting porn. Finally decided to quit porn and change my life.

    Me, 15 days ago: Ask a fucking awesome girl out who I figure I have no chance with, DGAF I do it anyways like a boss. She says yes.

    Me, Today: Take her to a movie/dinner. Kiss her at the end of the night. She texts me after saying she had an awesome night. BOOM

    (Btw, I have still fapped a couple times, but no porn for 72 days. I’m trying my best and am still trying to get to 90 days.)

  190. More confidence, optimism, energy
    Neckbeard_McCusty Sat Oct 27, 2012

    I quit weeks ago. Straight up deleted a full TB off an external and have made a strong conscious effort to avoid the online shit. I should also mention that I haven’t jacked off during the same time period. Here’s what I’ve noticed: 

    1. More confidence. I think there is a shame factor involved with masturbation, especially too much, and it plays on your psyche.

    2. Greater energy. I would be lethargic while watching porn. Sometimes watching the shit for hours. Now I feel like my energy levels are where they used to be and are normalizing.

    3. Higher level of optimism. Feel much better getting through my day.

    4. More outgoing towards women. When you watch porn and jack off a bunch you deplete your pheromones. Once you quit and start restocking your pheromones, not only will you get off your ass and chase more girls, but the pheromone release acts as a natural aphrodisiac and women are more naturally drawn to you.

    Real Talk

  191. Almost 2 years of NoFap. 1 year of relapse. Starting over.

    Almost 2 years of NoFap. 1 year of relapse. Starting over.

    About four years ago, I got a swift kick in the pants when my wife found out about my porn and cybersex addiction. That relationship ended, and I buried myself in therapy and support groups. There’s more to the story of how everything fell apart, but I’ll save that for another post.

    I almost had a good solid two years of no masturbating and no porn. I thought I had everything under control. And, to be honest, my life was in a very good place. I stuck with therapy. After the divorce ended, I even started dating a very hot girl that really liked me. I had a good job and a group of very supportive friends. But I got lazy, and I got cocky. I started thinking that I could handle a little bit of triggering material, or even a little bit of porn. I started working out less and I lost my focus. After a few months of “a little bit of this, and a little bit of that”, I relapsed. And I’ve been relapsing ever since.

    Pornography is like my security blanket. It’s the one thing I turn to when I can’t handle how I feel – angry, sad, bored, even happy. I don’t do well with any emotions, really. But it makes me lazy. It makes me feel like less of a person, and it keeps me from challenging myself to be better.

    I just found the NoFap community a few days ago, and it brings me hope. What I’m trying to do isn’t easy – I already know that. And truthfully, it doesn’t get any easier. But I want to be a better person. For my girlfriend. For my daughter. For all the other people in my life, including you all.

    Thanks for making this such a welcoming place. I look forward to sharing more of my story.

  192. increased energy & drive i have to accomplish, my more stable

    Whats wrong with masturbating without porn?For me it’s all about keeping my dopamine levels more stable. that means no porn AND no masturbation. everytime i masturbate and orgasm, that releases a huge amount of dopamine and it increases my cravings for all other activities that give me a dopamine fix. things like weed and sugar. everytime i’ve had a streak, then masturbated without porn i have felt irritable the next day and have noticed a loss in my energy and motivation.

    the increased energy and drive i have to accomplish, and my more stable and optimistic mood are what i like best about the nofap challenge. when i don’t pmo, i feed into other addictions less, i feel more on track with what i actually want to be doing with my life, and i just feel fantastic in general. far better than when i’m stoned all the time or fapping.

    i’ve also noticed a decrease in my social anxiety. new people i meet tell me they like my confidence and they think i’m a good speaker, compliments i would’ve never expected to hear just a few months ago.

  193. 2160 hours ago I was watching pornography, masturbating, and mos

    2160 hours ago…

    I was watching pornography, masturbating, and most importantly, sinking and hiding into a world of malaise and self-loathing. Even though I had a job, some great friends, and a nice place I was masturbating 2-3 times a day to some nasty stuff on the screen in front of me.

    2160 hours ago I was unable to make eye contact with people (especially not with the ladies) I could not engage someone in a conversation that they did not start, and I watched as my mental and physical health suffered from bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.

    2160 hours ago I decided that I had to make a change, and even though there have been some struggles here and there I have met 2 of my top goals: To not watch pornography and to not masturbate at all. Sometimes the hours flew by, but most were long and grueling. But hey, here I am!

    The reason I put this in terms of hours is because all your hard work can seem so small in terms of days. Hell, one week is over 150 hours alone! About 8 hours a day are freebies (sleep) but that doesn’t make it less impressive or easier. Trust me. Just remember that your time is valuable. Even the hours count.

    Benefits: 2160 hours later I have…

    *Made better eye contact. *Engaged people in good conversation. *Started taking control of my mental health by finding new hobbies. *Been taking control of my physical healthy by eating right and going to the gym. *Become more confident, all around.

    Open to questions, roses, and thunderous applause.

    TLDR; 2160 hours is 90 days!

  194. 60 Days In. Helpful Advice.

    60 Days In. Helpful Advice.

    Frst I want to say that in all of my 60 days, every single one has been challenging. You can do it if you put your mind to it. I think my greatest aide in all of this, was that in the beginning all I wanted was to have some self control, and if other things came along so be it. I am not saying set your bar low for achievement, but be realistic, and make your goals easy to attain. I did not think about how long it had been since I had fapped, I took it one day at a time, and my goal was overcoming each day. So, by the end of everyday I built up confidence more and more. Reading helps! Exercise helps! Know that one friend you haven’t talked to in a really long time? Give them a call! It is amazing how much time I suddenly had.

    Remember how I said that if other benefits came along I would be more than welcome to them? Well come they did. First day back in college, I have the confidence to talk to, and not make a fool out of myself, with a girl, and this is only after a couple days of NoFap. Thursday will be our two month anniversary, and I don’t want to sound gushy here, but lets just say its going extraordinarily well, and a couple days ago I lost my virginity.

    NOW, let me tell you this. DO NOT MAKE SEX YOUR END GOAL FOR THIS. Set up your small daily goals, and see where your new confidence takes you.

    Oh yeah, and meditate, it really does wonders.

  195. benefits in terms of mental clarity, energy, interactions with w

    I’m 36 and I’m almost at 90 days with no regrets. Definitely seeing benefits in terms of mental clarity, energy, interactions with women and on average my mood has improved. There have been a lot of ups and downs with my mood and energy, but like I said no regrets. I’m swearing off PMO forever and not fapping until 90 days and probably at least until I feel like I’ve stabilized mood-wise. Stick with it and stay strong!

    NoFappers in the 30s bracket?

  196. 60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.

    60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.

    There’s no reason to let up. After a period of incredible energy and confidence in the first month and shortly after, much of those superpowers faded, though the sense of contentment and calm I had stayed, as did the skills I had learned over time in dealing with all of the emotional changes.

    My hypothesis is that as you follow the road to recovery, your emotions will hit incredible highs and incredible lows while your body tries to find a steady state. I suspect it will take between 3 and 5 months to find that steady state, and I’m willing to give this experiment 6 months in the hopes of improvement. That being said, I have already seen improvements.

    My social skills have returned, I have more friends, and I’m considerably more persuasive and calm in social situations. My expectations of what will happen in any given scenario are more in line with reality, and my daydreaming, which was rampant before, has reduced.

    There are a considerable number of posts regarding quitting, the ineffectiveness of the program, or posts full of grief and shame. I suspect these (the ones not made by trolls) are a result of a low dip in emotions. There’s no need to get mad at these community members, they’re no more in control than you were. They are conducting their own experiment, no need for us to feel compelled to either insult, or follow, their example.

    That about wraps up what I have to offer right now. Time and time again the main thing that has helped me cope and improve is learning to clearly characterize what I was feeling and thinking, and be at peace with those thoughts and feelings. Then, when you feel anxious or depressed, or unhappy you can calmly step back and realize that the thoughts that are coming from your mind may not be sound or worth acting on. This paves the way to commit to beneficial action.

  197. Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the f

    Hey bro, I’m in the same boat here… congrats for your success!

    Here’s my story:

    I was a self-absorbed whiny bitch just one year ago. I was worried/sad 90% of my time. Had some serious rumination and overthinking issues. Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the future. Needy and validation-seeking. Often thinking about how unfair life was with me. Angry and remorseful. Resentful towards women.

    Since I devoted myself to nofap and other life-enhancing stuff, I am now at last a proper MAN, not the cry baby I used to be. I feel I’m in 100% charge of my own life. Happy 90% of the time, confident about the future. I now enjoy social interactions and learned how to deal with friends and women. Did a ton of new friends, ditched toxic relationships. I feel an overall sense of well-being like I never felt before.

    As you said, there were many other actions that led me to the awesome improvements I’m experiencing. But if you ask me what’s the #1 reason for my mental well-being, I’d say nofapping without a shadow of a doubt.

    So yeah brothers, keep on fighting, and be strong. This is completely worth it. If you get into other good habits (experiencing life, social interactions, eating healthy, doing some sport) you will feel like a completely different, improved person just like we did.

    May the force be with you!

    Day 91 – No shit, I’m a whole other person now. Also, AMA!

  198. I work as a software developer at a porn company

    Willpower is a muscle, and we’re all power lifters – 90 day report (ultra hard mode)

    90 days! I did it! Ultra hard mode, too. What? You haven’t heard of ultra hard mode? Well that’s because, fortunately, it’s not really an “option” for most of you. I work as a software developer at a porn company so I literally have to put myself in the nofap Danger Zone 9-5, M-F.

    The name of this game is willpower. The first few weeks were REALLY hard. Fapping had become such a ritual – I needed it to fall asleep. Through reading posts on nofap and just feeling better when I didn’t fap, I was able to persevere and you all can too. I’ve come to realize that the so called “super powers” are really just the ability to make better decisions. The ability to ignore that part of you that would rather sit around and jerk off. What you do with that time and discipline is where all the life changing comes in.

    In the last three months, I’ve socialized more than I ever have in my life. I’ve dated more, worked out more, excelled at work, stopped procrastinating about most things and have really just been extremely happy. Nofap doesn’t give you superpowers, but it lets you take control of your life and not be a slave to your desires. I don’t have superpowers, but I sure do feel powerful.

    I fully intend on continuing the challenge and adopting nofap as a lifestyle. I’ve read posts by fapstronauts that have gone for 6+ months, and I’m psyched to find out how much better things can get…especially when they’re already this good.

  199. My 1 month report.

    I’m 1 month in and I feel fantastic about myself and everything. I can say that NoFap has been one of the best things I’ve done. I still get urges every now and then, but I’m fighting them and doing pretty well for myself. I had two wet dreams at the beginning, but they stopped. It’s had to sum up all of the little things that have changed, but the big ones really stand out.

    Some changes I’ve noticed:

    -Well I feel a lot more confident. I have no problem just speaking up and talking to people.

    -I’ve noticed a few girls interested in me, but there’s only 1 on my mind. 🙂

    -My voice has gotten somewhat deeper, just talking I’ve noticed it.

    Along with doing NoFap, I’ve started taking better care of my body. I’m eating better, I’ve cut out the caffeine, and lots of sugars. Also fast food, so I’ve also been free from that for a month.

    I just overall feel great about myself, no logger getting or feeling depressed, turning to stupid shit, just feeling great, and working my ass off. Thank you to all of my friends here at NoFap who have helped me along with this, and good luck to all of you guys just starting out or who have 2 months to a year+.

    My 1 month report.

  200. From Scarcity to Abundance in 40 days

    From Scarcity to Abundance in 40 days 

    Hello fellow Fapstronauts! Greetings from Ireland!

    This is my first post here and I just want to thank each and every one of you for your support! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

    I first attempted NoFap back in September. I am 17 years old and had been a frequent(bordering chronic) masturbator since I was 13/14. But the time came when enough was enough. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, panic attacks right throughout my teens. Only have a couple friends, who were extremely introverted with negative outlooks on life(really not helpful). I have never had a gf, and I felt there were no more excuses. I had to face the facts. My life was a sad existence.

    So at the end of August, I decided to shake things up. I always thought masturbation played a significant role in creating the situation I found myself in, so it had to go. Previous attempts lasted maybe 4/5 days max, then relapse. That was when I remembered this subreddit. Saw all these posts on here about NoFap September. This time, I wouldn’t be alone. I would have a brave team of men AND women, standing shoulder to shoulder beside me. Looking out for there fellow comrade in his/her hour of need. NO LONGER would I be ashamed. No longer would I wonder if I was weird for thinking PMO wasn’t natural and healthy, like the media so suspiciously proclaim. Don’t get me wrong, masturbation by itself, every once in a while is a perfectly healthy gift to be treasured and enjoyed, especially if you are in a relationship. However in my case, it was cold turkey.

    I lasted 21 days in Sept. until I gave in. Interestingly, I did not feel all down and out. I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and started over. I hit the ground running more determined than every for NoFap October, and I haven’t looked back since.

    I have combined my fapstinence with Self-Improvement, which most of you know is a obligitory side effect (at least for me). I have been watching the RSD guys (if you haven’t checked them out, heres Tyler’s Abundance video I have also began meditation and eating cleaner (which I strangely felt compelled to do).

    But the biggest thing for me, is my new found confidence with not just women, but people in general. This nothing short of incredible. I went to my first real house party on halloween dressed as mario, and it was the best night of my life. I realised how much I have been missing out on. I ended up chatting up a couple 9s, turns out they were both seeing someone, but since I have become outcome independent, I couldn’t have cared less. I made progress. I reached the next checkpoint. I leveled up!

    The following day I got an offer to help out at a fund raiser for kids. An acquaintance at school asked me to do it(probably because she saw how outgoing I’d become! :D). I have become a YES man. So I broke my comfort zone and said yes. I donned my mario costume once more and rocked that gig. Little did I know I would be rewarded for my venture into the unknown.

    Waiting for me there was a friend of the acquaintance. A 10. **My perfect girl.** Tall, beautiful complexion, dark hair, windswept, very light freckles :D.** She was doing face painting for the kiddies. I approached her when it started raining(Ireland) and we immediately sparked. This was the first time a girl ever reciprocated(emotionally through vibes) how I felt about her. I made physical contact(kinaesthetics) with her by high fiving, patting on back, and by letting her paint my face, which was when I looked her right in the eyes. She didn’t flinch, and neither did I.

    We had chemistry coming out our ears.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t have the courage to get her number, but I asked her her name and IF she was on facebook(STUPID RIGHT?) It’s been a week now, and I haven’t made contact.

    What do you think guys, is she worth the chase? Will she have lost interest?

    It’s been a week since, and I am so proud of myself. I feel I am now a stakeholder in my own life, and yesterday, I got another surprise. One of those girls at the Halloween party wasn’t completely honest, she was single, and interested, but she was just overwhelmed by my confidence. She told a male mutual friend and he told me.


  201. Can’t say as I was ever addicted to PMO,

    My 90 day report (self.NoFap)

    Well, I made it.

    Can’t say as I was ever addicted to PMO, or ever had any major social issues. My life is pretty good. I have never had a problem picking up girls, and I’ve always been pretty in shape. The reason I did the 90 day challenge is to prove to myself that I could do it.

    I have definitely gained some inner strengths and as a result, am more in tune with my SO’s sex drive. One of my best attributes to come out of this whole thing, is I quit drinking. I would drink at least 3 six packs a week with no problem. I went 2 months before having a beer again, and I didn’t feel the urge to start drinking all the time. I will have one every now and again, but sparingly. Among other things, I have become more focused and confident at work, and have gotten back into running/working out which I haven’t done in about 4 years. Another thing I am quite happy about, is I’ve started reading books again. Before I would only read to gain knowledge, but have expanded back into pleasure reading.

    Once I hit my 90 day mark, I decided to PMO, and it definitely was not worth it. I just sat there thinking, that was pointless. I don’t regret doing it, but I definitely will not make it a habit again. I will not be going for the 90 day challenge again, but will simply just not PMO with no counter to keep track.

    I do encourage all the other nofappers to keep going. Relapsing just isn’t worth it, no matter how great you think it will be. You will be disappointed in yourself, I promise.

    Nofap has, without question, given me strength. Thank you all.

  202. Whoa, 30 days in and the “super powers” have arrived. (self.NoFa

    Whoa, 30 days in and the “super powers” have arrived. (self.NoFap)

    by aliencorpse30 days

    Guys, doing no fap works. I honestly can’t believe it.

    Last night, I finnaly decided to go to a edm concert. I’ve always loved to dance and listen to the music. I went by myself too.

    This is pretty out of character for me. I never did anything by myself. I just wanted to go and I did.

    It was fucking crazy. It was so easy to walk up to women and compliment them and strike up a conversation. I wasn’t intimidated at all and hit on every hottie I saw. I was able to strike up conversations with random strangers and made some new friends. Got a couple of numbers and I noticed gorgeous women bee lining straight for me and smiling at me from a distance.

    I’m getting less and less intimidated by anyone I see.

    I still have to work on my game. but 30 days ago….maybe even 2 weeks I would never catch this level or amount of feminie attention.

    No Fap…you have given me the tools to realize what I am. Thank you for changing my life. I had a rough patch around 2 weeks in but I’m glad I stuck it through. This subreddits support really got me through so I wanted to give you guys some encouragement. The longer you go the more confident you will get.

    You guys really saved my life man. I am living life so much more confident and fulfilling. Free from my chains of burden.

  203. I have actually been turning my wife down-wtf is wrong with me?

    Just found this last night and watched the TEDx video just now…Day 1… LETS DO THIS! 

    by Lovedirt1 day

    Little background…25 years old, been married almost 7 years, have 2 boys 4 and 18months. Working part time going to school full time, and have a side business out of my house.

    I have actually been turning my wife down and getting more and more risky when fapping when my wife is home…wtf is wrong with me? My procrastination has been getting worse, and I don’t find the joy in doing things I once loved. So, I am becoming a fapstronaut. Reading some of your success stories has inspired me to make a change for myself and my family.

    Here goes…

  204. 30 days in and just noticed this unexpected change

    30 days in and just noticed this unexpected change

    I no longer have the urge to look at a girl’s ass as she passes. I repeat, I no longer have the urge to look at a girl’s ass as she passes.

    I work on a college campus and have TONS of beautiful females all around me. I typically keep the shades on to not stick out too much like a perv. I noticed for the past couple weeks I haven’t been wearing my shades while walking on campus. Earlier today, I walked past a few very pretty girls ( you know, the one’s you know have a nice behind) and I just kept walking. After a few seconds this bro jokingly said, “you know you wanna turn around.” I laughed and just kept walking. I was not interested in the visual. What’s interesting is that my sex drive has gone up in a completely different way. I am not so much as interested in looking as I am in actually having sex. Luckily, I have a girlfriend.

    This little revelation highlights a few things about myself that I was unaware of before. And that’s what it’s all about right? Self Awareness.

    1. I viewed girls solely as eye-candy. I mean, I took several feminist studies classes but it doesn’t mean shit as long as I’m only looking at them to get sexual arousal.
    2. My view on porn changed. Before, I did not think it mattered if you were in a relationship and looked at porn. I used to laugh at people (girls) who thought looking at porn was akin to cheating. NOW, I couldn’t agree more. What’s the difference between me going to a sex club just to be a ‘voyeur’ (which I have done before) and jacking off to strangers on the tube?
    3. The confidence is surfacing in a different way. I have always been a confident person. I’m good looking, athletic, and have a girlfriend. BUT there was always this need. The need to look, the need for validation from women, the need to fantasize about a life other than my own, and the need to fap. Recently, these needs are slowly fading. In a way they are all connected. Fapping is NOT an option so there’s no need to look at arousing images (porn or IRL). Not fapping also leads to less fantasizing about anything including not sexual thoughts. Sure, I’ll notice a pretty girl walking by but I am not checking them out. It’s difficult to explain hopefully some of you know what I mean.

    Anyways, here’s to my first month and check in. As of now, I cannot see myself looking at porn again (famous last words right?). I’m also looking to use this momentum of abstinence in other areas of life – perhaps less Reddit?

  205. even after only 3 days my mood has greatly approved.

    I know this sounds crazy but even after only 3 days my mood has greatly approved. My mental state was so bad before anytime I saw a good looking girl I would just say (slut, cunt, whore, etc) in my head. Fucked up right? Not sure why I did that until now. I think I was punishing them because I was so pissed at myself for not manning up and getting to know them. Sort of looked at them as objects and not people.

    Today, I had a GREAT conversation with an attractive waitress. I had no sexual thoughts and really wanted to get to know her. After our few chats I asked her to accompany me as a friend to an event I have going on this weekend and she said sure. Hopefully I made a new friend in life.

    I know NoFap is not a magic pill but I wish I could do more to spread the word for other men out there before they diver deeper into these issues.

  206. first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship,

    90 days bro, do you even lift? (self.NoFap)

    Bam. 90 days done.

    It has been an exceptional journey, thank you all for the great support of this community.

    I just want to say that it is absolutely worth it. I’ve had ups and downs, but overall it has improved my sexual, and relational life significantly. For the first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship, and I believe that fapping and porn has kept me from healthy relationships. I am much more confident and comfortable with myself and this has proven my self control. I don’t want to blow my own horn – pun intended – but somehow I was able to get this far on my first nofap attempt.

    Thanks again, I hope you all experience the same benefits that I am experiencing, and more.

  207. My 90 Day Report (non-addict)

    My 90 Day Report (non-addict) 

    So I surpassed the 90 day mark for not masturbating and/or watching porn this weekend, and it was very much worth it.

    To start i’m 22 years old, and not really a porn or fap addict. I started watching porn and masturbating wen I was like 13 like a lot of kids, and I’ve been watching porn since. When I was in High School i would masturbate and watch porn every day. Since then I would only do so several times a week.

    Now I never really felt like I had a serious problem, it wasn’t taking over my life, but I realized several months ago I wanted to change after being very derpessed the past year. Not watching porn or masturbating was one thing of many I wanted to stop so I could improve myself. I was tired of beating off into a tissue paper to only have pleasure for a couple minutes with a weak orgasm. It wasn’t worth it immediately after I was finished. Being a virgin I didn’t want to result to porn all the time. I wanted to be able to be more confident and actually go out and find beautiful and wonderful girls to talk too. Once I decided to do nofap, I knew I was going to give it my all.

    So this is how I feel today.

    To start, I’ve almost completely lost the urge to masturbate to porn. When I get horny, I just want sex. It doesn’t cross my mind anymore than I want to go touch myself for 30 seconds to some lame porno. I don’t have an urge to visit any porn site, although I do sometimes give in and look at the pictures from gonewild that pop up on my page sometimes (something I plan to stop also). The thing is after looking I get horny, but don’t get the urge to watch porn or masturbate. I just get the urge to want sex. Hopefully that makes sense, but I really don’t have that urge anymore. It’s like porn and masturbation isn’t even at my fingertips.

    Another thing is that I’ve become more confident with myself. I not only feel my confident but I look it and show that to others which is great. I still have a tough time approaching girls, but I’ve gotten better. I’ve have more interaction with girls the past 90 days that I pretty much have my whole life. I had the confidence to talk two really cute girls and hooked up with them (no sex though, yet!). This was one of the best parts about it. It was a slow and subtle change and I didn’t really until I finished nofap.

    I did not have a single wet dream. Strange I thought but I think that is possible. I do wake up with morning wood but not every morning. I get erections very easily, just thinking about sex can get me hard. Even a short conversation with an attractive girl can get me hard. At one point, maybe about 7 week mark I was really really horny all the time. I almost couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was like I was just going through puberty.

    Ok this is a lot so I’ll sum it up. I did not have nearly a hard time as some people have or would have to go through, and nor did I have a big as a problem. I’m just here to say that it is completely worth it for anybody. I feel more confident, hornier, and a better overall person. Right now, I’m almost at the point where I don’t care if I watch porn or masturbate again. Losing that urge has transferred to me wanting to go out and meet girls and to be a better person. It’s great.

    I wish all of you luck because it is definitely worth it no matter how hard it may be to reach the goal.

  208. Almost at 90; what I have learned

    Almost at 90; what I have learned (self.NoFap)

     by therealdavidvalley88 days

    • I took the last three months to reflect on my life, and didn’t pursue a girlfriend or have sex with any ladies. The biggest thing I have learned is that I have, and I am, a 33/m who is wasting his life with time wasting endeavors.
    • I have tried online dating (mainly Plenty of Fish), and was reading an article about it jokingly being called Plenty of Flakes. The author talked about how people on those sites are time wasters and attention seekers because they really only go on there for the attention of the opposite sex. They set up tentative dates and flake out on them because they never intended to keep good on the date. They only wanted to feel wanted by the opposite sex.
    • That perspective resulted in an epiphany for me because I realized that I was a time waster and attention seeker, too. I wasn’t living my life. Porn fits into this perspective because it delayed me from living my life and was filling my need for attention. This need for attention is the result of weak inner game. Just like with online dating, I only wanted someone or something to make me feel wanted and attractive. The irony is that online dating and porn will never fulfill something that isn’t there already.
    • Finally, I will be deleted this account after day 90 is reached. I wasn’t sure what my purpose was for going for day 90, but at day 87 I had that epiphany and that made it worth it. My mind is also clearer, my health is better, and my overall zest for living has skyrocketed in the last ten days of this endeavor. I wish everyone a great journey.
  209. 56 Days In, 36 years old – This has truly been life-changing

    56 Days In, 36 years old, First Wet Dream Of My Life! (self.NoFap)

    All my life I’ve wondered if something was wrong with me. I have never had a wet dream. Not until last night. Imagine it, an orgasm without actually manually stimulating myself? Just with my imagination? Look ma, no hands! How incredible! I’m 36 years old. I thought wet dreams were only for 13 year old boys. But I never had one when I was 13, not until now, and now I know why! BECAUSE I WAS FAPPING ALL THE FAPPING TIME! So there was never any reserves left over.I was fapped out all the time. Might explain why I’ve struggled with depression since I was a teenager too.

    I’d say this is quite a reboot. I’ve finally allowed my body to settle in to what it would do naturally. To expel when it needs to expel, not forced. More like Old Faithful… just following nature’s rhythm.

    On another note, as other men have reported on here, I have felt an amazing change in my overall mood over the last 56 days. A renewed sense of confidence. A sense of vital integrity. A sense of virtue. Like I can look people in the eye now (without images of porn swimming through my head). Interestingly, even though at times I have these really intense feelings of arousal, ironically I also feel much less focused on sex, but more focused on taking care of my mind and heart, and on meeting the right woman. And I did meet a woman, two weeks ago. So far we have been connecting on a level that I didn’t think possible. Just making out, staring at each other for hours on end. Its nice to take the focus OFF getting laid. I’m more interested in connecting with her heart, not with her genitals. Granted, I am interested in that too, but when the time is right… once there has been trust and intimacy built up.

    Thank you nofap! This has truly been life-changing!

  210. Here’s a breakdown of the my 30 days so far:

    Made it 30 days! 

    Here’s a breakdown of the my 30 days so far:

    Mental State: I feel happier. I like people more, and I feel like they like me more. I’m in control of my former addiction. I’m in a graduate program right now, and my goal at the begging of the year was, “Get ripped. Get good grades. Have sex. Nothing else.” I’m closer to that goal. I’ve cut out masturbating, deleted my facebook, and I’m much more focused on my goals.

    Horniness: Around days 5-12, I just wanted to fuck everything that moved. I liked the feeling of super horniness, but it has sense worn off. I think I’m in the flatline period.

    Confidence: I’m looking people in the eyes when I talk to them now. I’m enjoying life. I’m talking to strangers at the grocery store- some attractive women, some not, but I feel like I’m a lot more awesome now, and I feel like my outlook is infectious. I have less trouble approaching women. I’ve been on dates with 3 different girls sense I started, and the most recent one, I really like! Also, I don’t get nervous when I talk to large groups of people. No more butterflies in the stomach.

    Sex: I’ve had a handful of sexual partners in my life, but with all of them, I can honestly say that I never really really enjoyed sex. Sure I loved the fact that I was getting laid, and I loved the emotional connection. But I didn’t love the act itself because I had been addicted to online porn for 8 years before starting nofap. I would visualize porn to get myself hard during foreplay, and during the act there was just a disconnect. My thought process while having sex was generally something like, “Sweet. I’m having sex. This feels nice. I’ll run my fingers through her hair. She’ll like that. But I’ll keep visualizing football or standup comedy, cause I don’t want to come too fast.” I didn’t think I had ED, I just thought I was especially prone to whiskey dick. But it took me forever to get up, and there was a lot of time between rounds.

    Then 18 days into nofap, I had sex with a girl I’ve been seeing, and it was by far the best in my life. I was in the moment; we weren’t just doing an act where we’d hopefully both reach orgasm and feel good- It was more than that. I felt a connection. I felt love. I was turned on by the smell of her juices. I still have scratch mark remnants from the night. It was amazing. Sense then, things have been a bit less great. The novelty of the relationship has worn off. Also, I’ve started an intense weight lifting regimen, and the past few times we’ve had sex, I was exhausted, and I underperformed. Overall- I believe that nofap is definitely helping me out in this area. I don’t take as much coaxing to get it up, and there’s less downtime between rounds. Also, the actual sex is so much better. I feel like I’m much closer to the way I’m supposed to feel.

    Other: I was big into metal and gangsta rap before starting nofap. Not sure if it’s related or not, but my musical tastes have been getting much more subdued sense starting. (This helps so much on the dreaded first date question of, “so what music do you listen to?”) My voice is deeper. I’m writing a novel. It’s a good distraction from my work, and a good way to fill up my new free time. If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading! I know I tend to rant. Nofap has been, overall, pretty great. Can’t wait to see what the next 60 days (or forever) will bring!

  211. a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO

    Wasted my 20s and 30s fapping (self.NoFap)

    submitted 1 dayago by zenkoan711 day

    Hey everyone. I’m a newcomer to this venue, but I’ve been addicted to PMO for most of my life (I’m 41 now). I’ve been addicted to the dopamine and adrenaline rush, without really knowing what it was, since before the dawn of the Internet. I’ve been addicted to MO since I was about 12 or 13 years old, fantasizing about my grade school teachers and girls in my class. In my 20s, I found that I could get a much bigger high from magazines and VHS tapes. Somehow I still managed to have relatively normal relationships, and even a few girlfriends here and there. But I was unhappy and depressed, and always suffered from feelings of general “weirdness” and social anxiety. I knew there was something “wrong” with me, but I could never put my finger on it… and amazingly, I NEVER made the connection between my social issues and my PMO addiction. In fact, I never thought of PMO as a problem at all, much less an addiction. It had become such a familiar “friend”, I didn’t even want to consider letting go of it. I was in complete, blind denial.

    When the Internet came along, everything got worse. I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail here about why that was (is) the case. Needless to say, for me it was like going straight from weed to crack. My addiction became all-consuming. Any productive, creative outlets I once had were now about to slowly fade into the background. My life gradually became narrower, shallower and more hopeless. I lost friends. I lost the ability to flirt or have any kind of meaningful sexual relationship with a woman. I avoided people whenever possible. I made excuses for not hanging out or going to family functions. I punished myself mentally and emotionally, dwelling on the guilt and shame. Things got so bad that I was finally, for the first time, able to make a connection between PMO and my horrible feelings of shame and depression. Maybe it was because I had finally hit rock bottom, and could no longer avoid the reality staring me in the face. How could I have missed it all along? How blind could I have possibly been?

    I have since, over the past several years, been able to muster the energy for several rounds of NoFap (without calling it that, of course). Unfortunately, my success has been limited. I once abstained from porn for a month, while continuing to masturbate as a stress-release. That was years ago now, but it stands out in my mind as a bright spot. That was the point where I understood, finally, that there was a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO behaviors. I knew this because after a few weeks without porn, I really started to FEEL a change in my life. But it got too difficult for me, and I relapsed, and went back into the darkness for several more years. My struggle has been on and off since then. I can just about get through a week now, without any PMO at all. But I keep relapsing.

    I think I’m finally ready to make a big push. I need to do this. For any of you younger people out there, if you can relate to my story at all… take a lesson from me. I allowed this go on for way too long. I’m now in my 40s and my life has become about as narrow and hopeless as it has ever been. I still don’t even know where to begin with women. I wasted my youth. 20 of the best years of my life are gone now, and I can never get them back. Perhaps the worst part of this is the feeling of utter remorse and regret about what COULD have been, had I gotten this under control earlier. And even as I say that, I fear the REAL feelings of remorse have not even surfaced yet… I fear there are many feelings and emotions lying dormant inside me, waiting for release, and the power and force of those feelings is so strong and frightening… I mean, the reason I became an addict in the first place is because I wanted numbness.

    Anyway, this is the first time I’ve ever written about these things in a public forum. I’ve been encouraged and empowered by reading posts from other people here, and I no longer feel the need to keep everything bottled up. I know I’m not alone, and there’s no reason for me to feel guilty or ashamed. I also know that this is not an easy journey, and there will be times when I will simply want to give up. Addiction is insidious. It causes us to make justifications for relapsing. Once we start going “down the funnel” it feels damn near impossible to pull back out of it. I know these things ahead of time, and I hope this knowledge will help me when I need it the most. I am going for 90 days of complete abstinence from PMO, and hopefully continuing on after that. That is what I need for myself, in my particular situation. Whatever happens, I plan to give it everything I’ve got… because the alternative is no longer an option.

  212. 1 month report: life is improving

    1 month report: life is improving 

    Pretty stoked it’s already been a month. My life has been a bit of a motherfucker so I thought I’d disclose some of it to keep me on this track.

    I’m 27 years old and a virgin. I have yet to experience an intimate, physical relationship with a woman.

    I discovered masturbation at the age of 11, and I discovered porn even earlier, initially finding some interesting pages in my dad’s Netscape Navigator history. In those 16 years I would estimate that I masturbated on average once a day, a figure of around 5760 faps, an estimated half of which relied on the use of pornography to start and end the job.

    Running parallel with my PMO habits are video game and internet addictions. As a shy kid, I retreated on a regular basis to the internet, opting to instead form my intimate relationships online, which satisfied my emotional needs and the human need to belong, while masturbation allowed me to satisfy and even repress my physical drive for sex. This combination was satisfactory enough that I never took action to get laid or get a girlfriend until today. To me, masturbation had always been a healthy release for my body. I believed this right up to a month ago until I discovered the TED talk displayed in this subreddit.

    Along with these addictions, and the lies, shame, and guilt that followed, came several bouts of severe depression and reclusiveness off and on over the past two years. With no job, all of this languishing has left my once brimming savings account close to empty.

    Emerging from those dark depths, the life I have found in contrast is a beautiful thing. Every time you hit bottom it is a new learning experience. I look at the nofap and pornfree movements as another step in self-mastery and getting familiar with my body, especially my brain.

    That’s a load off my chest. Thanks for reading this far.

    Some steps I have taken to get a month under my belt

    • The biggest motivator for me is that I will do everything in my power to avoid depression again. It is such a bleak, dark place that is hard to shake off, and the more I research this physical dopamine dependency the more I see it as a key in my renewal as a person. Compared to many other accounts I have read on this site, my perception is that my month has been much easier than most.
    • I installed the K9 filter with blocked, which has been very beneficial as a safety net in the few times I have out of habit typed something related to porn into the address bar.
    • For the more intense urges I have turned to controlled breathing exercises and meditation, as well as exercise.
    • I have also put a lot of energy I once spent at the computer into literature and guitar. I have always had a passion for both but now I am taking action for once and enjoying them.

    Changes I have noticed

    • The process of overcoming your urges and your addiction gives you a certain power and confidence that cannot be faked. If you think of it from the perspective that you are improving yourself and achieving a healthier lifestyle, the return is real confidence.
    • Since this is the longest I have gone without masturbating since I was 11, I have been surprised by how persistent my libido has been and the energy it gives me. Without relief it’s always on. I have not flatlined at all, in fact, I have become hornier as the month has progressed. It is an energizing feeling that makes me feel alive, like a man should.
    • My penis also just feels better. It’s difficult to explain the feeling, but I sometimes death gripped and stroked extra fast to finally achieve orgasm after getting bored of the porn I was watching. To make an analogy, it’s sort of like how the skin under your beard feels after you shave for the first time after a month, if that makes sense.

    The goal is 180 days. Thanks to all you guys for the inspiration.

  213. My mind had never been more clear in my life within those three

    NoFap changed?

    I started NoFap because I learned that I used fapping as a coping mechanism to forget and stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend whom I was deeply in love with. During those three months I monitored myself. Here are the Pro and Cons of everything.

    Pro: – Clearer mind. My mind had never been more clear in my life within those three months. The lack of fapping and porn really give you a lot of time to think about your own life and puts everything into perspective.

    -More Emotional. You experience a wider range of emotions compared to consistently fapping.

    • Force you to do something to distract yourself from being extremely horny.
    • Find a lot more girls more attractive than usual.

    Cons: – More Emotional: Patience runs lowers and you get a little bi-polar.

    • It is a lot more easier to get distracted with sexual thoughts.
    • Personally It started making me see girl more as a sexual object than a person.

    Ever since I stopped NoFap and only masturbate once or twice a month, I feel like I reap the benefit of both NoFap and Fap. I encourage all Fapstronauts to test out what is best for them as well and not just blindly be abstinent.

  214. 90 Days! Should I go for 180?

    90 Days! Should I go for 180?

    The whole point of nofap for me, was to get my shit together and figure out what I wanted without PMO. I needed to clear my head and start thinking clearly and so I set goals for myself, it was during a really dark part of my life when I had lost what I had thought was the only thing that mattered.

    My Goals:

    • Get the fuck out of my hometown and start working on a career I actually want to do: Almost
    • Open myself up and meet new people: Check
    • Get back into the dating world: Check
    • Be happy with myself: Almost
    • Find someone to that makes me happy: Check
    • Make it through noshave november with a bad ass beard: Check

    Overall, I really have enjoyed the energy, and the self confidence I’ve gained through nofap. It really does work wonders, you just have to be willing to be mentally strong and resist the temptations.

    I’m going to keep going, but probably won’t pay too much to this subreddit because as successful as I’ve been, all the posts are the same now. It’s actually pretty boring to browse after the first month 😛 but good luck to all you guys, sorry I don’t have any awesome stories of “super powers” but really its all mind over matter. Get out there and stop being a bunch of internet nerds, the world is actually a pretty neat place (sometimes).

    Peace, Garrett

  215. Overdue 60-Day Report

    Overdue 60-Day Report by Afeni0268 days

    Hello there fellow-fapstronauts! Boy oh boy has this “nofap Journey” been a roller coaster ride!

    Crazy stuff has been happening since my current streak, I’m glad I came across the TEDx talk back in August!

    The most noticeable change I have noticed during my current noFap streak is that I don’t put myself down anymore! I have way more confidence now than I did before Nofap.

    I noticed that ever since I started NoFap, I constantly check myself out in the mirror, and I’m amazed at how good looking I am. I always say to myself “Damn! I’m sexier than fuck! I can’t believe I’m even single! How can girls even resist me?!” I know its kinda weird but that’s what I noticed, during my nofap streak, I just have this confidence, I like what I see in the mirror, I’m comfortable in my own skin,

    I can say that small things about myself don’t bother me like they used too (body image, too scrawny, too this, too that BS)

    During my NoFap challenge I also noticed I cut out a lot of bad habits (disgusting habits I might add) before nofap. I used to be SO socially recluse, that instead of walking five steps to the bathroom, (the bathroom is literally next door to my room) I used to piss in water bottles! Damn! Looking back at it now, I feel so disgusted I even used to do that, I used too have LITERALLY dozens of piss-filled water bottles in my trashcan, under my bed, in my closet, just because I was a sick fuck (The majority of time, I pissed in these water bottles after a PMO session) My friends used too find these sometimes and be like WTF?

    Other disgusting habits I cut out: Playing with my pubes (I prefer a shaved, clean samson now) playing with my dick, and just small things like that, small but disgusting habits that I no longer partake in 🙂 Ever since my first couple of attempts at nofap, I also started No Shampoo back in September (has nothing to do with NoFap but i feel like I’ve done my head some good)

    Before Nofap I groomed and practiced good hygiene but now I take care of my appearance like FUUUCK! I buy aftershave now, I get professional haircuts so I can look good, I groom my facial hair to make it look like I want it to, I dress so fresh so clean, I wear fitted hats now because now I’m feeling myself, SO MUCH CONFIDENCE!

    On Day-60, (9 days ago), I had my second-ever wet dream of my life! (had first wet-dream in early adolescence) I’m not sure what I came to because I don’t even remember dreaming, I just woke up a couple of minutes after the wetdream, rockhard and everything it was a mess!

    In my first month of nofap, I didn’t really have urges, I think I was in a flatline for 2 months because my dick was just dead during the month of October and November but now in December, the urges are starting to come back, I’ve been wanting to watch porn and I almost relapsed this week because I remembered a porn stars name and I looked it up on Google, but I closed the tab right away!

    I’m so glad I didn’t relapse and I’m confident I won’t relapse anytime soon. I’m shooting for at least 5-months of fap abstinence and I’m pretty confident I’ll even surpass my 5-month goal!

    Wish me luck fellow-fapstronauts and stay strong! NoFap is worth it in the end guys (and gals) don’t lose hope! Stay stronger than an erection!

  216. MY childhood FLASHES before ME!

    MY childhood FLASHES before ME! 

    Everyday I deal with it. 27 fucking years old. I am not as bad as I used to be. But there is a reason I have very few friends, and didn’t do all the things I was supposed to do. Be it lack of courage, lack of love, lack of everything.

    We grow up, we masturbate, at whatever per-determined, normal American boy dictates. We do what the western sex-ed prescribes us. “It’s healthy.” – “It’s harmless.”


    Nostalgia is hitting me like a ton of bricks. The seminal energy is reminding me, taking me back in time with flashbacks; before I became hardened, before I became bitter. When I was a young boy, right in those middle school years. The unity of souls around my peers was there. I wasn’t a bitter, hardened adult you see with the stubble face, and scorned eye. I was hanging out with my best friends at the park. Talking about video games, watching MTV, and indulging in my strange fascination with Chinese and ancient culture. I had a deep love for Ninjas, Bruce Lee, and Martial arts.

    What were the Eastern Kids up to? They were so disciplined, had such high academic standards, so technologically advanced. Were they on to something western medical study didn’t reveal? Was there a higher intelligence, a life force behind our sexual power that wasn’t being disclosed?

    I dropped a lot of interests, when my life force was drained, and the sex addictions took over. I adopted the anti-hero, and the black and white looking glass that blinded me for 7 more years. We were given a light at birth; and that light was Jing. It came in the form of puberty to strengthen us, and to allow us to grow as beings. When western ideas came to proclaim “Jerking it” was healthy; and it’s okay to masturbate, we began to waste it away in our youth hood.

    We were social, I was, but I was never the exuberant gregarious, loud and aggressive man I am today. I stole my power through female classmate fantasies, and with internet, it took over a bit more. High school, early 20’s, didn’t matter. The Daily jerk before work, or bed, or whenever was there. Dissipating my seminal energies. Never knowing the true power that would have grown had I allowed it. Shoddy grades, lack of motivation. It’s any wonder I had a girlfriend, most of them left after they got to know the real me.

    Unproductive, absent minded, good ol’ me.

    I knew I was highly intelligent, but why couldn’t I STICK to ANYTHING ? FOLLOW THROUGH WITH ANYTHING?? NOT ONE THING??

    Age 24 hit, and the creator said, “You’ve abused yourself enough, you’ve peaked, and we can’t do no more for you.” – But I wasn’t hearing a thing. As our male bodies produce less 24-30 and so on, I continued to abuse. I was depressed, but I had my porn; when streaming video became popular around 2006-2007, my psyche had no chance.

    I could hardly workout anymore. I wasn’t the Martial artist I wanted to be. My long term goals of becoming a great Martial artist were cut short 7 years, because I decided to spend my power on pixelated women.

    And I searched for reasons why this was wrong. Through the years, I’d google “Masturbation Vs. Motivation” – and it would be the same ol’ run-of-the-mill diagnosis. “It’s healthy, relieves stress, ect.” – Daily masturbation was even seen as “O-K.”

    And thought this may have been correct to some degree, pornography was always left out of the equation.

    2009 was a big blow. What the hell was wrong with me? I felt retarded! But jerked on I did, and jerked on and on I kept. I abused and abused until I withered into a hole, second story in my moms house. Jobless, unskilled, useless. 2 months into 27 and that was it.

    The awakening came.

    8 months down the road, bursting out of my shell, fighting away the strains of depression, decay of these old rusty chains that held me down, fighting away at every opportunity lost, every relationship that withered, fighting away at every aspect of my life that was destroyed, and HERE I AM, THE LIGHT IS BEING LIT, AND MY SOUL IS ON FIRE, AND AS WE CONTINUE, as I CONTINUE, THIS SPIRITUAL LIGHT SHINES THROUGH THE DARKNESS I LIVED IN, IT SHINES INTO MY PAST..

    MY DREAMS BECOME INTENSE, My closeness to GOD is REVEALED, MY thankfulness for LIFE slowly COMES back with each day, and FLASHBACKS of my PAST, my CHILDHOOD flood, my teenage INSPIRATIONS, COME BACK, my LIGHT is LIT and it’s HERE.

    LONG is the JOURNEY to recover ALL THAT I LOST; but THE LIGHT OF LOVE WITHIN US IS ABUNDANT, because we SACRIFICE the strongest, driving force known to man, our SEXUAL ENERGY; and it FILLS US with POWER, sometimes RAGE, DEEP EMOTION to FEEL, HIGH Intelligence, COMPASSION for HUMANITY, STRENGTH through ROUGH STORMS. We SHINE the light through OUR CHILDHOOD, our PAST, our dark HALLS of addiction, and bridge the GAP into our FUTURE, a BRIGHT FUTURE OF PRODUCTIVITY, LOVE, and NEW BEGINNINGS.

    I have a Job, after being unemployed for over a YEAR.

    I have quit CAFFEINE Completely after drinking 2-3 cups a day for 7 years.

    I am almost down to about 10% bodyfat! And have continued my path as a Martial artist, once again! My goal is to be of GREAT SKILL and Strengtht,speed and flexability! I will pick up back where I LEFT OFF, 7 years ago!

    I am tidy, I pay close attention to details, I am strategic, and responsible!

    I am sharp, and don’t let anything get passed me!

    I am becoming the NINJA I always wanted to be.

    I am still working on my eating habits, and I do have the occasional drink.. but I used to have a BAD drinking habits in the past!

    Slowly but surely, I weed out all the unproductive unhealthy things; though it takes time, I continue this journey.

    One thing I can say is, I need to work on my charm with the ladies. I’ve always had that, but nofap has made me a STERN MULE, I need to liven up a bit, and not be so KUNG-FU-READY-TO-KICK-YOUR-ASS 24/7.

    I am waiting for a challenge at the top of the dragon mountain against one who will ..wait a minute, i watched too many kung fu movies when I was a kid. slaps self

    Sorry I was getting a little carried away there. But what I am really trying to say is.

    I climbed on the hill. I looked around me, and what did I see? The world. And the world said. “Where have you been? It’s been 7 years.”

    I cried, and I responded.

    “I’m an incomplete man. I was an addict.”

    “We’re sorry to hear that, well take care.” they said, as they all went to play together, enjoy their relationships, their lives, and their prosperity and love.

    “Wait up.” I said.

    “What’s that, you want to join us?” They said, uncomfortably.

    “No. But there is a difference.” I replied.

    “Oh there is?” They responded.


    “And what’s that?” They asked.

    “I am now more capable, then anything I ever was before. Bring it.”

  217. The Lesson (90 Day Report)

    The Lesson (90 Day Report) 

     by crapcube90 days

    First things first. i think this thing shouldn’t be called 90 days report. Yeah I made 90 days without fapping, but in my case this thing should be called one year report. I struggled with fighting this shit of addiction since december last year. I think that was the time were I realized that porn and fapping became a big problem. I was fapping 6 to 10 times everyday and not to the “normal” kind of porn. And I felt like shit. I tried to stop and yeah, I couldn’t do it for even a day. I think in january I stumbled over yourbrainonporn. I was searching for help in the online forums but there seemed to be nobody who had a problem with porn so finding the site was some of the best things that happend to me. That was also the way I found out about reddit and this subreddit. I realized there were many people with the same problem, what made me feel much better, because I did not feel so fucked up anymore and I started my journey fighting porn addiction. As you can see I really had my problems. I needed 5 months to get over the one week mark the first time, I had periods where I fapped for two weeks again, but found the motivation to start over. The whole nofap idea was a virus in my head. Every time I relapsed I felt like shit and sometimes I wished that I never had found yourbrainonporn that day in january, so that i could just fap everyday and be happy.

    What made me stop fapping in the long run weren’t pornblockers or “anti urge exercises”. What made me stop was that huge pain that built up all the year. It kinda made click in my head. And I never fapped again.

    And now I’m sitting here after 90 days hard mode. No sexual experiences, no porn, no edging, nofap. And to be honest I’m not in a good mood the last few weeks. There are things that i have to change in my life that I’m not really happy with. And that’s awesome !! You won’t get happy in the longrun only because you made it 90 days. You will forget that you ever had that problem and you will concentrate on other things that you have to fix. The fact that I’m unhappy about other things in my life and not about fapping anymore, is the proof that I overcame my problem.

    The number one thing I learned throughout this hard year was that you can accomplish anything !! And everything that seems like a problem today, will be solved in the future if you start working on it. there is no magic pill that solves things overnight. You have to suffer and work on your self everyday and you probably will need a year to get what you want, but when you look back you will say to yourself “I’m grateful for every minute I struggled and all the pain that I felt to get to the point where I am today, because it made me a stronger person “.

    To all you guys that struggle with getting over a week or even a day or fighting this shit for a long time: Stay struggling ! Don’t give up! If you fail, reset the badge, start again and get more committed to nofap with every relapse. With every relapse you become stronger and eventually you will kick this whole shit in the ass. You will look back and you will be grateful for everything.

  218. How to Not Relapse: A comprehensive step by step guide for champ

    How to Not Relapse: A comprehensive step by step guide for champions. 

    1) Lock down your shit. If you’re concerned with the fact that porn is so easily accessible, try this site: Family Shield. That’ll make sure that your dick won’t control your browsing experience.

    2) Write down your feels after relapse. If you relapse like I just did, no big deal, just make sure that you write down how you’re feeling after it happens, and look at that list the next time you’re thinking about fapping. If you see shame, disgust, and lament on that list, you probably won’t go through with it (Unless you’re into that, in which case see step 1.)

    3) Think about the future. With robots and shit. Write down the reason that you’re doing nofap in the first place. Seriously write it down. If you just keep it in your head, that’s not gonna help much. If you actually take the time to think about what you want to gain from this and write it down, it will be easier to picture the end goal.

    I’m going to end my guide by asking you a question: Are you a champion?

  219. Well, I can safely say this last month has changed me

    One Month: A Field Report (Or: The Win List)

    by Fappleby25 days

    Well, I can safely say this last month has changed me. I’m 25 days in at the time of writing. Went 21 days on my first try, then not past a week or so a few times, so this is my longest streak. I’m going to list the things I’ve noticed by category for ease, but bear in mind that there’s a lot of crossover between categories.

    Energy Levels + Motivation While most people notice some sort of energy boost while on a decent NoFap streak, mine, while noticeable, doesn’t seem to be as massive as some people’s. What I will say, however is that my drive to actually do stuff is through the roof, which kinda helps me make the most of that energy boost. I feel more focused and effective at work, I’ve started strength training again following an injury and surgery back in May, and I’ve also started doing fairly regular cardio, something which I’ve always struggled with. One of my main setbacks in workout regimens in the past has been work. I work a very physical job (Basically walking while pushing loads, 12 hour shifts), but I’ve been going straight from work to the gym with little trouble. This is one of my favourite effects of NoFap.

    Social Life The impact here has been pretty good. My job is very sociable. I meet a lot of people in my work, and basically work as part of a large team of people. Over the last month I’ve felt much more at ease around people and much more in tune with the rest of the team. I’ve talked more to some people there in the last couple months than I have in the whole of the last 3 years I’ve worked there. Hasn’t had much of an impact in my life overall, but just a nice little perk.

    Urges & Porn Well, this one’s been weird. I’ve noticed a fair bit of fluctuation in my urges lately. They can be through the roof, and they can be non existant. One thing I’ve noticed a lot though, is that I think I can feel a difference in them. I’m ashamed to say it, but I think before, I never had the urge to have sex, only the urge to fap. That has changed. I have watched porn a few times, but there’s been practically zero edging. While some of the nofap purists would argue this warrants a reset, I don’t think it does. Edging is not fapping, however it does make not fapping one hell of a lot harder.

    Philosophy Christ, this one is significant. One of the craziest things I learned because of nofap was that, up until recently, I was a misogynist. I Effectively judged gils based on whether or not I thought they were attractive. Frankly, I’m ashamed of myself because of this. It was at the point where I was basically disregarding someone who tried to be a very good friend to me for a very long time purely because I wasn’t attracted to her. Don’t get me wrong, I was polite, but I wasn’t giving her the time or respect she deserved. This has been a pretty significant change in my life. Now, I treat women as people rather than potential sexual opportunities. Even if you’re not obvious, I think they know this. A massive thing for me.

    Love Life I know this is controversial of late, what with “I Got Laid, Woooo” posts getting to the front page all the time+ but it’s a reasonably common result from NoFap, so I think it’s necessary to discuss it. While I don’t think it’s a good reason to start NoFap, hopefully starting with the wrong intentions will help to guide some people on to a path beneficial to them. I’ve had much more success with the ladies while on NoFap. Don’t get me wrong, I still haven’t had sex, but the amount of girls who I’ve been talking to has been immense. Granted, not many of them showed any interest, but still, the fact that I was out there talking to them was a massive change for me. The most significant of these was a girl I met a couple of days ago on a night out in town. I actually met this girl a long time ago, but never saw her again til the other night. I recognised her, she didn’t me. Ended up spending the night at her place, up all night talking. Felt very comfortable with her. The fact that we even kissed is pretty big for me, the last girl I kissed being over a year ago. Meeting up with her on Thursday. My first real date. Massive impact, very pleased.

    Negative Effects Little to none, honestly. Apart from having to resist urges sometimes, the only thing that I miss from my fapping days is the use of fapping to help me get to sleep. A worthy sacrifice.

    ConclusionSo there we go. my one month field report. I hope people get some use from this. I plan on doing another at 6 weeks, but if nothing significant happens, it’ll be two months. Good luck!

  220. 90+ days story and ama

    90+ days story and ama

     by Rickles36095 days

    Well it’s been a little over 90 days now, and I still have mixed feelings about nofap. I can certainly say that I’m glad that I did it, but my life is not exactly on the fast track to fame and fortune. I think I should start by stressing some of the negative things that I noticed. Once I really got into nofap, I found I was replacing my pmo with just pure internet addiction. I even found myself playing videogames again. Be careful of that. It’s easy to substitute one bad habit for another and not even realize it.

    I should tell you where I’m coming from. I’m 21 if you are curious. Most days of the week I would PMO, and during some months in my past I was a multiple time a day user. Through out my ahem career, I found myself looking at bizarre and uncharacteristic pornography that didn’t match my sexuality. Anything shocking enough to get higher.

    Things I don’t miss: Bizarre porn, Hiding PMO, Cleaning up, Cleaning up my internet history, Having porn on my hard drive (DELETE IT!), Objectively looking at women

    It’s true. It’s as if real average women are bumped up a few numbers on the attractive scale, and women made out of plastic look just like that. That’s a serious positive factor. I’ve been on a road to self improvement these past months and in addition to nofap, I got more serious about running, I’ve been eating healthy, and I stopped using caffeine. These life changes have made me better, but I’m still not where I want to be. I’m not a chick magnet yet, but there’s seddit for that. Nofap was a good step towards being a better person. I think I might take a short break from nofap to learn more about myself. I believe all things should be in moderation and an all or nothing approach really isn’t the best thing in my opinion. Sex is a natural thing and so is fapping according to most experts. Cutting it off 100% doesn’t seem like the normal thing to do. Considering my past usage though, a three month break was reasonable. Pornography is a different story. So while I am certainly debating whether or not I’ll stick to nofap. One thing for sure though, I never want to go back to using porn. Porn is unnatural, it’s sad and it’s addicting. In my opinion, If you are doing nofap but you are looking at porn, then you are doing it wrong.

  221. 110 days reporting in

    110 days reporting in 

    I have to thank this entire subreddit. The constant PMO of my days was wearing at my feelings, causing me to go numb and even a little depressed.

    But then, I stopped fapping, and my entire day became happy and loving and I could look at my girlfriend and feel emotions of any sort and not just “eh”.

    I could easily hold this challenge, since I seemed to have gain godlike self control from this challenge.

    I am seeing my work improving exponentially due to the new-found confidence that I gained from this. I just wanted to type this out to thank everyone for posting motivational stuff and their own success stories, because it showed me a life that I wanted to make myself as, to improve myself.

    I actually started to feel emotions after the challenge and could do anything.


  222. Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?
    Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?


    [this account is no longer on Reddit]

    It made mine slightly deeper. I do voice acting and I noticed a number of weeks ago I could go deeper than I could before. My speaking voice hasn’t changed. Musically, I can only go a note or two deeper than I could before so its not a major change.


    I’m convinced my voice got deeper. Not sure when it started though. I haven’t noticed it recently, but I think I’m flatlining, so maybe that has stopped it being deeper? I don’t really have any hard evidence, just suspicions.







    Some of reported yes, some no… I haven’t really noticed anything, personally.




  223. 90 Days, my story and AMA

    90 Days, my story and AMA (self.NoFap)

    Today is my 90th day and I thought I’d share my experience with nofap with all of you!

    I’m 20, in college, away from home

    What I’ve done:

    • I’m dating a girl who I’d been very good friends with for the past few years and started being interested in over the summer. Lo and behold she was also into me and I found out only a few days into my current streak. I’ve been dating her for about a month and a half now, and it’s fair to say that she’s a big reason that I have the mental strength to keep going with this. (should note this is my first ever girlfriend, which is cool)
    • I’m doing well in school (fingers crossed, finals were this week)
    • I’ve taken on a whole lot of responsibility at my work
    • I’m dressing nicer!
    • I stopped a whole lot of procrastinating activities (like deleting my Facebook, toning down on Twitter, and almost never using Reddit, and obviously masturbating)
    • Just general boosts in confidence and happiness and motivation

    I think that all of these things are things I could have achieved without nofap but I don’t think I would have had the confidence to try or the motivation to try to better myself. Trying nofap showed me that I do have the power to change myself and that I can become a better version of me if I just put my mind to it and stop settling for the current me. Even now I’m working hard to make myself a strong candidate for an internship next summer. It honestly just feels so good to do things.

    A bit more background, I tried nofap over the summer and made it a month on my first try, then had a few short spurts, and then finally my current streak. I deleted Facebook during my first month, and have gotten better with Twitter and stopped Reddit over my current streak. I have a paper taped to my wall with checkboxes on it, although I’m in a good state of mind right now where I’m not thinking about it and don’t update for a few days or more. Also use, it’s pretty nice. Girlfriend knows I’m doing this, she asked about the checkboxes and I told her. Selling my computer tomorrow and sold my ipad in the fall so soon I won’t have any devices I’ve ever watched porn on and that’s a pretty cool feeling.

    Otherwise thanks for making this community and helping me to realize that there was a lot in the way of a really happy version of myself. Now I’m there. I owe a lot to you.

  224. I’ve been an pmo addict for

    I’ve been an pmo addict for years, and I have still been able to graduate high school, get into college, have excellent grades and the such…but these accolades imo would have been much EASIER for me to do if it wasn’t for the addiction. Being addicted is a sad thing. And when I was fully blown and trapped by porn, I was a sad person…this is why you have to realize your condition, be active about and better yourself.

    [From another forum]

  225. A Goth is Feeling Happy?

    A Goth is Feeling Happy? 

     by Dru3336 days

    This is the longest I’ve EVER gone without fapping. I’m married and have been sharing my journey with my wife. She’s become much more attracted to me in the progress (perhaps due to my newfound confidence) and perhaps the fact that we’ve been intimate much more frequently helps with the physical release. But the orgasms are much different during intercourse than with fapping. In fact, I’ve found that I don’t like touching myself at all while we’re playing…I’m able to perform much better and am not aiming for the big “O” but am enjoying the activity of sharing each other…so a big plus for the relationship!

    Second: I’ve been going out with friends more often this week.

    Third: My productivity has greatly increased. I’m using a technique of 25 minutes hardcore work / studying and then 5 minutes meditation. I can now study (I’m working on my PhD) for 4 solid hours without needing any breaks. In fact, I just defended my dissertation proposal (not the dissertation itself) on Friday and received near perfect marks : )

    Fourth: I’ve been running more often and will begin an intensive 3 week workout regimen in preparation for a 15k race in March (I used to run half marathons but a horrible mountain biking accident prevented me from doing much physical activity for a year–which led me to fap more).

    So, I’m happy and stoked to be part of this community. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories, your words of encouragement, and your obstacles.

    I was initially going to see if I could last a week and then relapse a day, but I don’t see the need to stop what I’ve already done so far…so I’ll evaluate where I’m at after 14 days…right now I can only think about a week at a time…perhaps this will soon shift to a month at a time : )

  226. Thank you NoFap, this xmas wont be so lonely

    Thank you NoFap, this xmas wont be so lonely

     by Ninja_smiles26 days

    Every year around this time, I get quite emotional. I have a great time seeing my family for the holidays, but there’s always those quite moments in between sipping wine and chewing turkey that are painfully empty. Without a significant other, the holidays don’t seem complete. “All I want for Christmas is you”

    If you relate at all, you can feel the loneliness that comes with the season, and fapping becomes the cheap fix. Not only during christmas, the loudest reminder is New Year’s Eve. Year after year I avoid invitations from friends to go out because I don’t want to look like the “loser” without anyone to kiss (its awful that I have that perception, but I carry it anyways).

    But, I have good news. It hasn’t even been 30 days yet, but I turned my life around just before school ended. I remember when I first turned on the day counter badge, literally right after that I began making healthy decisions. In the very hour, I started cleaning up the pig pen that is my room, cleared off my desk to give myself the space to study properly, and actually started tackling my finals early for once.

    Walking around campus, I no longer felt ashamed, I could walk freely, expressing myself without having to hide any kind of darkness. I caught myself looking people in the eye and occasionally smiling (always reciprocated too). All the girls in my classes that I had my eye on started to become more real as a presence in my life, rather than just a fantasy role I used to torture myself during my empty drive home after class. Being horny all the time drove me to be more aggressive in talking to them. And that’s when the positive cycle of confidence kicked in: horny, talk to a girl, successful convo, ego boost, talk to another girl, ego boost, so on…

    And then there’s one girl in particular. I’ve always had my eye on her, but there’s another student sitting in between us whom we both talk to, but throughout the semester we never really had our own interaction. The final was coming up, and normally I study best alone, but I actually needed some help this time around. One day after class, we were the last two in there packing up and I just went for it: “Do you have a class right now? Wanna hit up the terms for the test?”

    I won’t go into detail about how good the chemistry is between us, the part the matters for the post is that NoFap offered me the challenge of facing myself and the world around me for the first time as an adult. I was able to go after what I wanted and the Universe keeps rewarding my efforts. Proud to say that we’ve been seeing each other for about 2 weeks now, and I’ve never been happier. Finally, someone that I can give myself to and vice versa. My Birthday (23rd), Xmas, and NYE will be, for the first time, something I look forward to. And sometimes it’s overwhelming, I feel like I don’t deserve it because of all the years I wasted with fapping (and drugs). It’s almost as if I won’t let myself be happy because it’s new and unfamiliar. But with that, I take a deep breath and let it flow.

    TL;DR The Holidays have always been a sad, lonely time for me. Started nofap over 3 weeks ago, experienced the benefits, and started seeing a wonderful person whom I actually like (not just for sex). Happy for the first time in a very long time.

    Thank You for all the support, guidance, and information, Fapstronauts. I wish you the gift of manifestation and actualization. I could not have done it without you

  227. given up porn completely, but still masturbate to fantasies

    90 days in easy mode. The slow and gradual route to the nofap-o-sphere. (self.NoFap)

     by YuriFaparin91 days

    Easy mode means I’ve given up porn completely, but still masturbate to fantasies (not porn fantasies).

    The reason I chose to take up easy mode was to avoid the trap “if I’m going to fap, might as well fap to porn”. That has been successful. If that’s a problem for some of you guys, you might want to try easy mode for a while. I don’t crave for porn anymore. I feel like a better man.

    However, I think maybe I should stop masturbating altogether. Maybe just vanilla fapping is too distracting as well? What do you guys think?

    For struggling fapstronauts, I recommend counting the days without porn and days without masturbating separately. If you can’t help yourself, it’s better if you don’t watch porn too. With improved will power I’m sure one can get over the pornless fapping as well if one wishes.

  228. These past 20 days I’ve been changing into a different person

    Day 20: Wow (my experience and benefits so far)

    These past 20 days I’ve been changing into a different person. It’s been subtle but all of these benefits have slowly been revealing themselves to me. Don’t FAP!

    • feel like an alpha male
    • happier
    • less numb to life
    • excited to be alive
    • better able to look people in the eye
    • much more confidence
    • much less anxiety
    • much less brain fog
    • more energy
    • attracted to women moreso than before
    • much better concentration
    • need less sleep
    • able to have a conversation (not searching for words all the time)
    • harder/bigger erections
    • increased sensitivity in penis
    • more social
    • better posture
    • more aware of body language (my own and others)
    • flirting feels effortless and natural
    • better at my job
    • better at guitar
    • music sounds better

    Had my first wet dream at day 9. My penis started literally leaking and has continued to on and off since then. On day 16 I spontaneously ejaculated while taking a dump. Haven’t met someone yet, but feel the drive and desire to…when it happens I’m excited to have sex and enjoy that experience with a real woman. I realize now that my brain has been operating at like 50% since middle school and has held me back from ever having a relationship and being the best person that I could be. My NoFap superpowers will become normal for me, as I don’t plan on ever stopping NoFap after this.

    Why I’ve been dating my hand for 15 years?

  229. A journey, a realization, a better life.

    A journey, a realization, a better life.

     by fap-no-more-easy86 days

    Closing up to 90 days. It has been a tough road, with ups and downs, personal insight has grown and determination to become a better person has never been a clearer goal.

    When I first started I thought to myself ” hey this will be easy!”. And I can say from the bottom of my heart, from the inner sanctum of my mind, that no, this was not as easy as I expected it to be, it truly raises self-awareness, and makes you see life from another perspective. To have this oppertunity, to decide and have control of your body, mind and urges. It is what makes us stonger than others.

    I’ve not watched porn for over 100 days, and not mastubated for soon 90. I’ve quit facebook, quit world of warcraft, started working out. Changed my life completely. My music which I make, has never been clearer to me, and I can truly express myself, and my feelings.

    I was not given the choice to mastrubate or not, It has always been inside of me, the whole time. I just had to realize it, and deal with it. It is inside everyones mind. The will to conquer yourself.

    I want to thank this subreddit the most, for giving me light when there was darkness, and hope to become something different. And to all of you, struggling to surpass your urges, and take control, I understand what you feel and what you think, but I’m telling you, it is possible.

  230. Musings on day 50, benefits, nofap fact-checking.

    Musings on day 50, benefits, nofap fact-checking. 

     by spkthed149 days

    So, this has been an interesting journey. I’ve fought with fap and to some extent porn for the last 16 years. For the last 80 days or so I’ve tried to remain fap free, and porn free. I had a couple of early 1-2 day jumps, then 20 days with a reset/binge session of 6 or so within a 2 day period then finally 50 days free. I’m under 10 faps in 90 days and for me I am guessing I will be doing this for at least a few more months until my brain is rewired fully. I have no interest in ever looking at porn again. My scumbag brain disagrees, but we’ll see who wins that fight.

    I started nofap because I wanted to focus all my energy on my soon to be fiancee. Some terrible things happened and we split up. The binges happened soon after and I realized that fapping was a mechanism to dull a very painful time and a way to take control back in my life. I decided to never give that much control of myself up and doubled down on nofap. At the same time I went on a diet with a goal of shedding between 50 and 70 lbs of fat, and to get fit. I am not boasting, there just needs to be context. Fat increases estrogen production, and exercise boosts testosterone production so there’s some pretty significant hormonal changes happening from a variety of sources.


    I dropped 30 lbs in the first 2 months, picked up a couple of lbs of muscle, and can definitely tell the difference. The boost in testosterone definitely changes how I interact with people and has physical changes. I’m willing to go out on a limb for the first time in my life and take chances socially. I would guess that it’s evident, but I’m definitely making it a focus to say hello to everyone, and to try to interact with new people every day. It feels easier and easier as I try to build that cycle up. I figure that’s as much a muscle as anything. This might be gross, but I’ve definitely noticed that things like chest hair are thicker and darker than before, and I’ve gained muscle MUCH more quickly, and I am much less socially anxious than I have in the past – and I’m getting out of my peak testosterone years.

    BRAIN FOG EXISTS: During each of the binges, I can FEEL the brain fog happening. I’ve seen porn a couple of times during moments of weakness and the act of MO, or edging is not necessary for fog to come back. Just viewing porn and allowing those feelings to flood through causes it. Each time takes several days to reset back to normal but it appears to be a thing that gets faster each time. I have also noticed for the first time about 40 days into this that I have no interest in seeing anything hardcore and even when clicking on it it’s not arousing. I had several different things that I found arousing (not quite fetishes) that had gathered over the years and I could definitely tell that my brain was cycling through them almost chronologically . The thing my brain ‘craves’ now is just pictures of amateur girls, only softcore. I did have a few moments of weakness with edging early on and I definitely can tell that things were more sensitive. I would venture a guess that I would not last long these days.

    Final thoughts: Nofap is hardly a magic pill to take. It’s a thing where you control momentum in life. If you are in negative patterns, you will do increasingly destructive things. If you are in a positive pattern, you will do increasingly positive things. The trick is to manipulate your momentum to halt negative patterns and to deepen positive ones. When you start nofap, ditch internet addictions, try to take control of other parts of your life (weight, health, finances, job, studies, social, etc) and make them all positive. Your success or failures will trickle into everything else. Use that. If you are doing nofap to rid yourself of addiction to porn /YOU HAVE TO NEVER LOOK AT PORN AGAIN, AND TO RESIGN YOUR ENTIRE BEING TO THAT/. You will not look in 90 days, or a year, or in 20. If that is not your mindset from the time you start until when you stop, you will struggle and struggle and struggle and never make your goals happen. Turn your back on it and start riding into the sunset. If you hem and haw and want to stick around you will never find success.

    edit: The flatline exists. DO NOT TEMPT YOURSELF, OR LET YOURSELF BE TEMPTED TO ‘SEE IF THINGS STILL WORK’ Your brain knows damn well that things still work. You are an addict that is about to be hoodwinked by your own mind that is throwing a tantrum about it’s favorite toy being taken away. You will come out of it in a random time between a few hours to a few months depending on how badly your brain is rewired. Do. Not. Rush. That. Process.

    So, TLDR; there’s lots of bogus stuff floating around in nofap circles. There’s a lot of truth here too and I’ve tried to focus in on what works and why. Best of luck to everyone attempting this journey for any reason. May you find the success you are looking for.

  231. There are no superpowers.

    There are no superpowers. 

    submitted 7 hoursago by ambushxx40 days

    I was always a depressed person. I have been depressed since i was child. I’ve also had social anxiety as long as i can remember. And i am pretty sure i have ADD. I have been under-performing every way in life since i could remember. I’ve always had below average score. Didn’t complete college. Never held a job for more than 6 months. Never had a girlfriend; Or even talked more than 5 minutes with a girl. I have some friends. But, i don’t feel close enough to anyone to open up and talk candidly about my life. My relationship with friends have always been about cracking jokes and drinking. I don’t connect at an emotional level with anyone. And of course, i have been fapping quite religiously for a long time; the past 2 years with internet porn.

    I never imagined porn or fapping to the root of my problems. They have been there even before i started fapping. So, i never expected any superpowers or to be delivered from my problems completely if i stopped fapping. Nonetheless, i wanted to stop because it was looking more and more like an addiction and i was escalating in term of the porn content i was using.

    I stumbled on YBOP and i stopped the next day. Its been 40 days now.

    My progress through this 40 days have been atypical compared to what i read about the experiences of others. For one thing, i never found it difficult to control myself. I didn’t feel the overwhelming need to fap or watch porn. I do occasionally get a flashback from a porn scene i liked and that gave me a slight erection. I would describe my state since day 2 as a semi-flatline. I don’t have the complete loss of sexual desire as some people described. It is slightly less than my previous resting state. I am still getting aroused when i see attractive girls. I am not sexually active, and i don’t expect to be anytime soon. So, that is more of a positive for me.

    The big difference that i did see was in how i was seeing things. I seems like i am able to see things more distinctly, without the mindfog ( i have also been meditating for the time period. so that could also have had an effect). I have been hearing the motivational mantras like, “think positive” and “take it as a challenge”, for ages. But now these things have started to mean something. These attitudes have somewhere inside me struck a chord for the first time; its like I FEEL what it means. I realize that i don’t need to look for the approval of others to find self-respect. Earlier i used to beat myself down every time there was some drama in my life. When i was criticized by anyone, i would mop about it for days. Now, i try to take it as a challenge. Last week I got into a kind of messy (passive aggressive) argument with a friend on facebook. Previously when thing of this sort happened, i would be disturbed for a few days. I would try to justify what i did; then i would try to find fault with my friend. Then i would try to hurt this person in some way. The whole thing would play out over a number of days, until it left the relation strained. This time, i got over it in a day; and i successfully refrained from previous patterns. I took it as a challenge. I tried to focus my attention away from the messiness. I tried to internalize the fact that i needn’t really care about what this person thinks; or that i didn’t have to put myself down constantly worrying whether i was the offender. Even if i was in the wrong, i could forgive myself; even if he disapproves of me, i didn’t need to care.

    So, i decided to do one thing that i had been putting off for a while: deleting my facebook account. I have to admit, just before clicking the delete button, i felt a pang in my heart. Although facebook hadn’t given me anything fulfilling or worthwhile, i had a fear that i was going to loose out on something. I was going to miss out on what was happening my friends life. Then it dawned on me that even though these were very close friends, my fear was because i was attached; not attached to the people, but attached to the label of “friend” and what that entailed. Even without facebook if they wanted to contact me, they could still call me or email me. It wasn’t like i was going to be cut off if i wasn’t online and active every single day. Even if they didn’t bother to contact me, i would still live. I could always make new friends. I am worthy of it.

    I feel more liberated after i deleted my account than after i quit smoking or after starting nofap. But, nofap made it possible for me to think clearly enough to take this step. So, i will chalk this down to a nofap victory. I am starting to think there should be a nofacebook sub to get people off from facebook. Its too much unnecessary drama for too little reward.

    Short version: Nofap helped me get over negative thoughts easily and it allows me to think more clearly.

  232. 90 days.

    Day 90 

     by mindmastery90 days

    While these last few days have been a struggle due to living back at home for a bit, I have finally reached 90 days. Really glad I did this.

    -Clearer thoughts

    -Dramatically reduced fantasizing / sexual related thoughts in daily living

    -BIG gains at the gym. I feel like nofap definitely has to do with this

    -More confidence in general. I haven’t made too many female connections due to my situation over the last three months but I have felt less hesitant

    -Feeling like I am conquering something which has conquered me for years has been a very liberating feeling. I really want to continue this as I strive to change my lifestyle permanently. I have struggled with edging the last few days due to being way less busy, but this is something I am trying to work on

    Best of luck to all of my fellow fapstronauts. Remember, it’s all in your mind.


    -avoid triggers

    -no touching

    -avoid the rabbit hole of looking at any stimulating images at all

    -stay active

    -you’ll probably feel like shit after you fap if you are going for the challenge, so don’t bother humoring yourself with thoughts that it will be okay to do it once. distract yourself.

    Thanks everyone, couldn’t have done this without you.

    EDIT: Guess I’ll also mention that this was on hard mode… yes it was difficult but definitely not impossible. I see no good reason to stop so I will keep going.

  233. DAY 60, What My Life is Like.

    DAY 60, What My Life is Like. 

     by nofap90x60 days

    YOU CAN READ HOW MY LIFE WAS PREVIOUSLY BUT HERE’s MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. I am on a daily schedule. Not depressed anymore. Porn doesn’t even cross my mind. I feel like an extremely stable person. I read, study college courses, make a beat in my home studio, write a journal, clean my room, and meditate every single day (all of them)!

    I eat a lot more healthy. I have discovered what proper nutrition and supplements like vitamin D, b6 and B12 can do to your mood from a book called The Ultra Mind Solution by Mark Hyman M.D. I would recommend this book to everyone who is suffering from ADHD and Depression. (especially if you are taking medications like prozac or aderall)

    I workout regularly. I went for a nice walk today. Haven’t smoked weed in 18 days, don’t plan on going back to it. and in 2 days i will be moving to my own sick STUDIO apartment in CALIFORNIA. I see the upside of things when i wake up.

    And sleep is just a blessing. I can almo