Aois 27 - Chuir porn níos lú ábhar orm leis an saol / mná agus bhí mé ag brath ar ábhair mhór, fhoréigneacha uaireanta

As of today I’m 113 days clean. Haven’t posted here before, used to visit r / Nofap a lot in the past.

I have struggled with PMO addiction for at least 10 years, I’m 27 now. In the struggle, I learned many lessons about myself and about perseverance.

I finally made some serious headway by tackling my addictions one at a time. That means, I get myself off of porn first, then will tackle masturbation later. As I found out however, porn was the biggest problem in my life. It made me less content with life, women and made me dependent on extreme, sometimes violent online materials.

After +100 days of no pornography consumption, the most noticeable results are as follows:

  1. Average mood went from 5/10 to 6.5/10. I still have some issues to resolve, but my mental health has improved much.

  2. Cravings for porn are diminishing over time. Although they’re still there sometimes, the cravings have only 20% of their original intensity.

  3. Finding normal women more attractive. Even their flaws, because it’s part of who they are. No one’s perfect after all.

  4. More mental clarity. Again, I still feel that there is room for improvement. But it’s much better already.

  5. Violent sexual thoughts in my head are much less frequent. Instead of 10 sexual fantasies a day, it’s now more like a couple each week. The fact that I’m dating again helps with that.

All I can see is, keep fighting the good fight. One step at a time. Don’t give up and keep looking for new angles to approach the issue. Get help if necessary. It took me 10 years to beat the habit and its no guarantee that I won’t relapse again in the future. But I’m happy where I am now and feel confident.

I feel more like a healthy human being who has nothing to hide anymore. And I wish the same for all of you guys. Keep going guys, it’s worth the fight.

NASC - 100+day report Pornfree

By mosquitokun