Technological Addictions

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Current Psychiatry Reports

Sherer, J., Levounis, P. Technological Addictions. Curr Psychiatry Rep 24, 399–406 (2022).


Psychiatrists from medical school faculties at NYU and Rutgers published this article about technological addictions, including compulsive porn use (CSBD). Excerpts: “The prevalence of problematic cybersex and Internet porn use could be as high as 10%.” “Compulsive sexual behavior disorder (CSBD) is now included in the ICD-11.” The ICD is the World Health Organization’s diagnostic manual.


Purpose of Review

Modern methods of communication and engagement, such as social media, video games, and online shopping, use a variety of behavioral techniques to encourage and reward frequent use, opening the door to addiction. The technological addictions (TAs) are a set of disorders that accompany the technological advances that define the digital age. The TAs are an active source of research in the literature, with promising treatment options already available.

Recent Findings

There are promising therapeutic and psychopharmacologic treatments for a broad range of TAs. Stimulants, antidepressants, and cognitive therapies may all be effective for internet gaming disorder (IGD). Cognitive therapies may be effective for other TAs, such as social media addiction (SMA), online shopping addiction (OSA), and online porn addiction.


Society’s dependence on addictive technologies will only increase. Many of the TAs can be addressed with medication and therapy, with more research and literature developing at a rapid pace.