DE genêzen; Myn pik hat syn gefoelichheid werom krigen.

Started NoFap 3 months ago. I’ve relapsed about 20 times (not great but better than jacking off twice a day.)

I started NoFap because I had a handful of embarrassing experiences with girls including not being able to get hard and not being able to cum at all.

Before this I had never ever cum by a woman’s touch. Anyway last month I started dating this beautiful girl and now she’s my gf. My dick has gained its sensitivity back.

I used to have sex for 40 mins and not even come close to cumming due to Death Grip syndrome. Now she can make me cum with her hand in less than 5 mins which feels incredible.

Last night I had sex with my gf twice and both times, as soon as I put my dick in I felt close to cumming. Both times I lasted less than 1 minute. The feeling was insane and I’m so proud of myself because I genuinely thought that it would never be possible for me to cum inside a girl. This has given me so much confidence and I feel like a MAN now.

If you’re reading this and struggle with the same things I struggled with, please continue your NoFap journey. I masturbate now about once a week and I NEVER ever look at porn. Take the leap and stop wanking and looking at porn. It will guaranteed improve your life

LINK - 3 months NoFap cured inability to cum with a girl and now I cum <1 minute

By sultanofswing69