Ndasebenzisa kakubi i-porno iminyaka eyi-15 ngaphambi kokuzama ukuyeka

Today, this human is three hundred and sixty five days porn freeeee!!!!!

This sub has helped me since 2013. I really owe a lot to this place. I never thought I could get here. I cannot even imagine my life with porn now, I don’t even know what that would look like. I’ve been able to achieve so many things in this one year alone… Started a new job, new relationships, new apartment. I’m not saying quitting porn will fix everything, but it has helped me grow as a person, to learn who I am and not run from myself anymore. You might be thinking, 7 years? That’s a long time! And you would be right… I was abusing pornography for 15 years before attempting to quit… so that will give you some perspective on how bad I had it, but I made it. And you can too, do not be disheartened.

Here are a few things that significantly helped me along the way. Take what works for you and leave the rest as they say.

  • Meditation – I can’t stress this one enough. Unless your inner feelings and pain are not touched and held, you will not heal the wounds you are trying to fix with the high from pmo. There any many great meditations, I might suggest Zazen.

  • The Inner-Addict – The more you listen to this pained voice inside of you, the close you will become to changing it. Listen and write down what it’s saying. “I’m never going to have a relationship so I might as well look at porn.” “I will never be happy again without porn.” Then take those statements and write counter arguments as to why they are not actually true. “I have been happy in the past, and it did not involve porn, therefore I can be happy again without porn.”

  • Top lines – This might be the most important, basically you need to replace the porn with something. Something constructive, something healthy, something fulfilling or self-actualizing. Even just something to keep you distracted. Making art, making music, taking long walks, reaching out to friends, playing sports, writing software, whatever you like to do that makes you feel good.

  • Don’t be afraid to feel like shit – It’s going to suck really bad at first, so bad that you’ll forget even why you’re doing this in the first place. It’s going to feel worse than a pmo hangover ever would, but you have to accept it and embrace the withdrawal to get through it. You’ll have to learn to love it.

Thanks for reading… If you’re still with me, feel free to jump into my Discord for porn addiction recovery and support. https://discord.gg/vj6ZXYD

LINK - 1 Year Porn Free!!!

By darling_di