Prevalența simptomelor simptomelor de stres percepute de depresie și tulburări de somn în legătură cu tehnologia informației și comunicațiilor Utilizarea TIC în rândul adulților tineri este un studiu explorator prospectiv (2007)

Comments; From 2007. High levels of cell phone and Internet correlates with depression, anxiety, and sleep problems.

Sara Thomée  Mats Eklöf, Ewa Gustafsson, Ralph Nilsson, Mats Hagberg

Volumul 23, Numărul 3, Mai 2007, Pagini 1300-1321

Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy and University Hospital, Box 414, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden


Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a investiga prospectiv dacă utilizarea înaltă a tehnologiei informației și comunicațiilor (TIC) este un factor de risc pentru dezvoltarea simptomelor psihologice în rândul tinerilor utilizatori TIC. O cohorta de studenti a raspuns la un chestionar la momentul inițial și la urmărirea după 1 (n = 1127). Exposure variables, such as different types of ICT use, and effect variables, such as perceived stress, symptoms of depression and sleep disturbances, were assessed. Prevalence ratios were computed, based on symptom-free subjects at baseline and prevalence of symptoms at follow-up.

For women, high combined use of computer and mobile phone at baseline was associated with increased risk of reporting prolonged stress and symptoms of depression at follow-up, and number of short message service (SMS) messages per day was associated with prolonged stress. Also online chatting was associated with prolonged stress, and e-mailing and online chatting were associated with symptoms of depression, while Internet surfing increased the risk of developing sleep disturbances. For men, number of mobile phone calls and SMS messages per day were associated with sleep disturbances. SMS use was also associated with symptoms of depression.

The findings suggest that ICT may have an impact on psychological health, although causal mechanisms are unclear.