Corelația dintre stările de starea de spirit și conectivitatea funcțională în cadrul rețelei de mod implicit poate diferenția tulburarea jocurilor de pe Internet de controalele sănătoase (2017)

Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psihiatrie. 2017 Apr 18. pii: S0278-5846(16)30347-5.

Dong G1, Li H2, Wang L2, Potenza MN3.


The default-mode network (DMN) has been suggested to support a baseline state of brain activity. However, whether connectivity within the DMN is associated with mood states remains incompletely understood. The current study examined the correlation between mood state and the functional connectivity (FC) among DMN regions, and examined if the FC can differentiate Internet gaming disorder (IGD) from healthy controls (HC). Resting state data were collected within 108 college students (IGD,41; HC,67). Negative correlations were observed between measures of: (1) Depression and FCs among ventral DMN regions; (2) Anger and FCs among dorsal DMN regions; and, (3) Anger and Depression and FCs of both the ventral and dorsal DMN. The results suggest that negative mood states of Depression and Anger might reflect poorer, or might impair, FCs among DMN regions. In addition, the FC among DMNs could be useful indexes in differencing IGD from HC. Future studies should examine the extent to which the findings may extend to clinical populations and whether increased connectivity of DMN regions may represent a mechanism for reducing negative mood states.

CUVINTE CHEIE: Default mode network; Functional connectivity; Mood state; Resting states fMRI

PMID: 28428146

DOI: 10.1016 / j.pnpbp.2017.04.016