
我已經完成了90日挑戰! 我是否從這次經歷中了解到自己並成為一個更好的人? 是的,但不是因為我想的原因。 請允許我解釋一下。 我是33,十多年來一直是PMO的癮君子。

像這裡的許多人一樣,我在互聯網上長大,作為“黑客類型”,我對新聞組,地下bbs板,4Chan(清理之前),TOR和其他非主流服務非常著迷,其中不受管制的內容很容易順道。 我的觀看習慣變得更加迷戀,以至於一個裸體女人不再引起我的興趣 - 讓我失去了極大的震撼價值。 在PMO會議之後,我會回到我的感官並對自己感到反感。 我會想“我永遠不想在現實生活中有這種性別,為什麼這是我必須用來下車的? 我受傷了嗎?“

在我上癮的過程中,我的生命是人類的外殼。 我獨自生活了很多年,所以PMO每天晚上睡覺前都很習慣。 這是一種“自然”的傻瓜 - 當我年輕的時候被一種滿足感所取代時,我感到內疚,因為我是一個可以苛刻指揮的男性。 但這完全是自我,事實上,我多年來一直看到令人不安的圖像 - 我不願意向自己或其他人承認 - 甚至在像NoFap這樣的匿名在線論壇中,我受到精神損害。 我與家人和朋友分離,感覺就像我獨自在這個世界上。 我生活在抑鬱症中,Fapping是我唯一的多巴胺治療方法。

我覺得自己不配女性伴侶,暗暗擔心沒有女人,無論多麼甜蜜或善良,都能滿足我不正常的慾望。 我不值得一個“好女孩”,而是讓我自己總是扮演一個“拯救陷入困境的女孩”的白騎士 - 並且有許多短期(失敗)的關係來展示我的努力。 精神痛苦的成癮者往往尋求像公司一樣。 我因為社交尷尬和焦慮傷害了我所持有的少數社會關係。 就在那時我決定了:這不是我自己。

我需要找到另一種生活方式,作為Reddit的狂熱用戶,我知道NoFap,但認為棄絕PMO會導致真實生活變化,這很愚蠢。 但是,我發現自己對PMO的使用產生的負面想法,所以決定嘗試將NoFap作為自己工作過程的一部分。 男孩我很驚訝......

當我決定真的棄絕前幾天是地獄。 我的球隨著他們的疼痛被釋放了。 我不得不睡在我的背上,即使輕微的觸摸也是身體上的痛苦。 有一種持續的渴望,第一周我情緒低落 - 這讓我更加確信這是多巴胺被排除在體內的結果。 我第一次嘗試時已經到了32天。 在那個時期,我注意到了這個子中其他人提到的許多“超級大國”。 在此之後,我在1周大關時復發了幾次,但這次我很自豪地為90日慶典開始了。 在最初幾週之後,它會變得更容易棄權。 重點是:永不放棄 - 這不是一個容易的挑戰.... 但它是如此值得!


  • 社交焦慮消失了 - 在NoFap之前,我正處於獲取Xanax或其他藥物幫助我更加社交的邊緣。 PMO狂歡期間我會在周末“隱藏”在家裡。 當我出去的時候,我覺得每個人都知道我的秘密而且暗地裡想要獨自一人。 現在? 我回到了我以前的社交方式 - 開玩笑,和朋友一起去海灘/電影/跳舞等等 - 幾個月前的180轉變。
  • 更加自信-在我避免發表意見之前,以防它偶然冒犯了別人。 在與人互動時,我並不誠實,因為我總是會同意他們,以使他們喜歡我。 現在? 我自信地行走在各個地方,與男性和女性都保持目光交流,聲音更深,日常操作也更輕鬆。 現在,我覺得自己的意見和行動似乎比其他任何人都重要/重要(或者更重要)–我對自己的信心不同於多年來。
  • 健康的關係 - 我是一個好看的傢伙並賺錢,但我總是會在不健康的關係中結束,我是這樣的測試版。 我甚至認為妓女只是為了得到我的身體滿足而沒有任何混亂的關係(我覺得無論如何都不配)。 現在? 在大約3個月的NoFap之後(我在前幾個月重置了幾次)我在一個派對上遇到了一個女孩。 當我遇到她時,我的徽章是在2那天 - 但我認為她值得我努力打破這種癱瘓的習慣。 我通常會花時間搜索色情片然後PMO,我過去常常和這個女孩約會。 現在90幾天后她和我住在一起,我們正在談論婚姻/孩子。
  • 性耐力 - 從PMO多年來我不知不覺地搞砸了在性行為中允許正常性高潮的自然性衝動。 我可能會變得很努力,但有DE(延遲射精)到我羞於發生性行為,因為我無法與女人暨。 現在? 擁有一個穩定的女朋友是一個艱難的過渡,但她對我很有愛心和耐心 - 這與我自己並不相同。 我的DE好多了,現在使用延遲技術多次使她達到高潮。 我被壓抑的性慾現在已經有了一個有效的出路,我覺得自己生來的性生物在沒有內疚感之後會覺得太好了。
  • 健康的想法 - 我會討厭自己。 我會貶低自己的想法。 我考慮過自殺。 我希望我能永遠睡覺。 現在? 我熱愛生活。 這是完全相同的生活(同樣的工作,同樣的車,同樣的問題)然而我生命中的人和新的環境讓我興奮起來。 抑鬱症是一件可怕的事情,你的思想確實創造了你的現實。 健康的心靈=健康的生活。 不健康的心靈=不健康的生活。

*TL / DR:NoFap改變了我看待自己的方式。 它給了我一些值得驕傲的東西。 它教會了我自律。 它讓我比以前更好。 *

謝謝大家在此reddit中的帖子,很高興知道我並不孤單。 沒有PMO,生活確實會變得更好,有一天您會理解/相信我為什麼這麼說(即使您當前對自己的感覺不佳)。 我希望我可以激發至少一個人堅持挑戰並改變他們的生活,就像我準備改變時受到啟發的方式一樣。

90天過得更好! 我在十年的PMO自我虐待中掙扎和勝利的故事 

by craphty 90天


大家好,我想向我介紹“新常態”的最新消息,並為那些自我完善之旅的人提供一些鼓勵。 今天是我避免PMO的第180天。 我今年33歲,回首過去的色情習慣,我為自己浪費了多少時間感到time愧。<--break->” src=”https://www.yourbrainonporn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/spacer.gif” title=”<--break-->“></p><p>PMO was a habit for me, one where I would spend 2 to 4 hours a night searching for “just the right video” that was bizarre or degrading enough for my mind to feel satisfied. Like any habit the amount and intensity of the required material escalated to unhealthy levels. I was a slave to my mind. I rationalized away my self-destructive behavior, excusing myself again and again, all while feeling weak to my own urges. I viewed women as sexual beings only, and secretly hated myself and felt unworthy of love. If this is also your story fellow Fapstronaught… take heed: there is hope.</p><p>After finding out about NoFap (from 4chan of all places) I read up and watched the Your Brain On Porn videos. I then understood that part of my problem was willpower… the other part was addiction. When I understood my behavior as an addiction like any other (to cigarettes, drugs, etc) I resolved to take control of my life and wrestle my mind free from its addicted state.</p><p>It was not easy at first. I had physical pains and withdrawal symptoms in the fist week. There was a literal burning sensation in my groin that wanted release. I stuck with it. I relapsed a few times but now, after relapsing I understood that it was like a smoker wanting for “one more cigarette” – and I forgave myself. I saw my body as acting separate from my true desire and made peace with myself that although the flesh is week, my spirit was willing. I did not give up, and neither should you.</p><p>I started on “hard mode” (no gf) but after a few weeks I met this new and amazing girl who will become my wife in a few months (we are engaged!). It was difficult to transition into a relationship as years of self abuse using porn had desensitized me sexually with DE as well as mentally. There was a period of resetting to my “new normal” which is what I now live everyday. Here are some things I now enjoy that I did not before:</p><ul><li>Improved mental clarity – there is a mental fog that used to follow me around blurring and dulling my sight and other senses. I feel more alert and sensitive to the world now.</li><li>More productive time – I used to have a routine of coming home from work, eating food then spending the rest of the night torrenting porn or searching for the “right video” to get me off. Now, I have my fiancee with me in the evenings to talk to, to cook together, to play with the dog, to enjoy our time instead of waste it.</li><li>Self esteem – I used to avoid social situations and even going out with friends as my anxiety worsened. This social anxiety was rooted in feelings of unworthiness. I did not feel I had anything useful to contribute to conversations and my presence was a burden to others. Not anymore. I speak from my heart and am bold in my actions – I have re-discovered the man I was years ago.</li><li>More in control of emotions and life – Before I would feel like I had little control of my daily life and that my insular routine was keeping me “safe” – in fact my sheltered existence was wasting my life away in a daily grind that only served to fulfill my base animal desires (eat, sex, sleep). I have broken that cycle and you can too. Through meditation I now have more control over how I think and feel and use that control to choose positive things to dwell on. You are your own worst critic… learn to forgive yourself. Learn to love yourself… weaknesses and all.</li></ul><p>I hope others in this sub reddit stay on course and benefit themselves the way I did. I used NoFap as a starting point to bettering myself and my life. I have leaned that no one is a lost cause and we are all able to be better people. NoFap gives you a sense of self-pride which will carry over into other aspects of your daily life. Other people will notice a difference in your posture, attitude, mood and energy level.</p><p>My “success story” is just one of many. This 90 day challenge is a beneficial teaching tool – it teaches you about yourself. Learn your body. Learn your mind. When you do, you will figure out how to “hack your brain” and divert your negative energy into something more useful. Do it for yourself. Do it for others that are important in your life. You are worth it.</p><p>Peace.</p><p><strong>LINK – <a href=90天增加一倍=生活180天(self.NoFap)

by craphty