老实说我的生活好多了。 我现在有感情并坠入爱河

It's been 5 months without porn today.今天已经五个月没有色情了。 I'm still not fully recovered and believe I'm out of the flatline.我仍然还没有完全康复,并且相信自己会陷入困境。 Honestly my life is so much better now.老实说,现在我的生活好多了。 I have feelings and have fallen in love with someone, I feel fresher clean and motivated to recover.我有感情并爱上了某人,我感到新鲜,干净,有恢复的动力。

No fap is the answer.答案是没有。 I have no doubt I will fully recover.我无疑会完全康复。

Trust the process people.信任流程人员。 Stay strong!坚强点!

链接 - 5个月没有色情了!

by 男主92