Predicting Problematic Pornography Use among Male Returning US Veterans, Addictive Behaviors (2020)

YBOP COMMENTS: “Problematic Pornography Use” (porn addiction) was associated with cravings, depression, anxiety, PTSD, insomnia & higher frequency of use – but NOT religiosity. Cravings indicate “sensitization,” which is a key addiction-related brain change. In fact, the severity of cravings and frequency of porn use were the strongest predictors of PPU (porn addiction). Put simply, […]

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The neuropsychological outcomes of non-fatal strangulation in domestic and sexual violence: A systematic review

Helen Bichard, Christopher Byrne, Christopher W. N. Saville, and Rudi Coetzer Neuropsychological Rehabilitation (in review) Abstract This paper reviews the neurological, cognitive, psychological, and behavioural outcomes of non-fatal strangulation and, given shared physiological mechanisms, asks whether the hypoxic-ischaemic literature can serve as a proxy. 27 empirical, peer-reviewed studies were found which met the inclusion criteria. Neurological […]

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